Battle Talk ~ Battle Royale VII

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To Isaiah

To Isaiah

Isaiah's rebuttal: though interesting, it is irrelavant to claim that it is a reaction to Christianity. Why? Because the ends was to remove Theism. (ok, it's not irrelevant. Just wanted to come out swinging.) The means: brutality and totalitarianism. The atheist leaders (include polpot) rejected theism for a number of reasons but faired no better than theism in the end. The atheist utopian ideal went up in smoke. So we have historical precedent that atheism enacted as a social mantra is no better than theism on this globe.

Analogous: What we have historical precedent for is that totalitarianism, in any disguise, is a total flop. But theistic forms of government, or theocracies, are always totalitarian…so where does that leave us?

Isaiah's rebuttal: See: atheist run regimes. They eliminated Theism at the highest level and still failed. Could be something in men. Stay tuned. But there is merit in the second part of the above segment.

Analogous: Communist China is still running strong.

Bob Enyart

Staff member
is logic material?

is logic material?

Steve Ryan:
Huesdens/Attention has raised a most cogent argument against God that has not really been ever addressed by Bob.
That is that everything we know is material or stems from material.
Therefore it makes no sense to extrapolate an immaterial thing like God. Sincerely Steve Ryan

Steve, I don't know if I'll have the time to even look to see if you've responded to this, but: do you really think that the laws of logic are material, or stem from the material? If so, in what way do the material laws of physics constrain the laws of logic. Also, consider answering these questions for the laws of language and grammar. -Bob
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Aussie Thinker


Steve, I don't know if I'll have the time to even look to see if you've responded to this, but: do you really think that the laws of logic are material, or stems from material? If so, in what way to the material laws of physics constrain the laws of logic. Also, consider answering these questions for the laws of language and grammar. –Bob

The “laws” of logic are concepts created by humans. They created these concepts using the VERY physical matter of their brain. Their brain was the result of an evolutionary process. All natural.. all stemming from material.



Banned by Mod
LightSon, you've made a number of excellent comments, and I think we've found a number of points on which we can agree, and a number on which we are forced to "agree to disagree" - they are differences traceable to the worldviews that we each have chosen, and we are certainly not likely to change each other (nor should we be trying). But I would like to follow up on one specific point:

Well said. I will stipulate to your view of science. I simply question whether the evolutionary model has been arrived at through honest means. The model appears to be ideologically driven to interpret the evidence in a particular way, in a similar manner that religion tends to be driven to a particular interpretation of scripture.

I've never seen any reason to question the driving forces behind the evolutionary model. I certainly would have to take exception to the notion that it originated out of some dark intent to discredit religious beliefs, or that some conspiracy exists to force it on the world just to somehow "get" those awful "religious nuts." It seems far more likely that we simply have a case of people who have honestly looked at the evidence, and come to a different conclusion than you have.

There are certainly people on both sides of the fence who use this and other topics as bludgeons, but that doesn't have to mean that there cannot also be those - in fact, I believe, the majority on both sides, just not the most vocal ones - who ARE honestly seeking the truth, each in their own way. As I said earlier, I don't believe that ANY individual, whether a devout believer or dedicated atheist, can possibly have a complete and unquestionable knowledge of the whole truth. We're all groping toward it, though, each in our own way. Some apparently are very threatened by the existence of viewpoints that differ considerably from their own, and some small percentage of those respond very badly when engaged in discussions of the matter. But I truly do not think that it has to be that way, and I would urge all not to attribute "evil" motives to an opponent without good cause.

Many of those in science, in fact, have also been deeply spiritual, and clearly disturbed by the implications of some of their work. But to do science honestly, you can't back down from a conclusion simply because you don't like it. Clearly, not everyone succeeds in this, but if there is an "ideological drive" behind some of these theories and experiments, I think we have acknowledge that in the vast majority of cases, it is the ideology of science itself - an attempt to remain true to the method, regardless of where it may lead. (If I had to recommend one book that might help convey what I'm talking about, it would probably be Carl Sagan's "Broca's Brain - Reflections on the Romance of Science." )

Yes God manifests His power and majesty in creation: Earth, Man, the cosmos, etcs.
The specifics I know about God’s person, however, are derived from scripture. God reveals Himself (His thoughts) in this way, IMO. So to the degree that scriptural inspiration is undermined, my surety of who God is becomes suspect. I know God, in part, by what He has said about Himself. If that Biblical record was fabricated (not from God), then so is my perception of God a fabrication.

And oddly enough, it is the description of God that I find in scriptures which is ONE of the reasons that I reject the traditional Judeo-Christian views of God (or at least, some of the descriptions - I do not find the Bible entirely consistent in its presentation of the nature of God). In short - and again, please understand that this is just to say where I am coming from - I find these traditional descriptions a good deal too limited, too "human", too "small". To me, the God of the Bible is in many example just a very human ruler, writ large. And so, I simply can't take that description unquestioningly, at face value. Here again, I'm sure we'll just have to agree to disagree.

Aussie Thinker


And oddly enough, it is the description of God that I find in scriptures which is ONE of the reasons that I reject the traditional Judeo-Christian views of God (or at least, some of the descriptions - I do not find the Bible entirely consistent in its presentation of the nature of God). In short - and again, please understand that this is just to say where I am coming from - I find these traditional descriptions a good deal too limited, too "human", too "small". To me, the God of the Bible is in many example just a very human ruler, writ large. And so, I simply can't take that description unquestioningly, at face value. Here again, I'm sure we'll just have to agree to disagree.

Here you hit the nail on the head why most atheist reject these man made gods.

