ARCHIVE: I believe religion to be obsolete


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Originally posted by prodigal
This is how empirical data works for me in regards to perceptions:

If I can't feel it, hear it, see it, taste it or touch it, it doesn't exist. If you can't demonstrate something to me, it isn't there. I can't perceive something that cannot be proven to exist, therefore how I handle people, how people handle themselves and whether or not it is in a fashion that corresponds is irrelevant.

Christians have an argument that they cannot prove
It is you who have the logically incoherent position.
You like to use logic (although quite poorly) but cannot account for the fact that you even know what logic is, and are completely incapable of proving that logic is real in the first place (without resorting to a Biblical worldview that is).
You say if you can't perceive it, it doesn't exist. By what logic did you arrive at that conclusion? By what means do you account for the fact that you can feel, hear, see, taste or touch in the first place? And by what means did your ability to analyze and process those senses come about?
And I'm still waiting for an answer to the questions I posed above. Primarily, what do you base you belief in God on? Can you feel, hear, see, taste or touch him? If not, then you contradict yourself and demonstrate your complete lack of any ability whatsoever to explain even the most basic aspects of the human experience (language, self awareness, introspection, the ability grasp abstract concepts like logic and right and wrong, etc.) Your beliefs are based on nothing, the very charge you make toward the Christian. You are the very epitome of hypocrisy.

Resting in Him,


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Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer

You are missing the point. You can't even account for the existence of psychology of any kind without borrowing from a Christian worldview. You can't account for the fact that human being can think about abstract ideas like logic for example. You can't account for the existence of language, or even intelligence without tacitly borrowing from a Christian (Biblical) worldview. You can't explain why it is wrong to murder without logical incoherence. You cannot do it. If you don't believe me, try it. You will fail.

Resting in Him,

Logic and Christianity aren't exactly bedfellows, but I guess that's a digression. The fact that men can reason and think isn't a Christian idea: it's, at best, a very strained acknowledgment that a creator of some kind may or may not exist.

I don't see how language or the intelligence of man is somehow inherently and completely a Christian idea, either. Considering the track record the church has had in suppressing the written word this strikes me as a bid ironic.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Originally posted by granite1010

Logic and Christianity aren't exactly bedfellows, but I guess that's a digression. The fact that men can reason and think isn't a Christian idea: it's, at best, a very strained acknowledgment that a creator of some kind may or may not exist.

I don't see how language or the intelligence of man is somehow inherently and completely a Christian idea, either. Considering the track record the church has had in suppressing the written word this strikes me as a bid ironic.

You are still missing the point. I'm not saying that logic, intelligence, language, reason, introspection etc. are Christian ideas, I'm saying that outside a Biblical worldview, the existence of such things cannot be explained in a logically coherent manner. Outside a Biblical worldview you and prodigal are both unable to even explain how it is possible that you can read this post!

Resting in Him,


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If by a "biblical worldview" you mean thinking as a Christian, I don't think you're on the mark.

Maybe you should define.

As succinctly as possible, what is a "biblical worldview"?


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Originally posted by granite1010

If by a "biblical worldview" you mean thinking as a Christian, I don't think you're on the mark.

Maybe you should define.

As succinctly as possible, what is a "biblical worldview"?

Not necessary. You started this thread not me! (Or at least your buddy did.)
You are here attempting to appeal to logic to say that the Bible is obsolete without realizing that without a Christian worldview, you have no way of accounting for the existence of logic in the first place.
I can easily account for such things as right and wrong, logic, the ability to examine one's self etc because and only because of a Biblical worldview. You on the other hand cannot even make sense of the fact that anything exists at all much less such abstract concepts as morality and logic.
Your worldview is completely inadequate and logically incoherent and yet you attempt to make such a charge against Christianity. You are a hypocrite and what's worse, you know that you are and don't care! Wouldn't it just be easier for you to admit that you don't have a fat clue how to account for the very things that you attempt to use (logic and reason etc) against Christianity which is the very thing that makes those things intelligible in the first place! Admit that you've cut your nose off to spite your face and that you don't really have any reason at all to believe what you do except that you hate Jesus Christ and must find something, anything, anything at all, to discredit His Word.

