ARCHIVE: Lying is never righteous!


New member
That is my point, Jaltus, thank you for proving it. And it also does not mean that this is speaking of a one-time occurence that wasn't even genuine to begin with.
False extrapolation. Where do you get the recurrence theme and where do you get the "not genuine?" Neither one of those comes from it being verbal or nonverbal, you are just assuming them.

Dee Dee Warren

That made no sense. I read it several times, and can't believe it is actually in English.


New member
Dee Dee,

2 things.

1) I take it the mental picture is more disturbing than amusing.

2) Could it be that because you are an idiot they made you a mod? (in reference to your sig, I just noticed that part)

Dee Dee Warren

Dee Dee,

2 things.

1) I take it the mental picture is more disturbing than amusing.

The amusing part is even becoming disturbing. There is such thing as too much of a good thing.

2) Could it be that because you are an idiot they made you a mod? (in reference to your sig, I just noticed that part)

No, actually don't you remember saying:

No wonder you are a mod, you sling mud with the best of them. I guess it takes outrageous statements and invective language to argue, or at least be a mod.


New member
Ok, how about this:

You are assuming that because there are non-verbal instances of denial, that means that all denials must be ongoing, that there must be repetition of the denial. that is false, for it does not follow that such is the case.

Also, you assumed that actions show true intent, and since you can deny through actions then only true intent makes a real denial. That is also a false conclusion, for just because denial can be by action does not mean that it must be "genuine denial" or heartfelt. Denial by action could also be a lie if you knew people were watching you, hence stepping on a picture of Jesus was used in Japan to show denial of Christianity. Does the truth of stepping on the picture make it more real than a verbal lie about denying Christ?

Dee Dee Warren

Ironically the very qualities that others have said disqualifies me... go figure. I can't win either way, so I might has well tan some hide along the way.


New member
Slinging mud and invenctive language do not make you an idiot, it just means you argue inappropriately.

Does being a mod make you an idiot, though?

Dee Dee Warren

Jaltus... that still didn't seem like English. It made no sense.

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by Jaltus


Denying Christ is much more serious than lying.
Ha! Your hilarious! Your a joke! Show me my strawman!!!

Let's put it all on the table so I can expose your fraudulent accusations of me....

If a human denies Christ i.e.: a man remains dead in his sin that is the most serious error a person can make and he is destined for hell. I am assuming we all agree about that?

But that isn't what is up for debate!

What IS up for debate is....
What if you can thwart a wicked act and save lives by deceiving the wicked force? Even if it means you have to "act" that you deny Christ even though in your heart you truly do NOT deny Christ.

Do you really think God knows us so little He wouldn't know we were only thwarting the wicked act?

Is our relationship with Christ so shallow it's only based on mouthing words? Don't you think our heart and how we REALLY feel is what makes the "words" have meaning?
2Timothy 2:22 Flee also youthful lusts; but pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.
Jaltus your theology begs so many questions....

So.... again... out of monumental curiosity....

If a Christian actor/actress plays a part in a play or a movie in which he has to reject Christ as part of the play or movie is he risking his salvation?


New member
Man, my point is that you are assuming a bunch of stuff.

1) Since denial can be nonverbal, even verbal denial must be ongoing in order to be real denial.

I think 1) is false. I think you assume 1) in your argument.

2) Actions show true intent.

I deny 2), saying that people can lie through action as well as through words.

3) Intent is what makes a real denial.

We are arguing 3) in the first place, which makes your assumption of it a circular argument.

Does that make sense? I really cannot make it any more plain.

Dee Dee Warren

Sorry, but all those numbers made it even more confusing. Knight on the other hand made a ton of sense. Perhaps you could borrow some :p


New member

The strawman is that you are equating lying with denying Christ, which I believe is an illegitimate equation.

Before I answer your situation, answer this: is it wrong for a Christian actor/actress to swear during a performance or use the Lord's name in vain?

Dee Dee Warren

If a Christian actor/actress plays a part in a play or a movie in which he has to reject Christ as part of the play or movie is he risking his salvation?

Such as the unfortunate souls who get to play Judas in all the Jesus films.


New member
Dee Dee,

How can you not understand my points?

You are assuming that because an action is nonverbal it shows intent. I disagree. One can lie by actions as well as by words.

Do you get that much?

Dee Dee Warren

Dee Dee,

Judas did not believe in Christ, so how could he reject Him?

And the hypothetical Christian in Knight's scenario truly believes in Christ and is lying so how can he be denying Him?

And you are assuming a theological argument there.. many believe that Judas lost his salvation. And some actor has to play Peter then doesn't he?

Dee Dee Warren

Dee Dee,

How can you not understand my points?

You are assuming that because an action is nonverbal it shows intent. I disagree. One can lie by actions as well as by words.

Do you get that much?

You are making no sense. A browse through James on the subject of the relationship between words and actions and the heart might help.