Battle Talk ~ Battle Royale VII

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Dave said,
Since [science] consistently and adequately explain what we once found impossible to understand without God, what reason is there to believe in God?

Where did you ever get the idea that the only thing God is good for is to understand the physical universe? The charge that man invented God to explain what he doesn’t understand is simply another way for the atheist to put his foot down and declare himself the winner. It makes you look fanatical, not reasonable.
If including God HELPED US UNDERSTAND science, then he would have some weight. Unfortunately, belief in God and the Bible does not even do a good job of explaining the scientific body of knowledge we have, except to say "well, god made everything that way."
From, “The Historic Alliance Between Christianity and Science,” by Kenneth Richard Samples
(1) The intellectual climate that gave rise to modern science (roughly three centuries ago) was decisively shaped by Christianity.3 Not only were most of the founding fathers of science themselves devout Christians (including Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, Newton, Boyle, and Pascal),4 but the Christian worldview provided a basis for modern science both to emerge and to flourish. Christian theism affirmed that an infinite, eternal, and personal God created the world ex nihilo. The creation, reflecting the rational nature of the Creator, was therefore orderly and uniform. Further, humankind was uniquely created in God's image (Gen. 1:26-7), thus capable of reasoning and of discovering the intelligibility of the created order. In effect, the Christian worldview supported the underlying principles that made scientific inquiry possible and desirable.
Eminent historian and philosopher of science Stanley Jaki has argued that science was "stillborn" in other great civilizations outside Europe because of prevailing ideas that stifled scientific development, e.g., a cyclical approach to time, an astrological approach to the heavens, metaphysical views that either deified nature (animism) or denied it (idealism).5

(2) The principles underlying the scientific method (testability, verification/falsification) arise from the Judeo-Christian Scriptures. The experimental method was clearly nurtured by Christian doctrine.6 Because the Christian founders of modern science believed that the heavens genuinely declare the glory of God (Ps. 19: 1), they possessed both the necessary conceptual framework and the spiritual incentive to boldly explore nature's mysteries. According to Christian theism, God has disclosed Himself in two dynamic ways: through special revelation (God's redemptive actions recorded in the Bible - "God's book") and through general revelation (God's creative actions discoverable in nature - "God's world"). Puritan scientists in England and in America viewed the study of science as a sacred attempt to "think God's thoughts after Him."7

While Christians have plenty of room to grow in the virtues of discernment, reflection, and vigorous analysis, the wisdom literature of the Old Testament consistently exhorts God's people to exercise them, and the New Testament teaches the same message (see Col. 2:8; 1 Thes. 5:2 1; 1 Jn. 4: 1). These principles served as the backdrop for the emerging experimental method.


New member
yes, dear hausdens,

and as we can so plainly see, after all of the tragic travail,
they still love their God, their Creator, the One who gave them
life. They understand His prophecys and even more amazing,
they have total faith in the promises He has made to them.


New member

by shima
That rather depends on what is true. If Islam is true, then you will surely rot in hell along with the rest of the christians.

Islam is a false religion as is any religion not based solely in the Bible. Judaism is true but incomplete as it leaves out Jesus as lord and savior as was prophesied they would by their own accepted scriptures.


Only the Bible and no other "holy book" shows the above phenomena. The finger print of God.

by shima
Greenleaf didn't know that the testimony in the bible is heavily biased towards Jezus as the Saviour, since this is what Paul set out to do. Jezus' disciples (those people who knew him the best) didn't think so, they say Jezus as the King of the Jews.
So you are saying that Greenleaf failed to examine evidence outside of the Bible? I would find that hard to beleive. Be aware that as a Christain, I am aware that Satan is the father of lies and therefore lying is a common practice among his minions.

