ARCHIVE: Open Theism part 1

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Vaquero45 said:
Sorry to jump in here out of the blue. If it wasn't this post it would have been some other.

Jim, do you feel close to God?
You must answer yes or no depending on God's decree of course, and it really doesn't matter which. Are you really close to God or not? There is no way to know because God could be tricking you into thinking you are close or not. He plays this game with us all the time. People all over the world sincerely follow non-Biblical false religions by God's decree, right?

:think: But are non-Biblical religions really false? Maybe Allah is the determining god, and he makes the people he didn't pick before the foundation of the earth believe in christianity among others? :dizzy: There is no logical way for you to refute this. All you can do is claim that God picked you and taught you what is right, but determining-Allah could have planted that belief in your mind! God can determine whatever He feels like right? Justice need not apply in His case, right?... It's all good!

Do you believe God feels close to you? Who cares what you answer because God decreed it, and as reality seems to show, truth has a random effect on your God's decrees.

Can God be angry, sad, happy, surprised, disgusted, or grieved over different people? Especially 1000's of times over? NO WAY! He'd have to be "omni" something-or-another...

Could God be "subject" to the "whims" of thousands of people? Inconceivable! But He might decree that a ton of them think He is, cause what's funnier than that?! He might even throw a joke in the Bible about Moses or Samuel effecting Him. HA! I would DIE laughing if He did! :rotfl:

Jim, why do you trust this God?

Poisoned mind you say? How would you know? You might be the only one suffering the disease! (by God's decree of course)

Luciferian? That's not a hard game to play...

Hath God said... "Even if Moses and Samuel stood before Me, My mind would not be favorable toward this people?

Hath God said... "it is very good" but later, "it repenteth me that I have made them"?

Hath God said... "They have built also the high places of Baal, to burn their sons with fire for burnt offerings unto Baal, which I commanded not, nor spake it, neither came it into my mind"?

Hath God said... "Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden"?

Eve said to herself... "surely die"??? Nah! probably just an anthro-figure!

We are not idiots and we want to glorify God at least as much as you do.

POTD! :first:


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Hilston wrote: Is this the kind of God you imagine? One who is subject to whims of thousands of people, all at the same time, and Who can be externally moved by these thousands of creatures into thousands of conflicting emotions concurrently?

God_is_truth said:
Why is that a problem?
It doesn't fit your humanist conception of God and His "supreme" attributes of being "personal" and "relational." How can you have a "relationship" with someone who is so emotionally distracted and unstable? What does such a "person" contribute to that kind of "relationship"? Is that why you people pray? To battle for His attention? How many personalities does God have that He is able to personally have so many conflicting emotions and "relationships" at once? Have you ever tried to have a conversation with someone who is watching television? Your God is reacting to billions of televisions while you're trying to cuddle, and you're too self-deluded to recognize a problem in that.

Patman said:
You would rather him not care or something?
I'm not the one who believes in a God with multiple personality disorder. So it's not my problem. I believe God is impassible, He is The Rock, and there is ultimate security and assurance based upon that attribute. I've yet to encounter an Open Theist that has a modicum of understanding what that means, which is why they opt for the warm and fuzzy psychological packmule they've created in their own minds.

Patman said:
Jonah 4:11
And should I not pity Nineveh, that great city, in which are more than one hundred and twenty thousand persons who cannot discern between their right hand and their left—and much livestock?”
And while He's busy pitying Nineveh, He's also happy with person A, grieved over person B, angry at person C, surprised by person D, startled by person E, delighted by person F, annoyed by person G, etc. etc. ad nauseum. That's the Supreme Sybil God of Open Theism.

patman said:
Yeah, doesn't it make sense to you that if I feel close to God would be because he is close to me too? How can I be close to him and him not be close to me?
How long will He be close to you if He's got all these other things to be simultaneously emotional about? If Open Theists took their espoused notions of "personal relationship" to their logical conclusions, they'd be constantly saying, "No, no ~ look at ME, God! MEEEEEEE! MEEEEEEEEEEE!" They'd be honestly asking themselves what God has contributed to the relationship lately.

Seriously, what has God contributed lately to your "relationship"?

Patman said:
Do you see? How on earth can you listen if you assume we can't be real christians.
Whoever said that? I don't believe anyone can be a "real Christian" today. It's not possible. The last Christian probably died sometime in the early second century.

Patman said:
I am convicted by the Bible to believe how I do.
That's what Mormons and JWs say, too. (All according to God's decrees, of course).

Patman said:
It isn't my will or my teachings or my assumptions I place on the word, ...
No, rather the teachings and assumptions of Lucifer and Adam and Bob Hill and Bob Enyart. (All according to God's decrees, of course).

