Are there any sociopaths in your life? in the '16 campaign??


Politicians (most of them) learn to speak words that they know full well are nonsensical and false.

Both Clinton and Reagan are prime examples of people who were able to speak to the public and leave the impression the public was being listened to.

Some interesting things happened when a group of aphasic patients were overheard laughing while watching the president on television.


New member
By definition, a sociopath is hard to know on a personal level. A psychopath needs people to feed off of. I am quite familiar with the latter, not so much the former.

Sociopath is just a different word for psychopath

for some strange reason the Psychiatric Association (I heard) doesn't like the P word, so they changed it to the S word


New member
I think they're pretty much all sociopaths. Seriously, I don't think any of them isn't there to protect the interests of their wealthy campaign donors. Well maybe Bernie Sanders but he doesn't have the money it takes to win because he's not a sociopath. Welcome to politics with money.

u lefties are loony tunes



New member
I have had sociopaths cross my (no pun intended) path

It is not fun

But hey... maybe the experience is not a total loss

long story...

But this one... yeh, that was (my opinion) a total loss.. it was that bad

long, bizarre story you probably wouldn't even believe.. so I will refrain from elaborating



"Are there any sociopaths in your life?...[H]mmm just wondering..."

It's a psychobabble term used so that men can call it a disease (Gal. 5:16, 17). :freak: They are the disease. :reals: The word selfishness will suffice (2 Tim. 3:2, Phil. 2:21).

The Horn

Ted Cruz is a sociopath . He's probably the most evil and dangerous person in America . He's NOT a conservative . He is a radical theocratic fascist demagogue , and a member of the most dangerous evangelical Christian loonies in America , the Dominionists .
The Dominionists aren't your run of the mill conservative Christians .
They are determined to transform America into a totalitarian Christian theocracy and police state which would be no better than the
Muslim theocracies of Iran and Saudi Arabia .
They want to execute gay people and doctors who perform abortions , execute anyone guilty of "blasphemy ", which is something THEY get to decide , and literally run America according to their literal interpretation of the Bible .
And the appalling thing is that a lot of naive and gullible people in America actually support him because of his right-wing views and would like to see him elected our next president !
If Cruz were to gasp ! be elected president, this would be the equivalent in America of the Ayatollah Khomeini taking Iran over !
This guy is frightenng ! He has a lot in common with Hitler, Stalin, and Mao Zedong , but lacks the power fortunately .
He should never have been elected to any political position in America , and it's bad enough having him as the junior senator from Texas , but president ?
If any Hispanic should be deported from America , it's Ted Cruz !
He was born in Canada , yet many conservatives who are outraged at the supposedly "Kenyan born " Obama being president even though he's an American citizen born in Hawaii , want him as president .
This is the most colossal hypocrisy in world history !


New member
Ted Cruz is a sociopath . He's probably the most evil and dangerous person in America . He's NOT a conservative . He is a radical theocratic fascist demagogue , and a member of the most dangerous evangelical Christian loonies in America , the Dominionists .
The Dominionists aren't your run of the mill conservative Christians .
They are determined to transform America into a totalitarian Christian theocracy and police state which would be no better than the
Muslim theocracies of Iran and Saudi Arabia .
They want to execute gay people and doctors who perform abortions , execute anyone guilty of "blasphemy ", which is something THEY get to decide , and literally run America according to their literal interpretation of the Bible .
And the appalling thing is that a lot of naive and gullible people in America actually support him because of his right-wing views and would like to see him elected our next president !
If Cruz were to gasp ! be elected president, this would be the equivalent in America of the Ayatollah Khomeini taking Iran over !
This guy is frightenng ! He has a lot in common with Hitler, Stalin, and Mao Zedong , but lacks the power fortunately .
He should never have been elected to any political position in America , and it's bad enough having him as the junior senator from Texas , but president ?
If any Hispanic should be deported from America , it's Ted Cruz !
He was born in Canada , yet many conservatives who are outraged at the supposedly "Kenyan born " Obama being president even though he's an American citizen born in Hawaii , want him as president .
This is the most colossal hypocrisy in world history !
Huckabee is also a dominionist. Santorum as well. The republican party has a lot of dominionists. So many of them don't much care for the first amendment.


New member
Huckabee is also a dominionist. Santorum as well. The republican party has a lot of dominionists. So many of them don't much care for the first amendment.

says you?

ha ha

What a joke

You probably don't even realize that books have been invented... get all your so called info from MSNBC and other truth twisters/truth avoiders



New member
says you?

ha ha

What a joke

You probably don't even realize that books have been invented... get all your so called info from MSNBC and other truth twisters/truth avoiders

Look at quotes from them. They have said repeatedly that their religion should be law. That their god's commandments should supersede US law. Look at what Huckabee has said about the Supreme Court potentially ruling in favor of same sex marriage. Can you honestly say after listening to him that he doesn't believe his religion supersedes US law and the constitution? That's what it means to be a theocrat.


There are checklist diagnoses for various personality disorders in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manuel (DSM), the recipe book and billing manual for psychiatrists.

One of these disorders, antisocial personality disorder (301.7), describes pathological cheaters, liars and abusers whose lack of morals, ethics and consciences often enables them to avoid being caught or punished for their crimes and misdeeds.

These sociopaths (aka psychopaths) refuse to take the blame or accept responsibility for their actions.

Every day is an effort to try and purge the psychopathic qualities from my own life.


New member
Look at quotes from them. They have said repeatedly that their religion should be law. That their god's commandments should supersede US law. Look at what Huckabee has said about the Supreme Court potentially ruling in favor of same sex marriage. Can you honestly say after listening to him that he doesn't believe his religion supersedes US law and the constitution? That's what it means to be a theocrat.

I agree, the laws of God supersede man's laws



New member
There are checklist diagnoses for various personality disorders in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manuel (DSM), the recipe book and billing manual for psychiatrists.

One of these disorders, antisocial personality disorder (301.7), describes pathological cheaters, liars and abusers whose lack of morals, ethics and consciences often enables them to avoid being caught or punished for their crimes and misdeeds.

These sociopaths (aka psychopaths) refuse to take the blame or accept responsibility for their actions.

Every day is an effort to try and purge the psychopathic qualities from my own life.

the rosary works wonders..



New member
Ted Cruz is a sociopath . He's probably the most evil and dangerous person in America . He's NOT a conservative . He is a radical theocratic fascist demagogue , and a member of the most dangerous evangelical Christian loonies in America , the Dominionists .
y !