Give me names of those who believe as you say.

by shima
That the surviving testimony is of Paul and not of his disciples is worrying enough. Its like someone tries to testify who I am, but only met me twice in my adult life and had most of the stories from vague acquaintances. The most reliable testimony would come from my friends, and the people I spent so much time with. Greenleaf based his conclusion on the testimony of four people who had a vested interrest in giving their version of events.

If Paul's testimony, a person who lived during Jesus's ministry, worries you, you must really be put off by the testimonies of Jesus which were made by the Prophets 100's and 1000's of years before Jesus lived. Did you know that Jesus fulfilled over 150 prophecies?

You should become aware of a phenomenon called 'Revelation from God'. This is when God directly reveals information to somebody without them having to have met somebody or see any certain event with their own eyes. Revelations from God have the ability to more accurately inform Paul about Jesus than if Paul knew Jesus all of his life, because God can deliver the information in such a way as to make sure the Prophet gets it right. Beware of false prophets like Mohammed who claim to be getting information from God but were probably getting it from Satan.

The above link to information that proves God wrote the Bible, also solves any reliability problem with the testimony found in the Bible.


Dave said,
According to all the actual scientific evidence, including not just neurophysiology, but from actual practicing physicians, clinicians, and therapists, who diagnose, treat, and help patients recover from brain injuries, your "SELF" can be easily altered into a completely different "SELF" depending on what parts of your brain gets injured.
No one said that the normal biological functions of the brain are not necessary for the expression of a healthy sense of self. I am assuming that all parts of the brain are there for a reason. I am also assuming that some concept of self existed prior to the brain injury. This is the self we are discussing, not a lobotomized vegetable.
YOU are that lump of neurons in your skull. It's not pretty or elegant, but it's a truth that you would be very hard pressed to find any reasonable doubt to.
No one’s disputing how the brain works, or that neurons don’t exist. You’re arguing with a conclusion as your starting point. You’re saying, this is how the brain works, therefore God (or in this case a personalized soul) is not necessary to the brain, or as an explanation of self or anything else. You cannot prove that God hasn’t created the brain, or that our sense of self ends at biological death. You can’t prove it, so there’s no logical reason why you should “believe” it. You can’t SEE it, so you don’t believe it, because you are a philosophical materialist, not because God or soul-self are not theoretical possibilities, but because you’ve already made up your mind that they don’t exist. That is the fanatical element of your position.


Psycho Dave

Originally posted by Soulman

I’m arguing for intellectual honesty. What is illogical, in theory, about a Supreme Being?

I never made the argument that the idea of a supreme being is illogical. My only argument has been that your attempts at a logical justifications for your god are illogical.

The "God of the gaps" (how do you explain THAT!???") argument is fallacious. The argument you made where you pointed out that bilions of people believe in God, was fallacious.

If you presented a logical, fallacy-free justification for god, then i wouldn't be arguing with you.

And i'm sorry if I sound arrogant, but if you do not find the fault in your arguments, then perhaps you should pick a different topic, or a less skilled opponent.


I posted the following response to Pastor Bob in this other thread:

For the record, I posted the following on this thread:

Originally posted by Bob Enyart
Looking forward to reading your posts, -Bob Enyart
Pastor Bob - did you get a chance to read my post? If you have the time, I would really like if you could answer those questions (or let me know if and why you can't right now). I hope you can tell that these are honest and legitimate questions, as I truly do not understand the concept of "Absolute Right & Wrong". You have used this to prove that God exists. Perhaps you could help me and others understand this idea so we might better understand this point you made in the current debate.

Thank you.


Pastor Bob responded with this:

Originally posted by Bob Enyart
ZK: You guessed it, I don't have the time, but I do invite you to call your questions into the radio show any weeknight (but not on July 4th, we're re-airing our interview with Norma Rogers, the nurse who found Juanita Broaddrick sobbing shortly after she says she was raped.) -Bob E.

Perhaps Zakath can ask Pastor Bob to respond to these questions in the current debate. These are the types of questions that NEED TO BE ANSWERED to get any benefit out of Pastor Bob's position that Absolute Right & Wrong are evidence of the existence of God.