Patman said:
... yet you hate all of us for believing what we read.
I don't hate all of you. I don't hate any of you. I would have to know you in order to genuinely hate you, and I don't know any of you. For me to say "I hate you" when I don't even know you would be to cheapen and diminish genuine hate. Consider a parallel: You people talk about how difficult it is to love me. How can you love someone you don't even know, except by cheapening love? But then again, you people believe God loves everyone, which is entirely fitting, given the kind of wuss-bag God you believe in.

Patman said:
We truly love God Hilston, I don't care what you say.
No, you truly love a caricature of God created in your own humanistic existential image. The true God of scripture is repugnant to you, abundantly demonstrated in just about every post I see from you people. (All according to God's decrees, of course).

godrulz said:
Hiltson (pun intended):
Good one. :kookoo:

godrulz said:
You did not answer my question (you say as God decreed) as to why God would decree us to spout 'error' or act stupid ...
The same reason why He decrees all manner of evil in the world: For His good purposes and for the sake of the elect.

godrulz said:
... when the Spirit's ministry is to lead us into all truth (we are sincere, but sincerely wrong in your humble opinion)?
The verse to which you allude has nothing to do with believers today. And I thought you would have cut it out of your Bible by now.
Joh 16:13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.​
How could that verse have anything to do with the God of Open Theism? The God of Open Theism doesn't know what is to come. And how can He "show" them "things to come" when the future doesn't even exist yet? You can't show someone something that doesn't exist.

To answer your question: We all have errors in our belief systems, and those errors are decreed by God. The Holy Spirit guides the elect according to God decrees, preserving and improving their understanding and mastery of God's word as they progress through life. Those who do not progress over the course of their lives were never elect to begin with. All according to God's decrees.

godrulz said:
Men and Satan work in the realm of lies and ignorance, not God.
Yes, very true. All according to God's decrees, of course.


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Vaquero45 said:
Jim, do you feel close to God?
Explain what you mean. I don't apply these humanistic psychobabble concepts to my relationship to God, so you're going to have to be more specific. Or do you have a Scripture reference that I can look at in this regard?

Vaquero45 said:
You must answer yes or no depending on God's decree of course, and it really doesn't matter which.
There's where you're wrong, V. God decreed the beating, torture, humiliation and murder of His own Son, and that mattered greatly.

Vaquero45 said:
... Are you really close to God or not?
Where are you getting this stuff, V? The question is typical evangelical gobbledly gook. Where does the Bible ever instruct us to be concerned about whether we "feel really close to God" or not? My relationship with God is based upon His sacrifice for me and the rest of the elect, not my feelings. The humanism that comes through the posts of Open Theism is remarkable.

Vaquero45 said:
There is no way to know because God could be tricking you into thinking you are close or not.
Whaaaaat? V? Is this really you?

Vaquero45 said:
He plays this game with us all the time.
I can't believe what I'm reading. Is this really V?

Vaquero45 said:
People all over the world sincerely follow non-Biblical false religions by God's decree, right?
Of course. But it's not a game. He has good purposes behind all of it.

Vaquero45 said:
:think: But are non-Biblical religions really false?
Why would you ask such a question, V, even rhetorically?

Vaquero45 said:
... Maybe Allah is the determining god, and he makes the people he didn't pick before the foundation of the earth believe in christianity among others? :dizzy: There is no logical way for you to refute this.
Then you haven't been paying attention. Even worse: You've regressed. I'm really disappointed in you, V. I expected much better thinking from you.

Vaquero45 said:
... All you can do is claim that God picked you and taught you what is right, but determining-Allah could have planted that belief in your mind! God can determine whatever He feels like right? Justice need not apply in His case, right?... It's all good!
Amazing. You know, you and I have had some really good discussions. I actually thought you were one of the exceptional thinkers among Open Theists. With what you just wrote, if you're not just having a glitch, your head must be as far up your proverbial backside as the rest of your cohorts. Please tell me that as you typed this, you knew something was wrong; that something was nagging you in your mind telling you that it has nothing to do with my position on the verity of the Bible and the existence of the True God. Because if there wasn't some pang of non sequitur in your mind when you typed it, then I have been wrong about you all along.

Vaquero45 said:
... Do you believe God feels close to you? Who cares what you answer because God decreed it, and as reality seems to show, truth has a random effect on your God's decrees.
If you knew what "decree" means, you would realize that a phrase like "the effect [of truth] on your God's decrees" is like saying "the effect of blue on the air pressure in my tires." You're spouting drivel, V. And it's embarrassing.

