Battle Talk ~ Battle Royale VII

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New member
Originally posted by Knight
That might be the most asinine sentence ever posted on TOL.
And it's asinine ... because? You'll forgive me, of course, if I don't want to join Knight's Exclusive Haters Club. Somehow, hanging out with company like that just doesn't sound like a good time, or a very edifying environment. Surrounded by all that hate, it must be lonely.
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New member
Sorry I'm jumping in so late.


Great first post. Like Eireann said, defining terms is essential to a good debate - St. Thomas Aquinas'll tell you that.

Speaking of good ol' Aquinas - he spent a good part of his Summa Theologica trying to prove the existence of God. What were his conclusions, in a nutshell? One can't give full evidence for his existence and that in the end it is just a matter of faith. I agree with him there. Zak has simply made a choice. I don't agree with him demanding empirical evidence for the existence of God, but he has still made a choice.

Speaking of evidence - this demand for it is assuming that empirical evidence should be taken seriously in the first place. There is a growing line of thought in some branches of the scientific community that John Locke and his tabla rasa theory (which scientific method is based off of) may be incorrect. It may go much deeper than simply making observations and recording them - empirical evidence. Zak are you and Bob going to be arguing strictly off empirical evidence?

Keep it up - although I'm a devout Christian I have the feeling I will be agreeing with Zak much more than ultra-conservative Bob - but I'll still know God exists : D.

Let the good times role! :ahso:

-- tauboy


New member
Originally posted by tauboy22

There is a growing line of thought in some branches of the scientific community that John Locke and his tabla rasa theory (which scientific method is based off of) may be incorrect. It may go much deeper than simply making observations and recording them - empirical evidence.
It's not really the empiricism aspect of tabula rasa that's being challenged. It's the intellectual aspect. Locke's theory was based on conceptions of innate knowledge (at birth) which goes beyond our personal experience with the world, especially as applicable to morality and so on. TR was a direct contradiction to the idea of preknowledge, collective unconscious, and things like that. Empiricism is sort of an adaptation of that idea, or perhaps a translation of that idea onto physical concepts, but I don't think it is so much that adaptation/translation as the original premise that is being challenged. It is particularly opponents of moral relativism who are challenging it, because if tablua rasa IS true, then moral absolutism is not.


Resident Atheist
Re: Re: Re: I need more ...

Re: Re: Re: I need more ...

Originally posted by wholearmor
I suppose you've read The Case for Christ and The Case for Faith by Lee Strobel, right?
I missed your reference to the second book, sorry. :)

I've only seen the first book, that was the one I "struggled through".

After his showing in the first one I certainly wasn't interested in another of the same ilk.


Resident Atheist
Re: The "BIG" if...

Re: The "BIG" if...

Originally posted by Lion
1Cor 15:32 "...If the dead do not rise, “Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die!”:devil:

Is Lion a FALSE PROPHET?. I'm still here. :D


Resident Atheist
Re: Keep the gloves on, Boys, and focus, Zakath, focus.

Re: Keep the gloves on, Boys, and focus, Zakath, focus.

Originally posted by Tye Porter
I am Mainly here for you, Mr. Zakath. Of course I have heard about your "Battle Royale VII", and have come to see if you are able to maintain any dignity, and a semblence of intelligence, while debating "PASTOR" Bob Enyart. I've yet to see any coming out of the gates, but you have time to make up for this. 9 more posts, I hear. Good luck to you, Sir. I am sure this will be very interesting, and I am sure you will do your best to represent not only your own views, but that of the minority populace and those of your S.I.G.
Happy Debating.
Thanks, I'll do my best to be entertaining and keep things on target...

Thanks for the "Signature", for the moment, it is entertaining, and makes a good point. I've only borrowed it, I will not keep it.
You're welcome, I think RAH would have approved the context for the use of the quote...


Resident Atheist
Re: Re: Re: Cowards

Re: Re: Re: Cowards

Originally posted by wholearmor
Does Zakath exist anymore or just Eireann?
He seems to be having fun. Go for it Eireann! :bannana:


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by Z Man
Well, I figured that if he doesn't believe that God created him, than he must believe in evolution. And evolution states that man started out as some kind of pond goo...
:jump: Jumping to conclusions, however valid they might be, can get you into excessive quantities of excrement in a debate, Z Man.

You might just ask what my position is, rather than assume it...