It may not be the case, but I think Pastor Bob's "not having time" really just means he doesn't know, or that his answers will only serve to strike this major premise from his argument.


Psycho Dave

Originally posted by Soulman
Where did you ever get the idea that the only thing God is good for is to understand the physical universe?
I never made that argument. I don;t think the idea of God is useful for understanding anything, apart from culture and philosophy. Perhaps you need to re-word your statement. Maybe I misunderstood you?
The charge that man invented God to explain what he doesn’t understand is simply another way for the atheist to put his foot down and declare himself the winner. It makes you look fanatical, not reasonable.
Have I declared myself a winner yet? I don't think so. I don't beleive that we are anywhere near any conclusions yet.
From, “The Historic Alliance Between Christianity and Science,” by Kenneth Richard Samples
Soulman, I hate to point out yet another fallacy you have made, but the use of that article is noting short of the appeal to authority, or Argumentum Ad Verecundiam.

It doesn't matter that some scientists from centuries past were Christian. Being famous, and being highly reguarded does not make a belief true. For example, I can give you this web site:

which shows how much science owes to Islamic mathematicians, scientists, and medical doctors. The site correctly says
Abu Bakr Razi criticised Aristotle's first figure and followed the inductive spirit which was reformulated by John Stuart Mill...

Ibn-i-Hazm in his well known work Scope of Logic lays stress on sense perception as a source of knowledge...

Ibn-i-Taimiyya in his Refuttion of Logic proves beyond doubt that induction is the only sure form of argument, which ultimately gave birth to the method of observation and experiment...
These are surely, historical people who made historic and great contributions to science and how it was practiced. However, they're Muslims, not Christians. Does that somehow mean that Islam is more scientific, logical, or closer to the truth than Christianity?

Of course not. The appeal to authority is just a bad use of logic. I suggest you refrain from using it.


New member


It occurs to me that atheists know that they have 70 or 80 years in which to experience life. Is that a long time? Man certainly ought to make the most of his time. How shall we enjoy our days?

A clear thinking Christian will want to enjoy life, yet we must recognize that our life doesn't end in 80 years, we only move on. So in that context, we are admonished to live with eternity in mind. The selfish work we do will be burned up, while the work we do for Christ will be rewarded.

To the atheist, we are living a fantasy.

I wonder what a "clear" thinking atheist would deem worthy to pursue so as to maximize their time remaining. I must conclude from observation that many of them value debating Christians about whether God exists. Some of the keenest thinkers on this board are atheists. Instead of racing through life and seizing their day while their breath lasts, they instead prefer to sit at their computers and defend their belief that there is no God. I suppose I should be honored they choose to spend their precious years for my "benefit".

Thanks guys.

Incidentally, what is the great benefit to being an atheist? Suppose you convince me. What do I have to look forward to? How shall I spend my time? Shall I take up the TOL mission, like you, to destroy others' faith? Or, do I head out into the world to suck up the pleasure; crack & whores? Or do I turn philanthropic, helping my fellow man? Whatever I choose, my actions will have the backdrop of knowledge that my death is sealed. Humanity has a death sentence. When my body turns to dust, it will stay that way forever (and then forever). Oblivion. Kinda hard to have a good time with that knowledge, I would think, but then I'm living in a fantasy world.

You have chosen death. I would tell you to "live with that", but such would be a contradiction. If I were you, I'd spend less time arguing against God's existence, and spend more time looking for Him. I do know this. Unless you seek, you will not find Him until it is too late.

Psycho Dave

Originally posted by Soulman
No one said that the normal biological functions of the brain are not necessary for the expression of a healthy sense of self. I am assuming that all parts of the brain are there for a reason. I am also assuming that some concept of self existed prior to the brain injury. This is the self we are discussing, not a lobotomized vegetable.
I don't know if you understood what I was saying. Your concept of the self (and correct me if I am not describing what you believe) is that there is a non-material source for our self -- a spirit or soul, which inhabits our body, and merely interfaces with our biology through the brain. Is that accurate? Perhaps you can correct me.

