Ashley Madison Data Dump Reveals Hundreds of Obama Admin Employees Had Accounts


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Ashley Madison Data Dump Reveals Hundreds of Obama Admin Employees Had Adultery Accounts

WASHINGTON — Following the massive data dump of the spouse-cheating website Ashley Madison, it has been learned that hundreds of employees with the Obama administration had paid accounts with the site and used their federal offices to access it.

The Associated Press (AP) outlines that it has traced hundreds of the 37 million Ashley Madison users back to the White House, Congress, Pentagon, Department of State, Department of the Treasury and over 20 other governmental departments.

“They included at least two assistant U.S. attorneys; an information technology administrator in the Executive Office of the President; a division chief, an investigator and a trial attorney in the Justice Department; a government hacker at the Homeland Security Department and another DHS employee who indicated he worked on a U.S. counter-terrorism response team,” it reports.

The AP is not releasing names “because they are not elected officials or accused of a crime.” However, it did obtain an admission from one Department of Justice investigator who spoke on the condition of anonymity in part because he was “deeply embarrassed.”

“I was doing some things I shouldn’t have been doing,” he acknowledged.

U.S. News and World Report outlines that in May, the District of Columbia had more Ashley Madison users per capita than any city in America. Approximately 15,000 email addresses connected with the site end with .gov or .mil. Over 6,700 were enlisted in the Army, 1,600 in the Navy and 800 in the Marines.

U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter says that the Pentagon is investigating those email addresses connected with members of the military.

“Of course it’s an issue, because conduct is very important,” he stated during a briefing on Thursday. “We expect good conduct on the part of our people.”

Adultery is a prosecutable offense under Article 134 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Maximum penalties include dishonorable discharge and forfeiture of pay.

State government employees were also found as users as a result of the data dump, with 73 users being from the state of Kentucky alone. There were reportedly 27 users from the New York Department of Education and 11 with the Arizona Department of Corrections. NASA, JP Morgan, Bank of America and Boeing were also found on the list, but have yet to be verified.

“Whether in this world or the world to come, if we don’t turn from our sins and renounce them, they will catch up with us and find us out. Count on it,” wrote Dr. Michael Brown in a post on Thursday, pointing to Numbers 32:23, which reads, “e sure your sin will find you out.”

“As Paul wrote to Timothy, ‘The sins of some people are conspicuous, going before them to judgment, but the sins of others appear later,'” he continued. “One way or another, sooner or later, we reap what we sow, and if you want to avoid an embarrassing harvest, don’t sow embarrassing seeds.”

“If you knew that tomorrow, the whole world would know about something ugly you did in private today, would you do it?” Brown asked. “One day, the whole universe will know. The Ashley Madison hacking is like child’s play compared to what’s coming.”

Your tax dollars at work. I wonder how many of them if any will be fired.

The Horn

So what ? The same is no doubt true of many Republicans in Washington . I don't approve of Ashley Madison , but people from all walks of life and political views have accounts with it .


New member
Hall of Fame
So what ? The same is no doubt true of many Republicans in Washington . I don't approve of Ashley Madison , but people from all walks of life and political views have accounts with it .

Yeah, .gov and .mil addresses are all in there, so's a ton of local municipalities, towns, etc. So what?

The Barbarian

How many of them were Obama appointees, and how many were civil service or military?

I'm guessing there's a good reason why the people peddling his one aren't telling us.
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The Barbarian

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Ashley Madison Data Dump Reveals Hundreds of Obama Admin Employees Had Adultery Accounts

Imagine the disappointment when our conservative "friends" find out that most of these "Obama Admin Employees" are heterosexuals!


Wow a whole lot of trolling to say i guess that you guys are ok with your tax dollars being spent on smut behavior at work.
What's "not okay" are the deaths of 4,488 American servicemen/women, 32,222 military wounded and $100's billions spent on preventing the use of weapons of mass destruction.


New member
I don't feel sorry for those who have been exposed. They were adults and knew it was wrong to do what they were doing.


New member
I suppose both of you geniuses, didnt bother to read my comment after the article which is my point, since neither of you have addressed THAT.

I haven't heard about any Republicans getting canned yet either. Does that make you mad too?

Actually, Josh Dugger is the sole fallout I've heard of at all out of millions of supposed users.

The Barbarian

Wow a whole lot of trolling to say i guess that you guys are ok with your tax dollars being spent on smut behavior at work.

Just making fun of another foolish attempt to blame Obama for something that humans have always done, and always will do.

I note that of 37,000,000 records, about 15,000 were governmental or military.

Which means about one in 2,000, about 0.2 percent. But civilian government numbers are about 7% of the American population. Add about 2 million military into that, and it's closer to 8%.

So it's even funnier if you look at the numbers. Not that rationality has ever been the hallmark of Obama critics. Still, this looks like a particularly stupid attempt. Just saying.

The Barbarian

Yep. It's a crime, I think, to link to pornography on federal computers. Probably so for the apparently more numerous state and local government cases.

I think people were just having a little fun with the stupidity of blaming it on Obama.