Resting in Him,


New member

You are still missing the point. I'm not saying that logic, intelligence, language, reason, introspection etc. are Christian ideas, I'm saying that outside a Biblical worldview, the existence of such things cannot be explained in a logically coherent manner. Outside a Biblical worldview you and prodigal are both unable to even explain how it is possible that you can read this post!

I'm sorry to see that Hilston is leading you astray with this pretentious bit of non-sense!



The Dark Knight
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Originally posted by granite1010

Aimiel and others have to be hostile because it's the basis of their faith. Christianity is founded on fear: fear of sin, fear of God, fear of the devil, fear of hell.
I'm not afraid of hell. I'm not afraid of the devil [i.e. Accuser and adversary]. And I'm not afraid of sin, either. Why be afraid of something I'm free from and dead to?:confused: And why would I be afraid of someone who has no power in my life? And why would I be afraid of someplace I'll never go? And I'm not afraid of God, either. I fear Him, but not with a fear that means afraid. It is a holy fear. It is awe. But I wouldn't expect you to understand that.


The Dark Knight
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Originally posted by prodigal


(Yes, I believe in hell. And it is seperation from God. But that is not what we are saved from. We are saved from ourselves)

That's a disgustingly low opinion of yourself, and frankly I think we're pretty darned seperated from god as it is. You might be able to trick yourself into thinking he's spoken to you, and your mind can make you see things if you really want to, but I would say you're already living in your definition of hell.

Is it a low opinion of myself? Yes. But it's the truth. I was not in Christ, for I was unrighteous...born into it. And nothing I could ever do would make me righteous. And I always catered to my unrighteousness, by committing acts that were symptoms of that. Christ saved me from that. He made me righteous. And now I am in Him. I am no longer seperated from Him. I am forgiven, and I know that. And I live it.

(We are made dead to sin)

Your definition of sin is 2,000 years old, probably a lot older than that actually... get with the times. The age of Pisces (the fish/Jesus) is over. The age of aquarius has begun. I don't believe things unless they can be demonstrated to me, and astrology is far more demonstrable than christian folklore.
What's my definition of sin? You don't know, so how can you make a judgment on it? You are being judgmental. Sin is transgression of the law. I am dead to the law, as well as dead to sin. That is the work of Christ.

You'd rather trust the stars [who have no sentience] than the One who created them?!:doh: That's far more stupid than...a lot of things.

(And it seems you have met some people who don't know the meaning of sin. Sin is transgression of the law, and apart form the law there is no transgression. And those who are in Christ are not under the law. They are under grace.)

Now you're knocking my friends? Is that it? The law? Your law is 2,000 years old. Things are slightly different now than when the bible was written. Things change, christians hate to admit it, and it might eventually be their downfall, but your system of religion is just too old to conceivably sustain itself for too much longer.
Actually, the law I'm referring to is way older than 2000 years. And how did I knock your friends. I said they were mistaken in their definition of sin. That's all I said. And Christianity has been sustained for almost 2000 years. Judaism for a lot longer than that. And they adhere to the law that Christians are free from. So what makes you so sure that Christianity won't be sustained? What makes you think it sustains itself, at all?

(Being good is not good enough.)

How do you argue with someone like this? Oh yeah, don't tell me, let me guess Aimiel, there is no arguing with it because it's the truth and I can't handle it?
It is the truth. I'm not sure why you refuse to explore it. I don't think you have no hope of handling it. I just don't know why you won't.

(There is nothing we can do to be good enough, because none of us are righteous, without Him. And when one knows the truth it makes them free.)

