ARCHIVE: Open Theism part 2

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If Satan rebuked you gently, would you thank him too?

If her position is right, then you're wrong because God made you wrong and you will only ever be right if God arbitrarily decides that you're going to change your mind and trust in the arbitrary bully version of God that Calvinism teaches.

Jude 1:9 But even the archangel Michael, when he was disputing with the devil about the body of Moses, did not dare to bring a slanderous accusation against him, but said, "The Lord rebuke you!"

Psalm 141:5 Let a righteous man strike me—it is a kindness; let him rebuke me—it is oil on my head. My head will not refuse it. Yet my prayer is ever against the deeds of evildoers;

Proverbs 27:5 Better is open rebuke than hidden love.

Proverbs 9:8 Do not rebuke a mocker or he will hate you; rebuke a wise man and he will love you.

Proverbs 29:1 A man who remains stiff-necked after many rebukes will suddenly be destroyed—without remedy.​

Clete, thank you for your loving rebuke. Will you not speak to Muz about this subject? Will you listen to me and aid your friend?

Proverbs 17:10 A rebuke impresses a man of discernment more than a hundred lashes a fool.​

Obviously I don't think I'm wrong, but that doesn't mean it's impossible for me to be so! I've taken many a rebuke from you, some just, some unjust. You, in fact, have commented that this attitude is distasteful to you. Indeed, you find me to be one of the most distasteful people you have ever come across. Understand, your lashes don't impress me. I know that you are sincere in your efforts with me, nonetheless. I appreciate them with out agreeing since I see within you, He who is within Nang.

Your Brother, whether you like it or not, in Christ,
Rob Mauldin


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Satan is within Nang, if anyone is, and I am not interested in your appreciation. You have no discernment Rob! None! If you appreciate Nang, I prefer you hate me, thank you very much.

The point of my previous post is that Nang's doctrine teaches that you have no free will and yet she responds to you (and everyone else) as though you do. She is a hypocrite and a fool. Every time she opens her mouth she contradicts herself and she refuses to accept the testimony of the life she lives every single day of her life, as do you most of the time.

Resting in Him,

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Why does nang and amr even post if everything is already decided? To rub it in to certain people that are predestined to burn in hell no matter what they do?


Well-known member
Satan is within Nang, if anyone is, and I am not interested in your appreciation. You have no discernment Rob! None! If you appreciate Nang, I prefer you hate me, thank you very much.

The point of my previous post is that Nang's doctrine teaches that you have no free will and yet she responds to you (and everyone else) as though you do. She is a hypocrite and a fool. Every time she opens her mouth she contradicts herself and she refuses to accept the testimony of the life she lives every single day of her life, as do you most of the time.

Resting in Him,

This is bold. Is there any chance whatsoever that your comment could be incorrect? Can you solidify your stance for me (a posted quote or whatever shows this as accurate)? For instance, you bring up here denial of free-will. Is this a damning doctrine? I'm just looking for substance for the assessment.


New member
So to repeat my question, when was the decision made by Judas that was irrevocable, and where do we see this moment described?

And I'm not asking Muz to prove an negative, I'm asking if it's fair to condemn people who did not believe, when God did not draw them.

But if some who were not the remnant could have believed, how could this be known?

And Jesus said "Truly, truly," or "I tell you the truth," his way of saying "This is quite certain"--when he knew it was not?
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Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Why does nang and amr even post if everything is already decided? To rub it in to certain people that are predestined to burn in hell no matter what they do?
Predestination is a term reserved for the elect of God chosen in eternity through the counsel of His own will and not through any foreseen actions on the part of those so chosen.

The lost are left in their own sins, for no one deserves anything from God but justice for their sins. If God mercifully chooses some to election, that is His right as the sovereign creator of all that exists.

We do not know who has been elected. Every person I encounter I assume is one of God's elect, so we vigorously spread the Gospel message to everyone for that is how the elect are converted.

