Battle Talk ~ BR XI

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theo_victis said:
Seriously, you have a terrible reading comprehension ability.

So do I!!!

But I still think "the lawrocks" and "apologetic jedi" are dumb.

It really concerns me that so many of you have no compassion/mercy, not to mention LOVE for other people. Did you get bullied as children? Is that why? I mean, if you examine Jesus' life, he did not advocate executing people, but showed the qualities mentioned above--compassion/mercy/love. Do his actions mean nothing to you??
Read Galatians 5 & 6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


theo_victis said:
So apparently statistics from America dont count because you dont like them? The stats speak for themselves. States without the DP have a lower murder rate then states with the DP.

As far as Turbo: Is argument falls apart in scripture. God had destroyed the world to stop the evil of mankind, yet it still persists till this day. Where is the deterrent? The wicked DO NOT fear the Lord.
God destroyed mankind except for eight people, because their thoughts were only evil continuously. I think that He succeeded, and the world has always had a righteous remnant, in at least the 7 thousands, ever since.

Generally a judgment from the Lord only is remembered, even by the righteous, for a generation, at best.

Remember after God slew Annanias and Sapphira through Peter that, "Great fear came over the whole Church, and over all who heard of these things."

Even if the wicked do not fear God, the point of the DP is for them to "fear Government" and its ability and duty to end their lives quickly, and severely, once guilt has been determined.

Children do not necessarily fear God, but they do fear their parents, who represent God's authority to them, when they do something wrong.

Government should at least represent an authority for the righteous, and the wicked, to fear, if we take another person's life, or do something else criminal.

As Christian's we do not need to fear death, and hopefully that is the message that the wicked will get if they repent, before they are executed.

I have full faith in God that through whetever means available every wicked person has had the chance to repent before his execution.

You are arguing that it is up to us to give them more time, and that it increases the chance of repentance and grace to be found by him. I would argue that it actually does not matter, but if anything it would decrease their real opportunity to repent.

I think that God would hold us more responsible for not correctly administering the death penalty. You think the opposite.
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The Dark Knight
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theo_victis said:
Turbo tries to argue that we should support the DP and forgiveness.. what a dichotomy! I forgive you! NOW DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Compare that to: I forgive you, now I am going to help you get better...

: )
Who are you expecting to help get better? And how is "helping them get better" justice? Can you explain that? You're spouting about criminals' rights, and that demeans victims. People who commit crimes have no right to rights, or freedoms, because they imposed on those of someone else, and broke the boundaries of the rights and freedoms they already had. When someone does that, they forfeit all rights and freedoms, period.


Who is the stooge now?
Primghar said:
So do I!!!

But I still think "the lawrocks" and "apologetic jedi" are dumb.

It really concerns me that so many of you have no compassion/mercy, not to mention LOVE for other people. Did you get bullied as children? Is that why? I mean, if you examine Jesus' life, he did not advocate executing people, but showed the qualities mentioned above--compassion/mercy/love. Do his actions mean nothing to you??
Read Galatians 5 & 6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you ever consider it isn't very loving to lock a person in a cage for the rest of their life and tell them you have "forgiven" them???


The Dark Knight
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Hall of Fame
theo_victis said:
So apparently statistics from America dont count because you dont like them? The stats speak for themselves. States without the DP have a lower murder rate then states with the DP.

As far as Turbo: Is argument falls apart in scripture. God had destroyed the world to stop the evil of mankind, yet it still persists till this day. Where is the deterrent? The wicked DO NOT fear the Lord.
Of course they don't fear the Lord! That's the problem! They should! And if you had your way, they never will!

And the problem with the current implementation of the death penalty is that it is not swift, public and painful!


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Primghar said:
So do I!!!

But I still think "the lawrocks" and "apologetic jedi" are dumb.

It really concerns me that so many of you have no compassion/mercy, not to mention LOVE for other people. Did you get bullied as children? Is that why? I mean, if you examine Jesus' life, he did not advocate executing people, but showed the qualities mentioned above--compassion/mercy/love. Do his actions mean nothing to you??
Read Galatians 5 & 6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What about compassion for the victims? What isn't merciful about death? SHould we really make people live with what they did, while rotting away in a jail cell, where they'll probably commit more wickedness, or maybe come out worse? They may even die at the hands of another inmate. Why not be merciful, and send them to the only One who can make things right?


Lighthouse said:
What about compassion for the victims? What isn't merciful about death? SHould we really make people live with what they did, while rotting away in a jail cell, where they'll probably commit more wickedness, or maybe come out worse? They may even die at the hands of another inmate. Why not be merciful, and send them to the only One who can make things right?

That is stupid and does not make any sense. The victims should also show compassion and mercy for those who do wrong against them. And anyway, compassion for the victims does not equal execution for the wrongdoer.
This--->"What isn't merciful about death?"----is ridiculous. And this-----> "where they'll probably commit more wickedness"---of course they will! We all will!! So, should we just get rid of anyone who will "probably commit more wickedness"? You want to just kill everyone??
And this---> "Why not be merciful, and send them to the only One who can make things right?"--is ridiculous as well. How is execution merciful?? And if WE are sending "them to the only One who can make things right," we are playing the Judge and not even giving that person the chance to "make things right." That sounds exactly like that quote theo used in his first post: "Kill them all and let God sort them out." That is asinine.