Vaquero45 said:
Can God be angry, sad, happy, surprised, disgusted, or grieved over different people? Especially 1000's of times over? NO WAY! He'd have to be "omni" something-or-another...
That's my point, V. Open Theists deny the omnis. So it doesn't line up with the Openness view of God as "personal" and "relational." Unless He's the Sybil God.

Vaquero45 said:
Could God be "subject" to the "whims" of thousands of people? Inconceivable! But He might decree that a ton of them think He is, cause what's funnier than that?!
He decrees it, and then He laughs them to scorn. All according to His decrees, all according to His good purposes.

Vaquero45 said:
Jim, why do you trust this God?
Because He is the Rock, and has promised to work all things together with the elect for their good. The Open Theist has no rational basis on which to trust their God, because He is not the Rock, but rather a warm and squishy Sand God who breaks His promises and is fully capable of lying and being evil if He so chooses.

Vaquero45 said:
Poisoned mind you say? How would you know? You might be the only one suffering the disease! (by God's decree of course).
Again, these types of questions betray a huge flaw in your reasoning, V. Enough to make me want to go back and read our previous discussions. You're either playing a major disingenuous game here, or I've had you pegged very very wrong all along. I hope it's the former.

Vaquero45 said:
Luciferian? That's not a hard game to play ...
It's not a game, V. I have proven my case over and over again.

Vaquero45 said:
Hath God said... "Even if Moses and Samuel stood before Me, My mind would not be favorable toward this people?

Hath God said... "it is very good" but later, "it repenteth me that I have made them"?

Hath God said... "They have built also the high places of Baal, to burn their sons with fire for burnt offerings unto Baal, which I commanded not, nor spake it, neither came it into my mind"?

Hath God said... "Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden"?

Eve said to herself... "surely die"??? Nah! probably just an anthro-figure!
My goodness, V. It appears you're a goner. I don't deny any of those statements, and you seem to have no idea what you've just done.

Vaquero45 said:
We are not idiots and we want to glorify God at least as much as you do.
It's not your desire to glorify God that I question, but rather which God it is you desire to glorify.

V, usually I don't get very emotional about people in this forum. They're just names on the screen and I care very little about them or what they think of my posts. You have always been an exception. I've gone out of my way to treat you with kindness, respect and dignity. Read our past exchanges. You won't find any of this kind of bashing and insult in my posts to you. Our discussions in the past have been very fruitful and enjoyable, not to mention rational and intelligent, and I thought you were at least capable of grasping my view, regardless of whether or not you agreed with it. I must admit that I feel very sad right now, having read this post of yours. I sincerely hope it was merely a hasty lapse of judgment and reasoning on your part. I expect much better from you.


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Hilston said:
V, usually I don't get very emotional about people in this forum. They're just names on the screen and I care very little about them or what they think of my posts. You have always been an exception. I've gone out of my way to treat you with kindness, respect and dignity. Read our past exchanges. You won't find any of this kind of bashing and insult in my posts to you. Our discussions in the past have been very fruitful and enjoyable, not to mention rational and intelligent, and I thought you were at least capable of grasping my view, regardless of whether or not you agreed with it. I must admit that I feel very sad right now, having read this post of yours. I sincerely hope it was merely a hasty lapse of judgment and reasoning on your part. I expect much better from you.

Oh please! Somebody get me a barf bag!

"V" spanked you good and now your're trying to get back at him by making him feel bad for doing so. He was sarcastic in much of what he said in order to make a point. I didn't get the sense that he was really out to attack you personally.

Give me a break. :rolleyes:


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Poly said:
Oh please! Somebody get me a barf bag!

"V" spanked you good ...
This is the kind of thing my friends and I almost pee ourselves laughing about. You people are so inbred that you can't tell the difference between a real spanking and wild flailing, let alone what constitutes actual sarcasm. Good and effective sarcasm at least demonstrates an understanding of the opponent's position. But people like you, Poly, whose minds are so septic from the ravages of Sybil-God theology, don't know the difference, or enough to even be embarrassed. It's like someone saying, "Hilston is dumb because he believes God pooped His pants," and then Clete* chimes in and gives it a post of the day. It's puerile middle school lunch room behavior.

(*You know, that guy who is supposed to be dead to me, but somehow resurrects himself and continues dropping negative rep points, complete with comments, in my rubbish bin, who insists that I don't comment on his posts but keeps commenting on people who comment on my posts.)

Poly said:
... and now your're trying to get back at him by making him feel bad for doing so.
The content of V's post is nothing to "get back at him" about. It was embarrassing. If I know V, he's regretting its content as we speak.

Poly said:
... He was sarcastic in much of what he said in order to make a point.
Really? Maybe I missed it. I seriously want to know, Poly: What point was V making?

