Are you excited for TOL fellowship week?

Are you excited for TOL fellowship week?

  • YES - I love the change of pace.

    Votes: 13 65.0%
  • NO - I hate fellowship week!

    Votes: 7 35.0%

  • Total voters


Banned by Mod
wow, so i get to say what i think without others insulting me? I'm not sure this is possible... i mean, since i am so liked around here and all...

Frank Ernest

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Originally posted by cattyfan

I like it.

I also like the burst of pent up hostility that is released directly following. :chuckle:
So, there is a light at the end of the tunnel! :idea:


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Originally posted by Frank Ernest

So, there is a light at the end of the tunnel! :idea:

Oh yeah! :bannana:


New member
I think it would probably take more than a six pack for Billy Bob to not think clearly. :chuckle:


Banned by Mod
i voted yes, maybe then i will take that one week to fellowship with others knowing they cannot mock me and then just leave this place all together on a good note.

(no, on second thought, i like to argue just as much as the next guy, and it's nice to know i have caused such a rise in people they have to discuss it even off of the thread. and then there's that billybob character, he's rather fun to toy with despite our difference of opinion)


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Fellowship Week is fun cause we all get great avatars!!! Poly's are always great...and Turbo's. I guess since Turbo makes mine and Sibbies that they're all his avatars....


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Originally posted by LivingDeadDoll

i voted yes, maybe then i will take that one week to fellowship with others knowing they cannot mock me and then just leave this place all together on a good note.

By all means, feel free to leave now and don't the door hit ya on the way out. :wave2:


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Originally posted by LivingDeadDoll

oh, i see, because we disagree i am unwanted here...

No, quite frankly I'm sick to death of hearing your whining. :baby:

When people hate it around here so much we let them know that we never twist arms trying to get them to stay and to feel free to find a place that might suit them better.

If you want to stick around, fine. I kind of like having you around, actually. You're a great allternative to "just say no".

"Just read LivingDeadDolls posts" is a much better way for anybody with actual evidence of brain activity to see why they shouldn't do drugs. :freak:

Hey, I think I may have to use that as my new signature! :idea:
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Banned by Mod
Well i think you are quite rude and i think the only reason you don;'t want me to be here is because i think differently than you, and god forbid we throw a kink in your cozy little bunch of predictable friends. And just so you know, i don't call sticking up for myself whining! You would rather i back down from you like you're some great all knowing entity well guess what hun, no dice! And furthermore, for someone who is so "tired" of it all you sure added your two cents an awful lot! I have found YOUR ideas tired and simple minded, people like you can only be described as pathetic and laughable. In people with inferior intellect they are afraid of the things in which they can not understand and find themselves acting, in a way, as a child in the dark might. "Mommy I dont like the dark." Thank God most of us make it past that point of rationalisation. You have no real leg to stand on yet you are still bellowing away at nothing. Remember it is better to stay quite while others think you stupid than to open your mouth and aleaveate all doubt. I guess,with all of you being proud Americans, you would rather stand behind the ideals of our country which makes marijuana illegal. Even though most of the globe disagrees with this law we must be right, I mean the majority of the globe is against pornrgraphy but the One Nation Under God that we are supports it. Let me ask you this. Which is worse? The thought of legalizing something that grows naturally? Or the thought that people like you are constantly controlling what people have a right to choose or not? Freedom? Sure is expensive. If you dont agree say so, as for pointing things towards me personally I see a Nazi radical who in order to get everone behind their point of view(which has no basis) is willing to perform any act they can to get someone on their side. I think that if Adolf Hitler were alive he would be proud of you. To think out of 560 million sperm you are what won the race, scary to think of second place.

So there, i have held my tounge thus far, but frankly i am tired of YOUR whining. So you can consider this getting back a little of what you have been giving. As for me leaving, i don't think so. If you like they seem to have added a lovely feature called IGNORE. Surprising you haven't used it by now seeing as how you have tired of me so.

Help eliminate close minded relics, discourage kids to be like Poly!


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Originally posted by LivingDeadDoll

:blabla: :blabla: :blabla: :blabla:



New member
Hey LDD, could you use I as a capital letter when referring to yourself. It makes your posts easier to read. I know you do it sometimes, but I kind of like to read posts that are somewhat grammatically correct. Thanks.