ARCHIVE: Zakath is Genuine!


New member
This is the post no one responded too
why do I have to watch my back? did I say something incorrect?

It is an energy thing - looking at history might shed some light - the "established religion of any and every region" kills the person who sets them straight - the Jews did to Jesus, they tried to kill Mohamad, then the leaders of Islam tried to kill Bahahullah, they sucessifuly killed the Bab - his predicessor - anyways, if you haventfigured it out yet, religion is just an excuse most people use to hate and hurt their neighbour, and if you are not of the same cloth, they hate and hurt you.

So as Zakath warns - I agree, watch your back.

With Christ's love



Resident Atheist
wickwoman said:
So Granite, if you, me and Zak are the unholy trinity, which part am I? I want to be the "unholy Ghost."
You and Granite can be whichever you decide. Call me anything you want, just don't call me late to dinner. :chew:


New member
Zakath said:
That response sounds like you're a "hit man" for a crime syndicate... :chuckle:

No, I was in the Army once upon a time and I killed. I'm pretty sure the enemy was not a Christian. :(


New member
It wasn't a war. They liked calling it an "Incident". It was in Panama. We fought a terrorist cel which was attacking a local base.


Resident Atheist
SOTK said:
No, I was in the Army once upon a time and I killed. I'm pretty sure the enemy was not a Christian. :(
In the big scheme of things, would it matter if the enemy was?


Resident Atheist
SOTK said:
It wasn't a war. They liked calling it an "Incident". It was in Panama. We fought a terrorist cel which was attacking a local base.
"A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do..."


New member
Yeah, I'm not necessarily losing any sleep over it, however, it can be a tough situation for me to come to terms with as a Christian.


New member
Hall of Fame
wickwoman said:
So Granite, if you, me and Zak are the unholy trinity, which part am I? I want to be the "unholy Ghost."

I'll be...hmmmm...well, Zak's older. He can be the Almighty Pater and I'll be the Unsanctified Son.


New member
Zakath said:
You and Granite can be whichever you decide. Call me anything you want, just don't call me late to dinner. :chew:

I think you should be the "nonexistent diety" (your words not mine). Haven't you ever wanted to be something that doesn't exist? It's only fitting. Plus, you're older than Granite, he should be the son. O.K. Granite?

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Oh, I see Granite's on board so that's it then! O.K., let's start some havok wreaking around this here place!
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New member
I thought for a long time how I should respond to The Edge and his "threats". Turbo and I talked about it a bit last night, and I reread this thread:

It reaffirmed to me that you are wrong and I am right. I can judge all I want, as long as I judge rightly under God's Word. The stuff you spew is inaccurate and misleading. Jesus mocked, taunted and used wit and sarcasm. He was a great orater and not a butt kissing fool.
You can think you're exemplifying Jesus all you want, but you are wrong. Please reconsider your idea of the "Nicer than God" philosophy.

Secondly, I find fault with issues in your life that you yourself throw all around the board for others to comment on. If you don't want someone to create an opinion, then don't post it.

You complain that your son is "More like a two or a three year old than a five year old." OUCH! You talk about the burden of raising two young children and you are not even in the same state with them!
You complain about the gifts that God has given you, I called you out on it, you agreed with me and then continued on complaining.
You complain about the price of baby items, and how much money it costs to raise a child, and instead of supporting reprimanding your wife for her wasteful spending, and curbing it yourself, you suggest the manufacturer lower it's prices! HELLO!
You try to ingratiate yourself in with each "group" on TOL, with your "gentlemanly" manner...but it's all very disingenuous.

I considered ignoring your rebuke of my earlier comment, and I decided I can comment any way I want on any issue. I'm not afraid of any reprecussion that you think you can hurdle my way. Wanna give me ANOTHER negative response, go ahead.
I'm tired of your pandering and plodding around TOL without any sense of Christ's true Word or Intentions.
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New member
erinmarie said:
I thought for a long time how I should respond to The Edge and his "threats". Turbo and I talked about it a bit last night, and I reread this thread:

It reaffirmed to me that you are wrong and I am right.

You read a thread to reaffirm your opinion of yourself? How insightful.

erinmarie said:
I can judge all I want, as long as I judge rightly under God's Word. The stuff you spew is inaccurate and misleading. Jesus mocked, taunted and used wit and sarcasm. He was a great orater and not a butt kissing fool.
You can think you're exemplifying Jesus all you want, but you are wrong. Please reconsider your idea of the "Nicer than God" philosophy.

Can you give us some scripture references to Jesus being sarcastic and taunting?

The Edge

Erinmarie, I have no need to listen to your useless diatribe. Diatribe is defined as "a bitter, useless denunciation" and that is exactly what you are doing. You do not know me or our situation. You're slinging accusations. But remember, he/she who slings mud gets their hands dirty!

You don't like me, fine. But don't go trying to defame me and ruin my reputation on this board. I never, EVER did that to you or any person on this board. You have this bitter holier than thou attitude you're flaunting around. And to make it worse, you talk about people behind their backs.

You'll probably get a more thorough response later; I'm too busy in the forecasting lab right now to continue this.


New member
Hall of Fame
erinmarie said:
I thought for a long time how I should respond to The Edge and his "threats". Turbo and I talked about it a bit last night, and I reread this thread:

It reaffirmed to me that you are wrong and I am right. I can judge all I want, as long as I judge rightly under God's Word. The stuff you spew is inaccurate and misleading. Jesus mocked, taunted and used wit and sarcasm. He was a great orater and not a butt kissing fool.
You can think you're exemplifying Jesus all you want, but you are wrong. Please reconsider your idea of the "Nicer than God" philosophy.

Secondly, I find fault with issues in your life that you yourself throw all around the board for others to comment on. If you don't want someone to create an opinion, then don't post it.

You complain that your son is "More like a two or a three year old than a five year old." OUCH! You talk about the burden of raising two young children and you are not even in the same state with them!
You complain about the gifts that God has given you, I called you out on it, you agreed with me and then continued on complaining.
You complain about the price of baby items, and how much money it costs to raise a child, and instead of supporting reprimanding your wife for her wasteful spending, and curbing it yourself, you suggest the manufacturer lower it's prices! HELLO!
You try to ingratiate yourself in with each "group" on TOL, with your "gentlemanly" manner...but it's all very disingenuous.

I considered ignoring your rebuke of my earlier comment, and I decided I can comment any way I want on any issue. I'm not afraid of any reprecussion that you think you can hurdle my way. Wanna give me ANOTHER negative response, go ahead.
I'm tired of your pandering and plodding around TOL without any sense of Christ's true Word or Intentions.

This is what happens when a nice guy like The Edge shows up on TOL: he's accused of being sneaky. Uh-huuuuuh.

Erin, exactly what set off this little tantrum? Just because The Edge happens to be polite doesn't mean he agrees with everyone he talks to.

I'm reminded of that "Simpsons" episode where Grimes shows up in Springfield, tries to do his job, tries to act normal, and winds up electrocuted to death by the end of the show.


New member
wickwoman said:
Can you give us some scripture references to Jesus being sarcastic and taunting?

Please, read the opening post of the thread. It confirms everything I said, and what I believe. It also has many scriptural references.