Atheist I can't stand

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Mr. 5020

New member
And now fiddy tweny repped him back down again
You wanna blow some long gone poster back and forth like a leaf in the wind Mr.?
Bring it

Why don't you bring it on me if pushing that button makes you feel that good
I kinda forgot about this little quasi-competition. :idunno:



Is anybody else sick of those moron Atheist who have no idea what they are talking about. All they do I be this way to be "cool" or draw attention to themselves. You know the ones. The ones that are all ****y about it and full of themselves. I'm flat out tired of it. It gives all Atheist a bad reputation. I'm just tired of these punk kids who think they know everything and are *** to all the people who believe in God. Bugging the **** out of me. Why can't these people just grow up? If your gunna act like your on a higher level of knowledge(which I'm not saying Atheist are) at least grow up a bit. Geeze!
Faith is unreasonable. If people purposely choose to be unreasonable, they deserve to be viewed the way you're complaining about being viewed. If you go propose snakes instantly change into staffs, do you honestly expect any reaction besides people rolling their eyes?

Now, this is also funny you mention the "higher level of knowledge." This is because I haven't met a Christian who doesn't think they know a special truth that atheists don't.

Thanks for your time.


New member
Dang it! Come this far and THEN notice how old this thread is................

<wonders how many of the original players are even still around!>


New member


You know what annoys me? Semi-literate skeptics who gripe and complain about other skeptics.

Yes indeed. It is all well and good to be skeptical so long as your skepticism is based on a solid understanding of that which is causing you to be skeptical.


New member
Truthteller:"Oh Dr. Zakath...

Truthteller:"Oh Dr. Zakath...

Oh Dr. Zakath...someone's venting in the camp. Take it easy money. I didn't know it only takes one bad atheist to give them all a bad name...I thought that only applied to preachers.


jonah bear

New member
I didn't realize that there were enough Atheists and/or that they were even organized enough to be affeced by a poor representation.

That's a good point.

How does one atheist smear another? Alledgedly, they are not unified by anything other than a 'lack of belief'.


New member
I think maybe he means anyone that is skeptical and believes in that skepticism isn't really skeptical?

Scrabble Hamster

New member
That's a good point.

How does one atheist smear another? Alledgedly, they are not unified by anything other than a 'lack of belief'.

True, that is the only thing atheists necessarily have in common. But what difference does that fact make?

Facts have never been enough to stop people from putting everyone they perceive as the same into nicely-packaged groups, and judging those groups based on their limited knowledge of just one or a few individuals.

We've all been the victims and the perpetrators of this at some point. It'd be nice if we could always recognize when we're doing it and adjust our thinking accordingly, but unfortunately, that's easier said than done.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame

Is anybody else sick of those moron Atheist who have no idea what they are talking about. All they do I be this way to be "cool" or draw attention to themselves. You know the ones. The ones that are all ****y about it and full of themselves. I'm flat out tired of it. It gives all Atheist a bad reputation. I'm just tired of these punk kids who think they know everything and are *** to all the people who believe in God. Bugging the **** out of me. Why can't these people just grow up? If your gunna act like your on a higher level of knowledge(which I'm not saying Atheist are) at least grow up a bit. Geeze!

Thanks for your time.

I think that there are very few atheists on this site while we have a fair amount of anti-theists. An atheists doesn't believe in God and doesn't care what anybody else believes about God. The Anti-theist not only does not believe in God but feels compelled to make as many people as the can reach not believe in God either. One doesn't care and the other actively works against God. The atheist I don't mind, the anti-theist can get under mu skin a bit.


