ARCHIVE: Open Theism part 2

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Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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Thanks for the homework. I did not know anything about Overstreet and have not even read most of his article that I link to?! I thought it would be good to look at all sides of the debate and felt that he was on the right track.

Until we read everything Finney wrote and sit down with him to clarify the issues, we should not jump to conclusions. No man is right or wrong about everything.
Well, I have read enough of both men's writings. I certainly do not need to have read each and every scrap of their streams of consciousness to form an educated opinion after due consideration of their seminal works.

Why you post this stuff without even reading what you link to is bewildering. It appears to also be divisive, for all you are doing is opening the door, throwing in some raw meat to the dogs, and then running away very fast.:wave2:


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Finney was wrong . . .

...about some things, not everything. He was correct to take exception to the hyper-Calvinism of his day. He was not wrong that God is holy, just, omnipotent, triune, etc. He was not wrong that justification is by grace through faith, etc. He was not wrong that the word obedience is found throughout Scripture.


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Well, I have read enough of both men's writings. I certainly do not need to have read each and every scrap of their streams of consciousness to form an educated opinion after due consideration of their seminal works.

Why you post this stuff without even reading what you link to is bewildering. It appears to also be divisive, for all you are doing is opening the door, throwing in some raw meat to the dogs, and then running away very fast.:wave2:

The parts I read had merit. I also formulated my opinions about original sin from various sources many decades ago. Finney simply confirmed this and provided coherent argumentation to support it. I do not remember every detail about the topic, but I do know enough that it is based on a few proof texts that Overstreet and Finney dismantle.

I doubt you have read every word of every author of every link or book that you have ever pointed people to.

Sin is not a genetic substance. Physical depravity is not moral depravity. Sin involves volition, etc. These and other principles convince me that Augustine built a doctrine on his own struggle with sin, not on Scripture. You are set in Calvinism and deny genuine freedom. If you cannot even understand freedom, I do not accept you to not tow your party line on original sin.

My view does not deny that men are all sinners in need of a sinless Savior, so don't get your shirt in a knot.

If Psalm 51 is the best you have, then you should look at the other Hebraisms in the book that cannot mean fetuses pray, sin, talk, etc.

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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Long Term Retirement Plan for Godrulz

I doubt you have read every word of every author of every link or book that you have ever pointed people to.
Are you 12 years old? In your usual superficial style, you overlook the distinction that when I post a link to something you can be assured that I have fully digested the content specific to my reasons for so posting in the first place.

Sin is not a genetic substance.
Give me a nickel. Every time you say this traducianist nonsense and other such drivel, give me a nickel. I will give you all the nickels back if you ever get around to cogently and thoroughly substantiating what you write versus posting your usual optatives. In your case, think of it as a very long-term retirement program. I will.

My view does not deny that men are all sinners in need of a sinless Savior, so don't get your shirt in a knot.
No, your view (hiding behind your personally defined words belying orthodoxy) is some kind of humanistic heresy.

If Psalm 51 is the best you have, then you should look at the other Hebraisms in the book that cannot mean fetuses pray, sin, talk, etc.
Where is my nickel? As did Calvin, I see nothing in Psalm 51 that is used to prove original sin, instead only to denote that a person knows they possess a sinful nature from birth. Do you know anything about the doctrines you like to spout off about or are you just skimming more web pages for this blatherskite?
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Do you think sin is a genetic substance (metaphysics) or a wrong moral choice, volitional, selfish rebellion, lawlessness, disobedience, godlessness, etc.?

5 cents please.

Are you 60 years old? Then act your age.


New member
Do you think sin is a genetic substance (metaphysics) or a wrong moral choice, volitional, selfish rebellion, lawlessness, disobedience, godlessness, etc.?
Do you think there was any particular significance to Christ's suffering and temptation in the garden of Gethsemane?


Well-known member
I'm pleased to see that you are willing to admit to being a false prophet, and a wolf in sheep's (or rather pig's) clothing. It takes a big hog to admit when he is wrong.

