are you a feminist?


Well-known member
I'd rather have students screaming and cursing at one another in the classroom than have a bunch of silent but polite drones who couldn't care less about the big issues.
AnonymousJuly 17, 2012 at 3:00 PM

from 1776 to 2012,,,the republicans and the Democrats have ran against each other every four years,,they always point out that they will "fix the big mess"and make you see that they are the best choice.,,,that is 236 years they were going to fix it,,,"is it fixed?",,,,,now if you graduate and open a business and hire a manger named iamsoandso to run it for you and after four years you find you are almost bankrupt you will pull him aside and say"iamsoandso,im gonna have to let you go",,then you hire iamnotsoandso,,to manage it for you but after four years you find you are further in dept. so you say to iamnotsoandso,,"nothing personal it's business" and let him go,,then you hire iamsoandso,,and give him another try but after four years you let him go for the same reason,,and rehire iamnotsoandso,,,,and you go for your life time and then will your business to your children and they every four years hire and fire iamsoandso and iamnotsoandso,,,and this goes on for lets see now 1776 to 2012,,,hmm,, that's 236 years,,,,and these two have not made you a profit,,,eventually you will pull out their files and go back to their resumes,,and think wow 236 years of saying "i can do it",,,,and also 236 years of poor performance,,,then you sit back and scratch your head and think,,"wow without gov. bailouts i would have crumbled years ago",,,,,,,but see your up against the wall.,,and you think "ding,ding,ding,,,i have two applicants who have the best qualifications for the job,,but are not willing to actually do it,,,",,,,then it will hit you you'll think,,,"oh,there's an art to looking at resumes,,,your not looking for who is qualified to do the job ,,,you are looking for who is willing to actually do it",,,,,,,,,

thank you for considering my application and resume,,,,"iamsoandso@?,gov"
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Well-known member
Last edited by whitestone; Today at 02:29 PM.. Reason: too many commas

You missed a couple dozen...

lol,,,,"iamsoandso",,,is an acronym,,he or them,,,are from the "occupy wall street" movement,,,,,or,,,,,"iamsoandso is also a member of several christian web pages,,,,,he,or they,it,,,,,is the actual leader/? of the occupy movement. (i think),,,,maybe not,,,,it is the same as "anonymous",,,,,,it is used as "iamonetwo","iamalsoone',,,ect.,,,,,,,,,,so any quote from "iamsoandso",,,an 80 year old man(who seems to be the master),,,or a 14 year old black girl(are always the same),,,they never are anyone,,they are all of us,,,,,,,"I DID NOT EDIT IT FOR EXCESS COMMAS,,,,,I COPIED AND PASTED IT",,,,,, "check the page source/right click and review,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


Hall of Fame
wow rusha you quoted something he said to "SOMEONE ELSE",,,,I THINK,,,,,,,,I'll send you a copy,,,oops I'm out of paper,,,,will you fax me 15 or 20 sheets?,,,,,,,,,,,

I was just trying to be helpful. :)


Well-known member
rusha,,,are you going to fax me 15 or 20 pieces of computer paper?,,,,my fax is WHITESTONE.1@FAX,123 thanks in advance,,,,


Well-known member
Has anybody defined 'feminist'? Maybe I missed it.

I'm still hung up on "ellik",,,I looked up ellik in Websters dictionary and could not find it,,,but I'm glad to say that everyone always say's I'm a smart one.

I tossed it into the other pile of meaningless words that I have been called like "eack",,,maybe it's spelled "eeack",I duhno,,,,but I'm the main one they say,,,,,,,,
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New member
Hall of Fame
The idiots on the right have been demonizing the term "feminist" for many decades, so of course people who identify themselves as being "right wing" politically would be reluctant to proclaim their feminist ideals. But for the rest of us, it's not difficult to say that we're feminist, though there are various degrees to which people are "feminists", I'm sure.

The question was once asked; "why aren't all good men, feminists?" And the answer, of course, is that they are. Because appreciating and respecting the female of our species is a significant part of the definition of a good man.

If the point of this thread is why few women (or anyone) want to claim the label 'feminist' I think this is a good answer. It often carries a negative connotation. Abortion probably plays a big role in that. Women getting more active in the military may be another issue.

From the wiki page anna linked to:
A feminist advocates or supports the rights and equality of women.[3]

Based on that broad definition I'd claim the label. :idunno: I didn't the details on all the different 'waves' of it though. :noid:


New member
Hall of Fame
I could name a few things that men tend to want, such as their own political and personal empowerment, easy access to sex, someone to raise their children while they're out killing things. But the more comprehensive answer is this:

Anything that you could name as a special interest for women, you could name the antithesis as a special interest for men.

What specific issues do you see men lobbying for that fall under the things you listed above?


New member
Hall of Fame
That's why I said strong and feminine. It is possible to be both, you know.

Feminine as in soft, nurturing and caring in nestling a baby, kissing away his tears and his booboos, helping a young one learn how to tie his shoes, care for a baby puppy, rocking him back to sleep after a bad dream, all of those things and many, many more ways of being gentle and feminine.

And strong - as in wiping the bottom of a dying father who could no longer control his bodily functions with as much care and love as I wiped the bottoms of my babies. Of watching the bodies of two loved ones zipped into body bags, and handling the mortuary details with calmness, of countless sleepless nights at the ER, of fighting for my life twice after childbirth complications, of crawling on the floor to the bathroom to throw up while taking care of three kids under the age of six also throwing up, of standing up to arrogant doctors who though they were God in the defense and protection of my loved ones in hospital, of countless dinners cooked, laundry loads washed, toilets cleaned, baseball, soccer and track events cheered, groceries shopped, doctor's visits scheduled, leaves raked, garden weeded, windows washed, vomit cleaned up from car seats, floors, beds, and little bodies, prescriptions filled... usually with inadequate sleep and while fending off sexual harassment from men who see themselves as strong and women as weak.



New member
What specific issues do you see men lobbying for that fall under the things you listed above?

It's not so much that there are lots of issues that I could name as special-interests for men, but more than anything that you could carve out as a "special interest" for women must automatically either create a special interest in the antithesis for men, or it doesn't really count as a special interest for women. I think most things that Trad would point to as "special-interests" are going to ultimately be general interests.