New member
An atheists doesn't believe in God and doesn't care what anybody else believes about God. The Anti-theist not only does not believe in God but feels compelled to make as many people as the can reach not believe in God either. One doesn't care and the other actively works against God. The atheist I don't mind, the anti-theist can get under mu skin a bit.
Yes I can go along with this. What other people believe is really just up to them as long as it is not pushed on those who don't want it. I think however this exaggerates the numbers of actual anti-theists that may be about, I used to think that I was one but now it seems to have been ignorance on my part.
I do get a bit peeved by the big business aspects of some religions and by narrow minded attitudes caused by blind adherence to their doctrine. While I’m at it, the literalists that will reject obvious scientific conclusions not for reasons of logic but simply because it conflicts with their holy book tends to compel me to want to say something. These same people will seem happy to accept any modern science in the same way I would so as long as it has not been refuted by their doctrine, it’s the blind adherence that worries me I guess.

Jack Cambrian

New member
The Anti-theist not only does not believe in God but feels compelled to make as many people as the can reach not believe in God either. One doesn't care and the other actively works against God. The atheist I don't mind, the anti-theist can get under mu skin a bit.

I don't consider myself an antitheist. However, I do have a problem with the way a belief in god can make others behave. I am not anti-God, but I do have a problem with some of his fan-club. I think this is a distinction that needs to be pointed out.


New member
I don't consider myself an antitheist. However, I do have a problem with the way a belief in god can make others behave. I am not anti-God, but I do have a problem with some of his fan-club. I think this is a distinction that needs to be pointed out.

I think anyone can believe whatever they want. In fact, I will fight for their right to do so. I have no problem with someone believing purple fairies make the flowers grow, or whatever. The thing that gets to me is when a group of people try to legislate a "faith based" morality. If the "purple faerie" adherent tries to pass a law requiring me to put a glass of milk out for the faeries, I will fight it. If an orthodox Jew tried to outlaw the selling of pork because of their religious beliefs, I will fight it. If a Hindu tries to outlaw beef because of a religious belief, I will fight it.

There should be a better justification for our laws than a "god said so" approach. There should be practical reasons for the laws we enforce in our country, not religious ones. Placing one religious belief over another and then enforcing that belief with the courts, the police, and the justice system is a dangerous path to take.

Believing something silly is fine as long as it doesn't cause you to hurt someone else or deny them their rights.


New member
I think that there are very few atheists on this site while we have a fair amount of anti-theists. An atheists doesn't believe in God and doesn't care what anybody else believes about God. The Anti-theist not only does not believe in God but feels compelled to make as many people as the can reach not believe in God either. One doesn't care and the other actively works against God. The atheist I don't mind, the anti-theist can get under mu skin a bit.

I don't tell anyone how to believe, but I do study various faiths to find their fallacy. I'm not shy to point it out to someone who believes it either. If they are still strong in their faith faced with criticism then I tip my hat to them and find much respect. If they aren't I would encourage them to find the right faith. Or lack thereof. You may not like antitheist, but we are just doing our part to fulfill Jesus' covenant ;).


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Yes I can go along with this. What other people believe is really just up to them as long as it is not pushed on those who don't want it. I think however this exaggerates the numbers of actual anti-theists that may be about, I used to think that I was one but now it seems to have been ignorance on my part.
I do get a bit peeved by the big business aspects of some religions and by narrow minded attitudes caused by blind adherence to their doctrine. While I’m at it, the literalists that will reject obvious scientific conclusions not for reasons of logic but simply because it conflicts with their holy book tends to compel me to want to say something. These same people will seem happy to accept any modern science in the same way I would so as long as it has not been refuted by their doctrine, it’s the blind adherence that worries me I guess.
I think big religions are Christianities own worst enemy. People are not saved because of religion, they are saved in spite of it. A great many religions are far more concerned about the do's and don'ts of their pet doctrine that they totally forget what a Christian life is about. Its sad, really. Not many people are willing to look beneath the vale of the Christianity as represented by Westborow Baptist Church, Pat Robertson, Trinity Broadcasting, Joel Osteen and many many others. When I did, I met God and all those doctrines were revealed for what they are.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
I don't consider myself an antitheist. However, I do have a problem with the way a belief in god can make others behave. I am not anti-God, but I do have a problem with some of his fan-club. I think this is a distinction that needs to be pointed out.
I agree. As I said above, Christians can be their own worst enemy.
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