Are there any sociopaths in your life? in the '16 campaign??


New member
I really DID

LOL @ the poster who said Cruz is a sociopath!

had a good laugh over that one

not sure WHY I was laughing...

hmmm... Freud?



please analyze

oh... gee, I figured it out all by myself

I laughed because it was so ridiculous... incongruent with reality



New member
I agree, the laws of God supersede man's laws

The laws of Shiva don't matter in a court of law. Also, please at least be honest and stop saying you love America or the US constitution. You want a theocracy. That means you are against the constitution. The constitution says congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. Sorry but you can't call for a theocracy and then say you are for the constitution. Just be honest is all I'm asking for.

Clearly Huckabee is against the constitution. If he was honest, he'd say he hates the constitution. Instead he lies and says he believes in the constitution. Do you really want someone that dishonest as president?


New member
The laws of Shiva don't matter in a court of law. Also, please at least be honest and stop saying you love America or the US constitution. You want a theocracy. That means you are against the constitution. The constitution says congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. Sorry but you can't call for a theocracy and then say you are for the constitution. Just be honest is all I'm asking for.

Clearly Huckabee is against the constitution. If he was honest, he'd say he hates the constitution. Instead he lies and says he believes in the constitution. Do you really want someone that dishonest as president?

liberals are all big liars

I hate reading their posts

so... out o'here



New member
I don't need beads to do that. I use the New Testament, historical research and TOL for that.

yeh, I stopped praying the rosary for some time myself...

didn't know how bad that was until I started up again...

but then you wouldn't know anything about that..

your choice