Poly said:
... I didn't get the sense that he was really out to attack you personally. Give me a break. :rolleyes:
I took none of it personally, Poly. I'm not sad over anything personal, just the sloppy thinking, which surprises me coming from V. But even if V were to possibly consider taking my concerns to heart, I suspect there's little chance of him doing it now, since you've decided to intervene. I don't expect you to understand, and your obvious insensitivity gives ample evidence to what kind of feckless and loathsome human being you must be.


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Hey Jim, that post was to show that the OV can refuse to take your view seriously and simply mock it, like you have been doing to the OV lately. You have been getting a little too happy with the insults in my view, and that was me venting. I have also enjoyed our serious discussions, and have defended you before. I do respect your view to a degree, and have tried to figure it out for myself as you know. Your latest posts have been rubbing me the wrong way. That's what brought this about.


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Clete said:
Adam was already spiritually alive before the fall, Rob. He fell and died spiritually as a result of that fall. Otherwise it would not have been a fall.

I'm saying that Adam was spiritually alive but not spiritually mature or capable. I'm saying that Adam could not achieve spiritual perfection on his own accord, but needed to be grafted into the Vine to achieve spiritual perfection.

I do not deny that a relationship with God is the only means by which one can become perfect but where is the need for being born again if one isn't spiritually dead? Adam could have been made perfect (assuming for the sake of argument that such was necessary) without having sinned and without having died spiritually and being born again.

Pelagianism said the same thing and was wrong. I'm not saying that the O.V. is pelagianism, just that Pelagius was wrong to believe that man might acquire perfection on his own accord.

Further, if, as you've now openly stated, Adam was able to do good OR evil then why wouldn't his chances of doing good been at least 50% if not more since he was in the direct presence of God Himself?

The were at least 50% or better per occurance, but not 50% or better for an eternity of occurances. He was bound to fall because of his functionality. His structure was 'good', but was unable to function as God was. When I say function I'm speaking of the percent chance of NOT doing good once through all of eternity.

So then you are saying that the flesh is and always has been an evil influence on mankind starting with Adam BEFORE the fall. That is not Biblical, Rob. The flesh of Adam was not evil until he fell. Before he fell all of God's creation including Adam's flesh was "very good".

I'm saying that God made us with a chance of doing 'evil' before the fall; otherwise, Adam wouldn't have been able to fall. When the probability that Adam would fall is calculated then it was a foregone conclusion. God isn't naive nor unloving. God created man with Jesus Christ in mind as the savior which would nullify the death which would occur.

This is blasphemy. The fall was not orchestrated by God for some greater purpose. God does not do or condone or predestine evil that good may come of it.

Then the scriptures which tell of how God punishes for a purpose are written by man and not God. Genesis 3:22 which points to man gaining the 'knowledge' of good and evil shouldn't have had to be written since a loving, omnipresent God could have stopped it. The fall is meaningless when Jesus Christ is considered.

Who gives a rip what your opinion is? Your opinion is meaningless unless you can substantiate it with Scripture.


I wrote: If Adam had not given into the flesh at any point then he would indeed have been equal with God.
Clete wrote: Impossible! He was created by God and no matter how long he went without rebellion he would have remained a creation of God.

Further, the angels in heaven have gone for ages without sinning and they are not God's equal in any sense.

Further still, and this goes along with the point about Adam being a creature and not the creator, Adam would never have become omnipotent or omnipresent or omni-anything! There is simply no sense in which Adam could have ever been considered God's equal in any sense of the word aside from being so IN CHRIST, but never in and of himself.

You're right! I left out a phrase. Here's the re-write.....

If Adam had not given into the flesh at any point then he would indeed have been equal with God in ability to achieve perfection independently.​

Adam was not simply flesh but also a living spirit. Had he not sinned then when he reproduced he would have begotten both flesh and spirit, the fleshly part of him yielding flesh and the spiritual part of him yielding spirit. The whole reason that Adam's fall effected the whole race is precisely because he died spiritually when he fell. Had he not fallen then the problem would not have existed.

Agreed, but the probability Adam would achieve perfection was non-existent(not because of flaws in his 'good' structure, but because of his designed functionality).

No less than 50%. More precision than that is impossible to ascertain. He had two options, to obey or not to obey. He could have done either. And while I don't wish to go into it here, there is good reason to believe that Adam fell quite quickly and it is my belief that the longer he would have gone without sinning the less likely his sinning would have become because his relationship with God would have grown stronger and stronger as time went by. Lucifer, whom I believe fell at the Garden himself, struck while the fire was hot, if you'll allow the expression; he saw his opportunity and seized upon it without delay knowing that if he waited too long he would likely loose the chance.

