ARCHIVE: I believe religion to be obsolete


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"The other objections you raise are based on nothing more than your misunderstanding of the Bible, and I don't feel like wasting my time detailing your errors..."

Uh-huuuuh. So either you don't want to be troubled with the facts, or, you're simply lazy.

Rolf Ernst

New member
Really Granite?? Then explain the sense in being distacted from the issues of science in the Bible that have not been adequately answered by those who REFUSE to acknowledge those evidences as proof of the bible being a revelation from God! FOR WHAT REASON?? Just so the scoffers can tap dance fast enough that their feet aren't noticeably nailed to the floor?

NO ESCAPE FOR SCOFFERS! There are multiple references in the Bible to scientific facts concerning space which "scientists" are just now, in this very day, beginning to discover. BUT NOW SCOFFERS WANT TO CHANGE THE SUBJECT. Stick around. Refuse to see the consequences of these facts until it is apparent to everyone that your problem with the Bible is NOT that it is unscientific in some of its revelations, NO! The problem is not that at all. The problem is nothing more or less than the fact that the rebellion of men against God WILL NOT LET THEM SEE THE LIGHT.

I have already answered one accusation against the Bible--the one concerning Michal (see 2Sam.21:8)--to demonstrate what I said about people's objections against the bible being based on nothing more than their ignorance, but not one real refutation has anyone made against the scientific aspect of many of God's scientific revelations in scripture despite the fact that scoffers claim the right to wrap the carcass of their unbelief in science
(falsely so-called). So don't be in such a hurry to change the subject. Stick around long enough so the truth might begin to dawn on benighted souls.
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Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Rolf Ernst

Really Granite?? Then explain the sense in being distacted from the issues of science in the Bible that have not been adequately answered by those who REFUSE to acknowledge those evidences as proof of the bible being a revelation from God! FOR WHAT REASON?? Just so the scoffers can tap dance fast enough that their feet aren't noticeably nailed to the floor?

NO ESCAPE FOR SCOFFERS! There are multiple references in the Bible to scientific facts concerning space which "scientists" are just now, in this very day, beginning to discover. BUT NOW SCOFFERS WANT TO CHANGE THE SUBJECT. Stick around. Refuse to see the consequences of these facts until it is apparent to everyone that your problem with the Bible is NOT that it is unscientific in some of its revelations, NO! The problem is not that at all. The problem is nothing more or less than the fact that the rebellion of men against God WILL NOT LET THEM SEE THE LIGHT.

I have already answered one accusation against the Bible--the one concerning Michal (see 2Sam.21:8)--to demonstrate what I said about people's objections against the bible being based on nothing more than their ignorance, but not one real refutation has anyone made against the scientific aspect of many of God's scientific revelations in scripture despite the fact that scoffers claim the right to wrap the carcass of their unbelief in science
(falsely so-called). So don't be in such a hurry to change the subject. Stick around long enough so the truth might begin to dawn on benighted souls.

I'm not talking about science and the Bible. Prodigal is. Being unwilling or unable to discuss historical errors or discrepancies in scripture says enough, thank you.

Rolf Ernst

New member
PEPPER! How outrageous are you willing to get? Is there no absurdity you are unwilling to engage in ??


Rolf Ernst

New member
Prodigal--you cited your sources and I haven't?? Are you sane?? On what sane basis can you locate your delusions?? I have from the beginning of this discussion given you book, chapter and verse--or at least enough information so that if it didn't terrify you to open the Bible you could locate my references from it.

You just made CLAIMS to have cited scientific evidences comparable
to scripture, BUT you very conveniently left out what EXACTLY, these early extra-biblical sources said that rated them to be considered comparable to the Bible.

I was very specific with you. I told you in clear, definite words about God telling Abraham that the stars could NOT BE NUMBERED. NOW, if you understand written english--state in words as clear as my own WHAT scientific statement those you tout made that can be compared with scripture. I WAS SPECIFIC. You only made general CLAIMS about unspecified bits of knowledge.

As an example, show me where your worshippers of pagan gods stated that the stars could not be numbered; or, the egyptians thought the world rested on an elephant's back. Is that the scientific "fact" known by pagans to which you refer? Well, while the egyptians were believing THAT, Job knew that "He stretches out the north over empty space and hangs the earth upon nothing." Job said also that "He enscribed a circle on the face of the waters at the boundary of day and night." Do you compare their "elephant's back" to the scientific validity of these two statements of Job about the earth? Don't try coming back at mewith some claim that some people way backwhen knew many things. State (as I have) WHAT they knew and WHEN!! Remember while considering it that Job predated Abraham.

