Biden: To hell with God and the Church. I'm taking communion.


Well-known member
If religious people cannot execute the duties of their political office without defying the limitations of that office and imposing their religious views on those they are supposed to be serving, then they should not be allowed to hold political office, because they will be unable to fulfill the positions they would seek, and should never have run for office to begin with.

As the president, Biden has no say over the legality of abortion. And as a political representative, it is not his place to preach his moral opinions to the nation (whatever they are). His job, in our form of government, at least, is to represent the people of the nation within the government, and to the rest of the world. All of the people of the nation, that is, not just the ones that think as he does.

So any religious leaders that think it's their job to sanction and punish a politician because he respects and fulfills his duty as a public representative are being quite foolish. For two reasons. One is that they are not living in a theocracy and any politician that behaves as if he does will soon find himself out of a job and perhaps even in serious legal trouble. The other is that by maintaining such an absolute theocratic position on politics they will effectively render their own adherents untenable as public servants.

I don't know what Joe Biden thinks about abortion. And I don't care. It has nothing to do with his fulfilling the duties of the office of president. And any religious leaders that think otherwise are living in the wrong country.


Well-known member
If religious people cannot execute the duties of their political office without defying the limitations of that office and imposing their religious views on those they are supposed to be serving, then they should not be allowed to hold political office, because they will be unable to fulfill the positions they would seek, and should never have run for office to begin with.

If atheist barbarian savages would stop trying to force God out of society we would find crime go down and peace and prosperity go up.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Wanted to come back to this:

... as a political representative, it is not his place to preach his moral opinions to the nation ...

There isn't an argument you can make or a position you can take on either side of the abortion issue that isn't rooted in moral opinion.

On the left you have the moral opinion that a woman's autonomy has primacy over her child's right to life.

On the right you have the moral opinion that a child's right to life has primacy over a woman's right to autonomy.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
The Catholic Supreme Court justices are more important right now than the Catholic president. There's like five of them.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

Catholic Bishop Retweets 'Time for Truth' Post, 'Joe Biden is a Heretic, an Apostate'​

Catholic Bishop Joseph Strickland.  (Diocese of Tyler, Texas)

(CNS News) -- After a Catholic deacon in Texas tweeted a post stating that "Joe Biden is a heretic" and an "apostate," the Catholic bishop of Tyler, Texas, Joseph Strickland, retweeted the item and entitled it "Time for truth..."

Although Presiden Biden is a Catholic, he supports abortion and Roe v. Wade, as well as "gay marriage" and other practices that violate the teaching of the Catholic Church. By supporting those things and speaking in their defense, Biden is, in the objective order, backing heresy and causing scandal. An apostate is someone who has essentially abandoned their faith.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
... in Stone-Manning’s thesis, she crafted eight commercials to “tug at the root of many of our environmental horrors, overpopulation.”
One of the ads she proposed depicted an American baby as an “environmental hazard.”
“We breed more than any industrialized nation,” the ad stated. “…On average, each of us gobbles the same energy as 3 Japanese, 13 Chinese, and 499 Ethiopians…When we overpopulate, the earth notices it more. Stop at two. It could be the best thing you do for the planet.”

So exactly who is Stone-Manning so interested in reducing the numbers of in America?
Why, blacks and Hispanics of course, the easy targets of any good racist.


It's impressive to find a leftist who is willing to be so blatantly racist.


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Although Presiden Biden is a Catholic, he supports abortion and Roe v. Wade, as well as "gay marriage" and other practices that violate the teaching of the Catholic Church. By supporting those things and speaking in their defense, Biden is, in the objective order, backing heresy and causing scandal. An apostate is someone who has essentially abandoned their faith.

Trump supports abortion (state-by-state) as well as "gay marriage," etc. You guys condemn Biden for that and then turn a blind eye when Trump does the same thing. That's mighty hypocritical of you, don't you think?


Well-known member
Trump supports abortion (state-by-state) as well as "gay marriage," etc. You guys condemn Biden for that and then turn a blind eye when Trump does the same thing. That's mighty hypocritical of you, don't you think?
Don't try to boost Biden by condemning Trump. During his time in office, Trump supported the views and values of patriotic American Christians in the face of constant persecution from democrats for doing so.