Gal 5:19 Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: immorality, impurity, sensuality, 20 idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, 21 envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, of which I forewarn you, just as I have forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. 24 Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires​

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
LOL... If you think this is my life's mission, you're sadly mistaken.

You almost sound bitter.


No, not bitter. You get under my skin occasionally, but at the end of the day
I truly feel sorry for you. I keep hoping one day you'll exchange your focus on Bible interpretationfor Bible belief.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber

And that strikes no fear within your heart?
It seems you find new levels of foolishness for each new day, Nang. You are intentionally presenting God as an unjust bully and you dare to ask me whether I fear Him? I mean that's just brazen!

Further, how is it that you cannot see that you've contradicted what you had just got through telling me? You said first of all that since you've repeatedly warned me, if I continue rejecting your disgusting version of God then its not your doing, implying that it is my own doing and then, when I point out that your theology contradicts that and says that it isn't my doing but rather God's, you agree with that but then immediately ask me whether that strikes fear in my heart as though I have any more control over how much fear is in my heart than I do with rejecting your bully of a god! If your sick joke of a theology is correct then the only fear in my heart is precisely that which God put there by fiat and not one bit more or less.

Resting in Him,


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
God’s being revealed by His attributes:

Some would have us believe that unless God acts then God is not this or that, e.g., loving or just. Yet, when we consider the simplicity of God (basically that He is without constituent parts), we see that God and His attributes are one. God’s attributes are not so many parts that comprise the composition of God, as God is not composed of different parts (as are His creatures). Nor can God’s attributes be thought as something that is added to God’s being, for God is eternally perfect.
I have not read the rest of AMR's post nor do I have any intention of doing so but for those of you who can stomach his copy/paste jobs, notice in the rest of the post how many times AMR (or whoever actually wrote this stuff) contradicts this opening paragraph. That is assuming that he doesn't spend the rest of the post merely repeating the point made in this paragraph. The position is patently irrational and going more than two or three sentences without contradicting it is unavoidable.

Resting in Him,


Well-known member
No, not bitter. You get under my skin occasionally, but at the end of the day
I truly feel sorry for you. I keep hoping one day you'll exchange your focus on Bible interpretationfor Bible belief.

LOL... God forbid that we should read the bible for what it says, rather than what we believe it says...



New member

The "whole group" of whom? The whole group of elect individuals, yes.

No. Jesus died for ALL His particular elect that the Father had given Him.

That is what Muz and others of Arminian persuasion teach. Not me.

Uh, dear friend . . .this is the basis of the doctrine of Unconditional Election. God loves particular sinners according to His gracious Person, not according to their sorry failures to live up to His glory.

God does love the whole world, which is His creation. That does not mean God loves all the wicked creatures in the world, who hate and rebel against their Maker. God is not obligated in the least to loving those who hate Him.

You contradict yourself. If God (supposedly) loves each and every individual in the world, who would be left to suffer the emotions such as "jealous, indifferent, or callous?"

Can you provide me with specific Scripture that reveals God ascribing worth to sinners?

I don't know what you reference, because the Bible does not teach that God "values the existence" of sinners. Let alone that His love for His elect diminishes His own worth.

I think you do not realize the definition of "elect of God" at all!

For the Elect of God, is first of all, His Elect Son. (Isaiah 42:1, I Peter 2:6)

Then there is the particular humanity that is called "elect" which are only those acceptable in the "Beloved" Elect Son of God. (Ephesians 1:5&6).

God's love is bestowed upon Jesus Christ, and only those found positioned in Him, by the gift of grace from God, are saved by this love.



I think we have established our differences on how we understand the bible's teaching about election. You misread me: according to your view individuals are elected not loved; God loves nobody in particular. In corporate election God loves everybody in particular (each and every one regardless of their state) and adds those who respond in faith to his gift of life to the corporate elect.

