If I may, I think I understand godservant's (?) question about Jesus becoming sin....*clearing the throat and sitting up straight*
Jesus bacame sin, when there was no sin in Him. How can this be? This reveals not only different dimensions of sin, but charachteristic to people, the origins of sin. Which, without the physical action of sinning, sin must than have been transposed unto Jesus through NOT the actions of sin, but the ethereal state of mind of sin. There is the physical world and then the 'unseen.' If not through physical action, then the only other choice is the unseen. And it is by and through this 'unseen' that the mind accepts or rejects before any action manifests. Call it Thought if you want, whereby which Faith opperates. This is, I believe, how Jesus, the UNBLEMISHED LAMB according to Old Testament 'rules of sacrifice', became sin. Which was the only way sin could be defeated- by the perfect and opposite of sin, which is Jesus Christ.
The application of "Jesus became (I can't even write it)" is the equivilant of saying Jesus became any number of vile affections. You have written that you are a Christian. Did you forget that Jesus is the Son of God?? Or did you forget that God created light and darkness, make peace and create evil?
I certainly am not the wisest Christian to have ever walked this planet, and I have a lot yet to learn, but come on now, did Christians give up on finding the Secret of the Lord, or is Christianity merely a playtime fling to aleviate bordem????