LISTEN, PRODIGAL--I can zerox a page out of an encylopedia which talks about so-called scientists in the last 100 years who were still trying to count all the stars. Are THEY the holders of such stunning scientific knowledge that you claim THEIR knowledge is comparable to the bible?

I can point you to websites where scientists of today are now discussing the fabric of space as a new revelation even though the psalmists and prophets spoke of it millenia ago. Are THEY the scientific wonders which you rank as comparable to the bible??
You say my references in that regard are thin, BUT they are very carefully stated in words that can not be disputed as to their meaning, PLUS the fact that they are from three different authors, all of which state essentially the same thing! And you call THAT THIN?? The same scientific fact clearly stated by three different authors is THIN?

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Rolf Ernst

New member
GRANITE1010-- in your post #623you state that I am unwilling or unable to discuss errors of historical fact even at the same time the quote from me in #623 DOES DEAL WITH your So-called errors of historical fact. Pay attention! If you don't pay attention, you will NEVER recover from the stupidity that causes you to make such false charges.

What does it profit to attempt to instruct a dead man? Explain something to him and he immediately says it was never explained. The question about Michal was thoroughly explained. The error was NOT in what the Bible said, but in the inability of scoffers to read and understand the clear words of scripture. And AFTER I HAVE EXPLAINED IT, YOU SAY I AM EITHER UNWILLING OR UNABLE TO EXPLAIN !!! WHAT is your IQ ????????????


The Dark Knight
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Originally posted by granite1010

No problem, apology accepted.

I didn't answer this question because of the way you'd phrased it before: something to the effect of "tell me what MY idea of sin is," and I don't like putting words in your mouth or someone else's.

There's any number of ways people have and can define "sin." Sin as a Christian understands it is separation from God, an act of rebellion, unholiness, what have you.
I didn't mean that question. What is your prupose in calling us stone throwers?


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Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Rolf Ernst

GRANITE1010-- in your post #623you state that I am unwilling or unable to discuss errors of historical fact even at the same time the quote from me in #623 DOES DEAL WITH your So-called errors of historical fact. Pay attention! If you don't pay attention, you will NEVER recover from the stupidity that causes you to make such false charges.

What does it profit to attempt to instruct a dead man? Explain something to him and he immediately says it was never explained. The question about Michal was thoroughly explained. The error was NOT in what the Bible said, but in the inability of scoffers to read and understand the clear words of scripture. And AFTER I HAVE EXPLAINED IT, YOU SAY I AM EITHER UNWILLING OR UNABLE TO EXPLAIN !!! WHAT is your IQ ????????????

I'm not interested in the Michal issue (I think prodigal just missed the boat on that one). I mentioned the silence of history on, for example, Herod's slaughter of the innocents. Keep up Rolf.


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Originally posted by lighthouse

I didn't mean that question. What is your prupose in calling us stone throwers?

If the shoe fits. In Jefferson's case it's to be taken literally, as he is an advocate of execution by stoning.

Rolf Ernst

New member
Yeah, Granite--what about the slaying of the innocents? what do you
think about that? Let me know so I will know what to think in order to be contrary to you. Ain't that wha' choo want ?


Banned by Mod

I sited specific historical material that showed several things. It showed that the ancient cultures I have made reference to did in fact record their scientific findings on clay tablets called astrolabes. You were the one who denied such tablets existed, remember? You said that the cultures I made reference to never moved past the oral tradition, but I quoted historical materials that showed that they did. You claimed that I would deny your evidence before you presented it, yet you went ahead and did the same thing with me.

Rolf, you pointed to vague biblical references, that, through your interpretation (remember, you did say it was your opinion) that point out the facts of reality. I have pointed to ancient cultures that were observing and recording comparable facts, such as the chaldeans ability to track the helical cycles of planets, the retrograde of planets, etc. I have pointed to the greek astronomer, Hipparchus. Even if your biblical references are true, the writers of the bible, no matter if it were one or three, were not alone in their observation of reality. Your biblical references are very interesting, I'll give you that, they do seem to be very specific, but they aren't UNIQUE.

Even if your biblical references are what you say they are, and I've said this before, it still proves nothing. Your references stand as a witness to the validity of REALITY, not as a witness to the validity of scripture.

You still have yet to explain to me how you transposed your solution on the end of Einsteins arithmetic. Like I said, you had the chance to school me on something, and so far, you have completely passed it up. This is your chance, Rolf, to show me just how right you are, and you're failing miserably.