Your definition of righteousness is also 2,000 years old. Mine is my own and it's quite current. I don't have a book to base it on, just my own perception of reality. I have seen the truth, when I stepped back from religion to look at it from the outside. I feel more born again now without it than when I had it.
No. Righteousness is older than the foundations of the Earth. I used to believe that I could work my way to Heaven. I believed salvation was a free gift, but that I had to always ask for forgiveness any time I failed to be perfect, because I thought it would cost me my salvation. But when I realized that I was forgiven for all, that all my sin was nailed to the cross, and that Christ had cleansed me of all unrighteousness, I knew what it meant to be born again. Apparently, you don't. I have seen the truth. You have fallen for one of the greatest lies.

Oh and again, what's with your lack of self-confidence? Maybe you're a weak person, Lighthouse, maybe you're just plain old weak.
We all are. But Christ makes the weak strong. And He has done that for me. I have more confidence in Him than I have in myself, because I always failed and let myself down. He never has.

Your little story about your porn addiction makes perfect sense. You couldn't stop yourself. If you're weak enough to stare at naked ladies for hours on end than maybe you're weak enough to be taken for a ride by a religion that has succesfully perpetuated itself for 2,000 years.
You just don't get it, do you? I am weak. Christ has made me strong. I no longer stare at naked women. I have no desire to. It holds no anticipation for me. I couldn't care less, because I don't care at all. But I would like to know if you think that all men who look at porn are weak. Because there are a lot of men, and women, who look at porn...and go to strip clubs...and other things along those lines. And they are not all affiliated with a religion.

There is defintely something to religion, like I said, I believe in god, and quite some time ago there probably was the need for religion. Just not anymore. The human race has grown past it. If I have than so can anyone else.
I've grown past it. Did you forget that I agreed with you that religion is obsolete? A relationship is the only thing that matters, and it makes religion completely useless.

Lighthouse, you're probably just a really weak person who needs answers. Religion can give answers, so it satiates an inherent desire in humans. You need religion. Not necessarily god, just a system to enslave yourself to because you're too weak to make it on your own.
No. I need God. And I have Him. I don't need religion, and I don't want religion. It did nothing for me, but keep me a slave to that for which Christ died to free me from. Screw systems! They're nothing more than prisons.

I'm not that weak. If I want to look at naked ladies, I just do it. Shrug. I don't blame you for needing to be a christian, just like I don't blame you for looking at porn. You're a guy, naked ladies can be kinda cool. Don't beat yourself up because you follow your natural instincts, don't cut yourself off from everything that makes you human and then call it dirty sin. It's both degrading and insulting to myself and others that disagree.
I'm not weak, either. I don't desire to look at naked ladies. It does nothing for me. Not anymore. I just don't care. I used to beat myself up over it. And that kept me in bondage. When I realized that I was already forgiven, because Christ died once, for all...and all my sins were nailed to that cross with Him, as well as the law, then I quit beating myself up over my failings. And I failed less and less. In fact, I've quit failing in many areas that were once vices for me. Why? Because Christ keeps me. He has freed me. I am dead to sin, because of Him!

Listen, all I want is for Aimiel to admit that he can't prove what he believes and though he is free to believe it, he's not free to pass it off as truth without proof. Lighthouse, I like reading your posts.
You're right. Aimiel can't prove it. And it's not up to him to prove it. God has already proven Himself. If you're still denying it, that's your problem.


The Dark Knight
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Hall of Fame
Originally posted by granite1010

Logic and Christianity aren't exactly bedfellows,..

Dave Miller-
FYI, the fruit of the Spirit is not a reference to queers.


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Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer

Not necessary. You started this thread not me! (Or at least your buddy did.)
You are here attempting to appeal to logic to say that the Bible is obsolete without realizing that without a Christian worldview, you have no way of accounting for the existence of logic in the first place.
I can easily account for such things as right and wrong, logic, the ability to examine one's self etc because and only because of a Biblical worldview. You on the other hand cannot even make sense of the fact that anything exists at all much less such abstract concepts as morality and logic.
Your worldview is completely inadequate and logically incoherent and yet you attempt to make such a charge against Christianity. You are a hypocrite and what's worse, you know that you are and don't care! Wouldn't it just be easier for you to admit that you don't have a fat clue how to account for the very things that you attempt to use (logic and reason etc) against Christianity which is the very thing that makes those things intelligible in the first place! Admit that you've cut your nose off to spite your face and that you don't really have any reason at all to believe what you do except that you hate Jesus Christ and must find something, anything, anything at all, to discredit His Word.