I am surprised that a Pantheist or all encompassing God movement has not become more successful over the years. A movement that rejects all current religious descriptions of God and primitive mythology but still allows that they all had some inkling of Gods true nature (however distorted by mans own limited understanding).

It still wouldn’t be for me but it should suffice for most people “need” for a God while accepting science and what it can achieve !


New member
Bob's last 2 posts are so badly riddled with childish "mollify the true believers" crap that I honestly believe he did not think he would be taken to task over them.

Analogous: Well, let's just re-arrange his thinking for him, shall we?


New member

Steve, I don't know if I'll have the time to even look to see if you've responded to this, but: do you really think that the laws of logic are material, or stem from the material? If so, in what way do the material laws of physics constrain the laws of logic. Also, consider answering these questions for the laws of language and grammar. -Bob

Analogous: What, so Aristotle was God, now?

Aussie Thinker

I would have thought that mentioning the laws of language and grammar may have given Bob a clue.


Ever concept we have is one which helps our understanding of the Universe. Some of them like logic are helpful.

Some of them like God are just hopeful.


New member
Re: re:Time being the enemy of Evolution

Re: re:Time being the enemy of Evolution

Originally posted by Wadsworth
this statement might be true in theory, but in fact fossils are being systematically searched for nowadays as never before, and any tendency to decay in fossils (which by the way have lasted tens of millions of years, and are likely to last a while longer),-any tendency to decay will be more than offset by all the new ones being discovered. In just the last few months four new hominid fossils have been discovered, three of them about 6-7 myo placing them at the dawn of hominid evolution, and the fourth, Homo sapiens idahli, from Ethiopia nicely filling in a gap at the dawn of modern man about 160,000 years ago, thus providing a virtually complete det of human transitional forms.

Fossil Hominids have always been fascinating to me. My college friend has a collection of skulls ranging from Homo Erectus to Modern Man, all Resin Reproductions. When you look at them from most old to most young, you can see how pocesses (places where muscles attach) and other features seem to move in sequence, ending up where they are today. Apparently, the Neanderthal was once our equal -- they seemed more successful than their modern Neighbors, possessing most of the same Tools, Fire, and Customs (like burial). I heard some Creationists claim that they were "the same" as modern Man, but a close look at the bones is all you need to see that they were not. The Skull is a totally different shape, and their bones were round, where ours are triangular. Many suggest that they died because they were specially adapted to the ice age. Perhaps they could not take the hotter climate, or perhaps they were wiped out by a virus. I read that their mitochondrial DNA has actually been extracted from teeth, and compared to modern Human DNA, but it was ruled out that they were not our parents, just cousins.


New member
Re: re Time is the enemy of Evolution -part 2

Re: re Time is the enemy of Evolution -part 2

Originally posted by Wadsworth
I forgot to add in my above statement that because the fossil record is being filled in so rapidly, therefore time is in fact the enemy of Creationists. Evolution is filling the gaps whereas creation "science" is at a standstill.
I should add that the more proof we have for Evolutionary Theory, does not alter the faith of many like me. We see it as part of God's plan, and something that we can marvel at. Creationists cannot separate faith in a literal translation of the English Bible from faith in the Message of the Bible, and the realization that Hebrew Poems and songs to not sound like poems when they get translated into English.

isaiah 1:18

New member
Originally posted by bmyers
I'm afraid you don't have a very good understanding of what "theory" means in a scientific context.

ALL models proposed to explain observations are either "theories" or "hypotheses". If you attempt to dismiss a particular example of scientific thought as "merely a theory", you are simply showing how poorly you understand this concept. Newton's "laws" of motion remain "merely theories," even though they have withstood the test of centuries of experimentation. (They're not even the best models we currently have - they're still used for 99%+ of the problems that come up, though, simply because they still WORK to the required degree of accuracy on all but the most extreme scales.)

Obviously, any theory that makes predictions of processes requiring hundreds, thousands, or millions of years to complete cannot readily be tested in a laboratory. But this does not make them incapable of being falsified. In such cases, you simply see how well the theory continues to correspond to observations of the real world, as those continue to be made. The more new observations that correspond with what would be expected from the theory, the better it will be accepted. In this way, modern evolutionary thought has developed over more than a century of research.

Creationism, on the other hand, fails to qualify as a scientific theory right from the start, simply because it makes absolutely no usable or falsifiable predictions, and relies on literally miraculous processes to have occurred. There is no way these claims can be tested EITHER through laboratory experiment or observation, and so the whole notion lack scientific status of any kind.

I'll certainly argue it if no one else does, because you make the all-too-common mistake of labelling these processes "random" when in fact they are not. There is randomness involved in some points, but this does not make the overall set of processes that we call "evolution" random in any way. For example, there is a very great deal of randomness going on in, say, the quantum mechanics that underly solid-state physics. That by no means says that a transistor radio behaves "randomly".

No - not a random fashion at all. These forces and materials come together per the laws of physics and chemistry, and those are not random. The ways in which these things must behave is, in fact, remarkably constrained.

I see absolutely no reason to think that you understand the "mainstream school" well enough to be making this sort of judgement.

Bmyers, you are more concerned with defense than with rationality.

It is disengenous to say that even though evolution has some aspects that are merely speculation and certain aspects that cannot be falsified, that the theory is completely sound. (or maybe you are not saying that but I'm reading that.)

