Ben Sasse Will Make Democrats Go on Record About Whether They Support Infanticide

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Ben Sasse Will Make Democrats Go on Record About Whether They Support Infanticide

For Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse, it’s time to put up or shut up. With 10 Democrat Senators having refused to condemn Virginia governor Ralph Northam for supporting infanticide, Sasse has had enough and he will make them go on record.

The United States Senate will vote on Monday on a bill to protect babies born alive after failed abortions. The vote will come days after New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed into law new legislation that allows abortions up to birth.


Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
With public opinion overwhelmingly against the infanticide recently legalized by Democrat states, it will be interesting to see if these people support it or cower like that frauds they are.


Ben Sasse Will Make Democrats Go on Record About Whether They Support Infanticide

For Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse, it’s time to put up or shut up. With 10 Democrat Senators having refused to condemn Virginia governor Ralph Northam for supporting infanticide, Sasse has had enough and he will make them go on record.

The United States Senate will vote on Monday on a bill to protect babies born alive after failed abortions. The vote will come days after New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed into law new legislation that allows abortions up to birth.

"Oh happy is he who dashes your infants against the rocks.”
--Psalm 137:9


We’ll never stop abortion. It has been a fact of life for thousands of years [check out Numbers 5:11-31].
We need to start dealing with treating kids with respect, fairness and caring AFTER they are born.
Taking children forcibly from their parents is a form of disposing of unwanted children.

Children grow up hungry, broken and underserved.

We need to start dealing with misshapen children who live with feeding tubes and complex wheelchairs. With infants who need immediate heart surgery or have other horrific conditions. With children who are kept away from their own families.

America needs to help.

I may point the finger at others, but I am not so arrogant that I believe I myself am open-hearted and charitable.
It’s difficult indeed to invite a homeless person to take up residence in an empty room in your own home.
I have done it and it went badly. The poor woman was mentally ill and we couldn’t get the help she needed. She ended up in a homeless shelter and we found out later she was asked to leave.

Jesus demonstrated a divine hospitality who welcomed every sort of person around a common table. He got an accurate description of being “a drunk and a glutton.”

A real party animal, that fellow.

When I start to feel all holy and humble, I drink from a well of some 2,000-year-old pop psychology:

“You hypocrite! First cast out the giant beam out of your own eye and then you will see clearly to pick out the tiny speck of sawdust out of your neighbor’s eye.”
--Matthew 7:5

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
You are missing the point. Of course we can never stop it. We can also never stop murder rape, and thievery. But shall we make all those things legal because we cannot stop them? Of course not, that would be insane. Likewise abortion cannot be legal either because it is murder. Will making it illegal stop it? No, but that does not matter


You are missing the point. Of course we can never stop it. We can also never stop murder rape, and thievery. But shall we make all those things legal because we cannot stop them? Of course not, that would be insane. Likewise abortion cannot be legal either because it is murder. Will making it illegal stop it? No, but that does not matter

We could use some critical thinking and moral imagination to understand why unborn babies seem to be seen as more innocent & valuable than children who have already been born. Also, what reasons have caused women down through all these millennia to terminate a pregnancy? Are there any common themes involved?

To hysterically fixate on a fetus seems a bit off-balance to me. Plus, I have noticed articles and gossip about Christian families where the father turns to an abortionist when a daughter in the family gets pregnant.

Children are loved, but rarely respected. There is nothing, really, about Honor Thy Children.

Border agents could be said to rip children away from the mother.
The details are different, but the pattern is the same.

It’s quite an issue these days.

The real truth is what highlights the conflict between two ideologies.
It’s a real morass.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame

What name-calling? :idunno:

Ok doser was making a point — albiet not entirely in sync with what I was saying — about a real group. They're really called that, you know? You decided it was about you somehow. :noid: