The report came from Jason La Canfora, of CBS, who responded to a question by studio host James Brown about whether Colin planned to take a knee in the future. For whatever reason, Canfora responded with, “He’s not planning on kneeling. He’s going to donate all his jersey sales and he’s planning on standing for the anthem if given the opportunity, JB.”
After Kaepernick denied making any such statement or pla, Canfora admitted that the two had never discussed the topic.
In an attempt to find some cover, Canfora later Tweeted:
"I relayed what had been reported about him standing in the future..."
Reported? An unnamed source had said that in March and it had been reported on ESPN. A curious mix in amid relating parts of an actual conversation the reporter had with Colin, in the presence of Colin's girlfriend. Any way you cut it, the reporter was grossly irresponsible and Kaepernick has repeatedly denied the claim.
Sure T. You keep telling yourself that.
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