Rapt my friend.
Rapt my friend.
Do you really suppose that you worship such a God? Which prophets are you talking about? What about what these prophets said about Him? Do you believe them?
I believe in the one who sent Jesus. If Jesus says turn the other cheek, and you claim he is God, am I wrong to obey that? If Jesus says to forgive your brother seventy times seven, should I say "NO"? I Jesus says to Go and talk any problems you have with your brother before bringing it to Christ, should I say "that's wrong"?
If I were to follow some of the things you and some others have said, I would have to ignore those commands. That is the area I am at.
I am not going to quote all your scriptures, but let you re-read them and see that theses are GOD doing the punishment, not me. He has the power, which is what I stated all along. If he wants a race dead, he will destroy them. He has no need of me to help in that killing. Only the JiHad supporters have taken it upon themselves to do it, as well as other religious fanatics such as Hitler, Joan of Arc, and all the rest who claim to need the "holy war". They believe we are evil because of our decadent lifestyles, the anti Paul way our women dress, the way we flaunt our luxeries. All this is part of the 7 deadly sins. So are they RIGHT do attempt to exterminate us? I say no, but you are basically saying yes, but with us doing it to them.
If you worship the God that sent John the Baptist, what about what John said about Him? Do you believe John?
John the Baptist questioned Jesus from prison before he was beheaded. He wasn't sure and only in the later written gospels did he all of the sudden proclaim Jesus. The qutes are very ambiguous to say the least. Again, John was proclaimg the war-priest king. Jesus wasn't him, so it has to be God,
But tell me. If John was such a great prophet, why is so little of the bible written about him? He proclaimed himself Elijah by how he chose to live. Elijah HAD to come for the messiah to come as per prophecy. Did GOD proclaim John as a prophet? Not a good one since nothing survives of his prophecies.
I see you mention the water baptism. It seems all are mis-informed on how the baptisms were done in those days.
The inductee (person to be baptised) was to shed all their close on the shore and walk naked into the river. The priest (JB in this case) then spoke a certain ordained prayer. He would dip the person under the water, and this symbolism was to wash away the old person, and the one who was raised was to be entirely new, cleaned for sin and the desire from sin. It had to be a mental mindset that you were no longer (Bob) but now a new name. The spirit was to enter you and fhelp you fight off the fleshly desires. Once you came ashore, you were given a pure white robe, and it was up to you to keep it pure white and yourself pure white.
None of that happens anymore. Most baptisms are done to gain membership into the Church, or in the Catholic belief, to insure babies who may die are assured a place in heaven. You are fully dressed and the robe is on you BEFORE entering the water. They only say "I baptise you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost" That is NOT the prayer used then.
If you worship that God that sent Jesus, then what about what Jesus said about Him? Do you believe Jesus?
About WHO? God? Yes, when I find his unaduterated word. Where are you going with this?
Nice quotes from Mark. I have read them. I also know the proper words that were used, and hell wasn't it. hell is a gentile word from a gentile religion (Greco/Roman).
As I have said before, none of the gospel writers were jewish Christians, nor his Apostles. If they were, they sure wouldn't have refered to themselves as "the Jews" in the third person. So this was written by a gentile christian. It has been dated to 20-50 years after Jesus death. Read the book "The Secrets of Mt Sinai". It will give you great insight into the bible that was preached in the late 4th century (and is almost perfect compared to the Codex the vatican has in it's possession for a bit later that same century." It shows where changes were made to the text of the New Testement by scribes of later dates and how they ar now part of the bible WE read.
If you claim that your god sent the prophets, John the Baptist, and Jesus, then how is it that he is so different from the things all these you mentioned spake of him? Will you deny every one of the above scriptures (along with the thousands more) that prove your concept of God is a falsehood?
He isn't different. What is different is how YOU read those words. What also is different is the scripture to the contrary. You didn't post it, only the ones that support your side. Where are the beautitudes? The sermon on the mount?
You see, I am saved. I have no need to fear him. Your scripture is for those who deny him. God has already extended my time on earth at least 20 years. His latest was just this past January. Fear NEVER equates to Love. It equals fear. If he wants my fear, he can never have my freely given love. THAT is what God wants more than anything from us. Our love just as a babe loves their parents. And for us to share that love to all who will accept it.
Did the Word of God come to you alone
His word for ME sure did. Hasn't he spoke to you? He will if you clear your mind of all distractions, open the bible and start reading. Don't LOOK for meaning, just let whatever is you problem in your life be the only thought in your mind. The let him guide your hands to what he wants to say to YOU and YOU alone. Doing it the first time is the hardest. After that, it becomes very simple. And guess what? I am doing what god wants by asking you to read the bible not for the stories, but to find HIM. He is there. Find him. Become as a babe.
