Biden: To hell with God and the Church. I'm taking communion.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Because nothing 'changes.' Everything there at 6 weeks is there at 600 weeks. The only difference is the address they live.
Does that work on real people? I understand this is your answer to my hypothetical questions, but have you given that answer to people who don't already think that abortion should be tightly restricted or banned? Are people persuaded by this reasoning?


Well-known member
Does that work on real people? I understand this is your answer to my hypothetical questions, but have you given that answer to people who don't already think that abortion should be tightly restricted or banned? Are people persuaded by this reasoning?
Ever watch 'Silent Scream'? All it took was one video for one nonChristian abortionist to 1) become a Christian, needing forgiveness, and 2) become a voice for those who cannot scream inside of liquid. That and prayer. We need to be praying a LOT more. God listens to prayer.


Well-known member
Ever watch 'Silent Scream'? All it took was one video for one nonChristian abortionist to 1) become a Christian, needing forgiveness, and 2) become a voice for those who cannot scream inside of liquid. That and prayer. We need to be praying a LOT more. God listens to prayer.
Congress voted as a block to ban the movie "Silent Scream" from being distributed among its members. Leftist abortion supporters do not want the truth about abortion to be seen by anyone.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Ever watch 'Silent Scream'? All it took was one video for one nonChristian abortionist to 1) become a Christian, needing forgiveness, and 2) become a voice for those who cannot scream inside of liquid. That and prayer. We need to be praying a LOT more. God listens to prayer.
So in your personal experience, your method or argument has worked? You've converted people to your view on the matter? Are you invoking the video because it converted someone you know personally?

There are so many other human rights that are not applicable to the fetus, mainly because in order that a claim of rights violation to be sustained, the pregnant woman's own rights must be being violated at the same time, in order for the fetus's rights to plausably be violated. Rape, kidnapping, and other violent crimes in order to occur to the fetus, it must be already occurring to the pregnant woman, and so her rights are being violated, not the fetus's. You can't separate the two.

Except that we can separate the absolute right against being murdered between the pregnant woman and the fetus, because you can terminate her pregnancy without terminating her. So the question still remains, is the fetus possessed of human rights?

Let's say that a pregnant woman is subjected to an involuntary abortion, terminating a pregnancy she wanted to bring to full term. Are any of her absolute rights being violated in such an evil action? Or is it just the fetus's right to life; leaving the pregnant woman's rights untouched?

Laws based only in Scripture or in the Church's Sacred Tradition, but unsupported by any theory that an atheist or unbeliever could believe, don't work. In order to turn the tide wrt abortion restriction /regulation /outlawing, it must bleed out of a theory that everybody can agree with.

The absolute rights that we all believe in, against kidnapping, against perjury, against murder, against rape, etc., all are self-evident to us. But why then was kidnapping allowed to feed the slave trade 200 years ago, if that absolute right is so evident? Because of racism. It was self-evident that they wouldn't have tolerated wholesale kidnapping of white people, but because they were Black, it was permissible.

And so here with abortion, it isn't racism, but maybe "birth-ism" or something similar, where so many people artificially and unjustifiably consider those who haven't been born yet, to be less than fully human, and so they don't possess the same rights that we all do, we all having been born already.

But even with slavery /kidnapping /racism, it wasn't a theory or some common ground that we all sought and found, it was just war that ultimately carried the day. Killing hundreds of thousands of mostly white men, in order to make it official that even Black people possess the absolute right against being kidnapped.

Have you found a way through this frightening prospect, that in order to save the lives of countless unborn babies, that it may just come down to a hot war between pro-life and pro-abortion camps? Can you even conceive of what such a hot war would look like?

I doubt that President Biden can either.
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
"Unrepentant in their support of murder"

It's a Topsy turvy world when parody sites are more willing to speak the truth than the Pope.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
"Unrepentant in their support of murder"

It's a Topsy turvy world when parody sites are more willing to speak the truth than the Pope.
The popes all effectively constantly speak what's in the Catechism though, and the Catechism is not ambiguous on the gravity of procured abortions, and Pope Francis hasn't changed or attempted to change what's in there on the matter either.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
If Oreos came with white cream on the outside and black crust on the inside the Priest could give Biden one of those. They would be perfect for him.m
"If you have a problem figuring out whether or not to give me communion, you ain't Catholic!"