Resting in Him,

Case you didn't notice this is a virtual world, Clete, so prodigal's not exactly a buddy. A partner in crime, perhaps...:D

You keep saying that logic, reason, and other faculties of the human mind are impossible to understand without a Christian worldview, but that's just it: you keep repeating it without any substantiation. I asked you to describe in your own words what you mean by "biblical worldview." You can't even do that. Instead you just respond with a temper tantrum.

Can you explain what a biblical worldview is, Clete? Or are you just gonna repeat yourself? "It's the way it is. That's all there is to it."

If you can't explain to someone with a keyboard what you believe, I think you need to grow up or look at what your faith really is.


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Originally posted by lighthouse

I'm not afraid of hell. I'm not afraid of the devil [i.e. Accuser and adversary]. And I'm not afraid of sin, either. Why be afraid of something I'm free from and dead to?:confused: And why would I be afraid of someone who has no power in my life? And why would I be afraid of someplace I'll never go? And I'm not afraid of God, either. I fear Him, but not with a fear that means afraid. It is a holy fear. It is awe. But I wouldn't expect you to understand that.

You're afraid enough of hell not to walk from the Christian faith. You have a gun to your head, Lighthouse.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Originally posted by granite1010

Case you didn't notice this is a virtual world, Clete, so prodigal's not exactly a buddy. A partner in crime, perhaps...:D
Yeah, right.

You keep saying that logic, reason, and other faculties of the human mind are impossible to understand without a Christian worldview, but that's just it: you keep repeating it without any substantiation.
You are the one claiming that Christianity is obsolete not me. It is you who has the burden of proof, not me. You just don't like being on the defensive. But unfortunately for you, I intended to push you to justify your dismissal of a Biblical worldview, which you will not be able to do.

I asked you to describe in your own words what you mean by "biblical worldview." You can't even do that. Instead you just respond with a temper tantrum.
I did not respond with any sort of tantrum. :kookoo:
And yes of course I can do it, I'm just not stupid enough to let you flip this over on me. You're the one making claims of obsolesence, not me. If you can't account for smoe really basic stuff that is at the very core of being alive then you are the one with the problem.

Can you explain what a biblical worldview is, Clete? Or are you just gonna repeat yourself? "It's the way it is. That's all there is to it."
I've never said anything remotely like, "It's the way it is. That's all there is to it." And yes I can explain what a Biblical worldview is, I just refuse to do so until you at least make some attempt to answer the questions I have already posed. Besides, you know already what a Biblical worldview is, you were a Christian (or at least called yourself that) for a long time and if you don't know then what are you saying is obsolete?

If you can't explain to someone with a keyboard what you believe, I think you need to grow up or look at what your faith really is.
You can't even account for how it is possible that a computer keyboard even exists in the first place, that's my whole point! You have totally thrown the baby out with the bath water. You say (or at least you agree) that your senses tell you what is true but you cannot account for the existence of those senses and cannot prove that they are even real without spinning so fast in logical circles that you throw up.


New member
I'm only guessing here because Clete has been sticking with the cloak and dagger bit, but I will say I know someone who believes that all knowledge and creativity stems from Christianity. Basically, such people believe that people in the east couldn't get out of bed every day if some westerners hadn't come over and showed them what to do. And, that before the "revelation of truth" to such places, they were reduced to savagery.

Let's just all speculate like this about what Clete means until he gets mad enough to actually verbalize it (if he can actually verbalize it). Heck. This might just be like on of those church billboards you see that have stupid meaningless sayings on them. No real meaning, just a waste of words.


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"You are the one claiming that Christianity is obsolete not me."

No, prodigal is. Can you keep your facts straight?

"It is you who has the burden of proof, not me."

