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New member
You have never received the gift.
You must feel pretty special; having the power to condemn all religious to eternal destruction.

Wait.... Wait.... I forgot; you will be recompensed in like judgement.

You are so very confused; it would be best for you to be quite and learn, instead of incriminating yourself with your own words, and attacking yourself with your own weapons.

I know you don't get what I'm saying. Just another sign.

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New member
You must feel pretty special; having the power to condemn all religious to eternal destruction.

Wait.... Wait.... I forgot; you will be recompensed in like judgement.

You are so very confused; it would be best for you to be quite and learn, instead of incriminating yourself with your own words, and attacking yourself with your own weapons.

I know you don't get what I'm saying. Just another sign.

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I can't help noticing you and GT haunt me, but neither of you start a threat...


New member
I started a thread not too long ago.

Paranoia much?

I would hope it is your conscience that haunts you, but I really think it may be seared.

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Two threads in as many years....hahahahahahahaaaa.

My conscience is clear and clean.


New member
Two threads in as many years....hahahahahahahaaaa.

My conscience is clear and clean.

As if my amount of threads created is any indicator of anything but a meek spirit.

Your conscience is disconnected; that's why you mistake it for being clear.

I also adding my threads as I see fit.

I'm not looking for hits or like or fights in my threads, and I won't be promoting myself as the Christ either.

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Well-known member
Incense is an offering. Offerings and sacrifices go together. Why try to separate them?

Those born of God, pray from our hearts because we love God, I don't see that as a sacrifice, I do it because I love him. I'm not sacrificing anything. I do it through love.

Lifting hands is about having clean hands and a pure heart. Clean hands meaning is about not sinning.

Yes it is, and by not sinning we are living by the will of God.

The word puts us to death?

We have to die to Jesus, die to the sins of the world, die in the flesh, come more alive in the spirit.

Yes, I don't know about dying to Jesus, but dying for Jesus yes we are to do that. The word of God puts to death and brings to life, because when we hear God's word, we turn from sin, thus we die to self. And this is what the Spirit does in our hearts he helps us to overcome sin and put us to death, and brings us to life in God.

Paul died daily because literally, his life was in danger. He was beat many times and attacked by his own countrymen, and by bandits.

The Holy Spirit was helping Paul to overcome his flesh every day, thus he was dying to self daily.

We die once and then rise up to live a new life.

Once we are risen with Christ, we should be dead to our old lives, then the Holy Spirit will help up to overcome our flesh daily as we turn from sin, this is dying daily.

I go only by the Holy Bible. The Holy Bible says obsolete. You didn't pay enough attention to what I said. I said Jesus fulfilled things, so it makes the old obsolete. The old law goes together, and even the purification works, and Jesus fulfilled those works.

Paul says they are obsolete. Paul spoke scripture. I think you are just misunderstanding some things

There is a new law, it is the old law with some changes, see Hebrews 7:12. I think that there are things you are just not getting.

Paul said that we establish the law, and Jesus said that on the two greatest commandments hang all the law and the prophets. So by obeying those two, we cover them all. And that is the truth.


New member
As if my amount of threads created is any indicator of anything but a meek spirit.

Your conscience is disconnected; that's why you mistake it for being clear.

I also adding my threads as I see fit.

I'm not looking for hits or like or fights in my threads, and I won't be promoting myself as the Christ either.

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You don't possess the depth of understanding necessary to formulate a substantial and coherent thread. You just splash about in the shallows and throw stones into the deep waters.


Well-known member
Those born of God, pray from our hearts because we love God, I don't see that as a sacrifice, I do it because I love him. I'm not sacrificing anything. I do it through love.

Yes it is, and by not sinning we are living by the will of God.

Yes, I don't know about dying to Jesus, but dying for Jesus yes we are to do that. The word of God puts to death and brings to life, because when we hear God's word, we turn from sin, thus we die to self. And this is what the Spirit does in our hearts he helps us to overcome sin and put us to death, and brings us to life in God.

The Holy Spirit was helping Paul to overcome his flesh every day, thus he was dying to self daily.

Once we are risen with Christ, we should be dead to our old lives, then the Holy Spirit will help up to overcome our flesh daily as we turn from sin, this is dying daily.

Paul said that we establish the law, and Jesus said that on the two greatest commandments hang all the law and the prophets. So by obeying those two, we cover them all. And that is the truth.

Matthew 11:28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.


New member
"My conscience is clear and clean."

Says the One free from condemnation who condemns all to hell.

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"There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Messiah Yah Shua, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit."​

I don't possess the power to condemn. I warn people like you to repent and trust or face the King of Terrors in destruction:

Now will I shortly pour out my fury upon thee, and accomplish mine anger upon thee: and I will judge thee according to thy ways, and will recompense thee for all thine abominations.​


Well-known member
Matthew 11:28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Yes he does, and I've never felt so at peace, Christ has set me free from chains of death, and the things that I thought were so important before, mean nothing to me now, he's freed me from this world and I know that the things of the world are nothing. Nothing in this world can compare to having the love and life of God within. And I'm willing to lay down my life to bring that love and life to others.

I don't see living by the will of God as being Laden, it's a labour of love that I'm willing for and I have rest.


New member
Yes he does, and I've never felt so at peace, Christ has set me free from chains of death, and the things that I thought were so important before, mean nothing to me now, he's freed me from this world and I know that the things of the world are nothing. Nothing in this world can compare to having the love and life of God within. And I'm willing to lay down my life to bring that love and life to others.

I don't see living by the will of God as being Laden, it's a labour of love that I'm willing for and I have rest.

Willing to lay down your life, but not be spiritually and emotionally faithful to your husband.


Well-known member
Willing to lay down your life, but not be faithful to your husband.

Not faithful to my husband? That's very judgemental, how would you know that, considering you've never met me?

Anyway, I thought you wanted me to leave you alone?


New member
Not faithful to my husband? That's very judgemental, how would you know that, considering you've never met me?

Anyway, I thought you wanted me to leave you alone?

"spiritually and emotionally". And yes I have met your kind before and I recognise the despiteful and rebellious spirit that works in you. You call for obedience and yet you are disobedient. You are an embarrassment to your husband and Messiah.


Well-known member
"spiritually and emotionally". And yes I have met your kind before and I recognise the despiteful and rebellious spirit that works in you. You call for obedience and yet you are disobedient. You are an embarrassment to your husband and Messiah.

Truster look in the mirror, look at yourself before you judge others!

You tell me to go away and that I'm paying you too much attention and I'm making you feel uncomfortable, yet you keep posting nonsense to me? Why?

It seems the other way round to me!