Well, my belief is different obviously. Your's is appealing, but it is mathematically unsound. I believe that Lucifer's action made his fall a certainty in the garden, but am unsure when he first entertained evil within himself.



Maximeee's Husband
Hilston said:
This is the kind of thing my friends and I almost pee ourselves laughing about. You people are so inbred that you can't tell the difference between a real spanking and wild flailing, let alone what constitutes actual sarcasm. Good and effective sarcasm at least demonstrates an understanding of the opponent's position. But people like you, Poly, whose minds are so septic from the ravages of Sybil-God theology, don't know the difference, or enough to even be embarrassed. It's like someone saying, "Hilston is dumb because he believes God pooped His pants," and then Clete* chimes in and gives it a post of the day. It's puerile middle school lunch room behavior.

(*You know, that guy who is supposed to be dead to me, but somehow resurrects himself and continues dropping negative rep points, complete with comments, in my rubbish bin, who insists that I don't comment on his posts but keeps commenting on people who comment on my posts.)

The content of V's post is nothing to "get back at him" about. It was embarrassing. If I know V, he's regretting its content as we speak.

Really? Maybe I missed it. I seriously want to know, Poly: What point was V making?

I took none of it personally, Poly. I'm not sad over anything personal, just the sloppy thinking, which surprises me coming from V. But even if V were to possibly consider taking my concerns to heart, I suspect there's little chance of him doing it now, since you've decided to intervene. I don't expect you to understand, and your obvious insensitivity gives ample evidence to what kind of feckless and loathsome human being you must be.

It seemed to me that the point Vaq made was that since you believe God has ordained people to rigorously accept and follow fallicious religions, it's possible that He has done the same to you.

Some who put every ounce of faith into Allah or Buddha (or whomever) believe what they do with as much furvor as you and I do, and you believe that God put those evil lies in their hearts. Vaq is saying that maybe the God you speak of has confused you into believing what you believe. Perhaps Allah has made the Bible seem like the truth to you, but it is really just an illusion. Is that right V?

In opposition to your doctrine, it seems like an interesting argument.


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death2impiety said:
It seemed to me that the point Vaq made was that since you believe God has ordained people to rigorously accept and follow fallicious religions, it's possible that He has done the same to you.

Some who put every ounce of faith into Allah or Buddha (or whomever) believe what they do with as much furvor as you and I do, and you believe that God put those evil lies in their hearts. Vaq is saying that maybe the God you speak of has confused you into believing what you believe. Perhaps Allah has made the Bible seem like the truth to you, but it is really just an illusion. Is that right V?

In opposition to your doctrine, it seems like an interesting argument.

Yes, that is what I was saying, and I think if I wanted to I could throw some energy into that argument and run with it. My main goal again though, was just to show that OV'ers can mock too.


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Hilston said:
This is the kind of thing my friends and I almost pee ourselves laughing about. You people are so inbred.... :blabla:

Hilston said:
..... and then Clete* chimes in and gives it a post of the day. It's puerile middle school lunch room behavior.
(*You know, that guy who is supposed to be dead to me, but... :blabla:

Could you whine and cry about this a little more cause I don't think we've experienced enough of it yet.

Hilston said:
The content of V's post is nothing to "get back at him" about. It was embarrassing..... :blabla:

Really? Maybe I missed it.... :blabla:

I took none of it personally, Poly. I'm..... :blabla:



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V45 said:
Hey Jim, that post was to show that the OV can refuse to take your view seriously and simply mock it, like you have been doing to the OV lately.
But you're wrong on both counts, V. I do take the OV seriously, which is why I invest the time to expose its irrationality and error. And I don't simply mock it. There is much complexity and thought that goes into my mocking and ridicule. I don't take any of this lightly, except maybe the personal attacks. But what else would you expect from such a despicable person as I?

V45 said:
You have been getting a little too happy with the insults in my view, and that was me venting.
There's nothing happy about it, V. It's tragic (all according to God's decrees, of course).

V45 said:
I have also enjoyed our serious discussions, and have defended you before. I do respect your view to a degree, and have tried to figure it out for myself as you know.
Yes, I do know, and I'm grateful for our relationship and for your presence here. Of course, Poly will chalk all this up to my efforts to "make you feel bad" because you gave me a spanking (all according to God's decrees, of course).

V45 said:
Your latest posts have been rubbing me the wrong way. That's what brought this about.
I understand; And I am truly sorry that it has to be this way. Part of me wishes you didn't have to see my posts that take this tack. But a bigger part of me wants you to see the insanity of the Open View and to repudiate it.

D2I said:
It seemed to me that the point Vaq made was that since you believe God has ordained people to rigorously accept and follow fallicious religions, it's possible that He has done the same to you.
But Vaq should know better, especially since he's well acquainted with my arguments against anti-theists on this very issue. That's what I found so disappointing (all according to God's decrees, of course).

