This is not ordered. It's disordered. States with mail-in only voting have never held up the results of a presidential election before, we've always known Election Day evening who won. This is just obviously not ordered, to be taking this long. This was a sudden change, made at a time when nobody knew if we were going to be able to have a real Election Day, to relax the normal absentee voting rules so that everybody could easily vote by mail, before Election Day.
Once we knew we were going to have a real Election Day, we should have reneged on this change. If you can go to the store, you can go vote. You don't need an absentee ballot.
Oh absolutely not. I've already said that, maybe it was in another thread. The default position here, or the "call on the field" to use an American football term, is that we collectively as a body through our electoral system on Election Day Tuesday reelected President Trump.
Never, have we had to wait this long to know the outcome of a presidential election because there are numerous states who still haven't counted all the votes. And never also, have we had trailer trucks full of absentee ballots, at 4-to-1 advantage for Biden the challenger, that overturn what we did and that was done on Election Day. It's non-standard, non-traditional, unprecedented; what happened, what's still happening right now.
I just want the completely neutral disinterested Supreme Court to examine what happened from the start, and rule as to whether President Trump deserves a remedy of some sort, because this, what seemed at the time like a small change, actually benefited his political opponent, and the opposition party, and hurt the president and his party, and that's wrong, imo, but I want the Court to look at it before there's any transition of power.