Baltimore...a question of time


New member
Hall of Fame
Because of course a few bad apples in hundreds of thousands of law enforcement officers (more of which get killed by blacks than actually cause their deaths) means all of them are corrupt, right?

All, no. But enough are. And the so called "good" cops are the ones who maintain that blue wall of silence and do plenty of harm by staying quiet. Whistleblowers aren't treated well, to put it very mildly.

Wow, im sorry you suffer from so much white guilt.



...You said rioters should be shot in sight.

Why not? Rubber bullets would have stopped the rioters. You prefer what happened in Baltimore due lawless leadership? :Nineveh: 2 Thess. 2:7, 8


Pelosi's message to grads: Be disruptors


Son of Jack

New member
Anybody else find it interesting that the incident in South Carolina (a place with a long history of racism), involving Walter Scott and the cop who shot him in the back, didn't end in violent riots?

What do you think the difference is?


New member
Anybody else find it interesting that the incident in South Carolina (a place with a long history of racism), involving Walter Scott and the cop who shot him in the back, didn't end in violent riots?

What do you think the difference is?
I think the poverty in Baltimore is more extreme, leading to a bit more desperation. I think I read something about 50% being near or under the poverty line in Baltimore.

Son of Jack

New member
I think the poverty in Baltimore is more extreme, leading to a bit more desperation. I think I read something about 50% being near or under the poverty line in Baltimore.

I'd disagree that poverty is the primary difference. There are plenty of poor people in Charleston. How poor? I don't know. But, I'd guess that the difference between poverty in Charleston and Baltimore probably isn't that drastic.

I just did a quick search, and the median household income in Baltimore is $24,750 and 23.8% of the population is below the poverty level. In North Charleston, where the incident occurred, the poverty rate is 28.6%, but the median income is $38,258, which indicates a bigger disparity between rich and poor. So, it also appears the gap between the haves and have nots cannot be used as an explanation.


New member
I'd disagree that poverty is the primary difference. There are plenty of poor people in Charleston. How poor? I don't know. But, I'd guess that the difference between poverty in Charleston and Baltimore probably isn't that drastic.

I just did a quick search, and the median household income in Baltimore is $24,750 and 23.8% of the population is below the poverty level. In North Charleston, where the incident occurred, the poverty rate is 28.6%, but the median income is $38,258, which indicates a bigger disparity between rich and poor. So, it also appears the gap between the haves and have nots cannot be used as an explanation.
Yeah, maybe not. Cost of living in Baltimore, from what I have heard, isn't that high either (for a city, that is). Maybe population density plays a role? Another thing to consider is the two incidents in question happened pretty close together (time wise) and the Baltimore incident is the most recent. I bet that didn't help.


New member

(From the article)
The firm, which asked to remain anonymous because of its government work, found between 20 and 50 social media accounts in Baltimore that were also tied to the peak period of violence in Ferguson. While further analysis is being conducted on the data, it suggests the presence of "professional protesters" or anarchists taking advantage of Freddie Gray's death to incite more violence.
I hope this isn't the case.


Well-known member
If the politicians and the police are not very careful they are going to have full scale bloody civil war on their hands.

There is not a more patient race of people on this earth by and large than the Afro black.

“Liberal Paradise” Up in Flames

Thomas DiLorenzo

Baltimore Sun columnist Thomas Schaller, a political science professor at the University of Maryland-Baltimore County, cheerfully heralded the state of Maryland as a “liberal paradise”in 2013. Maryland is indeed by far the most left-wing state in America, a veritable showcase of the “liberal” welfare state. It has huge populations of both government employees and welfare parasites; one of the most generous welfare systems of any state; its “public” schools have long been destroyed by belligerent teachers’ unions; is a very high-tax state; routinely wages political war on whatever is left of real capitalism — its politicians proudly boast that the regulation of business is more onerous than any other state, and usually exceeds even federal regulatory dictates; and coddles criminals, endlessly repeating the “liberal” mantra that criminals are not responsible for the crimes they commit, “society” is. And of course the “war on drugs” rages in inner-city Baltimore as much as anywhere, complete with ever-increasing police brutality with an increasingly militarized and federalized police force.

As in many other cities, in Baltimore the black family has been all-but-destroyed by the welfare state (See Losing Ground by Charles Murray for an explanation of how welfare eliminated the stigma that was once attached to abandoning one’s children). The Baltimore Sun reports that, for decades, at least 80% of all black children are born without a father being a part of their life, with white families catching up rapidly. This has created several Lord-of-the-Flies generations. The rotten “public” schools in Baltimore city have destroyed the employment opportunities of tens of thousands of these children, while the war on drugs, which has caused skyrocketing drug prices and profits, lures them into lives of crime (and death by crime). All of this is a recipe for the mindless destruction of small businesses that was on display in yesterday’s riots and looting. With Al Sharpton reportedly headed to Baltimore, things are bound to get worse before they get better. No sane business person would ever invest in these neighborhoods. Once this is realized in a few years, the absence of drug stores, grocery stores, etc. will of course be blamed on the racism of white capitalists. “Paradise” will at last have been realized.

2:49 pm on April 28, 2015


Problem is so much more complicated than that.

Not really, the protestors are just being themselves. It's a window into why cops would have physical altercations with theses kinds of criminals. They resist, fight and go kicking and screaming. We don't see other minorities in America acting like these savages!


New member
Hall of Fame
Not really, the protestors are just being themselves. It's a window into why cops would have physical altercations with theses kinds of criminals. They resist, fight and go kicking and screaming. We don't see other minorities in America acting like these savages!

Here, I think you dropped your dog whistle.


New member
Not really, the protestors are just being themselves. It's a window into why cops would have physical altercations with theses kinds of criminals. They resist, fight and go kicking and screaming. We don't see other minorities in America acting like these savages!
Other ethnic groups do not draw the same media attention, so it is difficult to say.




Not really, the protestors are just being themselves. It's a window into why cops would have physical altercations with theses kinds of criminals. They resist, fight and go kicking and screaming. We don't see other minorities in America acting like these savages!

So true, just take a look at the amount of violence amongst blacks. They live in a culture that spawns violence, be it against another black or in this case authority.

Who do we have to thank for that?

(White guilt ridden liberals and their black liberal allies).