What you have said above is that God really doesn't love anybody but Himself (the Son). In fact you have said that God loves the world (created things) but not people. Is that the same God who commands us to love one another, not the things of the world?

Our righteousness amounting to nothing more than filthy rags is not the same as saying the person in them is without value. Being totally unworthy is not the same as being totally worthless.

Your exaggeration of human depravity is really no more than the thinly veiled declaration of someone who supposes himself to be chosen by God over another and who is really only thankful that he isn’t like that poor lost sinner standing in the corner beating himself up over his unworthiness. Such is only false humility. It isn’t necessary to think less of one’s self than one ought in order to not think more highly of one’s self than he ought.

We have the same proof texts. It's in how they are read. Individually or all together.

No wonder the world (and the people in it) aren't buying your version of 'truth'. The same people who are on the one hand saying that human beings are worthless to God are on the other hand building a case against abortion based on the sanctity of life so they can execute abortionists. Go figure. While fundamental Calvinists scratch their heads and wonder how fundamental extremist Muslim suicide-bombers can blow people up physically they continue to blow them off spiritually. I’m not sure which is more destructive.


New member
I have not read the rest of AMR's post nor do I have any intention of doing so but for those of you who can stomach his copy/paste jobs, notice in the rest of the post how many times AMR (or whoever actually wrote this stuff) contradicts this opening paragraph. That is assuming that he doesn't spend the rest of the post merely repeating the point made in this paragraph. The position is patently irrational and going more than two or three sentences without contradicting it is unavoidable.

Resting in Him,

I've gotten to the place that I read the first paragraph and have a fairly good idea of where he ISN'T going with it.:D

I'm so glad I'm on his ignore list ... yet I see him sneak in a few digs at some of my phrases. What a hoot.


New member

"Also, on that point, you said earlier that God was righteous before He had ever acted, or something along those lines. I was wondering when you thought that was? Has not God always been in perpetual relationship with the members of the Trinity? Has not God the Father always loved the Son and Spirit and acted in a way consistent with the nurturing of those relationships? When was the time before God acted righteously? There was no such time!"​

Put simply, my firm belief is that neither came first. There is no "first" for a being which has always existed and so if that point is kept clearly in view, there should be no difficulty in merging you view on this issue with mine. They are not in contradiction to one another since God has never been outside a reciprocal love relationship. It is both true that God's righteous actions flow from His nature and that He is righteous because He acts in the best interests of others.

I have to admit that while I can see how what I just said might very well be true, I am feeling/fighting the urge to reject it. I'm very much an "either/or" sort of person and this "both/and" stuff drives me a little crazy.
I can see how it would be difficult to say that God is love unless at some point He has loved. And the debate is centered around whether or not that action stems from a choice, an act of His will, or if His will and His choices are the result of His nature. I think I have said this before, but those actions that come from God, such as Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, and self-control, are the fruit of the Spirit. They result from the nature of God, who is Spirit. You and I do not simply choose to love because God chose to perform an action of love towards us, and now we imitate it, but rather because He has given us His Spirit, without which, love is impossible. The only possibility that we have of loving others as an act of the will stems from our new nature. This tells me that it is the nature which preceeds the action, and therefore God loves because He is love. The one who does righteousness is righteous, just as He is righteous. You must first be righteous for the righteousness to come.


New member
I think we have established our differences on how we understand the bible's teaching about election. You misread me: according to your view individuals are elected not loved; God loves nobody in particular. In corporate election God loves everybody in particular (each and every one regardless of their state) and adds those who respond in faith to his gift of life to the corporate elect.
This is not true. I believe that you have a very skewed idea of what election is and your response is driven by hate and your judgment is warped. I know of no one, not even a Calvinist that believe what you have just accused them off. I am beginning to think that you are driven more by hate of a perceived dogma than by the love of the truth.

Election, whether individual or corporate is the expression of love, not hate. You cannot be of the corporate elect if you are not first elected individually. No one individual can be elected without being made part of the corporate elect and you cannot be of the elect without God expressing His love to you individually. If you are not of the elect , you are not of God.