My concept of self is that it is (1) Determined partly by genetically inherited traits -- genes that control hundreds of factors about your personality are inhereted from your parents, (2) Determined partly by your social experiences as you grow and live life, (3) partially determined by your health and by lifestyle factors, and (4) is constantly changing and evolving as your brain's neurons form new connections and store memories

I base my idea of self on what science has discovered and verified. I base it on scientific journals and college courses I have taken.

By contrast, you base your notion of self on traditional religious and philosophical models that are not cannot even be demonstrated.
No one’s disputing how the brain works, or that neurons don’t exist.
I haven't accused you of saying those things.
You’re arguing with a conclusion as your starting point. You’re saying, this is how the brain works, therefore God (or in this case a personalized soul) is not necessary to the brain, or as an explanation of self or anything else.
Actually, I did not come to my conclusion as a starting point. I USED TO BELIEVE in tings like spirits, souls, and stuff. As I became more educated, went to college, and studied various sciences, I was forced to accept certain conclusions. I also had some friends who had to deal with mental illness, and whose treatments I had the opportunity to observe. The effects of various therapies and drugs on their personalities had only one logical conclusion -- that your "self" is easily altered by chemicals and dietary input. Also interesting is the dramatic changes in personality that peopl with non-mental illnesses like diabetes have when their blood sugar goes up and down. Too much sugar or too little sugar in the blood can make some people act totally insane and incoherent. All of this knowledge forces me to conclude that the "self" HAS TO BE controlled and influenced by the physical factors of your brain and body, and therefore, the product of your brain's activity. (now I know this seems too brief, but I'm tryng to be oncise to save space)

The idea that a spirit or soul is a vital part of anything (1) Has yet to be substantiated, (2) Is not a proven fact, (3) has no basis in scientific fact, and (4) Doesn't help fill any gaps in knowledge. as such, we go back to Ockham's razor.
You cannot prove that God hasn’t created the brain, or that our sense of self ends at biological death.
Yes, but you cannot prove that God created the brain, or that our sense of sel continues after death. All of the best scientific research we have available suggests what I have been saying. We do not have a single shred of evidence that your self continues after death, except in the form of anecdotes and folk tales. That's not scientific evidence.
You can’t prove it, so there’s no logical reason why you should “believe” it.
I can't prove a lot of things that I believe. For example, I cannot prove that the sun is about 93,000,000 miles from the earth. I cannot prove that Julius Caesar was a real man. I cannot prove that I love my parents. I cannot prove what the speed of light is.

What I can do is SEARCH FOR ANSWERS to these questions, and read how other people have determined them. I can then read magazines, books, newspapers, and inquire how other people came to their conclusions, and why it is logical for me to accept these facts. For example, I never took the time to triangulate the position of the sun in the sky on the winter and summer solstice from 2 distant locations, then use a mathematical formula called triangulation to calculate what the distance of the sun should be, but lots of other people did, and they documented it. In fact, we have even more modern ways to triangulate the distance of the sun now. I may not be able to prove that Julius Caesar was a real person, but I can read multiple histories of the Roman Empire from various authors, go to museums to see ancient manuscripts, compare notes, look at ancient Roman coinage with his picture on it, see a statue of his likeness, and such, or just read what all the experts have found.

I can either go out and spend all of my time figuring out everything for myself, OR I can take experts' opinions to fill in the gaps, and not bother to question everything unless I find a discrepency. If every scientist had to start from scratch and learn everything that we know for themselves, we would never have any new knowledge.
You can’t SEE it, so you don’t believe it, because you are a philosophical materialist, not because God or soul-self are not theoretical possibilities, but because you’ve already made up your mind that they don’t exist. That is the fanatical element of your position.
What you call "fanatic", I call "a reasonable position to have, considering the evidence I have found."