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
But even with slavery /kidnapping /racism, it wasn't a theory or some common ground that we all sought and found, it was just war that ultimately carried the day.
1. Not in many countries/cultures. In many cases what carried the day was reason and good will, as it did in the northern States, as it did in England and France.
2. Not in many countries/cultures. Slavery still exists.
3. Ultimately the development of the internal combustion engine would have made slavery unprofitable as a Southern US institution. If the Civil War hadn't happened, slavery would have been gone within 60 years


Well-known member
No you don't. You have a bunch of unfounded and debunked conspiracy theories, and that's all.
“They knew what happened and they tried to cover it up,” he said.
Benson and Antrim County officials have disputed the claims, arguing that human mistakes led to the county twice reporting skewed results.
The county initially reported that Democrat Joe Biden received over 3,000 more votes in the county than then-President Donald Trump. Democrats Gary Peters and Dana Ferguson were also shown ahead of their Republican opponents.
The county twice released an amended vote count—first on the day after the election, showing Trump received more votes, and again on Nov. 21, 2020, indicating a different number of votes for Biden, Trump, and overall. The total number of votes dropped by 2,013.
More recently, DePerno and Benson filed competing analyses of the election, with the plaintiff asserting his team found it possible to flip votes, and the intervening defendant alleging the election mistakes were the result of human error and not from “a security breach” or done deliberately.


like marbles on glass
“They knew what happened and they tried to cover it up,” he said.
Benson and Antrim County officials have disputed the claims, arguing that human mistakes led to the county twice reporting skewed results.
The county initially reported that Democrat Joe Biden received over 3,000 more votes in the county than then-President Donald Trump. Democrats Gary Peters and Dana Ferguson were also shown ahead of their Republican opponents.
The county twice released an amended vote count—first on the day after the election, showing Trump received more votes, and again on Nov. 21, 2020, indicating a different number of votes for Biden, Trump, and overall. The total number of votes dropped by 2,013.
More recently, DePerno and Benson filed competing analyses of the election, with the plaintiff asserting his team found it possible to flip votes, and the intervening defendant alleging the election mistakes were the result of human error and not from “a security breach” or done deliberately.

That's not clear evidence.

You don't have to take it from me. Take it from Michigan Republican Sen. Ed McBroom, chair of the MI senate investigation into the election:

All compelling theories that sprang forth from the rumors surrounding Antrim County are diminished so significantly as for it to be a complete waste of time to consider them further. (pg. 5)


Well-known member
That's not clear evidence.

You don't have to take it from me. Take it from Michigan Republican Sen. Ed McBroom, chair of the MI senate investigation into the election:

All compelling theories that sprang forth from the rumors surrounding Antrim County are diminished so significantly as for it to be a complete waste of time to consider them further. (pg. 5)
"He said the ruling did not mean that election machines were not corrupted or corruptable. It also did not mean that there were no problems in the way the county conducted the election, he added."


Well-known member
That's not clear evidence.

You don't have to take it from me. Take it from Michigan Republican Sen. Ed McBroom, chair of the MI senate investigation into the election:

All compelling theories that sprang forth from the rumors surrounding Antrim County are diminished so significantly as for it to be a complete waste of time to consider them further. (pg. 5)
The essence of the response of Michigan politicians for voter fraud (republicans and democrats) was to suggest that the many errors that were found were unintentional glitches, mistakes, oversights, and other harmless stumbles, but not fraud.

Antrim County findings
But some of the report's most aggressive comments are aimed at individuals who've made faulty claims about the election in 23,000-person Antrim County,where human errors by election officials, including the failure to update equipment after changing the ballot design, led to incorrect initial results.
The initial election results reported to the public for the conservative county had Biden winning there by 3,260 votes with 62% of the overall total. Problems were quickly identified but inspired national conspiracy theories about Dominion Voting Systems, the voting equipment used in Antrim County and the majority of Michigan's 83 counties.
"Events in Antrim County sparked a significant amount of concern about the technology used to count ballots," the Senate committee report said. "This concern led to much speculation, assumptions, misinformation and, in some cases, outright lies meant to create doubt and confusion.
"The many hours of testimony before the committee showed these claims are unjustified and unfair to the people of Antrim County and the state of Michigan."
After realizing there were problems with the numbers, Antrim County Clerk Sheryl Guy's office canvassed the election results and later reported the official tallies: Trump had won the county by 3,788 votes, 61%-37%, a 7,048-vote swing from the unofficial results.


