Am I wrong, or isn't this how people explain free will? God chose to limit His power?
The only creatures that we know of that God created were angels and mankind. Both were created with free volition. Lucifer and Adam both exercised their negative volition towards God.
For God to create creatures with free volition means that God cannot coerce such creatures. This would violate God’s perfect righteousness, integrity, justice, love, etc. Free volition means that not every creature created by God is going to exercise positive volition for God. Those creatures who exercise negative volition for God have to go to hell. Anything else would violate God’s perfect justice.
God desires all of His creatures to exercise positive volition to Himself, but again, because God does not, and cannot force His creatures to choose Him, there will be creatures who go to hell. Satan, fallen angels, and every human being who exercised negative volition to God will go to hell.
Throughout human history God has provided a means for salvation. Even angels were provided an opportunity to choose God.
For God to unconditionally elect a creature to eternity, and allow those who did not get chosen to go to hell, would violate every one of God’s perfect attributes. For someone to believe that God could elect a creature to hell (Supra) is simply crazy.
God creating a creature with free will is not God limiting His power, it is a reflection of God's perfect righteousness and perfect love. The only other option would be to create robots.
One of the key points in the Bible that the Calvinists fails to see is that “all” the angles rejoiced when God created the earth. Then we find out later that one third of the angels had fallen. The elect angels acted upon their free volition for God, the fallen angels acted upon their negative volition for God. This destroys the Calvinists view of predestination and election. Election can only happen after positive volition is exercised.