As I said -- I did not come to my conclusions first, then look for scientific evidence to back it up. I studied science and history, and GRADUALLY came to my conclusions, over a process that took many years.


Dave said,
Who knows more about how the brain works? A bunch of desert nomads from 5,000 years ago, who didn't even have science, or modern scientists who study the brain and experiment on it every day? I side with the modern scientists.
Modern scientists can explain how the brain works, the same way an auto mechanic can explain how a racing engine works. Are you saying that a properly educated desert nomad couldn’t understand how a brain or a souped-up Chevy works if it was explained to them? Do you see an educated desert nomad disputing what we know about the brain, in spite of the physical evidence, because he believes in God? Who’s doing that? Who is disputing what we do know about how the brain works? Seems a little snobbish. Just because a brain “works” in a certain way does not mean that God couldn’t have designed it that way. That is a conclusion you’ve reached all by yourself, and the science behind how the brain “works” has nothing to do with it. You’re looking at the design and concluding that, since the brain does work, God isn't necessary, which seems to me is like saying that since the racing engine works, God isn't necessary; the racing engine -- just is, and that settles it.


Psycho Dave

Re: honor

Re: honor

Originally posted by LightSon
A clear thinking Christian will want to enjoy life, yet we must recognize that our life doesn't end in 80 years, we only move on. So in that context, we are admonished to live with eternity in mind. The selfish work we do will be burned up, while the work we do for Christ will be rewarded.

To the atheist, we are living a fantasy.

I wonder what a "clear" thinking atheist would deem worthy to pursue so as to maximize their time remaining. I must conclude from observation that many of them value debating Christians about whether God exists.
You need to separate the idea of "enjoying life" from purely carnal pleasures. People (atheists, Christians, and everyone else) derrive pleasure from plenty of diverse activities. Some people get pleausre from painting and singing. Some people enjoy academic pursuits. Some people enjoy traveling and writing. Some people enjoy making money.

Without mentioning the complete list of how people get pleasure out of their lives, let's just say that there are enough to keep us all busy.
Some of the keenest thinkers on this board are atheists. Instead of racing through life and seizing their day while their breath lasts, they instead prefer to sit at their computers and defend their belief that there is no God. I suppose I should be honored they choose to spend their precious years for my "benefit". Thanks guys.
Did it ever occur to you that some of us may derrive pleasure from it, or that some of us may be stuck in front of a computer for ther jobs or that we might be home with the flu?

Of course, how do you explain the pleasure you derrive from putting snotty, arrogant, flame bait like this into the forum?

You're welcome.
Incidentally, what is the great benefit to being an atheist? Suppose you convince me. What do I have to look forward to? How shall I spend my time? Shall I take up the TOL mission, like you, to destroy others' faith?
Not at all. You can write irrelevent, snotty messages for no other reason than to see how many people you can get a rise out of. You can behave like a spoiled-brat teenager let loose into the public library to troll as he pleases. What's going to stop you?
Or, do I head out into the world to suck up the pleasure; crack & whores?
Yeah, then you can go online and troll.
Or do I turn philanthropic, helping my fellow man? Whatever I choose, my actions will have the backdrop of knowledge that my death is sealed. Humanity has a death sentence. When my body turns to dust, it will stay that way forever (and then forever). Oblivion. Kinda hard to have a good time with that knowledge, I would think, but then I'm living in a fantasy world.
I agree. You are living in a fantasy world, if you think that anyone would take this post of yours seriously, or regard it as anything other than the trolling tht it is.
You have chosen death. I would tell you to "live with that", but such would be a contradiction. If I were you, I'd spend less time arguing against God's existence, and spend more time looking for Him. I do know this. Unless you seek, you will not find Him until it is too late.
That was an excellent bit of trolling. I congratulate you on creating a troll-character that is almost totally loathsome and hypocritical. GREAT JOB!