You're becoming quite frantic, Rolf. You're falling into the same dilemma that befell Clete. It's not that we don't understand your arguments, it has more to do with the fact that your arguments while logical, don't explain anything. You point to scientific references in the bible as evidence of the bible's validity, but that's not what the references are doing, so of course I'm not going to consider them good enough. You must remember, I was a christian my entire life, and now I'm sitting at the other side of the table, I have a very unique perspective on all of this that you haven't the capacity to understand.

scientists of today are now discussing the fabric of space as a new revelation even though the psalmists and prophets spoke of it millenia ago. Are THEY the scientific wonders which you rank as comparable to the bible??

I've been very clear as to the counter evidence I have provided, if you don't get it yet, than either you're as unintelligent as you would like to believe I am, or you're just ignoring it.

they are very carefully stated in words that can not be disputed as to their meaning,

If I've learned one thing in the past twenty years, it's that anything in the bible can be disputed.

State (as I have) WHAT they knew and WHEN!!

The material I have already sited and quoted here has done all of that. Again, either you're as unintelligent as you believe I am, or you're just not paying attention. As for the WHEN, I don't actually think you've done that. Could be wrong, and if I am I'd like to know, but I don't think I am.

You just made CLAIMS to have cited scientific evidences comparable
to scripture, BUT you very conveniently left out what EXACTLY, these early extra-biblical sources said that rated them to be considered comparable to the Bible.

I actually left nothing out, and once again you're leading me to believe that you're just not paying any attention to me, Rolf. They made very specific scientific observations of the motion of planets in our galaxy which is actually far more than the vague, at times poetic biblical references you have sited.

I told you in clear, definite words about God telling Abraham that the stars could NOT BE NUMBERED.

So what?


Now you're just being frantic and obnoxious. I really thought that you'd be able to keep your cool through this, but once again, you're just a classic case of christianity. That's not a good thing, in case you're wondering.

Listen, you haven't answered any of my rebuttals with anything solid, just frantic stammering and pathetic equivocations, behavior that any ex-christian would be able to see coming a mile away. I predicted this sort of behavior with Clete, and I can do it with any christian of your ilk.

I have answered your evidence with my evidence, and all you can do is beg for chapter and verse when I have made my sources quite clear. You can point me to websites? I can point you to websites too, Rolf. I acknowledged the validity of your "evidence" and answered it with my own, but now you're insulting my intelligence and insulting my evidence when it is, in fact, just as solid as yours. The babylonians recorded their scientific observations and discoveries on clay tablets called astrolabe tablets, their findings, while different from the biblical references you speak of are more specific and grounded in whatever form of science they had at the time. Your biblical references are not unique, and they weren't from the beginning of this discussion.

POINTING OUT FACTS OF REALITY DOES NOT BRING VALIDITY TO THE BIBLE, NOR DOES IT PROVE ANYTHING. The facts of reality that your book speaks of would be there whether it made references to them or not, so what makes your references so special?


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Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Rolf Ernst

Yeah, Granite--what about the slaying of the innocents? what do you
think about that? Let me know so I will know what to think in order to be contrary to you. Ain't that wha' choo want ?

No, not at all. But the fact is, secular history is silent on this incident. Historians hostile to Herod, such as Josephus, who detail his abuses of power do not ever mention this incident.

It appears to be an invention of Matthew.


New member

You make me laugh. You're starting to sound like Vizzini from the Princess Bride right before he died. You're starting to lose it, and then how are we supposed to take you seriously? Does shouting at people and insulting them make you feel better about yourself? Also, your behavior is getting to be quite the opposite of what the bible says you should be. I've got a verse for you, I'll even give it to you in two different versions, it says the same thing but you can decide for yourself which you like better:

Young men likewise exhort to be sober minded. In all things showing thyself a pattern of good works: in doctrine showing uncorruptness, gravity, sincerity, sound speech, that cannot be condemned; that he that is of the contrary part may be ashamed, having no evil thing to say of you. (Titus 2:6-8, KJV)

Similarly, encourage the young men to be self-controlled. In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us. (Titus 2:6-8, NIV)

Just something for you to think about.

Rolf Ernst

New member
Pepper--If you heard what I said, maybe the shout helped. What is it about you that you are unable to focus on the words? Deal with the text--if you are not afraid to do so.