D2I said:
Some who put every ounce of faith into Allah or Buddha (or whomever) believe what they do with as much furvor as you and I do, and you believe that God put those evil lies in their hearts.
Of course. But fervor has nothing to do with what is rational and coherent. So it's irrelevant. What matters is what the scriptures teach and logic demands. The Open View fails on both fronts (all according to God's decrees, of course).

D2I said:
... Vaq is saying that maybe the God you speak of has confused you into believing what you believe.
To even suggest this only shows how poorly the argument is understood. I thought Vaq understood better than to make such a point, even in sarcasm.

D2I said:
... Perhaps Allah has made the Bible seem like the truth to you, but it is really just an illusion. Is that right V?
I really hope that wasn't his point, because that's a first-week Apologetics 101 textbook question that shouldn't even be in the same room with this discussion.

D2I said:
In opposition to your doctrine, it seems like an interesting argument.
No, it's not. Trust me on this one.

V45 said:
Yes, that is what I was saying, and I think if I wanted to I could throw some energy into that argument and run with it. ...
Please don't. It would be a waste of your time.

V45 said:
My main goal again though, was just to show that OV'ers can mock too.
I'm relieved that's all it was. It just didn't sound like you. And I don't think it's your forte, V. You're too good of a guy to stoop to my level. I'm keenly aware that OV'ers can mock too, however poorly and unintelligently they do so. Please don't add yourself to the list of embarrassing "champions" that includes Kobrain, Doogie-Duh, Gods-Free-Will, et al, ad nauseum.

Poly said:
Could you whine and cry about this a little more cause I don't think we've experienced enough of it yet.
There's lots more crying and whining where that came from. I'll even throw in a few temper tantrums for good measure. And now that it's obvious that you had no idea what you were talking about, and that it was the furthest thing imaginable from a "spanking" from V, why don't you go spew your blather elsewhere. Just get off the porch, Poly. The big dawgs want to mock each other, and we'd hate for you to get anything on you. Go on now, skeedaddle.

All according to God's decree,


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Hilston said:
D2I said:
Some who put every ounce of faith into Allah or Buddha (or whomever) believe what they do with as much furvor as you and I do, and you believe that God put those evil lies in their hearts.
Of course. But fervor has nothing to do with what is rational and coherent. So it's irrelevant. What matters is what the scriptures teach and logic demands.

Scripture teaches "Let no one say when he is tempted, 'I am tempted by God'; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone". - James 1:13

Logic demands that because God is righteous, true and holy, it is blasphemy to declare that He is the cause of any evil.

Logic demands that we should believe God and take Him at His word and if it says He tempts no one it means He tempts no one.

Logic demands that God would not put something in the bible when He really didn't mean it and actually means the very opposite of what He says because....

Scripture teaches "For God is not the author of confusion but of peace," -- Corinthians 14:33


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Poly said:
Scripture teaches "Let no one say when he is tempted, 'I am tempted by God'; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone". - James 1:13
Who here is claiming that God tempts anyone? How is this relevant to this discussion?

Poly said:
Logic demands that because God is righteous, true and holy, it is blasphemy to declare that He is the cause of any evil.
Right on. Who here is claiming that God is the cause of any evil? Are you even reading this discussion? Do you have any clue whatsoever what your opponents believe?

Poly said:
Logic demands that we should believe God and take Him at His word and if it says He tempts no one it means He tempts no one.
That is correct. The sky is also blue and bears do in fact poop in the woods. Are there any other obvious facts you'd like to proclaim?

Poly said:
Logic demands that God would not put something in the bible when He really didn't mean it and actually means the very opposite of what He says because....
Riiiiight. Figures of speech don't exist in the Bible. Everything should be understood non-figuratively, right? :kookoo:

Poly said:
Scripture teaches "For God is not the author of confusion but of peace," -- Corinthians 14:33
Continuing to avoid logic and the contextual teaching of Scripture, the Open Theist once again twists God's word and does violence to logic in order to prove yet another inane and irrational Open View talking point. The word "author" is not in the Greek text of the passage you cited, Poly. The word for "confusion" is the 17th century word for "disorder," and is used in the context of how the prophets are to speak in an orderly manner, making the point that God would not inspire the prophets to speak in a disorderly manner.

Once again, the teaching of scripture and the demands of logic go out the window.

All according to God's decree, of course.


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Hilston said:
Seriously, what has God contributed lately to your "relationship"?
He fills me with wisdom whenever I ask of it.

Also, I cannot help but to be thankful not to be like you. To you, God is a rock and treats everyone like dust he sits on no matter what or where they are in the ground of life.

I also find it amazing you limit God by saying he cannot cater or handle all of us in our different walks of life. Is he not strong enough to react and treat us each as we deserve?


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Hilston asked: Who here is claiming that God tempts anyone?

Who here is claiming that God is the cause of any evil?

Poly said:
You did.
Hilston said:
God is the author of sin.
God is the author, but not the doer, of sin. God planned but is not the immediate cause of evil. God has decreed good purposes for temptations, but He does not tempt anyone. As I wrote in the post that you cited, the fact that God planned sin and evil for good purposes is not a criticism. It's a feature. God is the author of sin. Nothing happens apart from God's plans. He planned for sin to happen. He plans evil for His good purposes and reasons. The scriptures affirm that this fact is a source of comfort and assurance. The OT (Opposable Thumb) God can offer neither. According to the Unsettled Deist, most things happen for no good reason or purpose. Why do you trust this God you've conceived?

Hilston asked: Seriously, what has God contributed lately to your "relationship"?

patman said:
He fills me with wisdom whenever I ask of it.
Really? How? Please describe the process and the means by which you know it was God who was actually filling you with wisdom.

patman said:
Also, I cannot help but to be thankful not to be like you.
Be your own man, patman. There's only one me, and it's me. If you try to be like me, everyone will know that you're faking, and you'll be all embarrassed and stuff.

patman said:
To you, God is a rock ...
You're absolutely right. And not just to me, patman. Plenty of others viewed God as a Rock:

The Rock Of Supreme Authority
The Open Theist sits in judgment of God to decides whether or not God is worthy to wield any authority in their lives. This why Open Theists keep saying that the God of the Settled View could be held culpable (by whom? Who knows). Whereas scripture declares God's supreme authority because Christ is "the Rock that is higher than I," which means that David, even though he is the king, answered to a higher authority (Ps 61:2).

The Immovable Rock
The Open Theist irrational clings to a conception of a God who changes His mind, uses trial and error, is prone to mood swings and does not know the future. Whereas the scripture declares that "He is my rock and my salvation," because by clinging to the immovable Rock, the Psalmist says, "I shall not be moved" (Ps 62:2,6).

My Rock and My Fortress
The Open Theist sees evil in the world and has no recourse but to think that God somehow has His hands tied out of fear of being capricious or arbitrary if He were to intervene and to stop some evil from occurring. They have no refuge and are vulnerable to evil because things happen that are outside of God's control and plan. Whereas the scripture teaches that the Psalmist's protection and deliverance were secured because God was his salvation and glory; "the rock of my strength and my refuge (Ps 62:7) ... my strong habitation, whereunto I continually resort ... for thou art my Rock and my fortress (Ps 71:3)."

God is the Rock of My Heart
Unlike the Open Theist who goes to great lengths to make God out to be like frail and ignorant men, the Psalmist sees the difference: "My flesh and my heart fails, but God is the Rock of my heart, ... (Ps 73:26).

The Father is the Rock of Salvation
The Open Theist says, "He is my Father. I love Him and He loves me," but on what basis? Upon careful investigation, it is seen that humanism and existentialist reasoning are the basis of such claims. Not so for the Psalmist, who says: "Thou art my father, my God, and the Rock of my salvation." (Ps 89:26).

The Righteous Rock
The Open Theist says that God is righteous, not because of what He declares Himself to be in His essence, but because they've looked at His track record and judged His behavior according to their humanistic assessment: "So far so good," is what is implied. This again is existentialism at work, which, instead of taking God at His word, sits in judgment of Him and decides whether or not He is really righteous. Whereas the scripture says the "Lord is upright: he is my Rock, and there is no unrighteousness in him. (Ps 92:15)" Which is to say that God cannot be unrighteous; it is impossible. He cannot choose to do evil because he is the Rock and there is no unrighteousness in him.

Singing Unto The Rock of Salvation
When the Open Theist worships and sings to God, what does He sing about? That God seems to be righteous and loving so far? The Psalmist sung about God being an immovable, high and protective Rock. "God is the Rock of my refuge (Ps 94:22) ... let us sing unto the Lord: let us make a joyful noise to the Rock of our salvation" (Ps 95:1). Isaiah describes the song of Israel as "in the night when a holy solemnity is kept; and gladness of heart, as when one goes with a pipe to come into the mountain of the Lord, to the might Rock of Israel" (Isa 30:29).

The God of Salvation = The Rock of Thy Strength
Salvation for the Open Theist is based on a personal choice to believe in Jesus. Whereas scripture teaches that salvation is based on the rock-solid decrees of God. The prophet Isaiah reprimands Israel for forgetting "the God of thy salvation" and for not being mindful of "the rock off thy strength." (Isa 17:0).

The Trustworthy Rock of Ages
When I ask Open Theists why they trust God, I get the "so far so good" answer. But the prophet Isaiah says that God is to be trusted "forever ... for the Lord Jehovah is the Rock of Ages." (Isa 26:4).

So, yes, to me God is Rock.

patman said:
... I also find it amazing you limit God by saying he cannot cater or handle all of us in our different walks of life.
You need to think a little bit about the argument, patman. On my view, God is omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent, immutable and impassible. So God is fully capable of being in all places at once, controlling all things in His creation simultaneously, and multitasking beyond the comprehension of man. He is also in full control of His own mind and emotions and is not a victim of the warp and woof of human feelings and behavior. My criticism is of the Open View, remember? The Open View sees God as a big super human who has genuine relationships and genuine love and genuine personality and genuine everything, as if the humanistic reasoning of the Open Theist has any rational grounds upon which to define such things. On Open View premises, God is more personal than He is omniscient. His so-called "qualitative attributes" supposedly trump His so-called "quantitative attributes." So on Open View premises, how can you have a genuinely personal and loving relationship with your distracted Sybil-God whose is experiencing billions of emotions simultaneously?

patman said:
Is he not strong enough to react and treat us each as we deserve?
On your view? No, not if His relationship with you is going to be "genuine" on Open View terms. Your relationship is with the Supreme Sybil. On my view, God is not a "reactor"; He is impassible. When God expresses and manifests His emotion, it is all according to His plan and for His decreed purposes.


New member
Hilston said:
It doesn't fit your humanist conception of God and His "supreme" attributes of being "personal" and "relational." How can you have a "relationship" with someone who is so emotionally distracted and unstable? What does such a "person" contribute to that kind of "relationship"? Is that why you people pray? To battle for His attention? How many personalities does God have that He is able to personally have so many conflicting emotions and "relationships" at once? Have you ever tried to have a conversation with someone who is watching television? Your God is reacting to billions of televisions while you're trying to cuddle, and you're too self-deluded to recognize a problem in that.

If God were finite, it'd be a problem. But as I see it, God through His infinitude can give all of himself to everybody individually at the same time. He doesn't give part of his attention to one person and part to another, but all to one and all to another. He does the same thing with his love. He loves me with all the love he has and he loves you with all the love he has.

Bob Hill

TOL Subscriber
Open View Theology, Open Theism, or whatever it may be called, is the view about God that I have believed for about 45 years.

This view is about the God of the Bible, and according to the Bible, His ability to have feelings, passion, remorse, anger, expectations, sorrow, etc.

This theology is based strictly on the Bible’s statements about our magnificent God.

It is the biblical theology that shows that God gave man enough freedom to believe God when God said he may be saved by believing in Jesus Christ as his Savior because Christ died for him.

Open Theists also believe God has the ability to change His mind or repent about something He said He would do. He usually does this when man has done something to cause God to either repent from harm that He said He would do, or repent from something good that He said He would for man, but because man sinned, He changed His mind and says He will not do it.

It is also the answer to the Calvinistic view, like Hilston seems to believe, that God predetermines everything that has happened and will happen. We have much material on this subject on our site,

I learned about this position a little over 45 years ago. At that time, I knew of no one who believed it. That has significantly changed in the last 20 years.

It sure is great having others who believe strongly in the Open View of God.

In Christ my Savior,
Bob Hill


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Hilston said:
The Open View sees God as a big super human who has genuine relationships and genuine love and genuine personality and genuine everything, as if the humanistic reasoning of the Open Theist has any rational grounds upon which to define such things. On Open View premises, God is more personal than He is omniscient. His so-called "qualitative attributes" supposedly trump His so-called "quantitative attributes." So on Open View premises, how can you have a genuinely personal and loving relationship with your distracted Sybil-God whose is experiencing billions of emotions simultaneously?
Hilston, It is not hard to have different feelings towards different people and still be the same person.

Example, I can be annoyed by you and pleased by my wife. At the same time. With my one personality even. Why can't God do unto each of us our due justice? If God can be angry at Israel but still pleased with his Son, why is that so hard for you to grasp?

Is he eternally mad at Israel because of his extreme impassability?

God is a rock in someways. he is father too. This isn't a concept that I make up, the Bible is full of examples. He even tells Israel he will not be angry with them forever, how can you not take that as change?

I would like to go into a little more detail with you, but I feel it would be a waste of time because you do not address any of my questions from the Bible. If I were to quote you scripture you'd just call me "stupid" and not tell me why you disagreed.

It seems all I can give to you is milk,, when you should be ready for the meat.
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