Ever notice that anytime Clete sees scripture that disagrees with his own views, he dismisses them out of hand?
I agreed with the general point that was being made by the citation of those Scriptures and therefore saw no reason to refute anything. The only thing that I would have wanted to refute were points that were only implied and not explicitly stated and I didn't want to turn his misuse of the Scripture into a Red Herring for you.
The essence of anything Clete ever responds to is easily summed up as:
The essence of anything AMR ever responds too is...
[long period of awkward silence]
[/long period of awkward silence]
Fallacious argument after fallacious argument
Straw man fallacy
Really really long cut and paste job from someone more articulate that AMR.
More fallacious argument
Poor Clete. Has a little checklist of logic...his secular "bible".
John 1:1 In the beginning was Logic, and Logic was with God, and Logic was God.
14 And Logic became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.
While straining gnats he ignores any substantive content preferring to puff himself up with pridefulness.
Yet another ad hominem fallacy with nothing to back up the accusation.
Which substantive content did I ignore? I've responded to every single point that you've made or that other people have made for you except for those which are not relevant or fallacious and even those I've explained why they are not relevant or why they are fallacious.
All of which you have factually ignored and now sit there and judge me for having ignored you! You are a hypocrite AMR! There isn't a single substantive argument that you've responded too yet that I can remember! Not a single one!
His presuppositions are so rigid that he is unable to objectively and intellectually consider anything he disagrees with.
Not so! There are many here who can testify to the falsehood of this statement. Threads still exist where I argued seemingly forever against major points which I eventually came to not only agree with but embrace fully. Presuppositionalism itself is one of the most important examples of this. How long did I debate with Hilston about presuppositionalism, Knght? A year? Two years? It seems like it was forever! And of the two of us, (myself and Hilston) who would you say was most responsible for introducing people to Presuppositionalism on this website?
So unable to distance himself from his own biases, preferring to wave the "I am right, everyone else is wrong" banner.
Well we can't all be right, AMR. Either I am right and you are a heretic or its the other way around. If you want me to take your positions seriously you are going to have present them in a rationally coherent fashion or else they're going to stick to me like water on a ducks back.
Why? Well, "I have this checklist, you see, and if I can place a mark on it, then, well...anyway, it's on my little checklist!
You knew that this statement was false when you wrote it AMR.
If your position is so strong and so Biblical and so rationally sound, why must you resort to lying about me, my position and my arguments? Just address the arguments AMR! If I'm such a nincompoop then show us all by defeating my arguments.
So it must be irrelevant. Yeah, that's it. I am right! Hooray for me!" The very definition of fanaticism-- a person, who, having forgotten his original aim, merely redoubles his efforts.
The most commonly used word in all of Clete's posts: fallacy
The most commonly used word in all of AMR's posts: God
Notice how AMR here pits God against rational thought.
Your version of God is irrational AMR. You came here and one of the first things you claimed was to be in possession of a rational worldview. You then immediately started on a quest to ignore every rational argument presented to you in opposition to your theology.
If my accusations of irrationality are false then demonstrate such by presenting a rational argument of your own - if you can.
Clete has but one tool in his theological toolbox, a hammer. So all he sees is nails.
It's a baseball bat actually!
I knock Calvinism out of the park with every swing!
Clete fancies himself a rationalist,
Not true. I am rational, yes but I am not a rationalist. Rationalists believe that all truth can be attained by rational thought, this is not what I believe. I do believe that all truth is rational but I do not believe that we can figure out all truth without divine revelation.
...yet he does not fully grasp the connotation or the epistemological implications vis a vis, say, empiricism.
Why stop there AMR?!!!
Saying something like this doesn't make it so! If I do not grasp some rational implication of my belief system then don't just point out that I don't grasp something, point out what it is specifically that I do not grasp and explain why it is important and why you believe it defeats my position. That would be a valid form of argument that I would relish the opportunity to respond too!
MAKE THE ARGUMENT AMR!!! What are you afraid of?
This is probably because Clete has not spent time to formally study these concepts, other than some web site hop-scotching, so he can parrot back what he has read, yet never properly internalized.
Yet another ad hominem lie.
Oh, and let me save you some time, Clete. The above is ad hominem, yet it is meaningful and relevant. Seek to understand the distinctions.
It isn't relevant as it is a lie AMR! You knew both the ad hominem and this follow up to it where both lies when you wrote them!
Instead what you should have done is point out something that I should have read or better yet, what that something says that it relevant and explained how it is relevant. As it is, this whole post was basically a poor attempt to ague against me in the same manner in which I have been arguing against you AND your position. The problem you've got is that I not only claim to have a rational worldview, I'm willing to demonstrate it with rational arguments and I know a fallacy when I see one because that fact is that I have spent the time reading and studying to show myself approved, a workman that need not be ashamed.
Resting in Him,