It depends on when you're looking. Before Goliath? That's something. On a rooftop? That's another.I'll meet you halfway on some of this but conversely, I wouldn't call King David a study on character
It takes personal courage to risk public condemnation and to jeopardize your career for a principal you believe in. Bravery is probably better left on the battlefield where the risk is physical, though you could argue he opened himself up for that as well., nor do I think there is anything particularly brave about not standing for the anthem.
He didn't wilt or retreat from the backlash. And he hasn't tried to "reform" the impression to find a team. He knew. He's not stupid.The kid doesn't seem to think that far in advance, honestly.
Then no offense happened here, since it wasn't the case that everyone shared that response.That said, an offense is understood by all of us.
I've never suggested there was. There doesn't even seem to be much of a convention. Or, rather, it isn't widely shared. I don't call a people something steeped in the offensive, unless they want me to, like Nazis.I don't know of any law that says "thou shalt not call thine neighbor a [blank] (including Redskin)."
There's no kneeling without offending someone, but that's (again and again) in the head of the offended, and not by rational necessity a part of the person kneeling.There is no kneeling before the flag w/o offense.
If the issue he knelt about was abortion I wonder what the response would have been. Different in many corners, I suspect.
No one group owns that flag. It's not a memorial. It's a symbol of our Republic, in principle and aspiration.Have to disagree. When service men and women who have seen sacrifices and made sacrifices, bring a symbol into an arena for the sole purpose of uniting and honoring those who have given to this country, many sacrificially above and beyond, no. It is NOT the right place or the right time.
The president called Colin (if not by name) a phrase that shouldn't have proceeded from the mouth of the president, or anyone who values the rights our nation was founded in defense of. The president is a public servant, not a king. Else, supra."You sat when men and women who DIDN'T die (yet!) brought in colors???? YOU UNGRATEFUL so-and-so!" Well, that is what was said by POTUS. The NFL? Reacted. Poorly. There is no honor in this. Can't be.
Never try your hand in Vegas.I'd bet you were outraged by Trump's callous call more than the act of sitting during the color presentation. One offense MAY be more appropriate than the other.
Setting aside the fact that she completely made up the number in pursuit of an insult to anyone who differed with, let's not.You were one of the 15%?
How would most of Sodom have defined virtue? Or, popularity isn't how much of anything worth anything is decided. Once it was popular to own people. Now some people are more upset about how someone brought an injustice to their attention than the injustice. What a world.Most saw this is 'poor' role-modelling.
Too ambiguous. I'm against Southerners championing an effort to honor a slave state that nearly destroyed our nation. Sure. I think it's a bad idea on any number of rational levels and I've set out why.Oddly, you are against the South taking up a cause
This really isn't much of a parallel, the attempt to cobble it that peters out notwithstanding. I've never opposed an idiot's right to speak up for that former slave state. I oppose the idea. People here, you included, are focusing on the young man, and unfairly in any number of ways I've noted, not the idea.but then for a young man doing so, and doing it the wrong way.
What I've largely objected to are popular attempts to demonize him. That rubs me the wrong way. I don't like mobs much, especially at that work, even when I understand and share some of their feeling. And I think it's important to recognize the admirable in someone, even if I don't agree with them, where the matter is principal and the point in service to the good. Or as some mothers might say, his heart is in the right place, even if I don't agree with how he acted upon the impulse. I've set out the admirable and attempted to get some of you to reconsider the easy virtue in outrage that misses that point.
I think the only people who would use wrong that way are working a maze backwards.A wrong thing, and a wrong way of doing something 'perhaps right' aren't very far apart.
Truth is largely served by honesty in appraisal. That will frequently offend. Some people seem to go out of their way to offend in its service. Zeal probably. Youth sometimes. And sometimes neither.Justice is served by neither.
Again, I think bravery is better reserved for physical jeopardy. But it takes courage to stand up under this sort of derision and condemnation, to forfeit the thing you trained your life to be, and to continue in the face of that loss and barrage of character assassination. If you can't see that I can't help you.We NEED to show our appreciations for bravery (feigned or real), more reservedly
That's only because you have too low an opinion of me or too high an opinion of yourself. I don't share your suspicion. I just think you're mistaken and too hard on the young man. It's fine to be the hero of your narrative (to believe yourself to be on the right side of it) until you find yourself insisting that the other fellow has to be the villain. He doesn't. Even if and sometimes especially when he's wrong, a little or a lot...or when we are.You tend to like the Barabbas' of the world, at least, it seems to me.
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