ARCHIVE: The "Great tribulation" and the Testimony of the Early Church Fathers

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by Dee Dee Warren
Dear Knight:

You really might want to take you own advice.
Yea.. good point... after all.... I am right! :D

You continue...
And by the way, you totally veered down a different alley where I pointed you, at your request, to the place where I demonstrated the illegitimacy of your analogy.
I reject your assertion (and your failed explanation) that my analogy is flawed.

You continue....
Are you going to deal with the foundational bait and switch you do with your completely unfair and inflammatory analogy?
My comparison is INFLAMMATORY! Your right! And it is carefully crafted to be as such.

I am not going to pull any punches with you here..... I think it is absolutely asinine to assert that the Great Tribulation has already occurred! It's just as asinine as thinking that we haven't landed on the moon and that the holocaust didn't happen and that crop circles are made by aliens. The people who think these things are fooling themselves and disregarding reality to believe in something that is obviously untrue.

This is not a solely theological or biblical debate. World history also cries out that preterism is untrue!

Had the Great Tribulation happened it would have been noticed by more than a handful of preterists! :)


Dispeller of Fantasies
To Sir Tinpants

To Sir Tinpants

I was just wondering if --

-- when you argue in circles like this, your armor spins too, or just your body inside the armor. I mean, do we see the whole thing spin, or just hear it and see a suit or armor sort of rattling?

IF.... The Great Tribulation (which is described) in the Bible actually came to pass in 70AD the Great Tribulation went COMPLETELY unnoticed by the world and the early church leaders and followers.

If the early church can produce a Marcion or a Valentinius, and if it can produce a false view of the salvific efficacy of baptism, it sure could miss the trib described in Matt. 24. Heck, why do you think the Mormons can cull so much grease from the patristics? Some of them made the same mistakes in exegesis Joseph Smith did.

As Jerry has so fantastically documented

Pfft! Scuse me, had to clean the spit off my screen... :D The words "Jerry" and "fantastically documented" never should be in the same sentence.

I think you could at least admit this fact might be somewhat damaging to preterism.

No more so than any other case of rampant stupidity through the ages.

God: "Don't steal your neighbor's ox."

Israel: "Ok. Where did you say it was parked?"

There isn't anything wrong with minor admissions is there?

Hey! Knight is admitting minors! :shocked:


Dee Dee Warren

Dear Knight:

Again, all I get from you is a lot of posturing and Ex Cathedra pronouncements but no interacting with any of my points, except for the equivalent of:


You disgree with my dismantling of the foundational flaw of your inflammatory rhetoric, but you don't interact, you simply state it as if your mere opinion should send me bawling in repentance. It doesn't.

You disagree with my assessment of the phrase "Great Tribulation" but have yet to deal with my exegetical evidence to any geater extent than "uh uh!!!."

Nathon Detroit

Re: Hmm how does the shoe feel on that foot?

Re: Hmm how does the shoe feel on that foot?

Originally posted by Dee Dee Warren
Knight please admit or deny the following statement....

IF.... The Great Tribulation (which is described) in the Bible actually started in 30AD but was INTERRUPTED but this fact went COMPLETELY unnoticed by the ECF and by even some lamo 2nd, 3rd, 4th century church writers...

I think you could at least admit this fact might be somewhat damaging to Acts 9 pruturism. There isn't anything wrong with minor admissions is there?
Huh? Again your lack of understanding dispensationalism is showing.

The EARLY CHURCH FATHER'S did NOT believe that the Great Tribulation happened in 70 AD.

This supports BOTH strict futurism and Acts 9 dispensationalism. The "WHY" it (the Tribulation) has NOT happened yet is a fun and interesting THEOLOGICAL debate but both views are entirely supported by the views of the ECF.

So now feel free to answer my question.....

Dee Dee please admit or deny the following statement....

IF.... The Great Tribulation (which is described) in the Bible actually came to pass in 70AD the Great Tribulation went COMPLETELY unnoticed by the world and the early church leaders and followers.

In other words....
The destruction of Jerusalem was obviously recorded, but in NO WAY was it recorded as being the Great Tribulation described in the Bible.