What you have said above is that God really doesn't love anybody but Himself (the Son). In fact you have said that God loves the world (created things) but not people. Is that the same God who commands us to love one another, not the things of the world?
Where is such a statement as this made? You mean to tell me that God does not love Himself? You mean to tell me that if God loves Himself that He is not capable of loving His creation? What God has done has originated from His self love. No one , not even God, can love others without first loving themselves.

Our righteousness amounting to nothing more than filthy rags is not the same as saying the person in them is without value. Being totally unworthy is not the same as being totally worthless.
I am going to withhold comment until you clarify what you mean by this statement. It doesn't make sense as it stands.

Your exaggeration of human depravity is really no more than the thinly veiled declaration of someone who supposes himself to be chosen by God over another and who is really only thankful that he isn’t like that poor lost sinner standing in the corner beating himself up over his unworthiness. Such is only false humility. It isn’t necessary to think less of one’s self than one ought in order to not think more highly of one’s self than he ought.
I don't think that characterizing a person being dead to God is an exaggeration. How would you characterize a rotten decaying corpse? You mean to tell me that you are not thankful that God elected you and not another that had the same opportunity. Then maybe you are the other guy that wasn't elected because you had rather have to have your way rather than God's way? Are you just mad because your sacrifice of work is what God said is unacceptable, like Cain and you want to kill Able?

We have the same proof texts. It's in how they are read. Individually or all together.
Yes, and I have already proven that you don't believe them.

No wonder the world (and the people in it) aren't buying your version of 'truth'. The same people who are on the one hand saying that human beings are worthless to God are on the other hand building a case against abortion based on the sanctity of life so they can execute abortionists. Go figure. While fundamental Calvinists scratch their heads and wonder how fundamental extremist Muslim suicide-bombers can blow people up physically they continue to blow them off spiritually. I’m not sure which is more destructive.
You are by far the most destructive because you hold the truth in unrighteousness expecting your dead works to suffice and make you acceptable to God.


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Do you think there was any particular significance to Christ's suffering and temptation in the garden of Gethsemane?

Remind me of what Catholics think this was. I think Mormons see it as part of the atonement by sweating blood. This is not valid. The garden was part of the experience leading up to the cross, but it is only at the cross that sacrifice and redemption takes place.

The Agony:


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Do you see any differences in categories of attributes and character relating to God?

His being and character are related, but not identical.

There are 3 absolutes in regards to God: Uncreated Triune Creator

God is uncreated (we are created): He is infinite, being (existence), metaphysics includes omnipresent, omnipotent, eternal, omniscient, form.

These attributes of being are unique to God. It is impossible for man to be like God in these areas.

God is triune: He is spirit, not matter. He has unity and diversity. He is not solitary. This is also unique about God, though we also have spirit and are tripartite, but not triune in God's sense.

God is Creator: He is personal, has character, morals, experiential ability, intellectual ability, sovereign free will, sequence/duration, freedom. These are attributes of personality, not being. These qualities are automatic in man, in some sense, as we are in His personal image (we have will, intellect, emotions). We are not sovereign, but we can chose. These things make relationship possible.

From these attributes of being and personality flow His moral attributes: love, holiness, righteousness, lovingkindness, wisdom, truthfulness, faithfulness, etc. These attributes are possible for man, not automatic (men have wills, but not all men love, are faithful or truthful, etc. in every choice...we can be selfish liars, by choice). They are contingent as we respond to God and others or fail to live up to His absolutes and laws of love. This is another aspect of the Imago Dei.

Confusing being and personality may be your root error, suited to Anselm, Aquinas, Plato, or whoever, but not the best biblical understanding.

Verses can be given for each of these attributes (I will give your going rate of $5 for Bible answers).

In summary: Uncreated= attributes of being

Creator= attributes of personality

Triune (relational)

=========> Moral attributes/character (not just being, but volitional; love is a choice, not a state).
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