It is simple for those that would re-define a transcendent God into something more like what man wants a god to be versus what God told us He is in His special revelation.
trite! See, I told you you hated OT as much as I hate Calvinism.
God does not change His mind. God is exhaustively omniscient. Anyone that can refuse God's grace makes Christ's atonement necessary, but not sufficient. A hobbled atonement is not possible with the God of the scriptures. You can make painful strained interpretations of Scripture to force that intepretation, but it is not proper. That is the essential difference in our views.
Stop that, or I'll get Pastor Bob Hill to post the scriptures. :crackup:
Christ's atonement is both necessary and sufficient and God's grace can be resisted.
At least both SV and OVers like to hobble and paste scriptures with painful strained interpretations ... blablabla. I guess that is the one inessential samenesses.
This god is a watchmaker who wound up the universe and then lets it run. The scriptures deny your statement. Nothing happens in this world without God's direct involvement and providential control. If He can know when a bird falls to the ground or the numbers of the hairs on my head, assuming He is not always moving to keep His creation together denies the plain meaning of the scriptures. "And I also have withholden the rain from you, when there were yet three months before the harvest; and I caused it to rain upon one city, and caused it not to rain upon another city," Amos 4:7. "He gave you from heaven rains and fruitful seasons, filling your heart with food and gladness," Acts 14:17.
Now who needs to read more carefully? I didn't say that God was not involved. Quite the opposite. I said that the earth COULD sustain life for
a while at least if God choose to 'walk away' and leave us in our sins. Your view has God abandoning at least the part of creation he chooses not to elect to live. I guess if we use your approach to the others view that makes you half a deists.
God is good at what he makes and thankfully He is faithful to His creation.
Again, you assume far more than the revelations in the scriptures demonstrate. Ever notice in the scriptures that you don't read, say, "it rains"? Instead we read of God sending the rain. Even the possibilities of accident and chance are not excluded from God's direct control and even "the lot was an accepted means of obtaining the decision of God (Joshua 7:16; 14:2; 18:6; 1 Samuel 10:19; Jonah 1:7). All things without exception, indeed, are disposed by God, and His will is the ultimate account of all that occurs (Amos 3:5, 6; Lamentations 3:33-38; Isaiah 47:7; Ecclesiastes 7:14; Isaiah 54:16). Your so-called "freedom" is to seek autonomy from God. That was the very first sin.
Then why don't Calvinists flip a coin to determine the will of God?
That is really an honest question. Why not? Why do you still vote on matters in your solemn assemblies? If the next President has already been chosen by God why do so many Calvinists take pride in voting and the way they vote?
Your denial in seeking autonomy from God screams out 'last sin ever committed'.
Again, you are not reading my words carefully. You are filtering them all through your anti-Calvinism strainer. Please state where I have said that God does not respond to His creatures, does not love them, does not remain long-suffering for them.
Yes I am reading and yes I am filtering, because every thing you say is Calvinistic.
And you are not filtering? Give me a break.
More vitriol. Less substance. I have freedom, the kind of freedom to be the creature God wants me to be. Anyone saying that Calvinists do not enjoy freedom are wallowing in unlearned sophistry. Nothing that I am aware of constrains me, yet I remain supremely comforted that God is in charge and cannot, will not, ever, be thwarted in His purposes.
So, if God wants you to be a clever, learned, bible scholar who thinks he is saved but really isn't a member of the secret order of the elect at all, you have the freedom to do exactly what about that?
If your view is true ... you simply have NO freedom to do anything about it or anything else for that matter. NO freedom at all. It isn't even your decision to make. Jesus either died for you or he only died for someone else and you have been led to believe a lie about yourself by some well meaning but misdirected Calvinist who preached a great evangelistic sermon when he didn't know who he was talking to or about. And there is no way on God's green earth you can possibility know which. Instead of preaching why not flip a coin?
You need to know the difference between vitriol and vigorous.