What is merely theory about evolutionary theory? The idea that life started from primordial ooze. That the first lifeform was bateria or something closely related to it. Mostly, and this is NOT debatable, all "evidence" gathered is view as support but not PROOF. It has NOT BEEN PROVEN what age the earth is. It is only an educated guess. No one, no scientist, no creationist, can honestly say how old the earth is. To do so with certainty is hubris. What follows is that even though evolution is a unifying theory of all natural science, it is by no means FACT. It is an educated guess. Does that make it lose viability? No. Can things derived from evolutionary theory be useful for understanding other sciences? Yes. But is evolution a fact? No.

Why do I bother to say that?

Because, it is being pitched as fact when, in fact, it is not. And that perspective must be maintained. I consider myself as a theistic evolutionist - meaning, if evolution did occur, rather than mere RANDOM occurance (meaning everything occuring just so to allow for life to spring forth which is a random occurrence - or if you like, the probablities came up such that all these things would come together at one point in time), it is God who guided evolution which caused simple bacteria to evolve into complex animals over billions of years. It stems from my understanding that the days in Genesis are not 24 hour days as that is only relative to this planet.

Since you can't prove or disprove God or evolution, I find it prudent to allow for both possiblities rather than be humanly arrogant and eliminate one in favor of the other.
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New member
Re: re Stalinism and atheism

Re: re Stalinism and atheism

Originally posted by Wadsworth
There are similar arguments: Hitler gave Eugenics a bad name (sorry Heino)
You don't know the whole story. Not only do I hear a lot of Nazi jokes and references to Dr. Mengele at work (I'm sure the Monkeys and Rats feel the same way about us as Dr. Mengele's subjects felt), but now that Arnold Schwartzenegger is running for Governor of California, it's "I'll be Back" and "Hasta la Vista Baby". The first day or two was funny. Now it's tiring. The other day, a co-worker made me laugh when she found an image of an old World War 2 Nazi Propaganda Poster, which had been altered to have a cartoon of Arnold's face over the Nazi Officer's. It said "Stolz zu führen" (Proud to lead), with "Kalifornia" pasted on under it. It was the kind of joke that simultaneously offends and makes you laugh.

If I hear "Pump you up" or "girly-man" more times, I might go home to Germany! :cool:


New member
Re: re atheist and SETI

Re: re atheist and SETI

Originally posted by Wadsworth
Yet once more, Evolution is NOT random, but is constrained by the processes of Natural selection, which can be subdivided into Ecological and Sexual selection. Even mutations, it is now thought, are not completley random either, but are effected by chemical and other environmental factors
I believe you said exactly what I was saying earlier. But you said it better -- evolution is constrained, or controlled by natural selection, which in turn has many factors such as environment, success of birth rate, survival, and even behavior. It is by no means random. It only looks random to us because we see the superficial results of a complex process.

Aussie Thinker

Ah.. Heino...

Not that you need support from an atheist like me.. but it is refreshing to find a sensible theist on these boards.

Most theist around the world accept the fact of evolution.. you wouldn't know on these fundy US sites though.


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More on Bob's innanities

More on Bob's innanities

Bob’s Transcendental Proof for God

As soon as the atheist says he wants to resolve this Battle Royale in a rational way, he has lost. Here’s why:

God exists because of the impossibility of the alternative. Unbelievers require theists to provide evidence for God which is not circular, which does not beg the question, that is, they insist that we do not assume that which we should try to prove. They claim that faith puts theists at a disadvantage, because we trust in God.

Analogous: Bob begins by making a claim that atheism is an irrational position. He’s made this claim a number of times without supporting it. In this case he appears to make a stab at supporting his claim and begins by making an equally irrational and unsupported statement. God exists because of the impossibility of the alternative. This is Bob’s presupposition and is not supported by anything other than his say-so. Let’s observe as Bob flails away at atheism:

Bob: Contrariwise, they claim that they reject faith, and constrain themselves to the laws of logic and reason. Atheists claim that only evidence based upon logic and reason is valid. But how do atheists validate that claim? They cannot. For [BA10-9] if atheists attempt to justify “logic and reason” by logic and reason, then they have based their entire godless worldview on circular reasoning; and we find that rational atheism is an impossibility. And if they cannot defend the foundation of their worldview by logic or reason, they leave themselves only with the illogical and irrational, which accounts for arguments actually offered by atheists.

Analogous: Bob should stick with defining theism because his definitions of atheism are woefully lacking in substance. Here is a corrected version of the atheist’s epistemology relative to theism.

1. No human is born with knowledge of a god or gods. All such knowledge must be taught and learned rather than being self-evident or a matter of instinctual or of being internalized into the psyche from birth. Thus atheism is the default condition at birth.

2. Most humans display an amazing penchant for filling in the gaps in their knowledge with whatever sounds plausible and appears to have some social functionality, thus religious expression is exactly what you’d expect to see in an evolutionary paradigm and is both predicted and explained anthropologically as an evolutionary path towards sophistication and cultural complexity. Humans evolve socially via trial and error.

3. Atheists view all religions as pagan and make no distinction between number of deities worshipped. The pseudo-comparison of monotheism and polytheism are all Judeo/Christian distinctions that have no valid basis outside of the theistic epistemology. The atheist considering theistic claims is not obligated to do so from within the theist’s ontological epistemic.

4. The atheist has observed that knowledge of and understanding are the first prerequisites in establishing any belief or religious presupposition. The atheist holds that the mind begins tabula rosa and must be equipped to tackle the questions of his existence. Thus logic and reason are observed to be the primary tools for the acquisition of knowledge, facts and truth. So the atheist does not begin with anything other than those tools he has observed to be evident as NECESSARY to all human endeavors.

5. Any theist who claims this methodology is circular must justify how he came to this claim outside of logic and reason. If he cannot, then he has no basis to accuse those who come to a different conclusion on the matter of his god using those same natural tools. Any theist who claims to have the ability to acquire knowledge and reason in addition to logic and reason must demonstrate the veracity of this claim, both logically, reasonably and epistemologically.

