Revelation 17:8Chapter? Verse?
The beast, which you saw, once was, now is not, and will come up out of the Abyss and go to his destruction. The inhabitants of the earth whose names have not been written in the book of life from the creation of the world will be astonished when they see the beast, because he once was, now is not, and yet will come.
This means God knew who's name should be recorded in the book of life. That would imply that either God knew from predestining those who are in the book or had foreknowledge of who would accept His offer of salvation. I believe it is the second. Jesus came to redeem all men. Not all men will accept the offer of salvation. And God knows who will accept and who wont.
When I read the NT it reads like it was written to people who have a real choice to make. A real and meaningful choice that will effect them through eternity.
As I said before, I do not believe God is bound by our concept of time. Predestination and God knowing only that which is knowable are two sides of the same coin. Both positions assume that God is bound by our concept of time. If that were true EDF would require predestination and preordination of all (as in each and every) things. In this case, God is responsible, directly first order cause responsible, for every evil act. As God is not responsible for evil, this is not the case.godrulz said:How does He know the future? He knows it as possible, not actual, unless He predetermines to settle somethings in advance by His ability.
Simple foreknowledge is an assumption, but indefensible.
Exhaustive definite foreknowledge would be possible if God predetermined and brought to pass everything (omnicausal). Since this would make God responsible for heinous evil, we must jettison EDF (i.e. Open Theism is able to affirm free will, predestination/foreknowledge of some vs all things, and omniscience, knowing all that is logically possible to know).
Time was created by God. God is the uncaused for cause meaning He is without beginning and without end. Time was created as God as part of His act of creation. As such, God has a perspective of time that we no way to even begin to comprehend. God can have EDF of the future because future only has meaning from our perspective within time. God knows what we will do and He allows us to do it even if it is evil.
Consider Jesus. Do you think He saw sinners as He walked through life? Did He stop them? No. Did Jesus confront the Pharisees? Yes. Did He stop them from sinning? No. Is Jesus responsible for their continuing sin? No.