Not really. I don't claim to serve a resurrected deity who made heaven and earth. I'd say you have a higher litmus test.

"You just don't like being on the defensive."

Clete, you're the one who can't even give a quick definition of what you believe a "biblical worldview" to be, so who's acting defensive?

"But unfortunately for you, I intended to push you to justify your dismissal of a Biblical worldview, which you will not be able to do."

I don't even know what I'm dismissing yet. Put it out there.

"And yes of course I can do it, I'm just not stupid enough to let you flip this over on me."

No offense, but this is just a crock. You either a) don't know what you mean by the duckspeak of "biblical worldview," b) you're not sure who you're borrowing it from, or c) you don't think it'll hold up. Either way you don't sound like you have a clue. Christians can throw out phrases like "biblical worldview" without thinking about the babble they're using. I'm asking you to think for yourself and give a definition. If you don't, it's just laziness or cowardice on your part.

"yes I can explain what a Biblical worldview is, I just refuse to do so until you at least make some attempt to answer the questions I have already posed."

Like what? You keep repeating yourself: "Logic and reason is impossible to understand with a biblical worldview. How is that possible?" So you're making an assumption based off a mysterious "worldview" you refuse to define. I'm asking for a definition so I at least understand where you're coming from. If you think all Christians have the same "worldview" just because they're Christians, you've got another thing coming. Or you're just naive. Christians can't agree on most anything.
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Originally posted by wickwoman

I'm only guessing here because Clete has been sticking with the cloak and dagger bit, but I will say I know someone who believes that all knowledge and creativity stems from Christianity. Basically, such people believe that people in the east couldn't get out of bed every day if some westerners hadn't come over and showed them what to do. And, that before the "revelation of truth" to such places, they were reduced to savagery.

Let's just all speculate like this about what Clete means until he gets mad enough to actually verbalize it (if he can actually verbalize it). Heck. This might just be like on of those church billboards you see that have stupid meaningless sayings on them. No real meaning, just a waste of words.

Here's a personal favorite from a local church in my area: "Forbidden fruit creates many jams."


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How very, very'd think these guys would come up with a couple of their own.
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Banned by Mod
Here we go:

By what means do you account for the fact that you can feel, hear, see, taste or touch in the first place? And by what means did your ability to analyze and process those senses come about?)

First of all, my mother and father created me in the same fashion that every other person, including yourself, on this planet is created. I’m not about to go into the details of the birds and the bees, you should know this. But at any rate, my point is, I can account for my five senses because I can demonstrate them. I can smell roses, watch a movie, listen to Weather Report, I can touch a kitten, I can eat my mother’s apple pie. To say that these are all products created by a divine being puts you in the exact same position you were in before, with the burden of proof. You see, I have nothing to prove. You’re the one who makes the claims and has no evidence and proof to back up your claims. You’re claiming (if I’ve heard you correctly) that the existence of logic is proof of god and the validity of christianity. That’s utter nonsense. If I believed that leprechauns left pots of gold at the end of rainbows and used the existence of rainbows as the basis of my belief, it really wouldn’t hold up that well. Once again, you’re claiming the pot without showing your cards.

(what do you base you belief in God on?)

shrug. The fact that any other alternative is even more foolish than a supreme creator. I don’t really like the options, none of them really make sense, but we’re here now, so my question is, is it really that important? I think you’re making mountains out of mole hills. When presented with the options I have to take the one that makes the most sense, or the one that is least foolish. Unfortunately I’ve observed that god is the most likely source. We can’t prove it of course, so I don’t waste too much time thinking about it.

(the existence of such things cannot be explained in a logically coherent manner.)

Um, yeah they can. Keyboards are constructed in factories. My dad makes a living with his job and with the money he earns he provides my family with food. Cause and effect. I don’t see the need to blame everything good in the world on god. Clete, I don’t understand how a biblical worldview explains anything better, maybe you just haven’t explained it well enough, frankly I don’t think you’ve explained it at all. Having a biblical worldview is just as arbitrary as having a hindu worldview, or a Buddhist worldview. My worldview is this: if you can’t prove it, don’t pass it off truth. If you can prove it, than it’s a fact. You say god is the creator of all things, and that’s where stuff like logic or the ability to read or speak comes from, but you have no proof when you pass this perspective off as truth. At best it’s just an idea, backed by nothing more than zealots and a really old book.

