There are several reasons I am here.
I am the only reason you are here Nang.
First, Clete needs me to be here, for his conduct needs attention, and he needs to be reminded he is teaching error.
If I forget then it was predestined before the foundation of the world that I would forget as is true of my conduct itself that I supposedly need you to remind me of. You're such a fool.
Secondly, Jesus Christ saved my soul, and commissioned that I proclaim the good news of His incarnation, death, resurrection and heavenly mediatorship amongst the entire world.
This is a lie. The only reason you are here is because you discovered that I post here and you want to harass me.
Thirdly, I have no idea who are "damned" reprobates or who are the elect.
This includes yourself, does it not? You have no assurance of salvation because for all you know you've been predestined to be tricked into thinking that your are saved when you really aren't. You believe that any man who turns away from the faith was never saved to begin with but everyone that has ever done that was at one time as convinced of their salvation as you are currently convinced of your own, and you have no way of knowing that you won't turn away from the faith yourself.
Yes, the fate of all is already determined and settled, but I am not privy to the final outcome. I cannot judge your eternal destiny, nor will I declare you reprobate. That is not my role nor my right.
But if you did make such a judgment then your having done so would itself have been predestined by God, right?
I only testify that I am a regenerated child of God due to the grace of God, and my duty and role is to witnes and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, who sacrificed His life for me.
You mean that you've been predestined by God to get on this web site and harrass me and make a complete fool of yourself.
Whether you are one of the elect, or reprobate is known only by God and yourself.
Not according to Reformed theology! It is not known by God AND yourself but only to God!
You have no way of knowing anything about what God has predestined concerning your own soul.
So as far as I am concerned, there is hope that God might grant you saving faith and repentance from sin through the hearing of the Word soundly taught.
According to Reformed theology whether he would be granted saving faith has nothing to do with what he is or is not taught. It was predestined before he ever existed and has nothing to do with whether you are here harassing me or not. The Bible itself is not even relevant. Dave could be blind, deaf and dumb and if God had predestined his salvation then He would get saved with or without the Bible every having been written.
However, the gospel of Jesus Christ is wielded like a two-edged sword by the Holy Spirit, provoking an either/or response. Either one will respond in belief and be saved, verifying God's mercy and grace, or one will scoff as an anti-christ, validating Godly condemnation against unbelief.
Whichever happens was predestined by God and by God alone before anyone ever existed according to your twisted and completely irrational theology.
Throughout the Scriptures, the gospel is very often presented through prophetic warnings of impending judgments from God. God, being fair and just, warns unbelievers of His wrath against sin and corruptions, but amongst all Godly warnings of death and judgment, the good news of salvation through belief in covenant promises of the Redeemer, shines through.
Not according to Reformed theology it doesn't. God's promises are hollow and meaningless. They are only acts in a pre-scripted play put on presumably for God's amusement. Nothing about what you say is the gospel, has any meaning. Sin is predestined and therefore meaningless; Repentance is predestined and therefore meaningless; Belief is predestined and therefore meaningless; Disbelief is predestined and therefore meaningless. The whole Bible, the whole history of mankind for that matter, is render totally and utterly meaningless from a moral perspective because everything that happens was all predestined and meticulously controlled by God's own sovereign power.
"We have learned from the prophets, and we hold it to be true, that punishments, chastisements, and rewards are rendered according to the merit of each man's actions. Otherwise, if all things happen by fate, then nothing is in our own power. For if it be predestined that one man be good and another man evil, then the first is not deserving of praise or the other to be blamed. Unless humans have the power of avoiding evil and choosing good by free choice, they are not accountable for their actions-whatever they may be.... For neither would a man be worthy of reward or praise if he did not of himself choose the good, but was merely created for that end. Likewise, if a man were evil, he would not deserve punishment, since he was not evil of himself, being unable to do anything else than what he was made for." Justin Martyr (Justin First Apology chap. 43) Estimated date of writing 156AD (i.e. Long before Calvin or even Augustine.)
Resting in Him,