You are apparently no one to lecture anyone on what the Biblle says. You probably have never even read of two instances in which the Bible records that Jesus was angry. An inability to react with anger to
irreverence toward the word is not a good trait. At times, anger is a good trait, and your misrepresentation, combined with your blatant irreverence merited anger. Speak the truth insofar as your conscience allows you to do so, and I will be less harsh. My purpose was to get your attention. Sometimes children will pay no attention unless something out of the ordinary is used to address their inattention. Deal with the SUBSTANCE--if you dare--rather than attack the messenger.

If you examine my post, I think you will find that my words were direct and coherent even though they might have been forceful. It appears that you are the one who was out of control with your baseless statements. I dealt with the issue irself coherently, and there was substance in what I said which is more than what you did. Don't charge someone with being out of control when their words are a clear, valid and forceful response.
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Banned by Mod

Pepper did deal with your ex nihilo/einstein evidence, and I think he did a pretty good job of it. Of course you scuttled away from rebutting it, but I remain as unsurprsed at your classic christian behavior as ever. Pepper and I have both presented counter arguments to whatever evidence you have presented, and when given the opportunities to make a logical reply, you have equivocated and begun to grow upset.

Christians are always the first to become upset. They are the ones who become emotional and must leave the room. Rolf, your entire faith is based upon escape routes. Jesus died for your sins, and now you have a place to put your guilt instead of dealing with it like a normal person. Never answer a fool according to his folly, there's a good escape route, if someone challenges you you can always just fall back on that and call him a fool, regardless of whether or not he actually is. Now you're becoming agitated, you are unable to comprehend how no one can pay attention to the substance of your argument, but it never crossed your mind that perhaps the substance isn't that great to begin with.

You have the same problem as Clete. You are more than willing to assume that the problem with your argument is US, not the argument itself.

Frankly, I don't think the problem with your argument isn't the evidence, or the logic you use. I think the problem with your argument is that it actually doesn't prove anything, which is actually quite the problem. You haven't presented anything unique about the bible, the closest you've come is with your ex nihilo/einstein argument which you refuse to explain. That was your one chance to take the upper hand and to teach me something that I didn't know. I get the impression that you in fact know nothing about what you are talking about and that is why you chose not to explain the only chance you had at legitimacy. That's why you equivocated and that's why you digressed and resorted to name calling.

You haven't surprised me yet Rolf, except that I thought this would be an educational debate with someone who I thought possessed a unique point of view on the subject. You don't possess a unique view, your arguments are worthless and we're still at square one.

Rolf Ernst

New member
Prodigal--You make reference to clay tablets. Show me where they talk about the fabric of space. Show me where they STATE TRUTHS concerning space which are comparable to what are found in the Bible.

Or just show me one text book on astronomy prior to 1995 which taught spoke coherently about the fabric of space. Your baseless accusations about my arguments being worthless are nevertheless unable to counter my arguments. Make all the claims you like. Unless they are based on truth, they are worthless. I have dealt in specifics and you have dealt in generalities.

Concerning mathematical formulas--you must have gone to a public school. Go take a course in rudimentary math.

Rolf Ernst

New member
Someone accused me of calling someone names. why aren't you specific?? I believe your charge is libelous. Back your charge up by giving the post wherein I called you (or anyone else) a name.
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New member

You haven't called anyone any specific names, but you have definitely called plenty of people stupid, namely prodigal and granite, questioned their intelligence, which has so far seemed to far outweigh your own, as you seem to have read nothing but the bible in your life.

In answer to you question, I did hear what you say when you shouted it, but it didn't make your point any better, just louder. And I've read plenty of biblical instances of God being angry. Being raised a christian and sent to private christian schools my entire life, it was a little hard to avoid it. That must make me a little bit smarter in your point of view considering the insult you threw at Prodigal (Who by the way I believe didn't go to a public school, but a private christian school as well). So don't make out like I or Prodigal or Granite are ignorant when it comes to biblical matters, it's not that we haven't been there before, it's that we HAVE been there, we HAVE read the passages, we know them inside and out, which is what leads us to question them.

If you want us to take you seriously and make your point, then make your point clear and concise, don't repeat yourself so much, and stop getting so emotional. It's really nothing to get so worked up over. You're not acting very christian like. What about loving thy neighbor, not judging, turning the other cheek? All that. Christians preach it, but they never seem to follow it. Funny, maybe that's why I'm so turned off to the whole thing.

Oh and Prodigal....I'm not a he.


The Dark Knight
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Originally posted by granite1010

If the shoe fits. In Jefferson's case it's to be taken literally, as he is an advocate of execution by stoning.
So, you weren't making a reference to the "Let he who is without sin..." scripture?