I did very clearly tell you that your numbers were incorrect given a detailed analysis that I cited for you to go read. Later I point you to others' who have done similar, but less rigorous work, and concluded more or less the very same thing. What more do you want?
I don't know what this means. Most of the time my links are to already substantive previous posts that are directly on point. Should I duplicate them all the time? In your case, I posted external links for your own edification.
You fail to see that I went out of my way to find this information for you, culling it from many more that were less useful or informative. Yet, you prefer to denigrate me for my efforts--on your behalf--and reply to others with dripping
My answer to your question is as before: you are wrong in your numbers, you are wrong in trying to tie the numbers to some argument about the future not being settled, you are wrong to ignore the analysis of others, in other words, patman, you are wrong.
I don't know whether to continue on topic or to stand up for myself when it comes to you and Nang. You are the only ones I ever smart off to on here, and that is because you provoke it.
I liked how Elijah smarted off to the false prophets to false Gods. Would you rebuke him too?
You only like people who agree with you. If I were on your side, you would cheer me on just like you do Nang. She dishes it out too ya know. Yet you are ok with that when it is aimed at me, and totally against me when I one-up her in sarcasm.
You act like there are two bodies of christ. The body that agrees with you, and everyone else.
When you show me such little regard, tell me, why should I believe you actually want to "help me?" What compliment have you ever given me? When did you ever give me any basic respect? All I get from you concerns how terrible I am. And how unworthy I am of you. Your witness is summed up in my signature.
Now you want me to believe you took time to help me? So you say you went through "all that work" to make a link... and I am supposed to thank you and forget about the rest? After everything you have done to put me down, I have to be super excited about a link? What are you trying to prove, and who are you trying to impress?
Even though all you do is put me down, respond with a few sentences and a few links, completely ignore me, and (worst of all) tell me I am not worthy to talk to you, I still do.
But how dare you expect me to be pleasant towards you! And what nerve you have to expect me to fall for this post!
What do I want from you? I have told you all along. Just talk... type, whatever. Use your fingers, and tell me exactly what you think I need to know. Answer my questions to you directly, and not with a, "Here," "Here," "Here," "Here," "Here," "Here," and "Here."
Because "here," isn't an answer. "Here" doesn't tell me you thought about my question. "Here," doesn't make me believe you catered your answer to my question. "Here," just tells me "read this and leave me alone."
I didn't know TOL was a canned answer site. You know what a canned answer is, right? An answer in a can. Just take it off the shelf, serve it to someone, and expect them to find it helpful. No, TOL is a discussion site. We come here to form dialog.
When you answer, just say what you think. If there is a particular paragraph from another web page, cite it. Quote it, give it credit by offering a link, bold the stuff you want to stand out, just make an effort!
Do you accept a student's essay when he just gives y ou a few books with bookmarks, with numbers, and a page that says "Dear professor, Here is my essay, just read these pages that are bookmarked in the order they are bookmarked?"
Why would you not understand? Type out your answers. Talk about your thoughts. People who come to these threads and read want it all there. Answers that are links are just distractions. If they find your explination good, and want more, then they can follow the links you cited.
Also, just pasting a bunch of links from google, or from you bookmarks doesn't work, not for me. I told you in my last post, so please, stop. Internet search, computer meta tags, are amazingly fast.
That timeline I made. That took time. I highly value my time these days. I love each second more than you ever even thought about loving them. My timeline, be it right or wrong, was a true time investment for you, and whoever would address my question. It's
only purpose was to show that Israel was
not slaves for 400 years.
So your links.... don't even try to compare their value in time. So, please, don't make yourself sound better than you are, while putting me down. Stop trying to put me down with this kind of bull.
Many of your links, even your own words, confirmed what I set out to prove. Israel was not slaves for 400 years. I am right about that. It is the only thing that I wanted to be right about.
God prophesied Israel would be slaves for 400 years. They weren't. Now, here is your chance to explain how an all future seeing God can say something would happen that didn't.
One last thing "Your wrong" doesn't convince me. Your links didn't either.