ARCHIVE: Open Theism part 1

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Hilston said:
I've been using TOL-lite, which doesn't display the red boxes. I changed it to TOL standard just to see what you're referring to. I really prefer the red boxes. Much better than that sissy green.

I just look "rep points" as the equivalent of a high-five on the playground. I've given a high-five from time to time, usually when engaged in some sports activity; but rarely while engaging in meaningful discussion. On the average, there are certain kinds of people who engage in this "high-fiving" behavior regularly. I'm not one of those people.

Thanks, nonetheless, for your concern.

Out of curiosity, why does your description say "pagan" rather than "christian" ?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Hilston said:
What are you referring to, GR? Where do I see these red boxes you're referring to?

-12000 and counting. I think you deserve more respect than that (see red boxes at top of your posts...I will sell you some green ones).


Active member
godrulz said:
-12000 and counting. I think you deserve more respect than that (see red boxes at top of your posts...I will sell you some green ones).

Isn't it true that once you get too much negative reputation and maintain it for too long, you are banned from TOL?


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
patman said:

Isn't it true that once you get too much negative reputation and maintain it for too long, you are banned from TOL?

Rep points do not count for anything else other than rep points. The only thing they effect is your rep power and how many red or green boxes you have. The rep system is just for fun.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
patman said:

Isn't it true that once you get too much negative reputation and maintain it for too long, you are banned from TOL?

Sounds like an urban myth. Ask the mods. I do not have a clue. All I know is that the system is fun, but totally flawed.

What is rep power? Is that how many times you are allowed to rep someone? How do you earn more? What if you run out?


Active member
Last year, around this time actually, when I first started posting regularly here is when I first noticed them. I wondered what they were and why I didn't have any, so I went looking around, finding very little documentation on them, and kinda sorta remember reading something close to what I said.

I think I re-discovered what I read. It turns out to be a registered plus member you need 50 points. Sorry for the confusion!

Sooooo, we should revoke Hilston's avatar... He's waaaay under 50 now.
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Active member
Hall of Fame
patman said:
Or at least make him change it.
Sure, make me change it. And why? Because I'm soooooo good-looking. And you're all just jealous.

Patman must be an Open Theist, because this is what Open Theists do: They read something in black and white, such as God's qualified immutability as discussed by Augustine, and then turn right around and misrepresent what they've read.

As I've said many times before, Open Theism (Mad Cow theology) poisons the mind and prevents its adherents from making lucid judgments, from engaging in rational discourse, from connecting obvious dots, and from comprehending what they read.

Here again, we see a perfect example of the addled state of mind caused by the Openness Virus. Patman reads the requirements in black and white, and then turns right around and misrepresent what he's read.

One's avatar has nothing to do with one's reputation points. It's 50 posts, not 50 points, to become a registered-plus member.


Active member
As Christians, our highest goal should be to honor God. It is something most all of us intend to do. So which View honors God?

No one fits neatly into a category, but chances are that if you are a Settled Theist, you believe most of the following:

Settled View:
God knows all of the future
God intended for the fall of man(to provide grace)
Every prophecy was fulfilled
There is no change in God
Some or all of mans actions are predestined.

Settled Theist look at Peter's denial of Christ as an example of God's foreknowledge. Some argue that Peter had freewill. And his decision to deny Christ was his to make or not, meaning he didn't "have to do it."

But how? God said he was going to do it. He is always right about the future. God won't change. So how could PETER chose otherwise?

Perhaps he foresaw the decision... isn't that the explanation? But still, the decision is sealed in time, Peter's decision was a result of countless causes and effects, locked in eternity as final. Noting Peter could do would change it.

There was only one outcome, and denial was the only choice. With the Settled View, there is no freewill. The outcome only seems like it was birthed from freewill.

How do freewill loving's answer this? They don't, instead they ignore the problem and look for problems in other theological solutions so they can hold to the precious belief that God knows all the future.

For some reason, you can sacrifice anything about God, us, the world, sinners, anything goes as long as we keep that one idea true: God knows alllllll of the future. And the idea isn't even stated in scripture.

Why sacrifice it all to keep the one idea? Why does God's worthiness of Praise and power hinge on this idea? The O.V. honors God, and sees him as worthy without requiring he have 100% future knowledge. Why can't the S.V. drop the drama and let God's deity not rest on what he does or doesn't know about the future?


Active member
Hilston said:
One's avatar has nothing to do with one's reputation points. It's 50 posts, not 50 points, to become a registered-plus member.

Ahhhhh. Stupid me. :doh:

I just wanted soooooo bad to get you to care about your rep that I goofed.


Active member
Hilston said:
Sure, make me change it. And why? Because I'm soooooo good-looking. And you're all just jealous.
Hilston, I know you are bashing on everyone, so I just wanted to send you some Christian love and say, "You are a beautiful man."