Bob: To justify logic apart from circular reasoning, you must seek the foundation of logic outside of logic itself.

Analogous: Man is the originator and foundation of logic and reason. The function of these tools have proven themselves to be extremely efficient in the acquisition of knowledge about man’s existence. They have not, however, been very user friendly in assisting the theist in demonstrating the veracity of his knowledge claims about an existent god. Thus we have the motive for Bob’s disparagement of logic and reason as circular and requiring a foundation other than man. Before Bob can convince us that logic and reason are founded in ~man, he is obligated to support his claim that ~man exists. Assuming it is not equivalent to supporting the assumption. The atheist has no problem with Bob assuming such claims for the sake of argument. Sometimes the atheist will join Bob in the assumption to demonstrate the lack of cogency and logic associated with such assumption. But Bob appears to be confused about the difference between assumption and uncontested fact. Thus he begins by declaring the non-existence of his god to be an impossibility without supporting that claim. This positive claim requires some positive substantiation.

Bob: Thus we learn that, apart from belief in God, nothing can be truly knowable. If an honest and consistent atheist could actually exist, he would not claim that atheism is defensible by logic, since logic itself is indefensible by logic apart from circular reasoning.

Analogous: Bob appears to be quite confused. The existence of logic is not in question here. Bob’s unsupported assertions continue to accrue at an alarming rate without one iota of supporting evidence to back them up. This has been Bob’s strategy from argument one. He makes totally off the wall assertions, and imagines that they are automatically self-evident if they are made in conjunction with other unwarranted claims. All I figure is that Bob is convinced his arguments are sound. But each postulate does not stand on its own nor do all of them taken together lead us to the conclusions he appears to imagine have been justified. None of Bob’s conclusions follow from his postulates. In this case Bob states:

1. Using logic to assess the claims of theism is circular because one must assume logic is a valid method for assessing those claims.

2. Bob assumes the non-existence of his god is an impossibility, thus

3. Conclusion: Without Bob’s god, logic would not exist.
Does everyone see the missing and obvious flaws in Bob’s argument? His entire dismissal of logic is based on Bob’s unsupported assertion of the impossibility of his god’s non-existence. If anyone is guilty of circular reasoning here it is Bob.

Bob: Therefore on the one hand, if the atheist claims to know anything at all, he unwittingly has shown that atheism (the alternative to God) is an impossibility, because apart from God, nothing is knowable, as demonstrated in this paragraph.

Analogous: As Bob continues to flail away at this logical fallacy of circular reasoning, while erroneously and intentionally accusing the atheist of that which Bob has demonstrated a talent for, Bob is digging himself into a deeper hole. Perhaps before all is said and done, Bob will proceed to bury himself as fastidiously as he has his arguments for his god.

Bob: On the other hand, as a last ditch attempt to consistently defend atheism, the atheist may claim to be a no-nothing, that is, to know nothing at all, because by atheism, actual knowledge is impossible.

Analogous: And Bob shovels the first load of dirt down upon his own head. One wonders what Bob means by “actual knowledge”? I’m sure we better check his redefinition of knowledge because there’s likely to be another theistic redirect hiding in the bushes. At this point we should remind Bob that theism has proven itself to be extremely impoverished in supplying us any actual knowledge about the world in which we live. We should also remind Bob that appealing to his god, who’s mysterious ways and unknown purposes are beyond man’s ability to comprehend, does not provide Bob with any foundational support for his assertions. We can also point to the religious record, Bob’s bible, as his source of knowledge, and easily demonstrate from that record that Bob’s depiction of his god is completely arbitrary and contradictory to the message conveyed in that book. I would also remind Bob that there are theists on this very forum who are quite honest in their assessment of this alleged knowledge Bob alludes to that derails logic, or I should say, pre-empts logic as the sole domain of his god. These theists readily admit the abysmal religious record and the obvious contradictory statements in the bible compared to Bob’s definition of this god. We can only conclude that Bob’s fundamentalism has so clouded his judgment that any argument he proffers must be taken with a high degree of suspicion as originating from a skewed presupposition that undermines Bob’s credibility.

Bob: Popular atheism is moving in this general direction. When this happens, we theists point out that the pinnacle achievement of atheism is ignorance. As I have said, every observation provides direct evidence for God while atheism struggles to account for anything whatsoever.

Analogous: And Bob imagines that his “say-so” is gospel truth, of course. :^D

Bob: The honest thinker who wants to work out a systematic atheistic worldview will find that without God, the only things that are possible are nothing and ignorance (the lack of knowledge). Apart from God, nothing can be known or justified, not microevolution nor heliocentricity, not a wit of logic nor even a half-wit. No certainty can exist without Him who is the foundation of truth, and those who love truth, love Him. (Dr. Greg Bahnsen successfully used the transcendental proof for God while debating a leading atheist, Dr. Gordon Stein, at the University of California at Irvine.)

Analogous: The honest thinker, something Bob would be quite unfamiliar with, (unless he now plans to redefine “honest”), will not begin with such an incredibly unsupportable assumption in search for truth. If he does, he is neither honest nor going to discover truth. Perhaps Bob would like to explain how man conquered Small Pox apart from his god. I could name a zillion achievements man has accomplished apart from Bob’s god, so these claims are so totally dishonest. The honest thinker will begin to recognize how woefully much man has yet to discover about his universe, and that is all. The honest thinker will give credit where credit is due and not waste on whit of his intellect trying to discover truth from an epistemology that damns itself by claiming to derive its truth from revelation, inspiration and biblical interpretation. The honest thinker will quickly see through this sham and move on to the real world where men are not spoon fed bits of data that have been sifted through a Christian sieve straining out all grains of truth to justify the existence of the non-existent.

