Atheists believe....?


Active member
Give us a straight, honest answer:

When you find yourself standing in judgment before Him, what would you offer as as your best excuse for your life of unbelief? (assuming He even gives you that opportunity to justify yourself, which I seriously doubt He's going to do for anyone). But if He does, what will you tell Him?

Dead serious question, answer in kind. Please.

Please don't try to inflict your crazy beliefs on me or anyone one is going to find themselves standing in judgement before your imaginary god...


Well-known member
Temp Banned
Please don't try to inflict your crazy beliefs on me or anyone one is going to find themselves standing in judgement before your imaginary god...

You aren't here to discuss anything.

Go back to where you belong......try politics.
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Active member
You aren't here to discuss anything.

Go back to where you belong......try politics.

Glorydaz...The fact that you are challenged by my presence here actually encourages me to continue to rebut Christian nonsense...I'm getting through to you...slowly... I want to see you set free...Isn't this a worthy goal?


New member
All forms of atheism, boiled down, are active beliefs that there is no God.

No, no, no, Musty don't tell me what I believe....Don't be a faith bully. Try and free yourself from your confining doctrines and embrace reality...atheism is, at the core, a rejection of religious belief....much like a rejection of the belief in leprechauns and fairies...get it?:rapture:

Regrettably, not all atheists are sceptics beyond their rejection of religious beliefs. There is an atheist on this board eg who believes in ghosts and there are some that buy into nonsense like Homeopathy or Astrology.

This is why I qualify as Other rather than atheist, because sceptic isn't available as a choice on this board. Rejection of theism is but a small part of my scepticism. I don't call myself an A-leprechaunist or A-fairyist. Atheist is just a term theists use to pin on those of us who do not subscribe to their cuckoo land.
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New member
Rejection of theism is but a small part of my scepticism.
Sceptics are evolutionists. Evolutionism is religion.... its a belief.

Dr. Michael Ruse, a atheist and hard core evolutionists says “Evolution is promoted by its practitioners as more than mere science. Evolution is promulgated as an ideology, a secular religion-a full-fledged alternative to Christianity, with meaning and morality ….Evolution is a religion. This was true of evolution in the beginning, and it is true of evolution still today.
Canadian National Post (May 13, 2000)

In the Australian Skeptics magazine, 'The Southern Skeptic', "Even if all the evidence ended up supporting whichever scientific theories best fitted Genesis, this would only show how clever the old Hebrews were in their use of common sense, or how lucky. It does not need to be explained by unobservable God."
Catch that??? No matter how good the evidence is supporting creation, they won't believe!!

Evolution IS a religion and few evolutionists are not prepared to change their beliefs.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Sceptics are evolutionists. Evolutionism is religion.... its a belief.

Dr. Michael Ruse, a atheist and hard core evolutionists says “Evolution is promoted by its practitioners as more than mere science. Evolution is promulgated as an ideology, a secular religion-a full-fledged alternative to Christianity, with meaning and morality ….Evolution is a religion. This was true of evolution in the beginning, and it is true of evolution still today.
Canadian National Post (May 13, 2000)

In the Australian Skeptics magazine, 'The Southern Skeptic', "Even if all the evidence ended up supporting whichever scientific theories best fitted Genesis, this would only show how clever the old Hebrews were in their use of common sense, or how lucky. It does not need to be explained by unobservable God."
Catch that??? No matter how good the evidence is supporting creation, they won't believe!!

Evolution IS a religion and few evolutionists are not prepared to change their beliefs.

Er, no, evolution is accepted as science because of the plethora of evidence to support it. It isn't a 'religion' in itself in any way no matter who uses it to support atheism or those who are are so opposed to it on 'religious fundamentalist' grounds. Science is neutral. Plenty of theists have belief with no cognitive dissonance going on at all.


Well-known member
I would like to think that a real god would be able to understand that I did in fact try to use the brain that you think God gave me and thus perhaps give me more brownie points than those who mindlessly adhered literally to ancient scriptures....
Otoh if it comes down to your particular fundie God or nothing then I choose nothing, but I don't suppose you want to allow me even that, since that would be too easy, no I must endure the Lake of Fire eternally right?
I'm not sure you are an atheist as much as a conscientious objector. You might want to personally address that (meaning rhetorical and further peanut gallery comment).
You obviously think so anyway.
It 'looks' like you do too. :wazzup:
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Well-known member
So everyone who doesn't take Christian scripture as authoritative is an atheist? :confused:
You come off supporting atheism down the line too. I should ask at this point: Are you? Forgive "You should" being a horse/cart problem. I do see it as such and thanks for the correction.

No, I'm pretty sure whatever the dentist applies to me, I know what effect it has.
Well, good the doctor then. I get shots sometimes, that I have no idea what they do. I'm pretty sure my ignorance doesn't affect that. Forgive us, I suppose, for trying to sneak a needle in. God says it "does something" and I believe Him, even if you don't.

