Battle Royale VII Specific discussion thread

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Vitamin J

New member
Originally posted by Freak
Hey Vitamin, in case you don't know:

The exorcism ministry has nothing to do with Bob making a false statement
My line of questions to you has EVERYTHING to do with anecdotal evidence which is what you are using in rebuking Bob's point about female modesty.

I am now testing you to see how YOU deal with MY anecdotal evidence.


New member
Bob in response to my concerns replied:

Thanks for responding to my question which was: Can you give me a list of a few countries and locales that you are thinking of (which disprove the point I made about naitive women reasserting their modesty).

Of course I'd like to look into this further and correct an error if I made one.

Well, in light of other missionaries experiences, he has made a false statement.


New member
Originally posted by Vitamin J

I am now testing you to see how YOU deal with MY anecdotal evidence.

And I'm telling you based on objective truth--God's Word---performing exorcisms--is a right thing to do. But making false statements in a formal debate is wrong and Bob needs to retract his statment.


New member
Vitamin, let's see what you think:

Your Bob said: So tribesmen can adopt minimalist clothing and condition their women to go topless, but missionaries find that women in such cultures readily reassert their modesty.

Is this an absolute truth statement?


New member
Have you noticed that when National Geographic films natives whom are nude that they (the natives) are not "readily" desiring to reassert their modesty?

Knight, what is your thoughts on this fact...

Vitamin J

New member
Originally posted by Freak
And I'm telling you based on objective truth--God's Word---performing exorcisms--is a right thing to do. But making false statements in a formal debate is wrong and Bob needs to retract his statment.
Your not the brightest light bulb in the fixture are you?

You are basing your rejection of Bob's arguments upon your own anecdotal evidence. Yet when anecdotal evidence is presented to you on another matter you reject it off hand.

Freak, let me ask you another question that you wont answer:

After the fall of mankind in the garden, does the Bible present people as being inherently modest or NOT inherently modest?


New member
Originally posted by Vitamin J
Your not the brightest light bulb in the fixture are you?

And you're not the sharpest tool in the tool box, are you?

You are basing your rejection of Bob's arguments upon your own anecdotal evidence.

Can the same be said of the witnesses of Christ & His resurrection? Did not Peter used the evidence of firsthand witnesses to prove the reality of Jesus?

Have you noticed that when National Geographic films natives whom are nude that they (the natives) are not "readily" desiring to reassert their modesty?

After the fall of mankind in the garden, does the Bible present people as being inherently modest or NOT inherently modest?

What does this have to do with Bob's false statement?


New member
The apostle Peter tells us:
We did not follow cleverly invented stories when we told you about the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty.

Peter was an eyewitness and thereby his proclamation of Jesus is true!!!!!

I am an eyewitness (along with many others) of the fact that topless tribeswoman do not "readily assert their modesty." Therefore when Bob stated that they do in fact assert their modesty, we have seen that is incorrect. Based on eyewitness testimony.


New member
By the way, a couple questions for you brighteyes:

Have you noticed that when National Geographic films natives whom are nude that they (the natives) are not "readily" desiring to reassert their modesty?

Is Bob's statement about topless tribeswomen asserting their modesty absolutely true?


New member
Originally posted by Vitamin J
My line of questions to you has EVERYTHING to do with anecdotal evidence which is what you are using in rebuking Bob's point about female modesty.

I am now testing you to see how YOU deal with MY anecdotal evidence.

Bobs point itself was anecdotal evidence. The presence of anecdote does not automatically reduce it to a fallous anecdotal argument, however Freaks anecdotal evidence is appropriate, he was there after all, and is enought to rebuke Bobs claim. This rebuke is actually against erroneous anecdotal evidence and reveals why it is a fallacy.


New member
Originally posted by Flake
Bobs point itself was anecdotal evidence.

Exactly. These defenders of Bob are a silly bunch.

The presence of anecdote does not automatically reduce it to a fallous anecdotal argument,

That's right.

... however Freaks anecdotal evidence is appropriate, he was there after all, and is enought to rebuke Bobs claim.

Exactly and they hate hearing their Bob being exposed as being one promoting a lie.

Vitamin J

New member
After the fall of mankind in the garden does the Bible present people as being inherently modest or NOT inherently modest?


New member
Originally posted by Vitamin J
After the fall of mankind in the garden does the Bible present people as being inherently modest or NOT inherently modest?

What shall we conclude then? Are we any better? Not at all! We have already made the charge that Jews and Gentiles alike are all under sin. As it is written:
"There is no one righteous, not even one;
there is no one who understands,
no one who seeks God.
All have turned away,
they have together become worthless;
there is no one who does good,
not even one."

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by Freak
Have you noticed that when National Geographic films natives whom are nude that they (the natives) are not "readily" desiring to reassert their modesty?

Knight, what is your thoughts on this fact...
I think Bob's point was that they reassert their modesty after they have been lead to the truth.

"reassert" seems to be the key word don't ya think??? :D

Saying that the tribeswomen run around topless on National Geographic tapes is only stating the obvious and misses the point entirely.

Bob's point is that people can lose their modesty but yet that modesty comes back after they have been lead to the Lord.

Do you really disagree with that point Freak? The natives that you lead to the Lord do they continue to run around naked? :eek:

Vitamin J

New member
Will an answer ever be offered?

Will an answer ever be offered?

After the fall of mankind in the garden, does the Bible present people as being inherently modest or NOT inherently modest?


New member
Originally posted by Knight
I think Bob's point was that they reassert their modesty after they have been lead to the truth.

If that is what he meant then he could have easily explained that to me but instead he played the game--let me check your list of nations you have visited (that kind of thing). It seemed to me (and others by the way) that Bob was merely trying to avoid the truth.

Bob's point is that people can lose their modesty but yet that modesty comes back after they have been lead to the Lord.

I agree.

Do you really disagree with that point Freak? The natives that you lead to the Lord do they continue to run around naked?

Yes, a life changes (including ones modesty) when you come to Christ but the fact remains that pagan topless tribeswomen do not readily assert their modesty.


New member
Originally posted by Vitamin J
cricket...... cricket...... cricket...... cricket......

Were you made in God's image?:rolleyes:

If you were then stopping acting like an animal....

Vitamin J

New member
Oh and one last thing....

Freak said:
Exactly. These defenders of Bob are a silly bunch.
I am not defending Bob per se yet defending the point he made.

And since you apparently cannot seem to defend your position outside of anecdotal evidence I will conclude that you can't.


New member
Originally posted by Vitamin J

And since you apparently cannot seem to defend your position outside of anecdotal evidence I will conclude that you can't.

Was Peter's, in light of his letters, claim to be an eyewitness insufficent for you? Does eyewitness testimony mean anything to you?
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