Bob: A fundamental difference between God and logic is that logic is a system of thought that attempts to rationally justify ideas, and as an idea itself, logic must somehow be justifiable, or found to be illogical.

Analogous: Then Bob should immediately justify his misguided attempts to use logic to support his assumptions that he has continually failed to provide any evidence for. The fact that logic has proven to be imminently successful in providing man guidance in his rational investigations is more than adequate justification. Perhaps Bob should illuminate us as to how belief in his god can adequately guide our scientific endeavors?

Bob: God is not a system of thought that needs to be justified. He is an actual being. And while the existence of logic apart from God is self-contradictory as just demonstrated in BA10-9, there exists no contradiction in the existence of the rational God whose very mind and thoughts provide the foundation for logic itself. And while we cannot see God, as we cannot see hope or love, the Bible defines “faith” as accepting “the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1).

Analogous: We also cannot see logic but we can see the results of it. When stood beside theism, logic looms like a mountain beside a molehill. Perhaps Bob can believe his bald assertions will move that mountain, or claim it in the name of his unproven god, but Bob’s track record thusfar does not encourage us to entertain any hopes for Bob’s success. Again, looking back over history, we can also see the results of theism and they do not lend themselves to the idea that theism is a very logical epistemic methodology for securing man’s successful existence. There are too many illogical and contradictory claims made in Bob’s bible to suggest his god, if he has a logical bone in his being, ever appeals to the logical in his dealings with man.

Bob: In giving my first eight lines of evidence (except for the epistemological part of [BA10-7]) I assume that atheists often use logic and reason (imitating Christians) even though they cannot logically defend doing so in their own godless worldview.

Analogous: Bob must have had too much coffee this morning. His “say-so” is not equivalent to evidence. His first eight lines of undeniable ignorance, to the contrary notwithstanding, leave Christian logic somewhat lacking as a methodology worthy of being imitated by the atheist.

Bob: But without a foundation for logic, I also realize that their intellectual discipline allows them to treat all evidence illogically, since they have no ultimate commitment to reason, not even to logic itself, and certainly not to truth or morality.

Analogous: Such statements as these are so totally illogical. How a person can utter them as though they are the epitome of logic is incredulous. Man and his universe are the foundations of logic. Bob’s god has no place in the formulae and Bob has continually failed to carve him out one. Survival of the fittest Bob, remember that.

Bob: So, in an atheist’s attempt to win a debate, there is nothing inherently inconsistent or wrong with lying, cheating, or quitting in an attempt to spoil the endeavor (which I will not let Zakath do);

Analogous: Ha! Shall I count the number of lies, redefinitions, redirects, unsupported assertions, equivocations and innumerable fallacies Bob has applied in this debate? It has been my experience that the theist will stop at nothing in defending his fairytale. That’s why a cautious atheist must not allow these quacks to impose any assumption, redirect any argumentation, redefine any term or equivocate any concept. And they will utilize all of them, sometimes in the same paragraph.

Bob: for there is no ultimate reason for honesty, no absolute commitment to truth, and no foundation for an unwavering determination to be logical. Word games, contradictions, unresponsiveness, slight of hand, obfuscation, misstatements, and ignoring arguments all can be used as consistent with atheism in order to attempt to win the debate, and in actual practice, such deception is the strength of the atheist’s ability to persuade.

Analogous: Oh my…Bob has incorporated every single one of these tactics in his arguments. The audacity to accuse atheists of such tactics is amazing. And this is your typical theist. He will incite to riot, use biblical interpretation to justify murder and persecution of Jews, witches, homosexuals, and any other group or person that challenges his worldview. Theism has proven itself in this area if no other. I’m surprised Bob hasn’t appealed to this as evidence for the existence of his sky daddy. The more I contest theism the more I come to detest this mind rotting influence that passes itself off as truth and twists the attitudes of otherwise decent people into attitudes of false piousness, arrogance, impunity, deceptiveness, and ignorance while encouraging demonizing, persecution, violence and bloodletting to accomplish the goals of its diseased mouth pieces.

Bob: Yet surely, God either exists or does not exist. (Ahh, see, there I go again! I said “surely!” I’ve used logic here, which a theist can use with certainty, whereas the atheist cannot absolutely defend even such simple logic.) The atheist worldview is dysfunctional, and they can only operate by borrowing the certainty that is possible with God.

Analogous: Bob imagines, in his demented world, that the use of words automatically makes them true. And that’s Bob’s degree of logic for you, so take it for what it’s worth. Surely, if Bob’s god existed, Bob would have some evidence other than his appeal to ignorance, gap filling, and outright lying. That is dysfunctional argumentation.

Bob: By the way, that is an insight we can find in Christ’s statement that, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26), by which He was not claiming that square circles could be drawn, nor defending any irrationality, but that all things knowable or doable, especially evident in the matter of salvation itself, are only possible because of God.

Analogous: Oh, you mean like walking on water, turning water into wine, raising three day old corpses, commanding storms to cease, feeding thousands from a basket of seven loaves and two fishes…that sort of natural logically anticipated accomplishments?

Bob: In contrast to atheism, my theistic worldview is functional, because I recognize that logic and reason do exist, that they are absolutes, and that they are possible because they flow from the mind of God.