At the risk of sounding ingratiating, on a personal note, thanks for engaging. In my opinion, you being here is one of the reasons TOL is the premier theological discussion channel. With all the time this takes, does anyone around here actually work for a living?

Gotta have soul, man.


New member
Re: Re: honor

Re: Re: honor

Originally posted by Psycho Dave
Of course, how do you explain the pleasure you derrive from putting snotty, arrogant, flame bait like this into the forum?
Just because you don't like my perspective, is that any reason to attack me? Am I your enemy because I tell you the truth?

I have no desire to be snotty or arrogant.

Originally posted by Psycho Dave

Not at all. You can write irrelevent, snotty messages for no other reason than to see how many people you can get a rise out of. You can behave like a spoiled-brat teenager let loose into the public library to troll as he pleases. What's going to stop you?

Yeah, then you can go online and troll.

I agree. You are living in a fantasy world, if you think that anyone would take this post of yours seriously, or regard it as anything other than the trolling tht it is.
Again with the name calling. Is that really helpful Dave? I would have expected a more rational response from you. You are usually a clear thinker, but for some reason you are letting your emotions control you. Just because I hit a nerve, doesn't necessarily mean I am being "snotty". It may just mean you don't like having to acknowledge that there's a part of you that can't be explained scientifically and so you lash out at me.

I have no idea what "troll" means, you'll have to define it.

Originally posted by Psycho Dave
That was an excellent bit of trolling. I congratulate you on creating a troll-character that is almost totally loathsome and hypocritical. GREAT JOB!
Sorry. I have no desire to be loathed. But you can't really conclude whether I am being "hypocritical", without knowing my motives. I have no duplicity to conceal, other than that I truly want to see you wake up from your spiritual stupor. Any baiting I've done is to that end; to that I will confess. If I have to incur your loathing in the process, then I accept that. You are a smart person Dave, but with all your intelligence, you've missed a few stones along the path. As a good programmer, you should circle back and turn them over.

Psycho Dave

Originally posted by Soulman
Modern scientists can explain how the brain works, the same way an auto mechanic can explain how a racing engine works.
Okay, I follow you.
Are you saying that a properly educated desert nomad couldn’t understand how a brain or a souped-up Chevy works if it was explained to them?
Well, if they were shown the engine, and given a course or two on it's theory of operation, and were given some hands on experience working with it until they got the equivalent of an ASE certification, yes! In the case of brains, they would have to go to a college for 4 years studying biology, then go on to graduate school and read up for years on the subject, and possibly become part of a lab where they help other experts with tests.

I say this because, scientifically speaking, human biology has been the same for the last 5,000 years, and the only diference between human brains 5,000 years ago, and today, is the environment and the knowledge they had available to them.

God never seems to have done anything like give a full course with lectures. He just made brief magical appearances to lone prophets, who then went to tell their tribes of what they had seen, only to be misunderstood, called crazy, or whatever, until someone writing about them realized that there was something to be learned from them.