Stop trying to impose humanistic egalitarian notions upon your conception of God Almighty. If you want humanistic understandings of fairness in your idea of God, stop looking for them in the Scriptures as you won't find any such ideas therein.

God's creation is not a democracy--it is His sovereign kingdom, ruled by His perfect righteousness and holiness--and we are His subjects.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Satan is within Nang, if anyone is, and I am not interested in your appreciation. You have no discernment Rob! None! If you appreciate Nang, I prefer you hate me, thank you very much.

The point of my previous post is that Nang's doctrine teaches that you have no free will and yet she responds to you (and everyone else) as though you do. She is a hypocrite and a fool. Every time she opens her mouth she contradicts herself and she refuses to accept the testimony of the life she lives every single day of her life, as do you most of the time.

Resting in Him,

People who deny free will certainly live as though they and everyone else has it. Truth resonates with reality, so a denial of reality is a denial of truth.


New member
Satan is within Nang, if anyone is, and I am not interested in your appreciation. You have no discernment Rob! None! If you appreciate Nang, I prefer you hate me, thank you very much.

The point of my previous post is that Nang's doctrine teaches that you have no free will and yet she responds to you (and everyone else) as though you do. She is a hypocrite and a fool. Every time she opens her mouth she contradicts herself and she refuses to accept the testimony of the life she lives every single day of her life, as do you most of the time.

Resting in Him,

People who deny free will certainly live as though they and everyone else has it. Truth resonates with reality, so a denial of reality is a denial of truth.

Yet, who at TOL has looked into the Book of Life? Christians might have different speculations about the nature of God, and yet remain Christian.

In response to being a hypocrite, I would say that only those with standards are hypocrites. Furthermore, those who believe free will can't co-exist with foreknowledge; and consistently try to prove that God has it; or constantly use it as a basis for their arguments are pots calling the kettles black.

Nang says outright, "Free will is non-existent" in support of foreknowledge excluding free acts. Others who have this same belief wish to proclaim foreknowledge and free will co-exist and are unable to co-exist in the same breath. Who might be the hypocrite here?

Clete is the only 'ot' that has consistently said future free acts are unknowable under any circumstances. He's refused to engage the argument of future foreknown reprobation, but at least He's not having his cake and eating it too!

The hypocrisy which Clete speaks of is far less damaging that the bold unabashed hypocrisy of most open theists!

1: to believe what one does not​

Muz writes:
1. "the exact course of the future is unknowable"
2. "God has knowledge of all possible courses of the future"
3. "God knows what He may do (or not do) at any given point in these possible futures, and knows how His actions will affect future possibilities"

Godrulz said:
C. God knows some aspects of the future. He can and does intervene sometimes, but not all the time. He can predestine some things and make them come to pass by His ability see Is. 46 and 48 for this principle. He settles some things, but leaves other aspects of the future open and unsettled.

This two motif principle explains all of the proof texts. Determinism or foreknowledge only deals with one set of texts, while making the other theme figurative.

My bottom line is that EDF of future free will contingencies is an absurdity/logical impossibility. One cannot have their cake and eat it too.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
People who deny free will certainly live as though they and everyone else has it. Truth resonates with reality, so a denial of reality is a denial of truth.

And an intentional denial of reality is a lie and hypocrisy.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Why does nang and amr even post if everything is already decided? To rub it in to certain people that are predestined to burn in hell no matter what they do?

They believe that God predestined them to post self-contradictory posts and then to deny that the posts are self-contradictory even though they both know they are. :dizzy:


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
This is bold. Is there any chance whatsoever that your comment could be incorrect? Can you solidify your stance for me (a posted quote or whatever shows this as accurate)? For instance, you bring up here denial of free-will. Is this a damning doctrine? I'm just looking for substance for the assessment.

Its not one post, Lon, its a consistent pattern of behavior.