(It is you who has the burden of proof, not me)

Once again, you’re wrong. I’m not the one making fantastical claims about deities, the creation of the planet, spirits, zombie messiahs, an archfiend, “sin” and eternal resting places. I deny the existence of many of those things because of the lack of proof. You claim their existence without proof. Once again, you’re selling something you don’t have. You’re claiming the pot without showing your cards. All I want is to see your cards, Clete. If you have proof to back up your claims and to change them from claims to facts, than please, enlighten me.

I was not in Christ, for I was unrighteous...born into it)

Your standard for righteousness comes from bible. It’s just an idea, there’s no proof to back up your claims, other than a vague sense of morality for which the bible, religion, even god is unnecessary. You don’t have to have a personal relationship with god in order to be a good person. You don’t have to be saved from yourself by some distant deity. Lighthouse, you had it in you the whole time to save yourself from your petty addictions and you sold yourself short.

(You'd rather trust the stars [who have no sentience] than the One who created them?! That's far more stupid than...a lot of things.)

More stupid than trusting an invisible god to save you from less than desirable habits? Like looking at pictures of naked ladies? Lighthouse, at least I can see the stars. You can’t see god. What a friend you have in Jesus indeed.

(It is the truth. I'm not sure why you refuse to explore it.)

Once again, prove to me that it is the truth, give me something tangible, and I’ll agree with you. You can’t say something is a fact without something to prove it. Newton could demonstrate something as simple as gravity, but you can’t demonstrate something as huge as god. Funny.

(I have seen the truth. You have fallen for one of the greatest lies.)

Oh is that the lie told by the earth god Satan? And you’ve actually seen the truth. All right, I’ll give your story credence for a moment or two. Let’s say everything you say is true, you’ve seen the light, I’ve been lied to and am buying it. Thanks god. Thanks for letting that happen to me. All right, I’m done pretending now. You worship an invisible sadist who will let me burn in hell out of spite but will take the time to ween you off of your porn addiction. Your god’s mood swings are as frantic and random as my ex-girlfriend’s.

(But I would like to know if you think that all men who look at porn are weak.)

I don’t think looking at porn is a good litmus test for weakness. Let’s say, all men who leave their wives for younger girlfriends and move out to LA are weak. Anyone who buys into a system of religion without tangible evidence of it’s validity are weak. Anyone who says they’ve seen the truth, and because of that, I should believe as well is weak. Anyone who says I’ve been lied to, but can’t prove that anything has ever been said to me at all, true or false, is weak and expects the same weakness out of me. You can only fool some of the people, some of the time. I’ve tried christianity, for twenty years I tried it. It doesn’t work for me. The fact that it works for other people is fine, I’ve said it once, I’ll say it again, people are free to believe whatever they want. My quarrel is when the unprovable is passed off as indisputable.

(God has already proven Himself. If you're still denying it, that's your problem.)

Once again, god hasn’t proven anything, and neither have you. I can prove that heaven doesn’t exist simply by virtue of the fact that there’s nothing to prove that it does. An old book does not constitute proof, maybe thin evidence, but not proof. To deny the existence of something that cannot be proven to exist is not a problem Lighthouse. It’s logical. To say that god has proven himself is a problem when god doesn’t speak out loud and when any evidence you have of anything you believe is subjective at best.

You guys must live on the internet or something because all of your posts are short and sweet, mine are always HUGE!


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"Lighthouse, you had it in you the whole time to save yourself from your petty addictions and you sold yourself short."

:thumb: Absolutely.

I also loved this:

"You worship an invisible sadist who will let me burn in hell out of spite but will take the time to ween you off of your porn addiction. Your god’s mood swings are as frantic and random as my ex-girlfriend’s."