Likewise, it doesn't mean it's true either.
I have a cold. My mother is making me take Lysine. I've no idea if it actually does anything. It doesn't hurt me so I'm taking it. Are scriptures going to hurt you? On a Christian website? I'd think you could take your shot and drink your juice without a lot of flak. It is kinda disruptive to complain about it when you know where you are.

And Mormons are just as sure as you are that their scriptures "have a God behind them".
I'd suggest it ONLY matters if there is a God behind the words. Mormonism hasn't been a troubling shot to me. I did suggest that those in the Urantia thread were a bit odd when I questioned their paragraphs, to give only more paragraphs, because it only gave me more fodder to shoot down as ridiculous. There is, however a difference. Archeology as a science, does use the history of Israel and the NT to do science. I'd bet the Urantia book nor the BoM will ever be used to find anything in the Americas by anybody but them with agenda.

Answers in Genesis?
When they have scientists who are contributing to the field, willing to associate with them, I think it says something about legitimate credibility because those associates are making genuine scientific contributions.


Well-known member
A little harder to ignore as commentary this time, but still along that line of sentiment. I do challenge a number of your unfounded/unfoundable comments but I do think you can find it rhetorical:

Glorydaz...The fact that you are challenged by my presence here actually encourages me to continue to rebut Christian nonsense...I'm getting through to you...slowly... I want to see you set free...Isn't this a worthy goal?
Here. Let me be blunt: I know there is a God. Can't get any more blunt than that. It is a case study rather than a pseudo experiment (it is really hard to do sociological science without it being plastic), but these are acceptable admissions into science journals. You'll call them anecdotal, but the evidence for God's existence is overwhelming.

Glorydaz isn't threatened by you, she is seeing you being childish with overt pronouncements that pretty much tell her she just wasted her time. Oddly, you are asserting, "as if" you could prove there is no god. :nono: As I am going through this cold, it is amazing to me that my body has antibodies to fight it off. That's design. As I have stereo hearing, ability to smell that pleases or warns me before I stick something in my mouth just below it, you don't seem to contemplate the spectacular the way I do. Chance has no ability to have kept me alive. The first hot day in the primordial pool should have dehydrated the emerging life, with no defense and killed it. Imho, atheists simply don't think contemplatively or thoughtfully or exponentially or logically, etc. etc. Scripture says it is a desire to not have accountability to a Creator. Why else would one suppress wonder at the incredibly complex nature of the universe? The ancient book makes far better sense than you give it credit. Archeologists are not this dull.

Science, by atheists, has a way of shaping the head to say "all there is" and "empirical" as if it could quantify love, or God. It 'tries' to do so with 'instinct did it' or 'evolution did it' etc. but it cannot tell you why something is beautiful. It tries, and falls flat, unless one is so indoctrinated by what the media says beauty is, that they stop wondering at their aging wife. That's a sad commentary. There are things, I believe, science can't ever quantify or rightly understand but on a superficial level. Great? Yep, but once the frog is dead and dissected, science cannot bring it back to life. It understands so very little of an exponentially large universe. Try not to let science be your only world view or the narrow parameters of meaning in the universe.

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New member
I'm not sure you are an atheist as much as a conscientious objector. You might want to personally address that (meaning rhetorical and further peanut gallery comment).

It 'looks' like you do too. :wazzup:
I'm not sure that you, as you say elsewhere Lon, actually do know that God exists. In fact given the evidence available to human beings generally in life and given that you are not somehow special and magically endowed with supernatural senses, clearly you have deluded yourself beyond a simple level of human belief into supposing that you actually do have a full knowledge.
Sorry Lon rationality says that you don't have this knowledge.
Belief is one thing which you are very entitled to but claiming a knowledge is something else which quite evidentially you don't/can't possess since you cannot demonstrate it, only assert it.

I realise that you have a strong theistic belief but that alone makes you very much more likely to hide away any lingering human doubt, because after all you don't want your God to know of any doubt in you.
As an agnostic atheist I am very willing to honestly examine and share my own doubts, but I don't think you are.


Well-known member
Please don't try to inflict your crazy beliefs on me or anyone one is going to find themselves standing in judgement before your imaginary god...

I didn't bother asking you this question because I know you're not even as honest as Alwight is, which really isn't saying much. With him at least there's a shot at getting a straight answer. With you? None.

You may butt out now.


New member
Yeah, that's probably why Israel is surrounded and hated, too.
The reason that Israel is surrounded and hated is because in their enthusiasm to claim their arguably mythical homelands, according to their scriptural records, they simply took over Palestine from its incumbent population.
As I said before it was a self fulfilling prophecy all along.
The British were hardly in any position to resist it after WWII particularly while the country we Brits were now in hock to (insert lease-lend rant here) at least tacitly supported Israel's creation regardless of the interests of the local inhabitants.
I have some sympathy for the feelings of those who think that foreign powers had no right to trample over Palestine. :think: