Nang said:
You are a pastor who positions himself to teach the flock of God, while in admitted rebellion against the core teachings you received in Bible school which your mentors expected you to pass along?
What a joke of a response Nang. As I said we were taught to study Scriptures for ourselves and make up our own minds prayerfully and in the Word. Anything and everything I teach is from the Word. Removing the pagan Greek philosophy from theological teachings is honoring to God and His Word Nang.
I can only ascertain from this confession, that your Bible teachers and mentors attempted to teach you the distinction between pantheism and omnipresence, but you reject that truth, and now spend your time corrupting a congregation with your personal opinions.
How badly wrong you are. We teach and promote the truth from the Word of God, the same as other OV'ers. Calvinism is not TRUTH! It is a lie, and it assaults the character and nature of God.
(I wonder, on what basis, and by what credentials, you consider yourself a pastor . . .when you reject your only teachings?)
By the grace and calling of God I am a pastor. God placed that burden and responsibility with me. I live my life seeking to honor His call on me. I don't consider myself to be any great person. Just a person using his spiritual gifts to edify believers and reach the lost for Jesus Christ. It is all about the Gospel Nang. Jesus Christ died for the sins of mankind. In your mad rush to disprove Open Theism you are forgetting the most important basics. My "Only teachings" were Calvinistic doctrine? Wrong again! I spent years studying and reading books on theology and reading and pouring myself into studying God's Word before I ever stepped foot into a pulpit.
It is sad that you would think that accepting Calvinist views are the ONLY possible way to view teaching as successful. Sad indeed Nang!
In our church we have people saved on average every other week. We just had a lady give her heart to Jesus Christ two weeks ago tomorrow. I praise God for this, and we pray all the time for God to bring people our way who need to hear the Word and we pray for people to be saved. This is what our ministry is about. How sad of you to attempt to discredit something you know nothing about just to try to win an argument.
Sad and fatal for your own argument!
So you took their advice, and decided to "think for yourself"
Absolutely I did. And I advise my congregation all the time to not take my word for things, but to investigate and study God's Word for themselves. Any good teacher should do the same! (And that is not a pat on my back attempting to say I am a good teacher. I do my best for the Lord and trust Him for the results!)
and rejected credible Christian who were Calvininst/Arminian sources?
I don't reject Christians, even if their theology is bad. I reject the theology if it doesn't line up with Scripture. That doesn't mean I don't have fellowship with them Nang. I have dear brothers and sisters in Christ, and mentors who I disagree with wholeheartedly on some points, but we still have fellowship in Christ!
(I also think it telling and odd, that a pastor in an active pulpit, would mispell Arminian as "Armenian" . . .but that is nit-picky on my part, I admit!)
It's as much of a typo and I get guilty of typing fast as anything else.
Indeed . . .pray tell, where? And refer to Scripture, please.
Already did in the post with the point about Sodom. Want another? How about this, when God the Father turned His back on God the Son, how was
that possible if omnipresence is a true Biblical doctrine?
If not, do you deny that Jesus clearly articulated this when He said "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me"?
The Psalmist further gives us a glimpse of this prophetically by rendering it thus:
My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?
Why are You so far from helping Me,
And from the words of My groaning?
Nang- is the Bible correct? Was God the Father far from the words of the suffering Christ's groaning when He turned His back on God the Son? Or did His omnipresence refute this?
Do you realize you are presenting argument of what you declare is reality, and at the same time denying the basis for what you believe? That is very sad for you . . .
How so? I'd sure like to see you elaborate on this one!
God knew the corrupted state of S&G.
Of course He did! That is why He turned His back on them and limited His presence there. He didn't WANT to know what wickedness was occurring down there. We believe God is FREE to be where He wants to be whenever He wants to be there.
God came down to witness against the corruption of S&G. The question of whether this was reality or not . . .God says "I will know!"
He still makes the clear statement NOW I will go down there, which utterly refutes omnipresence. Utterly refutes it Nang!
Nang said:
Case is not closed . . .because your argument is essentially contradictory.
Case is still closed, and you attempting to open it has further damaged your case. Please elaborate how my argument is contradictory. I am all ears!