Are pro-lifers who say No exception 4 rape/incest.. extremists?


Hall of Fame
Understood. But that's literally the only case besides incest where I think the woman should be given the option to terminate. And just look at the vitriol that such a radical opinion as mine has garnered! Amazing, truly

That's because your response doesn't make any sense. Why would you believe abortion shouldn't be allowed in those *other* cases?

It is the unborn baby who is being willfully killed, not the circumstance under which she became pregnant.

How is an unborn being conceived out of rape biologically different from an unborn baby conceived out of consensual sex?


New member
How is an unborn being conceived out of rape biologically different from an unborn baby conceived out of consensual sex?
It is VERY different because the woman gets to pick her sexual partner. Traits, genes, and DNA between the two scenarios are quite different... but I don't think that is what you meant.


New member
Way to "love thy neighbor as thyself." Well done
Most people that try to use the "love thy neighbor" line have no clue that the first part of the commandment is to rebuke people so they will repent instead of perish.

Leviticus 19:17-18
17 Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thine heart: thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbour, and not suffer sin upon him.
18 Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I am the Lord.

Unrepentant murderers that kill themselves in the commission of their murder have brought judgment upon themselves.

There is nothing unchristian about recognizing that.


New member
I would call you the King of Word Twisting, but that would imply that you weren't just lying and making things up. Whatever floats your boat I guess, but I've heard that Christians consider lying a sin. You are a Christian, aren't you? Perhaps just in name only. There seem to be a large amount of those around

You are the idiot that is claiming that a woman should commit murder to avoid embarrassment, shame, and fear of ridicule.


New member
Understood. But that's literally the only case besides incest where I think the woman should be given the option to terminate. And just look at the vitriol that such a radical opinion as mine has garnered! Amazing, truly

If you want to see for yourself scroll through the past few pages. My stance has remained the same and fairly non-radical. Yet you'd think from the responses I've received that I was calling for mandatory abortion for every pregnancy. Again, just amazing
You claim that you are against abortion most of the time.
Then you claim you have no problem with abortion as long as the father of the child is either related to the mother or is a rapist.

You are very inconsistent and illogical.
Would you force your sixteen year old impregnated rape victim daughter, who is severely traumatized, embarrassed, and unfortunately will probably face ridicule from some of her peers, to go to full-term with her pregnancy against her will?

What if she doesn't have the means to properly care for the infant when it's born? What if her chance at a quality higher education is destroyed? What if she is so depressed by being forced to go through with the pregnancy that she tries to take her own life, and by extension, the baby's?
Now you seem to be claiming that abortion is fine if the mother is traumatized, embarrassed, or if her so-called friends start to ridicule her, or if she can't buy diapers, or if she wants to go to college, or if she is suicidal?
I guess you really don't believe it matters whether the father is related to her or whether the father is a rapist.

Your arguments put you right in the camp of those that say murdering a child in the womb should be done for any and all reasons.


New member
If the goal of the OP is to discuss theology, and this is a theology forum, then so be it.
This is the politics forum.

To the original question that was posed by the OP. The answer is yes, it is extreme.
You should be for abortion for any and all reasons or against it for any and all reasons.
It is trying to claim there is a middle ground that is inconsistent and illogical.

But if the end goal really is to get women to stop aborting their unwanted babies, the this kind of a position gives the politicians the ammunition they need to keep abortion legal.
If you look at the history of the legalization of abortion, Colorado was the first state to legalize abortion and it was only for cases of rape and incest.
From there, the excuses for abortion kept being added to the law until we got Roe v. Wade which allowed abortion to be done for any and all reasons.

So, you have it exactly backwards.
Allowing abortion in cases of rape and incest is all that is needed to keep abortion legal for any and all reasons.


Hall of Fame
It is VERY different because the woman gets to pick her sexual partner. Traits, genes, and DNA between the two scenarios are quite different... but I don't think that is what you meant.

It's not. The reason to oppose abortion is because unborn babies are innocent and every bit as deserving of life as we are.

When someone throws out the "only in cases of rape" scenario, it's contradictory to their own position.

The circumstance is horrific. No one is denying that rape is horrific. However, that unborn baby is no less innocent than all of those other unborn babies which he believes should be born.

Greg Jennings

New member
That's because your response doesn't make any sense. Why would you believe abortion shouldn't be allowed in those *other* cases?

It is the unborn baby who is being willfully killed, not the circumstance under which she became pregnant.

How is an unborn being conceived out of rape biologically different from an unborn baby conceived out of consensual sex?

Rusha I understand that you are very passionate about this subject and I can respect that. But I've ever clearly laid out my position over and over. I have no desire to continue to engage in the mud-slinging this thread has become. My position is reasonable, and that's something that most of the country would agree with even if you won't. I look forward to conversing with you on other threads, but on this one there just isn't a point because your emotion possesses you on this particular one. Good day

Greg Jennings

New member
You claim that you are against abortion most of the time.
Then you claim you have no problem with abortion as long as the father of the child is either related to the mother or is a rapist.

You are very inconsistent and illogical.
I admit that there is some inconsistency with that part of my position. The hesitation on my part comes from the fact that children born due to incest are much more commonly born severely disabled than those born of a non-incestual union. That being said, I'm open to considering not allowing an exception in cases of incest so long as it was consensual.

Now you seem to be claiming that abortion is fine if the mother is traumatized, embarrassed, or if her so-called friends start to ridicule her, or if she can't buy diapers, or if she wants to go to college, or if she is suicidal?
Yes, if you are putting an unnecessary burden on a woman who has already been through a situation so traumatic that they are impacted in the way(s) you mention above then I believe that is wrong. Terribly wrong.

I guess you really don't believe it matters whether the father is related to her or whether the father is a rapist.

Your arguments put you right in the camp of those that say murdering a child in the womb should be done for any and all reasons.
Well that's obviously false. I trust other people can read a conversation for themselves and come to the same conclusion that you are just wrong in your above comment.

Greg Jennings

New member
You are the idiot that is claiming that a woman should commit murder to avoid embarrassment, shame, and fear of ridicule.

That is your opinion. But it is not my opinion, just a fact, that you went far beyond twisting my words and went into the realm of flat-out lying. I'm sorry if you regret doing that, but it is what happened and I won't apologize for calling you on it


New member
Rusha I understand that you are very passionate about this subject and I can respect that. But I've ever clearly laid out my position over and over. I have no desire to continue to engage in the mud-slinging this thread has become. My position is reasonable, and that's something that most of the country would agree with even if you won't. I look forward to conversing with you on other threads, but on this one there just isn't a point because your emotion possesses you on this particular one. Good day



Hall of Fame
Rusha I understand that you are very passionate about this subject and I can respect that. But I've ever clearly laid out my position over and over. I have no desire to continue to engage in the mud-slinging this thread has become. My position is reasonable, and that's something that most of the country would agree with even if you won't. I look forward to conversing with you on other threads, but on this one there just isn't a point because your emotion possesses you on this particular one. Good day

IF you believe this is mudslinging, you may want stay out of abortion threads. I have no desire to call you names or accuse you of being a child killer but rather to point out the inconsistency of making exceptions for abortion while wearing a prolife label.

Allowing for rape exceptions compromises the prolife position.

Greg Jennings

New member
gee, you're just a wiz at this, aren't you? :chuckle:

I fail to see what is wrong or contradictory about those two pieces of my quotes that you attempted to take out of context in order to try and trap me. Wouldn't be the first time you failed though, would it?