Didn't your momma tell you not to play with pond goo? It'll make you sick


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by ApologeticJedi
(chuckle) Oh yes, what a nodus! Or he could thwart it all by simply giving an obvious explanation like “The Christian God of the Bible (as opposed to the God of Koran or something else.) "
Unfortunately for that idea, from what I've read Rev. Enyart does not teach an orthodox Christian view of deity. His unorthodoxy is why I asked for his definition...

...Zakath's true tactic is to begin by changing the subject. Now Bob has two different subjects to try and establish, instead of one.
Apparently you missed Bob's preannouncement (on his radio broadcast) that he intended to change the subject to a debate on the existence of truth immediately if he won the toss. I was merely trying to keep things relevant to the topic at hand.

If you have a particular tack you'd like to take, perhaps you should contact Bob and agree to debate him... :)


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by Jefferson
Wow! Bob just gave Zakath a 1 hour response to his post here. So Zakath will actually have about 3 days to respond to Bob instead of only 2.


I do not intend to listen to St. Bob the Broadcaster on radio. Is he planning on posting here on TOL as we agreed?


New member
Re: Re: Cowards

Re: Re: Cowards

Originally posted by Eireann
Several of you have lambasted Zakath for refusing to answer a question in the course of this debate that Bob Enyart asked on the air. Let me remind you all of three very simple facts:

1) The forum for this debate is TheologyOnline, not Bob's radio show.

2) So far in this debate, Bob Enyart has not yet posted anything, so there hasn't been any question asked to be answered. What he may have asked on his radio show is completely and totally irrelevent to the debate we are following, as Bob Enyart has yet to provide his first input, question or otherwise. In short, you all are lambasting Zakath for refusing to answer a question that has not been asked.

3) The topic is "Does God Exist?", not "Does Truth Exist?".

Ever read your own posts? The topic is "Does God Exist?". Sounds like a question to me. Let the lambasting continue!


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by tauboy22
Sorry I'm jumping in so late.


Great first post. Like Eireann said, defining terms is essential to a good debate - St. Thomas Aquinas'll tell you that.
Thanks. We'll see how things go... :D


New member
Upon what evidence do you base your belief in what you defined as God?

Zak's first post amounts to nothing more than a re-phrasing of the debate topic. He's avoiding the question at hand.


Resident Atheist
All joking aside, think about it for a second, Roger...

I'm an atheist. Even a casual reader of TOL already knows what I believe, or do not believe, in this case. The unknown quantity to many of the readers here is what St. Bob the Broadcaster believes. :confused:

According to my understanding, Enyart's beliefs about deity are part of "Open View Theology" and are considered by many mainline Christian theologians as outside the bounds of Christian orthodoxy. Since he allegedly does not adhere to an orthodox view of the Christian deity I'm eliciting his response to understand first hand how he percieves his deity and what his source of evidence for his beliefs might be.


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by sawrie
Zakath what are you afraid of?
Regarding this topic? Nothing. I am asked this question so often that I am astounded at how difficult it appears for religionists to conceive of the possibility that those who do not think as they do are not fearful.

you say: Is it utterly impossible for religionists like you to stick to the discussion at hand?

Maybe you know that if one cannot prove the physical worlds existance, (which I say that you cannot) then all that can really be proven is the existance of God.
If you cannot prove the existence of the physcial which can be seen, measured, and quantified, how can you possible expect to prove the existence of that which cannot be seen, measured, or quantified?

only if you can prove to me that YOU exist. How do I know you're talking to me? are you a figment of my imagination? Or am I of yours?
I have one sentence for you to ponder, "Cogito ergo sum."

You see this is not true maybe we are only conscious of a physical world that exists, within our consciousness; but not in reality. Although one may question that rational, it is actually more probable than the existance of the physical world.
Based on what proabibility calculation?

My point is to show that the only thing we can be absolutly sure of, is consciousness: not the world we live in.
We can be certain of the world, just not that our perception is completely accurate. There's a big difference.

The reason for this rational is to show that the only thing we can absolutly be sure of is the existance of God, seeing that we exist and you cannot have something from nothing.
Again you make this assertion without offering any proof.

God is, and ignorant people like Zakath, who say their is no God in their ignorance, don't want to believe he is because then we can always try and claim ignorance before God. These people wish not to know truth but justify themselves in their ignorance.
No, I wish to know the truth, I am merely not as easily convinced as some folks.

The word Satan in the Hebrew is Opposer Zakath is not an Athiest rather a Satanist.
When logic fails, as it has in your argument, fall back on ad hominem by insulting the opponent. Unfortunately, I don't believe in the existence of any sort of angels either... ;)
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