I don't know....none of what you wrote makes any sense.


That is stupid and does not make any sense. The victims should also show compassion and mercy for those who do wrong against them. And anyway, compassion for the victims does not equal execution for the wrongdoer.
This--->"What isn't merciful about death?"----is ridiculous. And this-----> "where they'll probably commit more wickedness"---of course they will! We all will!! So, should we just get rid of anyone who will "probably commit more wickedness"? You want to just kill everyone??
And this---> "Why not be merciful, and send them to the only One who can make things right?"--is ridiculous as well. How is execution merciful?? And if WE are sending "them to the only One who can make things right," we are playing the Judge and not even giving that person the chance to "make things right." That sounds exactly like that quote theo used in his first post: "Kill them all and let God sort them out." That is asinine.

I don't know....none of what you wrote makes any sense.

Primghar, that is a fabulous post


Dread Helm said:
Primghar still hasn't answered my question from page 11... :sigh:

PS. If you need help there are hints in the last post of the same page. ;)

Sorry, there have been so many posts!!! And...I like to do other things besides babble on here all day.

And to answer your question: I do not know. I need to do some reading before I can try to answer that question, which I will try and do if I have time. obviously agree that God has given governments the authority to punish...So, what do you think?----> "What punishments are Governments authorized by God to use?"


Wow, Theo really blew Turbo out of the race in his last post. His theological argument is a beautiful example of God's love and mercy and our inability to condemn others because we would then be hypocritical in our sins.


Who is the stooge now?
Eisley said:
Wow, Theo really blew Turbo out of the race in his last post. His theological argument is a beautiful example of God's love and mercy and our inability to condemn others because we would then be hypocritical in our sins.
You elevate "patting yourself on the back" to a whole new level. :rotfl:


accusing people of having different usernames does not prove that Christians should support the DP

I AM NOT THEO! so your statements are flawed and irrelevant.


Who is the stooge now?
Eisley said:
accusing people of having different usernames does not prove that Christians should support the DP

I AM NOT THEO! so your statements are flawed and irrelevant.
Oh yeah... I forgot, you are Primghar.

You and Theo share the Eisley username right?


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
novice said:
Oh yeah... I forgot, you are Primghar.

You and Theo share the Eisley username right?
Yup, that whole thing is pretty funny Devo :D


New member
Oh yeah... I forgot, you are Primghar.

You and Theo share the Eisley username right?

I have asked you many times to stop this assertion. I am speaking the truth. I have no other screen names on this website, nor do I ever intend to.


New member
theo_victis said:
I totally agree with this! But according to Turbo, sharri cannot forgive Ross, even though she was affected by his crime. Since the offense was not comitted against her, she cannot forgive him of the wrong. Consequently, then it is unjust for sharri to be angry with Ross or to feel pain in this situation because she does not have the right to forgive him. Obviously, someone does have the right to have anger and to forgive and let go of our anger, appeasing it in Christ. Just because a crime is committed against one person does not mean many are affected. Great point!
If Ross repented, Sharri can forgive the murderer to the extent that the murderer has hurt her, but she definately cannot forgive the crime for her friend. Ross should still get the death penalty.


Who is the stooge now?
Dread Helm said:
If Ross repented, Sharri can forgive the murderer to the extent that the murderer has hurt her, but she definately cannot forgive the crime for her friend. Ross should still get the death penalty.


New member
theo_victis said:
What are you talking about? Lying?!? I told you clearly. My interpretation came from Yoder (that this passage is not about governments). He agrees with my conclusion.


Yoder speaks about this passage as an advocacy of Capital Punishment (even thoguh he does not advocate it himself). (see John H. Yoder, "You Have It Coming: Good Punishment. The Legitimate Social Function of Punitive Behavior", "Chapter 6: Mother Knows Best" Part B, second paragraph).

He does not speak of it as some add-on to deitary laws

Can you give any support to the idea that Yoder believed Genesis 9:6 to be properly understood to mean don't eat blood? As far as I know he never changed his view on this matter.

theo_victis said:
My exegesis is mine in the sense that I did the research but it was adapted from an argument made in a research paper from a friend of mine. Seriously, you have a terrible reading comprehension ability.

Misunderstandings happen. That is why I said “Perhaps I'm misunderstanding you” which apparently YOU missed. However, comprehension becomes more difficult when the one you are speaking with is not being forthright in his answers.

I never asked you where your belief that Genesis 9:6 is not speaking of government came from. I asked if you could name even one commentator that shared your view that Genesis 9:6 doesn’t really speak of Capital Punishment, but of dietary regulations.

The answer to my question appears to me “No, this is my own singular pet theory.” In which case I would say that having you question my reading comprehension is the pot calling the kettle “black”.


New member
Primghar said:
I mean, if you examine Jesus' life, he did not advocate executing people

He answered and said to them, Why do you also transgress the commandment of God because of your tradition? For God commanded, saying, ‘Honor your father and your mother’; and, ‘He who curses father or mother, let him be put to death.’ But you say…”
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