Baltimore...a question of time


Well-known member
What those vehicles represent is a sick, twisted, vicious, hateful, murderous institution that terrorizes the people it's supposed to protect. We have an endemic problem in this country with violent, unaccountable, out of control cops.

Are you suggesting sedition?


Well-known member
I'm not sure it is. But what I've said repeatedly is that the tactics are questionable while the reasons behind the fury are completely understandable.

The reasons for someone peacefully protesting against police misconduct (assuming it's misconduct) are quite different than the person stealing a television, burning down a building or inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state.

Voting not working out?

Frankly I'm surprised we don't see more of this.

I'm not surprised because it's self-destructive behavior.


New member
Hall of Fame
So only in self-defense. In other words, you'd oppose proactive tactics.

Burning businesses, looting, robbing innocent homeowners (yes, they were breaking into homes and even stealing peoples furniture) beating innocent people and reporters - are proactive tactics?

Whats wrong with you? How many jobs lost in an already impoverished area? How many people harmed? How many other black small business owners now without their livelyhood, wow that sure shows the cops right?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
The reasons behind the fury are completely understandable.

Frankly I'm surprised we don't see more of this.
Because your words are of one who would encourage apathy. Typically for you, your position is one of cowardice; preferring to align yourself so that a rioter would not oppose you.

When you say an action is understandable, it is a platitude; it bears no substance toward a solution. And that is at best.

At worst, it is aiding and abetting criminal behavior through indifference.

And another thing: What if we were to replace the crime in your platitude?

Granite: Granite does not condone <insert the most vile crime here>, but it is understandable.

Clearly your position is just as bad as the rapist and murderer. :loser:


New member
Hall of Fame
A stronger case can be made that they did, indirectly--the Gray case isn't new or unique to Baltimore. What those vehicles represent is a sick, twisted, vicious, hateful, murderous institution that terrorizes the people it's supposed to protect. We have an endemic problem in this country with violent, unaccountable, out of control cops.

Like Darren Wilson? Hated and harrassed and harmed and lost his livelyhood over a lying thug (michaels thug friend who made up the hands up thing) and a race to get "even" with police?

And how is Ferguson better now?


New member
Hall of Fame
Burning businesses, looting, robbing innocent homeowners (yes, they were breaking into homes and even stealing peoples furniture) beating innocent people and reporters - are proactive tactics?

No, not at all. You keep talking passed me. Here's the exchange:

You: "When violence is being directed at you, at the time."
Me: "So only in self-defense. In other words, you'd oppose proactive tactics."

If you go back and check that post we were discussing tyrannical government. Not a race riot.


New member
Hall of Fame
Like Darren Wilson? Hated and harrassed and harmed and lost his livelyhood over a lying thug (michaels thug friend who made up the hands up thing) and a race to get "even" with police?

And how is Ferguson better now?

If you can't pay attention to what I actually write and if you're going to spin into one of your moods let me know now so I don't waste time responding to your posts.


New member
Hall of Fame
Thanks for clearing that up. So where do you go with your argument now?

What "argument" are you referring to? American law enforcement has a serious problem. It needs to be reformed, changed, and there needs to be far stricter civilian oversight of police departments. Cops can't act with impunity and need to know there are consequences to brutalizing and terrorizing citizens.

If there's any kind of "argument" to be had it's that we've given cops far too much power. Time for this to stop. No more cover ups, no more planted evidence, no more racial profiling. No more severed spines. Not too much to ask.


New member
Hall of Fame
No, not at all. You keep talking passed me. Here's the exchange:

You: "When violence is being directed at you, at the time."
Me: "So only in self-defense. In other words, you'd oppose proactive tactics."

If you go back and check that post we were discussing tyrannical government. Not a race riot.

Im discussing the rioting happening in baltimore.


Well-known member
What "argument" are you referring to?

The argument for violence against the civil authority that was implicit in your statements, why I asked if you were suggesting sedition. You also brought up violence against tyrannical governments. So where do you go with your idea that violence could be justified in a case like this?


New member
Hall of Fame
The argument for violence against the civil authority that was implicit in your statements, why I asked if you were suggesting sedition. You also brought up violence against tyrannical governments. So where do you go with your idea that violence could be justified in a case like this?

I'm still sorting it out. In other words, I'm not sure.

I know we don't see those words very often on TOL but...there ya go.:think:

After a long enough period of abuse I think the use of violence by the people against those doing the oppressing is probably inevitable.


New member
Hall of Fame
If you can't pay attention to what I actually write and if you're going to spin into one of your moods let me know now so I don't waste time responding to your posts.

I gave a perfect example of what you said.

Ferguson happened over a lie. You were ready to hang Darren Wilson yourself and also believed the thug looters and arsonists were justified too.

How has that worked out for the community there?

When has the violent riots ever worked out for the black community?


New member
Hall of Fame
I gave a perfect example of what you said.

Ferguson happened over a lie. You were ready to hang Darren Wilson yourself and also believed the thug looters and arsonists were justified too.

How has that worked out for the community there?

When has the violent riots ever worked out for the black community?

I remain skeptical of Wilson's story and the exact process behind the grand jury's thinking. Put it this way: I don't think cops deserve the benefit of the doubt any longer when they wind up killing yet another black person. As for the violence, for hopefully the last time: Regrettable, but understandable. These folks have a lot to be angry about.


Well-known member
I'm still sorting it out. In other words, I'm not sure.

I know we don't see those words very often on TOL but...there ya go.:think:

That answer is good enough for me.

After a long enough period of abuse I think the use of violence by the people against those doing the oppressing is probably inevitable.

I hope things change without violence, and I'm sure you do, too, but history does seem to repeat itself.


New member
Hall of Fame
I remain skeptical of Wilson's story and the exact process behind the grand jury's thinking.

Funny, but even the justice department, who would have loved to hang Mr Wilson, found his account to be the truth after investigation and Darian Johnson to be a liar and the entire account of hands up to be a lie.

Put it this way: I don't think cops deserve the benefit of the doubt any longer when they wind up killing yet another black person.

Because of course a few bad apples in hundreds of thousands of law enforcement officers (more of which get killed by blacks than actually cause their deaths) means all of them are corrupt, right?

As for the violence, for hopefully the last time: Regrettable, but understandable. These folks have a lot to be angry about.

Yeah perfectly understandable to destroy your own community, it fixes everything. :rolleyes:

Wow, im sorry you suffer from so much white guilt