So, I agree that human minds 5,000 years ago were certainly capable of learning modern things, but we have no evidence that advanced knowledge of anything was ever bestowed unto them, from anything.
Do you see an educated desert nomad disputing what we know about the brain, in spite of the physical evidence, because he believes in God?
No. I see an uneducated desert nomad disputing what we know about the brain, in spite of the physical evidence, because the knowledge available to him was just not there, and we have stuff that these people wrote about biology that we KNOW is just dead wrong. The heart is not the center of love and emotion. There are no four-legged insects. Placing lambs into a pen made of white shittim wood does not alter the pureness of their wool.
Who’s doing that? Who is disputing what we do know about how the brain works? Seems a little snobbish. Just because a brain “works” in a certain way does not mean that God couldn’t have designed it that way.
But that's the god of the gaps argument again -- the argument from ignorance. It's a logical fallacy. Saying that God made it that way does not ADD ANYTHING TO OUR KNOWLEDGE, nor does it help us understand the subject any better.
That is a conclusion you’ve reached all by yourself, and the science behind how the brain “works” has nothing to do with it.
It is a conclusion that a lot of people, who have contributed to our knowledge of biology, who have made that conclusion, and I'm inclined to believe them because they made a much better case than you are for your position.
You’re looking at the design and concluding that, since the brain does work, God isn't necessary, which seems to me is like saying that since the racing engine works, God isn't necessary; the racing engine -- just is, and that settles it.
But Soulman, god is not necesary fora race car engine to work! All it takes is a few humans meltng metal, pouring the metal into molds, making the right parts, polishing and finishing them to near-perfection, assembling them, adding gas, oil, air, and electricity, and it works! No god is required.

Are you next going to tell me that because most people cannot explain from start-to-finish how a computer is built and made to run software, that god is somehow involved wherever we have a gap in our knowledge?

Psycho Dave

Originally posted by Soulman

At the risk of sounding ingratiating, on a personal note, thanks for engaging. In my opinion, you being here is one of the reasons TOL is the premier theological discussion channel. With all the time this takes, does anyone around here actually work for a living?

Gotta have soul, man.

Your welcome. I hope you appreciate my efforts to keep the conversation civil. This practice helps me in the customer-service aspect of my work.

Psycho Dave

Re: Re: Re: honor

Re: Re: Re: honor

Originally posted by LightSon
Just because you don't like my perspective, is that any reason to attack me? Am I your enemy because I tell you the truth?

I have no desire to be snotty or arrogant.
No, it just came out that way...

I like that -- keep feigning ignorance of trolls and trolling. It's an awful lot of fun. Keep up the good work!


New member
Re: Re: Re: Re: honor

Re: Re: Re: Re: honor

Originally posted by Psycho Dave
I like that -- keep feigning ignorance of trolls and trolling. It's an awful lot of fun. Keep up the good work!

Since your desire for meaningful dialog has now been reduced to a single concept, could you please tell me what you mean by trolling? As I study my dictionary, I can infer you mean trolling as it were for fishing, using bait and such, but that is as close as I can get to understanding your dismissal.

Make no mistake; I read your contempt. I have no hard feelings, for whatever that is worth to you.

Psycho Dave

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: honor

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: honor

Originally posted by LightSon
Since your desire for meaningful dialog has now been reduced to a single concept, could you please tell me what you mean by trolling? As I study my dictionary, I can infer you mean trolling as it were for fishing, using bait and such, but that is as close as I can get to understanding your dismissal.

Make no mistake; I read your contempt. I have no hard feelings, for whatever that is worth to you.

Excellent job. Keep up the good work!


New member
Hi all,

In my previous post I asked a question regarding the nature of God... as an ex-Pentecostal, I understood God to have the following qualities -
1.) omnipotent
2.) omniniscent
3.) all-loving
4.) possessing a free will
5.) personal
6.) above all, perfect in every way.

I'll refer to a hypothetic God with these qualities as a six point God (SPG).

The omnipotentence and omniscience are implied in the book of Apocalypse, where God proclaims he is the "alpha and omega, the beginning and end." God is described as all-loving in many places in the bible, as you would except a righteous God to be. God is also described as perfect in every way, again, as you would expect an almighty God to be. Perfect implies lacking nothing, and an all powerful being is free of lack.

I believe a free will to be a necessary quality of an all-powerful God, because without a free will, God is just a slave to his destiny, a robot or computer running a program. Such a being would be more like the Force from Star Wars movies than the God from the bible, who is described to be, among other things, a creative force.

A being missing any of these qualities, except perhaps #5, would fall short of being an all-powerful deity. And, in the event that there did exist a deity who possessed all these qualities except for #5, this hypothetical being might as well not exist, since he/she/it would be impersonal and not concern himself with humanity.