No, the doctrine itself is not damning unless you know it is false and teach it anyway, as in the case of AMR (and perhaps Nang as well). Nang, I tend to still lean toward the side of believing she is simply deeply confused and deceived. Not so with AMR. He knows that his worldview is irrational and willfully continues to propagate it as literally the gospel truth. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing and I am fully persuaded that he is not a believer in the God of the Bible. The God he has chosen for himself bears no resemblance to the loving Father figure we are presented in Scripture who pleads with us to repent so that He can forgive us and take us under His wing. AMR's God makes you sin, so that He can force you to repent and then he forces you to love him for it. AMR has even blatantly stated that the world better off because evil exists! That's not Christianity and AMR is not a Christian - and he knows it.

I am in sort of an interestingly tough spot though concerning these two because the more I hate AMR and point out his heresy, the more loyal to him Nang becomes, which is a less than desirable result, but I don't see what choice I have, really. Nang came here because of me and I have to be true to who I am. I'm not going to start pulling punches because some mindless woman makes foolish decisions based on emotional considerations instead of the Scripture and plain reason, especially when I don't know for a fact that she is even a believer.

Resting in Him,


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Clete is the only 'ot' that has consistently said future free acts are unknowable under any circumstances. He's refused to engage the argument of future foreknown reprobation, but at least He's not having his cake and eating it too!
What in the world is "future foreknown reprobation"?

I don't think I've ever even heard that phrase before in my life. It's sort of difficult to refuse to engage an argument you've never heard of before, Rob.

And I am not the only Open Theist that has consistently said that future free will actions are unknowable. I don't believe that my position on this issue is significantly different than Knight's, Turbo's, Polly's, Bob Enyart's, Bob Hill's and at least half a dozen other's who regularly post on this forum (if not in this actual thread). Hyperbole is one thing but come on already. You act as if I'm some sort of Lone Ranger on this one and it just isn't the case.


New member
So to repeat my question, when was the decision made by Judas that was irrevocable, and where do we see this moment described?

And I'm not asking Muz to prove an negative, I'm asking if it's fair to condemn people who did not believe, when God did not draw them.

But if some who were not the remnant could have believed, how could it be known that only a remnant would be saved?

And Jesus said "Truly, truly," or "I tell you the truth," this is his way of saying "This is quite certain"--yet he knew it was not certain?
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TOL Subscriber
Nang came here because of me and I have to be true to who I am.

I was going to let this nonsense from Clete, speak for itself, but the above quote needs to be clarified lest anyone think Clete invited me to TOL, or that he has any influence over me.

I found this web site by word of mouth, and was surprised to discover Clete and Muz were members here. I have had much discussion with Muz on "that other theology site," and Clete had tried to post there at one time, also, but my husband interfered with his attempt quickly and effectively, provoking hate talk against his person from Clete, just as has been evidenced by Clete expressing hate against myself and AMR in this thread.

That is why Clete claims I am here "because of him."

And, indeed, Clete is being true to the angry and hateful person he is.

I just thought that his comments should be explained.



New member
What in the world is "future foreknown reprobation"?

I don't think I've ever even heard that phrase before in my life. It's sort of difficult to refuse to engage an argument you've never heard of before, Rob.

I know the words future and foreknown are redundant. I used it to illuminate the difference between foreknowledge through atemporal means and foreknowledge through these means:

Muz from here.

Now, Open Theism does entail the idea that the exact course of the future is unknowable. Thus, none of these other views are akin to Open Theism's view of foreknowledge.

First, Open Theist generally say that God has knowledge of all possible courses of the future. This is akin to the Molinist's view of God's natural knowledge. So, this is one part of OVF (Open View Foreknowledge.) Notice that this view doesn't fall into the same problems as the first three, as there are possibilities that remain after creation that will not occur, because we don't choose them.