Analogous: Prove that your god exists beyond your wishful thinking first Bob. The hundred thousand or so words you’ve strung together as a compendium of arguments with this goal in mind have not done so. Join me in the ring Bob. I can assure you I won’t quite. You cannot overpower me with sheer numbers of words. I can refute every single one of your arguments and present counter arguments that you had better not ignore. If you drop one ball with me I will embarrass you until you pick it up and respond. If you tell one single lie I will declare victory because you will have conclusively demonstrated that being a Christian isn’t worth squat in the morals department. If you make an assertion you better support it with more than your say-so. This appeal to absolutes is a good example.

Bob: Logic exists and can only exist as a consequence of the rational thoughts in the mind of God. God is non-contradictory, truthful, logical, reasonable, and knowledgeable, and there is no other epistemological basis upon which we can absolutely defend truth, logic, reason, and knowledge.

Analogous: Try me Bob. I’ll rub your nose in another basis for logic until you plead for air. Your god doesn’t exist, no mind, no reason, no truth, completely contradictory, illogical and ignorant theistic imaginary creation by primitive man with centuries of stacking one illogical assumption on top of another. Join me in the ring Bob and I’ll pull your house of cards down upon your head.

Bob: Popular atheism has come to accept that it rejects absolute morality.

Analogous: And popular theism has had centuries to demonstrate it beyond their hypocritical claims and have failed miserably. That’s why atheism is vastly improving in the popularity department and Bob and his cohorts are running scared.

Bob: As mankind corporately continues to think through these matters, given enough time, popular atheism will also come to accept that atheism also rejects absolute truth, logic, reason, math, and science.

Bob: Is this an example of Bob’s amazing predictive abilities derived from his theism?

Bob: Again: the pinnacle achievement of atheism is ignorance.

Analogous: Uh…no, the pinnacle achievement from atheism is absence of belief in Bob’s, or anyone else’s, god. But, in reality, this is actually the pinnacle of achievement directly attributable to Bob’s god and Bob’s lack of convincing argumentation. If Bob could establish the existence of his god, atheism would dry up and go away. So one has to wonder why a deity with the acclaimed attributes Bob has assigned must resort to “hide-and-seek as its methodology of dealing with man. Bob has failed to address such questions. One would also have to wonder why Bob’s god has chosen to reveal certain aspects of itself, allegedly to prophets and patriarchs from among primitive men who resided in a war-like group of semi-nomadic people living during the bronze age. One must wonder about the attributes of such an entity that has allowed his existence to devolve into three competing world religions. One has to wonder why such an entity, having allegedly demonstrated the ability to communicate with man, would choose to do so only with a select few, rather than all men in all generations. This would eliminate the existence of these contradictory religions, denominational splits, and render the concept of hell negligible. Religion wouldn’t even be necessary nor would biblical interpretation that leads to so much justification for evil and suffering. Rather than worry about what atheists believe Bob should be focusing on these inherent problems in his worldview. He has failed miserably and utterly to justify these immediately obvious contradictions that elide along side his definition of this god of his.

Bob: We find examples of this in the early rounds of this debate and in the life of Bertrand Russell. Zakath readily talks about morality, and admits that he does not believe in absolute morality (although he recoils from the ramifications), whereas he is more hesitant to talk about truth, and posts 2a to 4b show that his intuition tells him that an atheist should resist defending even the existence of truth. While Zakath consciously acknowledges that atheism disallows absolute morality, only subconsciously does he fear that atheism also disallows truth, logic, and reason. So like most atheists, Zakath has yet to embrace the intellectual, though amoral, ramifications of atheism. Apart from a righteous God, as Immanuel Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason rightly observed, no such thing as absolute morality can exist; and conversely, if Zakath admitted the existence of absolute morality, he would thereby concede the existence of God. What atheists disdain most about God is absolute right and wrong (because they pridefully rebel against His moral constraints, desiring immorality with impunity).

Analogous: Aside from failing to support his assertions of absolute morality, Bob has yet to apologize for why this god doesn’t equip those of his believers with the ability to resist evil themselves? What advantage is gained in accepting the existence of Bob’s god and his claims of absolute morality? Christians will readily admit they can easily succumb to temptation and commit acts of evil that would make the devil blush. So Bob’s claims of absolute morality are worthless. Even if we allowed them, (which I don’t), this would not make the world one degree safer or healthier for humanity. Bob’s god has demonstrated an amazing penchant for non-interference. He allows man to do as he pleases. Before a “right” or “wrong” can be established as absolute and from such a being as Bob’s god, Bob must provide evidence that his god enforces these absolutes. Then Bob must establish this god’s standards as righteous and qualify them as being above man’s capability to arrive at on his own. Bob must show us that purchasing a moral compass from his god will steer us safely through this life. Bob cannot do this. He can’t refer to his holy book and he can’t refer to historical precedent, so all Bob is left with is all we’ve seen through out this debate: Bob’s “say-so”. When is Bob going to get with the program and start arguing for the existence of his god instead of just assuming it and making specious claims from that assumption?

Thusfar, in this round, Bob’s evidence for the existence of his god consists entirely of attacking a straw man caricature of atheism. That’s it! All this is evidence for, in reality, is Bob’s extremist attitude towards people who don’t share his views and opinions on theism. That’s all Bob has successfully demonstrated; that Bob doesn’t like atheists, along with a large congregation of other people he pigeon-holes and demonizes on a regular basis. Who cares what Bob does or doesn’t like? Bob has wasted a valuable opportunity to present long awaited evidence for the actual existence of his otherwise make believe deity. He has disappointed theist and atheist alike with these irrelevant rants about atheism. Atheism is nothing more or less than an absence of belief in a god or gods. Bob should have focused on the reasons for this absence of belief and used his time wisely to address those absences. Instead Bob has chosen to make a number of ridiculous assumptions about atheists, without evidence, and lodge his complaints as though his complaints entail an argument for the existence of his god. They do not! Bob has vested his professional and public integrity into this debate and has committed a huge number of fallacies, erroneous assumptions, flat out misinformation, equivocations, arguments from ignorance and lies. Bob should know, or be made aware, that the internet has the capacity of reaching a broader audience than his radio program.

