Biden/Harris 2020

The Barbarian

Judges In Georgia And Michigan Just Killed Trump’s Plan To Undercut The Election

Judges in Georgia and Michigan quickly dismissed two frivolous Trump lawsuits that were intended to undercut the integrity of the vote count.

The AP reported, “Judges in Georgia and Michigan quickly dismissed Trump campaign lawsuits Thursday, undercutting a campaign legal strategy to attack the integrity of the voting process in states where the result could mean President Donald Trump’s defeat.”

The Barbarian

There's still a numerical possibility that Trump could win. But it's getting less and less likely as mail-in ballots are counted. As expected, they are heavily democratic. The pace of counting makes this look like a slow-mo train wreck for the republicans.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Does this encapsulate the MAGA "mindest" or what?

Meanwhile, Biden supporters are beating people over the head with baseball bats when their targets do not say "black lives matter" in a manner to their liking.



like marbles on glass

The Barbarian

A number of prominent Republicans are condemning President Trump after he falsely claimed victory in a late-night press conference with millions of votes still to be counted.

Former Trump national security adviser John Bolton called the president's remarks a "disgrace" in an early Wednesday interview with the
U.K.'s Sky News. He joins a growing list of Republicans — including former Ohio Governor John Kasich and former New Jersey governor Chris Christie — who have also criticized Mr. Trump's comments.

Christie, who was recently released from the hospital after contracting the coronavirus, reacted to Mr. Trump's remarks while joining ABC News' live coverage of the

"This was not the time to make this argument," Christie said. "I think by prematurely doing this, if there is a flaw in it later, he has undercut his own credibility in calling attention to that flaw."

He called the remarks a "bad political decision," and said it was "not the kind of decision you would expect someone to make tonight who holds the position he holds."

Kasich and fellow Republican Rick Santorum both condemned the remarks.

"The more I'm thinking about it, I'm steaming,"
Kasich said on CNN Wednesday. "To cast dispersions on legitimate votes by legitimate voters — the American electorate — is ridiculous."

Santorum said he was "very distressed" by what Mr. Trump had to say, defending election workers counting late-night ballots.

"People get tired, they make mistakes, and they stop counting…They are not stopping counting because they are trying to fix anything or create any sort of fraud," he said.

Fox News anchor
Chris Wallace likened the president's remarks to throwing a "match" on an "extremely flammable situation" during the network's election coverage.

Former Vice President Joe Biden's campaign swiftly condemned the false victory claim, calling it a "naked effort to take away the democratic rights of American citizens."

Mr. Trump repeated his previous claims of
mail-in voting fraud on Wednesday morning.

In a series of unsubstantiated posts that were later flagged by Twitter, the president blamed "surprise ballot dumps" for making his narrow lead "magically disappear."


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
We need something from a leader besides the fear and lies and hatred being spewed out by our lame-duck president.
Americans who voted in person on Election Day decided otherwise. We all collectively decided that, given everything, we still slightly preferred that President Trump get another term. But then this tsunami of 80-to-20 absentee ballots flooded us out and broke the levy. It was completely at odds with our collective will on Election Day, it was us all saying, reluctantly, that after all that campaigning and how he's handled China and Fauci and EPA, and what Biden was showing us (not much!), that we begrudgingly but definitely give him a second term. Then all the covid votes come in and they're crazier for Biden than America was for Reagan in 1984! It's inhumanly one-sided, and completely non-representative of the real American electorate who participated in a traditional Election Day when we all together elect, through our electoral process, our president. We did that, it's Trump, and now we have this crazy Biden-crazy pile of ballots delivered in dump trucks that's affecting the outcome of the election.
May Biden rise to the occasion and start the healing process.
I'll accept him as my president if the Supreme Court says to. I don't think that's asking too much given the truly unprecedented nature of this election.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Americans who voted in person on Election Day decided otherwise. We all collectively decided that, given everything, we still slightly preferred that President Trump get another term. But then this tsunami of 80-to-20 absentee ballots flooded us out and broke the levy. It was completely at odds with our collective will on Election Day, it was us all saying, reluctantly, that after all that campaigning and how he's handled China and Fauci and EPA, and what Biden was showing us (not much!), that we begrudgingly but definitely give him a second term. Then all the covid votes come in and they're crazier for Biden than America was for Reagan in 1984! It's inhumanly one-sided, and completely non-representative of the real American electorate who participated in a traditional Election Day when we all together elect, through our electoral process, our president. We did that, it's Trump, and now we have this crazy Biden-crazy pile of ballots delivered in dump trucks that's affecting the outcome of the election.
I'll accept him as my president if the Supreme Court says to. I don't think that's asking too much given the truly unprecedented nature of this election.

Well, no, those "pile of ballots" that you're complaining about are just as legitimate votes as anyone who cast one while queueing up on election day itself. They're just as part of the "real American electorate" as you are. Deal with it.