Ben Sasse Will Make Democrats Go on Record About Whether They Support Infanticide


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
The heart wants what it wants.

Who cares? We have a judicial system for a reason. We make laws and apply them correctly. That is the way it is supposed to work.

You want to ignore childkilling because of the heart? Are there other crimes you want to ignore because "the heart wants what it wants"?


What name-calling? :idunno:

Ok doser was making a point — albiet not entirely in sync with what I was saying — about a real group. They're really called that, you know? You decided it was about you somehow. :noid:

So you are trying to communicate that I got confused.
And my ever-present ego and arrogance made an incorrect assumption.

But I am confused much of the time. For me it happens several times daily.
To be a bit boorishly indecent, I woke up today with a great need to visit the bathroom. Then I got confused and started to make coffee but due to my confusion I got to the point where I had to run to the bathroom!

When I get confused, I tend to get anxious while I try and resolve it. If I can't do it fast, I too often quickly exit the situation.
I used to not like confusion--to experience or even cause it.

But I have learned to start trying to embrace it.

Now it is a divine gift confusion, for me, is a golden gift that I've learned to recognize as a wonderful milestone on the way to improving myself!

Thus, when I feel mildly confusedt hat often now leads right into an amazing sense of anticipation... for what's probably just at the tip of my tongue, just out of reach, just around the corner!

That’s why I honestly love those times when the rug is pulled out from under me. All my most basic ideas get smashed to smithernes and I am left shaken and upset. That’s when confusion is a gift.

I guess I am talking about mild confusionss. Deep confusion is much more disorienting.


Who cares? We have a judicial system for a reason. We make laws and apply them correctly. That is the way it is supposed to work.

You want to ignore childkilling because of the heart? Are there other crimes you want to ignore because "the heart wants what it wants"?

Ignoring something and seeing the bigger picture are two different things.

You might better understand the phrase “the heart wants what it wants” when you fall in love with another person. In your future, when this happens to you [I hope] you will begin to understand what it means immediately. It is actually a necessary part osf every human being.

13:4-7 New International Version (NIV)

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.”
--1 Corinthians 13:4-7

And if you have been lucky to have experienced the amazing “Born Again” realization, you will discover that the heart wants what it wants:
A close relarionship wirh Jesus !!!

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
We could use some critical thinking and moral imagination to understand why unborn babies seem to be seen as more innocent & valuable than children who have already been born........

I don't know anybody who thinks that. You have concocted that in your own head.

......To hysterically fixate on a fetus........

Hysterically? Pointing out that that human beings are being murdered by the millions is not hysteria. It is shining a light on a holocaust and an atrocity that you seem to be very comfortable with.

There is no hysteria on my part, but their is complicity on yours.


I don't know anybody who thinks that. You have concocted that in your own head.

Hysterically? Pointing out that that human beings are being murdered by the millions is not hysteria. It is shining a light on a holocaust and an atrocity that you seem to be very comfortable with.

There is no hysteria on my part, but their is complicity on yours.

You have posted that you do not know “anybody” who thinks that generally, the pro-life folks don’t seem concerned about childen after they are born.

You don’t know ANYBODY?
I accept your clairvoyant assessment that no one generally thinks this.

Let’s all start by ignoring what anti-abortionists say and start focusing on what they DO.

Today’s exploding seamy sexual abuse and abortion scandal in the Baptist Church tells quite a different story.

The fetus is a sacred thing and should not be removed from its mother, yet children at our southern border are being ripped away from their mothers, fathers and families.

This is a form of hysteria, in my opinion.

As far as being complicit, I plead guilty. I was raised to be accountable and honest. Anything immoral and unethical in America is my doing.

To the extent that I live in America, to that same extent I must admit my own complicity when it comes to the human rights violations that happen daily.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
You have posted that you do not know “anybody” who thinks that generally, the pro-life folks don’t seem concerned about childen after they are born........


Keep you quotes straight man. You said: "unborn babies seem to be seen as more innocent & valuable than children who have already been born". That is what YOU said, and I replied that I don't know anybody who thinks that. There is no conservative on the planet who thinks that an unborn child is more innocent & valuable than a born child.

So now lets address your new twist: "pro-life folks don’t seem concerned about childen after they are born."

That's another load of horse crap. You are throwing out typical smears and characterizations that are not true, but are frequently used. These ignorant smears are based on the STUPID idea that if I am not going to adopt a child then I should not address abortion, and that somehow, people who cannot adopt the children don care about them

Adoption is expensive. Just because not everyone is in a position to adopt a child DOES NOT MEAN WE WILL BE SILENT ABOUT THEIR MURDER!!

You're not very bright are you.
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The fetus is a sacred thing

all human life is sacred, in that it is created in the image of God

and should not be removed from its mother,

and murdered

you forgot that part

The fetus is a sacred thing and should not be removed from its mother and murdered

yet children at our southern border are being ripped away from their mothers, fathers and families.

are they being murdered?

if they're not being murdered, you're comparing apples to nuclear reactors


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
So you are trying to communicate that I got confused.
And my ever-present ego and arrogance made an incorrect assumption.

But I am confused much of the time. For me it happens several times daily.
To be a bit boorishly indecent, I woke up today with a great need to visit the bathroom. Then I got confused and started to make coffee but due to my confusion I got to the point where I had to run to the bathroom!