The ecumenical "god" that the world prays to is a god of confusion. The true God is not.
You have proof? You have determined which is the true church from the book of Revelations?
Those are both blatant LIES
No, they are not. The second one is either missing a word, or I forgot where I was going so to THAT I sincerely appologise. You are NOT bombing children. But you are ADVOCATING it. Check your posts and you will see.
You cannot, because you are a liar. All liars will have their part in the lake of fire, not in God's Kingdom (Rev 21:8). Moses, the prophets, Jesus, John the Baptist, and all the apostles say so. Your unbelief will not exempt you from the lake of fire. Faith in God's Word and repentance is your only hope. John and Jesus called them serpents and vipers that rejected the warnings of the prophets about the fire of hell, and warned them to repent. The same warning is from the prophets, John the Baptist, Christ, and the Apostles for you as well. Repent and be baptised in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins, or perish with the scribes and Pharisees.
Once again you seek to gain my belief through fear. Why do you feal fear is the best way to Love God? You honestly think he is so stupid not to see through the deception and know the love and conversion isn't true, but a falseness done through fear? That train of though is what is destroying christianity worldwide, and don't let anyone decieve you, it IS dying. The proof has been in the news.
I won't love through fear. I do love for love. I have my belief. It differs from yours. I did copy and paste your words, but in response to YOU, not to someone else. You never answered that thread (yet)
No you don't. I have shown what Jesus Christ taught about a fiery hell which you reject, and have proven that you do NOT accept the teachings of Jesus.
No, you didn't. In Jesus time, the fiery hell was a place in the desert where a certain pagan tribe tortured and burned and sacrificed humans. Jesus believed in Sheol. That is the place all souls go until the rapture. It is a place of timelessness. The firey hell was added to later texts. Again, go and read church history. They themselves admit it.
I have shown above that God was a God of fiery judgment even during Moses' day, and proven you a liar. Jesus said "If they believe not Moses' writings, how shall they believe my words?"
LMHO No you didn't but you sure abuse that word. Again, look into church HISTORY. Does the thought that you will be wrong scare you? Do not condemn lest ye be condemed. The truth is waiting for all to read. You must choose whether to read it or not. If you don't you are showing you believe you already know all and can not learn more about God or jesus from anywhere else. THAT is why christianity is in it direst crises ever. People who quit "seeking" per the order of jesus. People who say "God" inspired those to canonize the texts in our accepted bibles, and will dismiss other gospels that fill in many of the blanks. Gospels KNOWN to be written by those who were with Jesus from dating and writing styles.
Paul said, and every bible believing Christian accepts it:
A very broad statement. Untrue of course, and unprovable. All I need to show you is one. YOU have to show that everyone does. I can show you many churches who now reject Paul ever actually met the ressurected Christ. Again, just go and read the book of Acts.
If the god you worship has morals different than the God revealed in the Word, then he is a false god, and you worship you know not what.
Again you help me laugh. Thank you.
Let me ask you. Is the God of the Old Testement the same God of the NEw? If He is, why did he need a new Covenent? Why did Jesus ORDER his apostles to not enter the lands of the Gentiles, nor the city of Samaria? Why did he say he did not come to save all people, just the lost lambs of Israel? Why did he tell the woman about how he was there not for her but for his people? (the dog and scrap discussion)? Why did this same god say "You have heard and eye for an eye, but I say if he should smite you, turn the other cheek so he may smite that too. And if he ask for your robe, give him your coat also? THIS doesn't sound like the same God. So which is real? Well you need the scary one to keep your faith. You NEED him to punish those you deem wicked. You need the threat of fire so you can think that your good work will set you above those who disagree with your beliefs reguardless of their good works.
My God? My God sent his prophet to say the two greatest commandments of them all are to Love thy Lord God with all thine heart, and to love thy neighbor as you love yourself. This came straight from Jesus. it seems to override ANY other commandments, unless you reject Jesus saying that or that Jesus had any connection with God.
My God didn't infuse me with zealot rage. He infused me with paitient wisdom. He taught me restraint. He taught me love without fear. He is your God too reguardless of your convitions.
My God will decide my eternity. And I don't care what it is, becuse he already instilled in me a great calm and peace with Him. He has already blessed me more than I EVER deserved. I have no need of a mansion in Heaven. I have no need of Gold roads or pearly gates. I have everything I need. You take the mansion. I will take my children and the unaduterated joy they give me each and every breath I take.
You are seeking god for your rewards, and to avoid the punishments. I am seeking all his words to continue the love and peace he has bestowed on me. He will let me know everything I need to know. And he will do the same for you. Just read the bible again. Start anywhere. Open your heart to God, and forget the words there. He will come. And you will know. You think you have joy now? Let THAT happen just ONCE. God is addictive. Enjoy Him.