The comments below your video: do you align yourself with them?
--Michael Levon Robinson disappeared at the same time Michele came into view and notice NONE of Her family has Ever said a single word or showed its background. and the One who said Obama is gay and Michele is a tranny was Joan Rivers who died mysteriously 1 month after saying it just like Obama's friend Schaffer died after revealing his affair with Barack
--They deleted it for implying that the Democrat Party, led by Shadow President Barry, is in fact working with China to steal THIS election! It is TOTALLY TRUE!!! That's why you can't criticize China or the Democrats, they have already sold us out to China, now China is trying to collect. They are planning a civil war with China backing their side!
--It's a matter of national security,it's time for armed citizens to demand DC vacate. Turn off the TV,. Citizens of the world please be aware the fire department in New York finally came forward and announced all three towers in 9/11 event were brought down by explosives, 6/28/2019.
--Don't forget mail in ballet have Markers in the code that let them know whether or not you are a Republican Democrat or independent so that they can easily throw them away
--It's not going to happen, America has woken up due to the fake lockdown of covid19 and fake deaths reported false just to make money... America, you should be so mad you rally in front of the White House to support our President and to stop mail in voting.. another tactic by the Nazi's to destroy our country, freedom and sovereignty.
--All these "antifa" idiots are J E W S, not Whites. Learn the difference. Understand your enemy.