When I get confused, I tend to get anxious while I try and resolve it. If I can't do it fast, I too often quickly exit the situation.
I used to not like confusion--to experience or even cause it.

But I have learned to start trying to embrace it.

Now it is a divine gift confusion, for me, is a golden gift that I've learned to recognize as a wonderful milestone on the way to improving myself!

Thus, when I feel mildly confusedt hat often now leads right into an amazing sense of anticipation... for what's probably just at the tip of my tongue, just out of reach, just around the corner!

That’s why I honestly love those times when the rug is pulled out from under me. All my most basic ideas get smashed to smithernes and I am left shaken and upset. That’s when confusion is a gift.

I guess I am talking about mild confusionss. Deep confusion is much more disorienting.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Ignoring something and seeing the bigger picture are two different things.

You might better understand the phrase “the heart wants what it wants” when you fall in love with another person. In your future, when this happens to you [I hope] you will begin to understand what it means immediately. It is actually a necessary part osf every human being.

13:4-7 New International Version (NIV)

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.”
--1 Corinthians 13:4-7

And if you have been lucky to have experienced the amazing “Born Again” realization, you will discover that the heart wants what it wants:
A close relarionship wirh Jesus !!!

You're so messed up.

You use the "heart" to call for the volume to be turned down by those who call for an end to childkilling. Then when challenged on your stupid claims, you use the "heart" to talk about love and bunnies.

Stay away from the bong, dude. Learn to form a coherent argument.



Keep you quotes straight man. You said: "unborn babies seem to be seen as more innocent & valuable than children who have already been born". That is what YOU said, and I replied that I don't know anybody who thinks that. There is no conservative on the planet who thinks that an unborn child is more innocent & valuable than a born child.

So now lets address your new twist: "pro-life folks don’t seem concerned about childen after they are born."

That's another load of horse crap. You are throwing our typical smears and characterizations that are not true, but are frequently used. These ignorant smears are based on the STUPID idea that if I am not going to adopt a child then I should not address abortion. That somehow, people who cannot adopt the children don care about them

Adoption is expensive. Just because not everyone is in a position to adopt a child DOES NOT MEAN WE WILL BE SILENT ABOUT THEIR MURDER!!

You're not very bright are you.

You are right. I am not so arrogant to either believe or claim I am the brightest bulb in the shop !!!
How many AIKIDO7s does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
None, because they can’t even figure out what to do!

Human hypocrisy is as current in today’s politics and as old as the Bible.
It is a regrettable human quality in my view but I often have trouble with it.

]I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.
--Romans 7:15

You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.
--Matthew 7:5

Last week my brother told me he and his wife were fighting for custody of his daughter’s young son from her ex-husband. I vowed to call him and find out what was really going on, since his initial conversation sounded a bit “off.”

I called him, but I basically chickened out. So much for integrity.

I am not trying to attack you or offer childish insults to you. I was merely giving you information And based on that information, you should make your own best choice. I was merely puzzled as to why children are suppposed to be so innocent and helpless in the womb, yet are ripped from their mothers, fathers and family at the southern border. And this is unquestionably seen as this nation’s stated policy.

I will not characterize your honest opinion as “horse crap” nor will I tell you that your ideas are “ignorant smears.”

I was lucky enough to be raised with kindness, decency, respect and fairness.
I strive to pass those qualities along to everyone I meet.

That’s all.
Sitting here thinking.


to bad you weren't raised to develop an intelligent argument
I really appreciate your comments.

My parents may have been remiss on teaching me how to argue. I was raised to solve problems, negotiate, mediate and focus on common ground. But I see now I wasn’t always the best pupil.

Teaching what I should do is much different than guiding me on HOW to do things.

When we got pregnant, I knew I had to do something different. I entered into the pure state of repentance.
In Jesus’ day, repentance had nothing to do with saying “I’m sorry” and then moving on. The word in tghe first century was metanoia. It meant a profound and total transformation. Truly, a “new creature” on the earth.
I began to do some serious moral inventories of my shortcomings and learned to be accountable with integrity and honest in my own self-awareness.

I learned to talk to my daughter so she could listen and learned to listen to her so she could talk.

It was like night and day. A pure example of what repentance was all about.

Finally, I find it isn’t easy to make a respectful, intelligent argument.
I am still learning.
That’s why I rely on other people to give me a hand.
It’s often a good way for me to learn something new--something valuable I have missed.

Would you be willing to show me exactly and specificially how certain words and phrases in my posts are without intelligence or relevance?

I would also appreciate you paying attention to things I post to others that may be less-than-ideal.


more thinking, less typing


Great advice. I am not so elitist and arrogant to believe I can always walk and chew gum at the same time.

Besides, whenever I try doing so, I often walk right on top of some spit out Spearmint!



Sometimes things in life just overwhelm us and leave us behind, being unable or unwilling to focus our minds.

In that case, getting up out of class and walking out is understandable.
So is “accidentally” knocking over the chessboard when you see yourself getting trapped and possibly losing.
Or simply reduced to sticking an idex finger in both ears and singing “La-La-La-La!” at the top of one’s voice.:)