Hello everyone. I know this isn’t the place for introductions, but before I comment I’d just like to give a little background so you know some about me. I am not, as my name seems to make people assume, a backwoods southern boy. My parents are east coast Yankees and have been for generations. I have a bachelor’s degree in History and Religious Studies, so you will see me source a lot of what I say, I know this offends some people, but it is how I was trained so I make no apologies for practicing what I was taught. These are my feelings on this thread so far...
Firstly, this argument is framed completely wrong. Abortion is, I concede a natural biological process. As Lucaspa has pointed out (though I’m not sure the numbers are accurate), “Fully 75% of fertilized ova NEVER produce a baby…. [they are] aborted later. ” As I said, I’m not sure that the numbers are strictly accurate, however, the point is correct. The development of a child from an un-fertilized egg till a new-born infant is an extremely complicated process, often resulting in miscarriages and the abortion of the fetus. In short, God created women with the natural and life-saving, albeit unconscious, ability to remove from her body a failed and dangerous attempt to create a human being. This is how God created her, this is unarguably her right.
But when we speak of abortion in the modern vernacular we almost never refer to this kind of totally necessary and totally natural act. This type of abortion is defined as: “The act of miscarrying, or producing young before the natural time, or before the fetus is perfectly formed.” The root of abortion is Latin, from the word, “abortio” which means simply, “a miscarriage.” 1*
There is, however another definition of abortion, it reads like this: “The criminal offense of causing or procuring a miscarriage. The crime of abortion; feticide.”1* With time and changes in social mores the definition has come to be significantly less complicated, exact, and accurate but it still has a ring of truth to it. “Also called voluntary abortion. The removal of an embryo or fetus from the uterus in order to end a pregnancy. Any of the various methods for terminating a pregnancy, especially during the first six months.” 2*
It should be noted that the modern definitions of abortion refer to it as “end[ing]” or “terminating” a pregnancy. For this is, more correctly speaking, what modern day “abortion” is, not abortion (miscarriage either natural or assisted) but the termination of a pregnancy. So when we discuss the issue we should be careful to be exact about what we mean and not to confuse two very different things.
An abortion, even in some cases an aided one, is nothing more than a natural miscarriage. The female body was designed to be capable of aborting a failing or incorrect pregnancy, though in some cases there is a need for medical assistance in the aborting of a failing or incorrect pregnancy.
However, the removal of a well formed and healthy fetus from the womb is *not* an abortion if it is to be spoken of accurately. It is the *termination* of a pregnancy. The debate is muddled and confused because this distinction has never been made clearly. The term that most Pro-lifers and most Pro-Choicers use to refer to the removal of a fetus (assumed to be healthy and viable) from the womb should be “termination.”
You can stand on whatever ground you wish on the subject of abortion, it always has been a testy subject, but let’s be completely accurate with one another and be clear with our terms, abortion is a different thing than termination. I believe that what Stripe is referring to here is not abortion, but termination, and I believe that his quote makes more sense in that light.
1* Webster’s Twentieth-Century Dictionary of the English Language. The World Syndicate Publishing Company, Cleveland, O.H. & New York, N. Y. Circa 1936
2* Look up at dictionary-dot-com... The forum won't let me post the link...