If anything...
As Jerry has so fantastically documented the early church documented the destruction of Jerusalem was anything BUT the Great Tribulation.

And please don't appeal to one or two late 3rd century references because with all due respect....that just aint gonna cut it.

I think you could at least admit this fact might be somewhat damaging to preterism. There isn't anything wrong with minor admissions is there?

Dee Dee Warren

Had the Great Tribulation happened it would have been noticed by more than a handful of preterists!

Had the Great Tribulation started and stopped it would have been noticed by, err, somebody. Produce some historical ECF support for your view. And by the way, Josephus wasn't a preterist last time I checked. World history is not silent about the event, but of course I have brought up these points and others which have been met by responses from you which are admittedly high in entertainment value (for I have always enjoyed your wit) but shockingly low in content.

Dee Dee Warren

Huh? Again your lack of understanding dispensationalism is showing.

The EARLY CHURCH FATHER'S did NOT believe that the Great Tribulation happened in 70 AD.

This supports BOTH strict futurism and Acts 9 dispensationalism. The "WHY" it (the Tribulation) has NOT happened yet is a fun and interesting THEOLOGICAL debate but both views are entirely supported by the views of the ECF.

Not so far there, first I provided ECF support that some in fact did, and can produce monstrous support that they nearly unaminously identified the Church with Israel. Your view believes that the Great Tribulation STARTED BUT WAS INTERRUPTED. There is absolutely NO ECF support for that idea. I will not disrespect you by calling it assinine. I will simply say that I strongly disagree and to say that the dearth of historical support for your view (including the idea of two gospels) is massive would be an understatement.

Nathon Detroit

Re: To Sir Tinpants

Re: To Sir Tinpants

Originally posted by jpholding
I was just wondering if --

-- when you argue in circles like this, your armor spins too, or just your body inside the armor. I mean, do we see the whole thing spin, or just hear it and see a suit or armor sort of rattling?
I guess the readers can decide for themselves eh Mr. JP?

You continue....
IF.... The Great Tribulation (which is described) in the Bible actually came to pass in 70AD the Great Tribulation went COMPLETELY unnoticed by the world and the early church leaders and followers.

If the early church can produce a Marcion or a Valentinius, and if it can produce a false view of the salvific efficacy of baptism, it sure could miss the trib described in Matt. 24. Heck, why do you think the Mormons can cull so much grease from the patristics? Some of them made the same mistakes in exegesis Joseph Smith did.
You are missing the point just as Dee Dee is missing the point. The Great Tribulation happening or not happening is NOT ONLY a theological debate in its nature.

Had it happened it would be woven into world history in a variety of ways.

And uh, JP.... keep your day job. :D

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by Dee Dee Warren
Dear Knight:
You disagree with my assessment of the phrase "Great Tribulation" but have yet to deal with my exegetical evidence to any geater extent than "uh uh!!!."
Uh... don't you mean "Localized Great Tribulation"? :rolleyes:

Now please answer my question I have asked 3 times now.

Dee Dee Warren

Dear Knight:

You are missing the point just as Dee Dee is missing the point. The Great Tribulation happening or not happening is NOT ONLY a theological debate in its nature.

Had it happened it would be woven into world history in a variety of ways.

No, again, you are missing the point that first one must decide exegetically what the passage means before we start looking at the historical evidence. You have not dealt with the exegetical evidence I have presented whatsoever. And once that foundation is laid, the FACT is that it is woven into history in exactly the way it would be expected. Have you ever heard of a minor first century historian named Josephus? He has a book out you might want to read. :D

Dee Dee Warren

Uh... don't you mean "Localized Great Tribulation"?

Now please answer my question I have asked 3 times now.

I mean exactly what the Bible means and I am waiting for your exegetical rebuttal. Your question has been answered as you leave numerous ones unanswered.

Dee Dee Warren

Dear Knight:

IF.... The Great Tribulation (which is described) in the Bible actually came to pass in 70AD the Great Tribulation went COMPLETELY unnoticed by the world and the early church leaders and followers.

Well your IF is dead wrong. All I have to produce is one quote to disprove “COMPLETELY.” You should try to not overstate your case, it is embarrassingly easy to defeat that way.