Well-known member
The essence of the response of Michigan politicians for voter fraud (republicans and democrats) was to suggest that the many errors that were found were unintentional glitches, mistakes, oversights, and other harmless stumbles, but not fraud.

Antrim County findings
But some of the report's most aggressive comments are aimed at individuals who've made faulty claims about the election in 23,000-person Antrim County,where human errors by election officials, including the failure to update equipment after changing the ballot design, led to incorrect initial results.
The initial election results reported to the public for the conservative county had Biden winning there by 3,260 votes with 62% of the overall total. Problems were quickly identified but inspired national conspiracy theories about Dominion Voting Systems, the voting equipment used in Antrim County and the majority of Michigan's 83 counties.
"Events in Antrim County sparked a significant amount of concern about the technology used to count ballots," the Senate committee report said. "This concern led to much speculation, assumptions, misinformation and, in some cases, outright lies meant to create doubt and confusion.
"The many hours of testimony before the committee showed these claims are unjustified and unfair to the people of Antrim County and the state of Michigan."
After realizing there were problems with the numbers, Antrim County Clerk Sheryl Guy's office canvassed the election results and later reported the official tallies: Trump had won the county by 3,788 votes, 61%-37%, a 7,048-vote swing from the unofficial results.
You'd 'hope' sample ballots would be rigorously used to test the integrity of these machines: Many machine errors oddly gave favor toward Democrats across a number of states, Pennsylvania and another, Georgia (oddly this one with thousand for Biden, only 3 for Trump and stand o_O), Iowa, Connecticut, Michigan, Arizona, the list goes on .


like marbles on glass
The essence of the response of Michigan politicians for voter fraud (republicans and democrats) was to suggest that the many errors that were found were unintentional glitches, mistakes, oversights, and other harmless stumbles, but not fraud.

Antrim County findings
But some of the report's most aggressive comments are aimed at individuals who've made faulty claims about the election in 23,000-person Antrim County,where human errors by election officials, including the failure to update equipment after changing the ballot design, led to incorrect initial results.
The initial election results reported to the public for the conservative county had Biden winning there by 3,260 votes with 62% of the overall total. Problems were quickly identified but inspired national conspiracy theories about Dominion Voting Systems, the voting equipment used in Antrim County and the majority of Michigan's 83 counties.
"Events in Antrim County sparked a significant amount of concern about the technology used to count ballots," the Senate committee report said. "This concern led to much speculation, assumptions, misinformation and, in some cases, outright lies meant to create doubt and confusion.
"The many hours of testimony before the committee showed these claims are unjustified and unfair to the people of Antrim County and the state of Michigan."
After realizing there were problems with the numbers, Antrim County Clerk Sheryl Guy's office canvassed the election results and later reported the official tallies: Trump had won the county by 3,788 votes, 61%-37%, a 7,048-vote swing from the unofficial results.

Do you realize what you're quoting? That the senate investigation's most aggressive comments were aimed at those who were perpetrating false claims of fraud. That those false claims, and lies, were "unjustified."
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Well-known member
Do you realize what you're quoting? That the senate investigation's most aggressive comments were aimed at those who were perpetrating false claims of fraud. That those false claims, and lies, were "unjustified."
Of course the partisans and rubes in the Michigan senate ridiculed Americans who saw clear evidence of wrongdoing and did not accept the massaged answers provided for those 'glitches' by biased investigators and experts. But the point which should be highlighted in that report is the sheer volume of the number of various glitches, mistakes, errors, oversights, and so forth uncovered in certain democrat-controlled precincts.


like marbles on glass
Of course the partisans and rubes in the Michigan senate ridiculed Americans who saw clear evidence of wrongdoing and did not accept the massaged answers provided for those 'glitches' by biased investigators and experts. But the point which should be highlighted in that report is the sheer volume of the number of various glitches, mistakes, errors, oversights, and so forth uncovered in certain democrat-controlled precincts.

The MI Republican senate chairman and Republican-majority investigation found no evidence of fraud and came out with a strong condemnatory statement regarding those who were propagating claims of fraud and "outright lies meant to create doubt and confusion."

If you're not going to believe the party of Trump, who you gonna believe?
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