Yes, I said it. At the risk of sounding gay, I said it. You wear a 'dash unlike no other. No sign of male pattern baldness. You got it going.

Oh. Sometimes I do goof on what I read, I gotta re-read sometimes. Trust me, I have studied this stuff, and know it pretty well. But I know you make mistakes to, so your last post should be easy to take back, just like I did mine.

So, you being so beautiful on the outside.... go ahead and show that inner beauty more.

I had just saw this after posting the above. It turns out that I was right, at one time reputation did count....
Now hear this.
Private messaging has been disabled for the "Registered" usergroup.

Also, reputation score no longer plays a role in being promoted from "Registered" to "Registered PLUS." The requirements for promotion are now as follows:
A Registered user must

· Have at least 50 posts on TOL


· Have been a TOL member for at least 14 days

More info on TOL's usergroups and their privileges can be found here.

I guess I wasn't so crazy after all.....

NOW i must drop this because I feel as if I have said enough about this,,,, This is an Open Theism thread. Hilston, you can have the last word, I will speak of it no more.
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ApologeticJedi said:
Quibble all you want. You lean towards Cavlinism so much that you've adopted limited atonement.
Plenty of people affirmed the biblical doctrine of particular redemption long before Calvin came along. Anyone studying the Bible with a consistent hermeneutic and their logical faculties fully engaged would come away with a clear view of particular redemption. It's the only logical and biblically consistent position to take. Universal redemption (unlimited atonment) makes no logical or biblical sense, which is why the damage inflicted upon one's mind by Open Theism is so important in adopting unlimited atonement (according to God's decree, of course).

ApologeticJedi said:
That you don't want to admit to the sources of your belief is a bit childish.
The source of my belief is the sound logic and the clear exegesis of scripture. The source of the Open View is Lucifer (all according to God's decree, of course). I don't expect Open Theists to admit the sources of their belief, because part of Lucifer's success is disguising himself as an angel of light and hiding his influence from them (according to God's decree).


New member
Clete said:
How so?

Neither Adam nor Eve (or even Lucifer for that matter) HAD to rebel. They could have chosen rightly. If this is not so then their choice was not free and they cannot justly be held responsible for it.

Resting in Him,

It certainly sounds simple from that perspective.

What is the exact probability man would remain perfect of his own accord?

Genesis 3:22 And the LORD God said, "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever."

The reality is far more complex. Flesh begets _________?



New member
godrulz said:
Structure? Function? In terms of anatomy and physiology? What is your point?

In terms of man and ability.

Your rejection that God knows more than you doesn't make sense.



New member
Hilston said:
Plenty of people affirmed the biblical doctrine of particular redemption long before Calvin came along. Anyone studying the Bible with a consistent hermeneutic and their logical faculties fully engaged would come away with a clear view of particular redemption. It's the only logical and biblically consistent position to take. Universal redemption (unlimited atonment) makes no logical or biblical sense, which is why the damage inflicted upon one's mind by Open Theism is so important in adopting unlimited atonement (according to God's decree, of course).

The source of my belief is the sound logic and the clear exegesis of scripture. The source of the Open View is Lucifer (all according to God's decree, of course). I don't expect Open Theists to admit the sources of their belief, because part of Lucifer's success is disguising himself as an angel of light and hiding his influence from them (according to God's decree).

One consideration that you may want to ponder, Hilston, is that if you are right and the Settled View is the accurate one, then those who hold the Open View can't help themselves and all your insults and scorn are unjustified.

If, however, the Open View is the accurate one, then the behavior of those holding the Settled View is upon their own heads.


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Hall of Fame
RobE said:
In terms of man and ability.

Your rejection that God knows more than you doesn't make sense.


Neg rep for slander/libel. You know better.

God is omniscient. He knows the past and present exhaustively. This is vast, perfect knowledge. He knows the future as possible vs actual because that is the nature of the partially open future He created. If He settled the future, which He did not, then He would know it as settled.

In contrast, I know diddly squat in comparison. I know a drop in the bucket of all possible past, present, or future knowledge. I am not omniscient. I am also not as wise or intelligent as God (not even close, obviously).

Straw men caricatures bug me, so cut it out.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
RobE said:
It certainly sounds simple from that perspective.

What is the exact probability man would remain perfect of his own accord?

Genesis 3:22 And the LORD God said, "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever."

The reality is far more complex. Flesh begets _________?

Is it your belief that Adam was created with what we now refer to as "the fleshly nature"?

Asked another way, do you believe that Adam was created with a propencity toward evil?

Is our having to contend with our flesh the result of the fall or was it the cause of it?

Resting in Him,
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