Josephus - “The war which the Jews made with the Romans hath been he greatest of all those, not only that have been in our times, but, in a manner, of those that ever were heard of.” (eyewitness)

In other words....
The destruction of Jerusalem was obviously recorded, but in NO WAY was it recorded as being the Great Tribulation described in the Bible.

Arf, arf, give that begged question a bone. If you would deal with the exegetical evidence perhaps we could get to this point.

If anything...
As Jerry has so fantastically documented the early church documented the destruction of Jerusalem was anything BUT the Great Tribulation.

Well, you will need to produce this fantastic documentation since he seems to have posted it on a screen that only you can see. The tripe he has posted proves no such thing. It may prove that this worldwide calamity that you have decided it means did not happen, but that is not what the preterists are allegedly to begin with. So you are simply doing what I said you have been doing all along, your assume your position and then point to your assumption as your proof.

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by Dee Dee Warren

I mean exactly what the Bible means and I am waiting for your exegetical rebuttal. Your question has been answered as you leave numerous ones unanswered.
Back at ya!

Dee Dee Warren

Wow, way to answer. Not! :kiss: You have no position to argue from besides your own unproven opinion that our interpretation of the scope of the phrase Great Tribulation in Matthew 24 is incorrect. I have provided more than ample Biblical support pages back which remains unanswered while I have still answered numerous questions posed to me without reciprocity from you. I guess I love ya anyway.


Dispeller of Fantasies
Tinpants Rattles On

Tinpants Rattles On


I guess the readers can decide for themselves eh Mr. JP?

I vote for interior spin. It's the only way to explain the constant rattling.

You continue....You are missing the point just as Dee Dee is missing the point. The Great Tribulation happening or not happening is NOT ONLY a theological debate in its nature.

No point is being missed unless it is the one on the lance you broke while picking litter in the park, to wit:

Had it happened it would be woven into world history in a variety of ways.

More vague prattle! The questions are:

1) Who would notice the events? Lots, obviously -- but only 5% of the population was literate and little has survived from the first century. But of course only believers would connect it with Matt. 24. Among non-believers, we say it is recorded in Josephus, a bit in Tacitus...that's about all we'd expect given the historians of the day and their subject matter.

2) Who would recognize it as the "Great Trib"? So far the only answer has been "the patristics" and these guys were not all sharp tools in the shed by any means, as I noted, and to which you are pertinently ignoring a reply.

And uh, JP.... keep your day job.

This IS my day job. Need some rust remover? :D


Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by jpholding
1) Who would notice the events? Lots, obviously -- but only 5% of the population was literate and little has survived from the first century. But of course only believers would connect it with Matt. 24. Among non-believers, we say it is recorded in Josephus, a bit in Tacitus...that's about all we'd expect given the historians of the day and their subject matter.

2) Who would recognize it as the "Great Trib"? So far the only answer has been "the patristics" and these guys were not all sharp tools in the shed by any means, as I noted, and to which you are pertinently ignoring a reply.

And uh, JP.... keep your day job.

This IS my day job. Need some rust remover? :D

Preterists are just plain bizarre! If the Great Tribulation could go unnoticed at the time of its occurrence (which is what you are arguing) what possible purpose could it have served as a prophetic event?

After all Jesus said regarding the Great Tribulation.....
Matthew 24:25 See, I have told you beforehand.

Asked another way...
What would the point of a prophecy like the Great Tribulation be if when the prophecy was fulfilled it would go unnoticed?

I don't seem to remember Jesus including the Great Tribulation going unnoticed in His prophecy regarding the Great Tribulation.

Now let's see did the verse go.....

Matthew 24:21 For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. *Yet this Tribulation will go completely unnoticed by My people."

* Added for comedic value :D

Dee Dee Warren

to fill in the gaps...

to fill in the gaps...

I see that only one paragraph of my response to the Zechariah issue is ever quoted... so as a gift, here is the rest of my response in the BRIII. I had provided more detail at another point in a thread outside the Battle, but unfortunately that thread appears to have been culled.....