Bob doesn’t like me because I’m an atheist. I don’t care too much for Bob either, not so much because of his misguided beliefs, but because he is such a lousy example of them. There are a multitude of good, well meaning, sincere theists who make a sincere effort to practice what they preach. Bob’s version of theism diminishes all Christians across the board.

If The America of the 21st century is to move beyond the experimental stage, the Bob's of this generation must be exposed for their divisive and destructive motives. America is vastly moving towards a multi-cultured, multi-racial nation of human beings seeking a better life for themselves and their progeny. I hope those who follow the Bob's and their proclamations of "righteousness" stop long enough to consider that Bob's standards of righteousness all float on an ocean of human blood, misery and enslavement of the mind. And Bob's sister religions of Judaism and Islam fare no better when critically examined. It's time for a god-free America!


New member
Re: Re: re atheist and SETI

Re: Re: re atheist and SETI

Originally posted by LightSon
“Natural selection”. Just what is that? It is a veiled term which refers to hindsight judgments of the value in a process which cannot be defined. For example, man is a elegant biped. We look at man, as a species, and judge him to be some epitome of this “natural selection” process.
You have mistaken. No "value judgement" is made. Natural selection has nothing to do with determining what is "better". We do not say that man is the epitome of the process. That is a distortion of the concept -- the same distortion (I feel a pain in my head...) Hitler and the Nazis used (The pain! :freak: ) In science, we simply say man is a current step in a process without an end. We are not better or superior. We are just good survivors. Evolution is about the survivability of an organism, not whether it is judged better by someone. No value judgements.
Any aesthetic value must be arbitrary if God does not exist.
Not neccesarily. I believe in God. I believe that aethetics are human concepts. Beauty is a value that is unique to us. For example. Do you find Cows to be beautiful? What about Bats? Do you find the male Turkey beautiful? Most of us would not, but what about God? Surely God must find his creations beautiful. I would not expect him to make ugly things, unless of course, he has a strange sense of humor. As a biologist, I do not judge all the Animals I see as pretty or ugly. They are all interesting. Sure, I prefer the company of humans over monkeys, but that is because I am human. Beauty is something only we can understand. Other animals do not seem to be concerned with aesthetics as much as we are.
There is no reason to conclude that man is better or “more evolved” than had he turned out to be an Ewok or a Wookie.
Genetically speaking, there is no such thing as "more evolved", except when we are talking about how far apart from it's ancestors it's genes are. The number of mutations between two samples suggests a number of generations. This is how paternity screenings work. The more differences that are found in a gene, the less likely it is that the two samples are related.

Black Men are not "less evolved" than white Men, as many used to incorrectly think. (You know who... No more "N" word! :thumb: )
In fact, I believe that it was determined that African people have older DNA. Their DNA is very robust compared to other populations. But we are all Human, and have the same basic DNA in common.
On the contrary, the value we place on man is substantive because our aesthetic sense was placed there by our creator. There is a reason why my wife looks good to me as opposed to the female bovine grazing in the field next door.“Natural selection” is used in lieu of "random", but you cannot tell me why the preference. Why not "random" if there is no objective sense as to which is better: man or Ewoks?
Why it is not random is because in nature, there is no such thing as random. Everything is constrained by rules -- physics, chemistry, atomic bonds, weight, gravity, velocity, density, and other factors, control everything. We call things random when we fail to predict them. However, we can predict things once thought to be random, once we know all the factors involved. We can predict exactly where a rock will fall if we know about the wind velocity, and air currents, and other factors.
Who’s to say our mating habits are better than say chimps?
That is depending on how you define what qualities make it better. What is "better mating"? Is it:
a) a higher ratio of conceptions per mating incident
b) how much pleasure the male and female had during mating
c) how many conceptions go full term, no miscarriage
d) how many young survive to adulthood