Second, Open Theists generally say that God knows what He may do (or not do) at any given point in these possible futures, and knows how His actions will affect future possibilities. Further, God knows all of the possible ways that He could fulfill His prophecies and covenants which He makes. Notice that there may be more than one way that any given prophecy may be fulfilled. Thus, there is no requirement that a specific course of the future be followed in order to achieve this. God can't void His own free will, because He freely chooses to engage His prophecies and covenants. Thus, OVF says that God foreknows all the possible ways in which prophecies and covenants will be fulfilled, and knows what is necessary to ensure that one of them occurs.

Finally, although this isn't foreknowledge, per se, God has exhaustive, definite knowledge of the past and present (since they already exist), and this includes the hearts, thoughts, and intentions of men, including the decisions we make now that push us into a certain future action. This isn't foreknowledge of action but knowledge of a free will decision made about a future action.​

Muz states, "This isn't foreknowledge of action, but knowledge of a free will decision made about a future action."

Now this is in opposition to your position in post 5033: "There are several things God knows for certain in advance, the free actions of men are not among them."

And I am not the only Open Theist that has consistently said that future free will actions are unknowable. I don't believe that my position on this issue is significantly different than Knight's, Turbo's, Polly's, Bob Enyart's, Bob Hill's and at least half a dozen other's who regularly post on this forum (if not in this actual thread). Hyperbole is one thing but come on already. You act as if I'm some sort of Lone Ranger on this one and it just isn't the case.

I'm sure that you aren't a 'lone ranger' on this issue.

However, I seem to remember Bob Enyart saying that God is capable, but simply chooses not to know the future.

The argument I presented before is below:

From post 5048:

John 17:12 'While I was with them, I protected them and kept them safe by that name you gave me. None has been lost except the one doomed to destruction' so that Scripture would be fulfilled.​

Let's ask again then:

Did Judas become lost through....

1) predetermination
2) foreknown free choices

Remember #2 requires the existence of EDF and free will choices.

Simply claiming non-exhaustive foreknowledge or non-definite foreknowledge renders one or two outcomes:

1) The definition of foreknowledge is not 'to know beforehand'
2) Jesus words were speculative and not necessarily true​

Lee also presented this idea in several posts:

And we still need to know how it is God knows only a remnant will be saved, and then all Israel will be saved (though this may refer to most Israelites, and not every last one)--group dynamics does not solve the knot, for insurances companies estimate, but do not prophesy.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
I was going to let this nonsense from Clete, speak for itself, but the above quote needs to be clarified lest anyone think Clete invited me to TOL, or that he has any influence over me.

I found this web site by word of mouth, and was surprised to discover Clete and Muz were members here. I have had much discussion with Muz on "that other theology site," and Clete had tried to post there at one time, also, but my husband interfered with his attempt quickly and effectively, provoking hate talk against his person from Clete, just as has been evidenced by Clete expressing hate against myself and AMR in this thread.

That is why Clete claims I am here "because of him."

And, indeed, Clete is being true to the angry and hateful person he is.

I just thought that his comments should be explained.

You are here (or were at one time) because of me by your own admission. And I'd love for anyone who is interested to actually read the thread of which you speak.

I've responded to this same sort of nonsense before HERE.

Be sure to read the P.S. at the end of that post.


TOL Subscriber
You are here (or were at one time) because of me by your own admission.


Bah on you (from Reader) and Poohs upon you (from his wife.)

That should be sufficient explanation, and honest response to your claims.



Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber

Bah on you (from Reader) and Poohs upon you (from his wife.)

That should be sufficient explanation, and honest response to your claims.

Notice the emotionalism and which of us is eager for people to actually read what was actually said.

THIS is the sort of thing one is up against with Nang's husband.

He obviously didn't last long here.


TOL Subscriber
Notice the emotionalism and which of us is eager for people to actually read what was actually said.

THIS is the sort of thing one is up against with Nang's husband.

He obviously didn't last long here.

Maybe because he is a real man and a real Christian, who has confronted your foolishness face to face online, and would also be more than eager to physically get in your face in real life. . .but you have been protected by TOL.

So count the blessings applied to your sorry hide . . .

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