First I will comment on Jerry’s misguided reliance on Zech. 12 and the important point that I made that he conveniently left out. He gets really excited over my statement that the decline of the Roman Empire can be dated to the destruction of Jerusalem and exclaims:


But Dee Dee,can´t you read? The Lord says that He will destroy the nations IN THAT DAY!!!

But Jerry can’t you read?? The battle described is fought on horseback. What part of that phrase is confusing?? The “horse” or the “back”?? Jerry seems to be insinuating that the phrase “in that day” indicates an immediate event (even within one literal day), not an event that can be understood over a period of time. Horsefeathers. The Bible shows great fluidity with the phrase “that day”. In fact the text in question (Zech. 12:9) merely says “in that day I will seek to destroy all the nations…” Other texts within Zechariah itself prove his wooden literalism to be nonsense. Zech. 2:11; 3:10;13:3-4; 14:8-9; 14:20-21 are passages which Jerry would take to be occurring over an entire “Millennium,” and yet this “thousand years” (in Jerry’s view) is called “that day.” Here are just some other Scripture references using “that day” which refer to a period of time Ex 13:8; Jdg 18:1; 1 Sam 18:18; Is 2:11, 4:2, 11:10, 17:7; Hos 2:16. He is once again gored on his own horn. That has got to hurt. And to really gut Zech. 12-14 from being of any usefulness to Jerry, Zech. 13:7-9 places this destruction of Jerusalem squarely within the first century when the Shepherd is struck. I am sure that Jerry will just try and shoehorn in a handy-dandy gap, but if he tries that I have another weapon in my arsenal

Jerry says,

But I say,why shouldn’t we take these verses literally?

Yes, Jerry why shouldn’t we believe that it is an ancient battle fought on horseback??

Wow, Jerry actually believes that a future battle against Jerusalem will be fought on horseback! Why aren’t the Palestinians building up a considerable cavalry if this the optimum way to attack the Jews?? This would be hysterical if Jerry weren’t actually serious. Will Jerry be consistent and also believe, according to Ezekiel 38 and 39, that “Russia” will also fight Israel on horseback with swords and shields (38:4), bows and arrows (39:3), and wooden javelins and spears (39:10)? Notice also that Israelites will not need to go out to the forests to gather wood (39:10). Really? How many Israelites do you think are doing that today?? And notice the targets of the enemy attack: silver, gold, and cattle (39:13). Does Jerry really think that anyone is interested in Israel’s livestock?? Where are the Cobra helicopters Jerry?

[sarcasm]Hmm, the Encyclopedia Americana is Jerry’s scholarly source to refute my statement on the decline of the Roman Empire? [/sarcasm] He claims that since Rome expanded in size it could not have been declining. Jerry’s simplistic rendering of complex vagaries of history would also be laughable if he were not serious. Noted historian Edward Gibbon documented that it was Rome’s expansion that was the beginning of its fall as follows, “But the decline of Rome was the natural and inevitable effect of immoderate greatness. Prosperity ripened the principle of decay; the causes of destruction multiplied with the extent of conquest; and, as soon as time or accident had removed the artificial supports, the stupendous fabric yielded to the pressure of its own weight.”

Dee Dee Warren

More on Zechariah to follow, but unfortunately I have to write it from scratch.


Matthew 24:21 For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. *Yet this Tribulation will go completely unnoticed by My people." Yeah really. Everbody knows the Temple is still really there and the Pharisees have increased in power during the last two millennia. All that trash about the city being destroyed is obviously a lie,,, we see Jerusalem on TV practically every night dont we? Especially the part when they say it was all proof that the carpenter was really a true prophet. Well Im with you.

If he ever did say anything like that ,,,I mean nation warring against nation,,kingdom against kingdom,,, Temple being overthrown,,, yup somebody would have noticed.


New member
Matthew xxiv, 21: "For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be."

Luke xxi, 24: "And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled."

Interesting parallel... So even if this tribulation is the greatest ever, it is only locally the greatest, (the greatest in Jerusalem,) not the greatest in the world. Matthew, after all, is written with Jews in mind.

Context, context, context. The fact that some passages literal while others are symbolic should be enough to show that how literal your hermeneutic is has zero correlation with the proper interpretation.