Any one of these can be used to measure "better mating". in biology, we tend to measure how well an animal reproduces by how many offspring live. Some creatures have amazing rates of reproduction, but only a small percentage of those live to adulthood. The Leatherback Turtle is a good example. They lay hundreds of eggs, and most of them hatch. But most of their young never make it to the water (they are eaten by gulls), and of the ones that do, most of them never reach adulthood. Their mating habits do not sound very efficient.
I know why, but I draw my sense of morality from a God inspired source. If you say monogamy is best, it is because you smuggle the value in from a Judeo-Christian model (and then deny it), or try to argue that it too is a product of the ineffable Natural Selection.
I do believe that monogamy is not the natural way that humans evolved. It is clear from our frequent infidelities, as well as history, that monogamy is an ideal that we strive towards, rather than our natural way. Polygamy used to be very common, before Christianity. Some people still practice it. I think that if left up to our own devices, without religion, we probably would be polygamous. Monogamy is what God wants, but it is not necesarily what man wants. It is part of our sinful nature that we struggle against in trying to be better people.
“Natural selection”. Just what is that? How did “it” know to make man with 2 legs and not 4?
Well, God made it that way. I am sure that he probably nurtured the process along to make us the way we are, in very much the same way that a gardener trims and prunes a bush into a topiary. I am not sure if evolution is best classified as a mindless process. It is not random. It could very well be guided, in part, through God's influence.
How did it know to make man enjoy a sunset? What is the purpose in that? How is it I enjoy music? Is there any “Natural selection” reason why I need to enjoy Mozart in order to survive and advance to some new level?
This is where science ends and faith begins. I do not know if animals enjoy sunsets, music, or Mozart. In fact, I think that they are quite indifferent. Perhaps our ancestors -- Homo Erectus and Australopithicus -- were indifferent to these things, as well. Then something happened. We suddenly developed art. No art can be found until about 10-12,000 years ago. Then suddenly, we were making icons and images out of clay and painting caves. Perhaps this is the point where God gave us the part of our minds that have those kinds of feelings. Perhaps this was the point when God made us evolve not physical, but spiritual. Interesting to think about.
Why should ears and hearing develop at all? There is nothing I need about hearing which is crucial to my survival.
Of course they are important! Hearing helps you survive, just as it helps animals survive. You can hear predators sneaking up on you, or hear another person warn you about a danger.
In short, “Natural selection” does not account for the wonder and beauty I see in life. As far as I can tell, one might as well call it “intelligent design”, but then you might be tempted to admit there is a designer, and that would cut across your faith position that God must not exist.
There is much to talk about intelligent design. I think that it is reasonable to assume that evolution is part of that intelligent design.
I once heard Carl Sagan suggest that our universe is “teeming with life”. Well okay; that’s pretty fanciful. I like Star Trek as much as the next egg head, so when the extra-terrestrials land on Earth and make first contact, I hope it makes it into the news papers. I won’t hold my breath.
I am skeptical of space people as well, but I still keep it as a fantasy.
Its funny how you can allow for fantasy like this, but can’t fathom that all that makes life special is a gift from a benevolent God.
Why cannot evolution be part of God's plan?

isaiah 1:18

New member
Re: Re: Re: re atheist and SETI

Re: Re: Re: re atheist and SETI

Originally posted by Heino
Why it is not random is because in nature, there is no such thing as random. Everything is constrained by rules -- physics, chemistry, atomic bonds, weight, gravity, velocity, density, and other factors, control everything. We call things random when we fail to predict them. However, we can predict things once thought to be random, once we know all the factors involved. We can predict exactly where a rock will fall if we know about the wind velocity, and air currents, and other factors.

There is much to talk about intelligent design. I think that it is reasonable to assume that evolution is part of that intelligent design.

I am skeptical of space people as well, but I still keep it as a fantasy.

Why cannot evolution be part of God's plan?

Good post Heino.

Just allow me to address one thing for those who do not believe in intelligent design (staunch Evo-ists) and at the same time do not believe in randomness. They often quote that nature is not random (laws of nature - chem/bio/phys) and in fact they are correct. But what is missed is that what brought these things about, if you do not subscribe to concept of intelligent design, has to be a random process at some point. (To cover, the idea of a universe that explodes/implodes ad infinitum w/ no beginning is sometimes offered.) What determined that the laws of nature had to come into existence? What process? Could the order of chaos be random at some level? Why did life have to start? Why did the conditions which support life on earth have to come to be but not on other planets? W/o intelligent design, you have to acknowledge randomness. What comes about after a random chance can be thought of as no longer being random (perhaps) but before that there is randomness at work. That is, if you do not believe in intelligent design.

isaiah 1:18

New member
Excerpt on randomness and evolutionary theory from an MIT physicist.

"At the basis of the theory of neo-Darwinian evolution lie two basic assumptions: that changes in morphologies are induced by random mutations on the genome, and that these changes in the morphology of plant or animal make the life form either more or less successful in the competition to survive. With nature's selection, evolutionists claim to remove the theory of evolution from that of a random process. The selection is in no way random. It is a function of the environment. The randomness, however, remains as the basic driving force that produces the varied morphologies behind the selection.

The question is: Can random mutations produce the evolution of life?

Because evolution is primarily a study of the history of life, statistical analyses of evolution are plagued by having to assume the many conditions that were extant during those long gone eras. Rates of mutations, the contents of the "original DNA," and environmental conditions -- all these affect the rate and direction of the changes in morphology. And these are all unknowns.

One must never ask what the likelihood is that a specific set of mutations will occur to produce a specific animal. This would imply a direction to evolution, and basic to all Darwinian theories of evolution is the assumption that evolution has no direction. The induced changes, and hence the new morphologies, are totally random, regardless of the challenges presented by the environment."



New member
Analogous: Why does ID have to be referring to a god? It could as easily be equated with aliens who go about the universe seeding life supporting planets. Lots of claims of UFO sightings have been made. Even some of the descriptive language in the bible sounds faintly reminiscent of alien forces.

isaiah 1:18

New member
Originally posted by Analogous
Analogous: Why does ID have to be referring to a god? It could as easily be equated with aliens who go about the universe seeding life supporting planets. Lots of claims of UFO sightings have been made. Even some of the descriptive language in the bible sounds faintly reminiscent of alien forces.

Haha, analogous, you're too much! :D

Like in Revelations, the second coming of Christ @ armeggedon does ring a bit like an alien invasion. And for all intents and purposes, as far as the world at that time, Christ is quite alien.


But... ID (intellligent Design... took me awhile to figure out what that stood for) can be anything you like to refer to it as. Point is, Evos like to claim that there is no randomness involved in the process and that it is all natural. Fact is, at some level, there is. Without admitting to that, they are obligated to admit to intelligent design, not mere nature which would be a subset of something else. The question becomes, what force or forces are responsible for the laws of nature and the fact that they hold true? It's either randomness or intelligent design.
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