Religion: Can you answer lighthouse's question in a sentence or two? Stating traditional views about God's attributes does not clearly answer the question. It may be obvious to you, but not to others.
LH: It would help if you told us why you believe differently.
Is the resolution in how we define omnipotence/immutability?
God can change in some ways, but not in other ways. Omnipotence also does not mean doing everything one can possibly do all the time nor does it mean doing the undoable (logical contradictions).
A brief summary from both of you would be helpful.
The resolution is clearly dependent upon how immutability and omnipotence are defined (see
earlier post as necessary for the resolution). The discussion of omnipotence versus immutability is a favorite in some legal circles. I suspect that LH is coming at it from that angle. A good discussion of the matter from a legal perspective is found
here. As the reader of this exhaustive discussion will find, how the terms are defined is key to resolving the purported paradox of omnipotence and immutability. Like I said earlier, this is a well-worn subject, that LH has apparently stumbled upon thinking it to be novel.
My short version:
1. God’s
perfections and attributes are unchangeable. (immutability)
2. God is able to do all His holy will. (omnipotence)
3. There is no conflict in God's unchangeable perfections and attributes with God's ability to do His Holy will.