I believe that certain truths about our world today make the existence of such a deity impossible. You know where I am heading with this... the Problem of Evil. The existence of pain and suffering in this world is simply not compatible with the existence of a six point God.

Before you hit the reply button and fire back with the free will defense (FWD) read on. I have two problems with the free will defense:

According to the bible, man is evil and can never be righteous on his own. "For all have fallen short of the glory of God... " Have you ever noticed that our biological nature is almost totally opposite to what God supposedly wants us to be? Biblically, there can be no free will, because we only have one choice - evil.

Ayn Rand said it best -

A sin without volition is a slap at morality and an insolent contradiction in terms: that which is outside the possibility of choice is outside the province of morality. If man is evil by birth, he has no will, no power to change it; if he has no will, he can be neither good nor evil; a robot is amoral. To hold, as man's sin, a fact not open to his choice is a mockery of morality. To hold man's nature as his sin is a mockery of nature. To punish him for a crime he committed before he was born is a mockery of justice. To hold him guilty in a matter where no innocence exists is a mockery of reason. To destroy morality, nature, justice and reason by means of a single concept is a feat of evil hardly to be matched. Yet that is the root of your code. Do not hide behind the cowardly evasion that man is born with free will, but with a 'tendency' to evil. A free will saddled with a tendency is like a game with loaded dice. It forces man to struggle through the effort of playing, to bear responsibility and pay for the game, but the decision is weighted in favor of a tendency that he had no power to escape. If the tendency is of his choice, he cannot possess it at birth; if it is not of his choice, his will is not free.

God is purported to be a perfect being. By default, then, all of his creations should also be perfect – why would a perfect being beget imperfection? Yet, one of his first creations, the angel Lucifer, was created with an imperfection.

The first evil - Lucifer’s pride - was the result of his free will... he chose to envy and covet God. Yet, the larger issue is, why didn't God give Lucifer a perfect free will? A perfect free will is a free will that always, yet freely and of it's own volition, chooses good. Such a free will exists; God's own free will is perfect.

If God had endowed with a perfect free will there would be no sin, and God would have created free agents like himself, not amoral robots. As an all-powerful being, God would have the power to endow his creations with such a free will, since he is all loving and personal, he has the motivation to do so.

So why didn’t he??

Since we clearly do not have a perfect free will and that there exists pain and suffering in this world, I believe that three possibilities remain.

1.) God is evil and wants us to suffer

2.) God is impersonal and doesn't care or get involved with us

3.) There is no God, everything that has transpired in history is a product of the laws of nature over an infinite duration of time.

By applying Occam's razor, and due to my tendency as a scientific minded person to assume the natural over supernatural, I tend to believe option #3.

Any thoughts on this?
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: consciousness defined

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: consciousness defined

Originally posted by One Eyed Jack
The Earth doesn't rotate around the sun -- it rotates around its axis. It revolves around the sun. How many times have I got to tell you this?

Jack’s back! Hey Jack I had to let the wolf-kind out of his pin. He never did catch any fish to eat. I’m thinking your theory about fish eating wolf-kinds is pretty fishy. LOL

Okay I agreed to let this slide the first few times. I thought I was even being gracious by letting you claim victory so you could feel macho. But now you’re pushing it into conversations I’m having with other people so I will respond. But I will use simple words so you will have a chance of understanding.

One definition of rotate is “to turn about an axis or a center”. The axis used when describing the earth rotating about itself is an imaginary axis. I know because I recently saw a picture of the South Pole and there was nothing sticking out of the ice. In the same sense, there is an imaginary axis through the sun that the planets rotate around. In addition, when I looked up the word in the dictionary, I clicked on the “most popular sites” just for grins and that phrase was used all over the place. So although you might not understand what I am talking about, most people do.

Besides it seems to irritate you, which is funny in itself.
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