ARCHIVE: Lying is never righteous!



I am talking about LYING ABOUT DENIAL with the full intent that it is a LIE.

I guess that someone will try to find a loophole in every rule.

:rolleyes: :down: :nono:

Dee Dee Warren

Hmm, like Jaltus saying that it is okay to deceive someone as long as you use a truth to do it??

The context of the verse everyone is bandying around is belief versus unbelief. Not one act of forced/faked denial from a believer.

Dee Dee Warren

You have never been tortured obviously. I can easily imagine one can be. And it is not genuine.


Also, what of the thousands upon thousands(perhaps millions) through the centuries that were tortured, yet never rejected the one who died for them?


Originally posted by Dee Dee Warren
CORRECTION: The position has been that there are rare occasions when it would be morally permissible to LIE about denying Christ. All others occasions would fall into the other category... quite obviously.

DDW has forced my hand and as being controlled by the preterist hose-beast I ask, if lying is amoral as Knight has proposed than having moral permission or not would be irrelevant else lying in fact is a moral act. Which is it?

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by cirisme
Did Knight ever prove that we're twisting scripture?

Reading the last 9 pages or so, even if he could prove it, it would be the pot calling the kettle black. :doh:
Yes, I did prove that.

Would you like me to do it again?

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by cirisme
Scripture certainly doesn't define that. :)

:rolleyes: :nono:
Your wrong... scripture says....
Matthew 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart, For they shall see God.

1Timothy 1:5 Now the purpose of the commandment is love from a pure heart, from a good conscience, and from sincere faith,
God knows our hearts.

He knows if we were coerced into denying Christ, or if we are ACTING, or if our heart was "pure" and we were REALLY denying Christ.

When God sees Richard Burton blaspheming God in the pre-conversion portion of the movie "The Robe" God doesn't say to Himself.... "Well I guess Richard Burton is going to hell!"

God is smart enough to read Richard Burtons heart and understand that Richard Burton was ACTING!!!!!!!

Dee Dee Warren

Yx... let's see. I think it all depends upon how we define "lying" and I am not trying to pull a fast one. If lying is simply (to use a very, very limited definition to get the party started) the utterance of something that is not true, it is morally neutral. I sit in my office and utter untruths all the day long and I have not sinned, for no one heard it, and I am saying inane things like, "I own a Weimeraner named Gladys." The moral aspects come into play when we factor in intent and effect. I don't know if this is where Knight was coming from or not... but that is thus far how I see it.

I know you have been done this road before, so I beg your indulgence.. do you not agree that Rahab and the Hebrew midwives are examples of righteous lies??

Dee Dee Warren

And now that I have sucked you on, don't you dare go yellow and bail out of this thread :D

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by Dee Dee Warren
Yx... let's see. I think it all depends upon how we define "lying" and I am not trying to pull a fast one. If lying is simply (to use a very, very limited definition to get the party started) the utterance of something that is not true, it is morally neutral. I sit in my office and utter untruths all the day long and I have not sinned, for no one heard it, and I am saying inane things like, "I own a Weimeraner named Gladys." The moral aspects come into play when we factor in intent and effect. I don't know if this is where Knight was coming from or not... but that is thus far how I see it.
BRILLIANT!! Perfect description and that is what I have been asserting all along.

If lying is described as: not telling the truth - then lying is morally neutral.

In this sense lying is like killing. Both are morally neutral until SPECIFIC circumstances are applied. THEN, when SPECIFIC circumstances are applied lying or killing can be viewed as absolutely wrong OR absolutely right.


New member
Originally posted by Knight
In this sense lying is like killing. Both are morally neutral until SPECIFIC circumstances are applied. THEN, when SPECIFIC circumstances are applied lying or killing can be viewed as absolutely wrong OR absolutely right.
God kills, but God doesn't lie. Why is this?

And when is a person ever forced into making a verbal denial?

Dee Dee Warren

:D Did you see that everyone? I am


just as I have been claiming all along ;)

And it is even better that I managed to composed a brilliant post with the phrase, "I own a weimeraner named Gladys" in it. That makes it all the more brilliant.

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by smilax
God kills, but God doesn't lie. Why is this?
I never said lying and killing were the same in ALL respects. What I said was....

If lying is described as: not telling the truth - then lying is morally neutral.

In this sense lying is like killing. Both are morally neutral until SPECIFIC circumstances are applied. THEN, when SPECIFIC circumstances are applied lying or killing can be viewed as absolutely wrong OR absolutely right.

God doesn't lie because God cannot be coerced.

You continue...
And when is a person ever forced into making a verbal denial?
I can think of literally thousands of scenarios in which it would be OK to "act" as if you denied Christ. Not only would God not hold you accountable for these false denials but He would be GLAD you thwarted the wicked.


DDW I will give you the platform you so have desired with this question.

If lying is not an immoral act, but one that God Himself can participate in as well (based solely on your definition). Than, say....the prophecies concerning Matthew 24 could have not come to past as circumstance dictated and Jesus (as God) would be absolved of any guilt as a liar and remain fully within your definition of righteous as the Hebrew midwives and Rahab, et al correct?

Why do you premise yourself that all the events concerning the Great Tribulation had to in fact have taken place regardless of any outside influences or circumstance else God would be unjust and in your own words.....a liar. Beings a liar would not make him unrighteous anyway so the claim against Him as guilty of wrong doing would be just as unfounded.

Dee Dee Warren

Welll I warned him, but he insists that he does want me to spank him on this one... sorry to do it Yx, but you are asking for it.


New member
Ahh, I got it.

Dee Dee is assuming: 1) Since denial can be nonverbal, even verbal denial must be ongoing in order to be real denial.

I think 1) is false. I think you assume 1) in your argument.

Dee Dee assumes: 2) Actions show true intent.

I deny 2), saying that people can lie through action as well as through words.

Dee Dee assumes: 3) Intent is what makes a real denial.

We are arguing 3) in the first place, which makes your assumption of it a circular argument.

This would actually be clarifying my 2nd attempt to explain this.


As George Castanza would say, "It isn't a lie if you believe it is true."


New member
Oh man this is great stuff!

Jaltus I am not equating lying with denying Christ, YOU are equating lying with denying Christ!

Both I, and Dee Dee have made clear distinctions.

We have only responded to cirisme's example of having to deny Christ to save ours or others lives.
Knight, you were equating lying with lying about the intent of denying Christ. My point is that verbal denial is all that is called for in Luke 12, there is nothing dealing with intent. You cannot ASSUME your argument in order to prove it, which is what you are doing when you equate what I call denial with lying. You are glossing over the distinction we are arguing about in order to say that there is no distinction. That is an illegitimate argument.

Again, before I answer your question, answer this:

Is it wrong for a Christian to swear or use the Lord's name in vain in a play?