Do you care to answer my question?
Do you care to answer my question?
Delmar said:It is of critical importance, because everyone who grows up as a Calvinist will, at some point in there life, face a crisis and come face to face with the idea that whatever tragic situation they are going though, is happening because God wanted it to happen!
God wanted my Dad to leave my mom!
God wanted me to be raped!
God wanted a drunk driver to kill my family!
God wanted my children and grand children to reject Him and go to Hell because they were not "elected"!
It is a sick and twisted view of God and it is a lie from the pit of Hell!
Clete said:Well said Delmar!
The Open View is all about what sort of God we serve or who God is. The Calvinist who doesn't or can't deal with the Biblical and rational arguments for Open Theism throws out the "humanist" straw man argument only to demonstrate their complete misunderstanding (usually willful misunderstanding) of the doctrine. All theological movements, including Calvinism, are fundamentally based upon a "Theology Proper" and Open Theism is no exception, which makes sense since theology is nothing more than the 'logos of the theos' or the logic (i.e. study) of God. If your understanding of God is wrong so will your theology be and conversely if your theology is wrong so will be your understanding of God. Thus the primary difference between Open Theism and Calvinism or Arminianism or any other settled view theology has primarily to do who God is.
Is God more like the creatures who, according to God's own testimony, were made by Him in His own image and likeness; enough like us that we can intimately relate to Him in ways that are meaningful and fulfilling for both Him and us, or is He like the gods of the Greeks, totally transcendent in every conceivable manner; so unlike us that we cannot help but contradict ourselves and sound silly when discussing even His simplest of attributes?
That is the fundamental question being debating between the Open Theists and everyone else.
Resting in Him,
Well said, the three of you!Philetus said:Well said, both of you!
It really is as simple as 'relationships'! God is person and personable. God seeks, pursues, and enters into give and receive relationships with His creatures. It frustrates me to no end that Calvinism has set the agenda for discussion for so long (even with Arminians) that even now every discussion is given to unraveling the knots they have made for themselves rather than simply pursuing what it means to experience and represent Jesus in God's world.
Closed minds = closed future
Open minds = open future
That may sound trite, but I'm convinced that until a person is convinced of God's nearness no amount of 'texting' of the scriptures seems to make a dent in their armor that keeps God at a distance, unable or unwilling to draw near to humanity.
God simply cannot be that un-Christ like. And Jesus could not have been that unlike his Father.
Even open theists believe that God predicts the future, you outrageously stupid idiot.
Would you please go away until you at least understand the issues being discussed here? You're such a huge waste of time for everyone here!
Resting in Him,
Now Clete admits that God does know the future after all this time of saying that OV couldn't because according to him the future doesn't exist yet.
Tell me, how could god cause events to "come to pass" without imposing his will on those events?
Knowing and predicting (regardless of how accurately) isn't the same thing.Now Clete admits that God does know the future after all this time of saying that OV couldn't because according to him the future doesn't exist yet.
Same way you do, only much more competently.Tell me, how could god cause events to "come to pass" without imposing his will on those events?
A person can predict the future by chance or insight. That does not make them a God. The test that God is God is that he knows the future not predicts it.
Jeremiah just speaks of god's providence not being frustrated.
I agree with some things appen out of necessity and some out of continbgency or proximation to God's goals.
Here's a question. Christ coming into the world happened out of necessity. Mary had free will. Could she have rejected receiving God into her womb.
You need to go back and read the entire thread that I jumped into late. The "one line" I responded to was the one started post that triggered a longer thread.All that in response to a one line post :jawdrop: I'm going to have to insist that you start trimming it back a bit!
Well said, the three of you!
This is theological doubletalk. Where do we draw the line? Must we continually strain at every scripture verse to determine what is "nomative" or and exception to the "always" rule? No wonder there are no established statements of doctrine for open theism. Such a tome would be full of "if-then-else" subroutines, ultimately leading to infinite loops or completely dead sections never accessed. (Pardon the comp sci metaphor).The virgin conception was not based on free will, but intervention by God. God does not normatively mess with free will, but He can do so exceptionally. God can and does intervene at times, but He does not always cause or coerce. Genuine, significant freedom is a gift in order to have love and relationship realities.
Does preparing a vessel not mean Mary would be free from original sin?
This is theological doubletalk. Where do we draw the line? Must we continually strain at every scripture verse to determine what is "nomative" or and exception to the "always" rule? No wonder there are no established statements of doctrine for open theism. Such a tome would be full of "if-then-else" subroutines, ultimately leading to infinite loops or completely dead sections never accessed. (Pardon the comp sci metaphor).
Free will is genuine, self-evident, and the norm, by God's sovereign choice. He does not always have to get His way nor have a risk-free existence. An omnicompetent being can rule providentially without meticulous control.
This does not preclude the Sovereign from intervening when and how He wants, even at the expense of some creatures freedom. This is seen as exceptional, biblically and anecdotally.
Your theodicy is indefensible in light of reality and the explicit character of God.
You need to go back and read the entire thread that I jumped into late. The "one line" I responded to was the one started post that triggered a longer thread.
Your uninformed opinions about Calvinism are well known, so I can see how you would take issue with my post, despite its non-biased content, yet allow one from an OV-er that was just as long, yet full of OV dogma, to go uncommented as to its length.
Did you even bother to read what I posted? Or are you just sitting around with a ruler?
In that post I was just doing my job as a moderator and reminding you that posts of excessive length are against the rules...and no I rarely bother trying to wade through posts that long. While it might seem like I live my entire life at TOL I am often just at the computer for five or ten minutes at a time, many times a day.
Wow I can't imagine anyone reading every bit of every post. I am sure glad the administrators at TOL do not expect that of me. I wouldn't last a week! Actually it isn't really my job at all to determine the worth of posts, It is simply my job to help keep order!Frankly, I believe this is wrong.
As moderator, it is your job to read all that is uploaded; whether it takes more than 5 or 10 minutes to read at a time, or not.
I suppose you limit your occasional responses, to 5 or 10 minutes of your time, also. (Probably because the likelihood is you post at work, on your employers' time.)
How can you absorb, meditate, and determine worth of posts, if you are simply scanning?
No wonder there is no spiritual development or correction occuring on TOL.