ARCHIVE: I believe religion to be obsolete


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Originally posted by lighthouse

Sin is transgression of the law. And where there is no law, there is no transgression.

And what makes you feel that I throw stones?

The reason I asked is because you did put words in my mouth, by making an assumption about what I meant...and misquoting me by insinuating that I believe something I don't.

Okay. Cool. Thanks for the definition.

I use the "stone thrower" label to describe the hysterical, typically profane, and constantly outraged at TOL. You, Jefferson, Clete, and Sozo make the list: first ones up to chuck a rock for the king and the home team!:devil:

As for your P.S., it's a little cryptic and I have no idea what you're talking about.


Banned by Mod

Not a road you want to travel. But since you are unaware that I don't take kindly to such an accusation, I'll be nice. The answer is no. I never said I don't get turned on by the idea of naked ladies. I just think it's pointless when the lady isn't mine. Especially when I can't even touch them.

All right man, I was just kidding in the first place anyway. I know you're not gay, and just to let you know I was only egging you on a little bit. People who possess absolutely no sense of humor are easy targets for me, but I apologize. Also I agree, pornography is rather pointless, the whole no-touch thing is right on. That's why I have a special lady friend.

Also, if you don't mind my commenting on your discussion with Granite:

LH, wouldn't you agree, that without the existence of penalties, there would be no need for redemption? Think about it, it's called "salvation". If sin had no penalty, would it really be sin? And if sin had no penalty, would it really be that bad of a thing in the first place? So bad that we needed to be saved from it?

No, LH, christianity needs hell just as much as it needs Jesus, the two compliment each other, and in a symbiotic way are BOTH the cornerstone of your faith.

Yours truly,


P.S. Rolf, I haven't forgotten about you. You'll be hearing back from me today.


Banned by Mod
The effect is incredibly small, about one part in a few trillion, which means that you have to look at something very massive, or build an instrument that is incredibly sensitive and put it in orbit.

This is according to : Dave Dooling, Dr. Nan Zhang,, 11/06/1997

That was kinda old, but I also found this:

After 11 years of watching the movements of two Earth-orbiting satellites, researchers found each is dragged by about 6 feet (2 meters) every year because the very fabric of space is twisted by our whirling world.

The results, announced Wednesday, are much more precise than preliminary findings published by the same group in the late 1990s.

Frame dragging
The effect is called frame dragging. It is a modification to the simpler aspects of gravity set out by Newton. Working from Einstein's relativity theory, Austrian physicists Joseph Lense and Hans Thirring predicted frame dragging in 1918. (It is also known as the Lense-Thirring effect.)

The researchers say their result is 99 percent of the predicted drag, with an error of up to 10 percent. The details are reported in Thursday's issue of the journal Nature.

The reason I quoted what I did was to show the unlikelihood of biblical authors having any practical knowledge of this effect. Aside from divine inspiration (a subject which I believe at this point boths side should consider "up in the air") there's no way that a biblical author, an OT author no less, would have that sort of knowledge, not if we are just today making these discoveries with the most state-of-the-art and sensitive equipment. I think my response to your biblical allusions would be that they are nothing more than metaphors and you're making one heck of a stretch.

Rolf, I agree, this is fascinating stuff, truth is stranger than fiction. Your bible references to this phenomena are thin though, and even if they are explicitly describing this frame dragging effect, pointing out a fact of the universe means nothing and I’m not sure if we should count on it as evidence for the validity of the bible. I’ll try and make a better case of this in a moment.

The E=MC2 formula transposes to M=E/C2>>>CREATION EX-NIHILO!!

Could you elaborate on how you made this stretch? Maybe I missed something, but you took Einstein’s thing and then put your thing on the end of it and cried, “eureka!”

Could be wrong, but please, elaborate.

Atheistic science is bankrolled by the government which is (ha! ha!) neutral in matters of religion.

Except for the fundamentalist christian in the white house. I think Jiggg even made a point of that.

Turn a few pages and you see God's statement to Abraham that the stars cannot be numbered.

The bible says a lot of things. Refer to Soulman’s posts on the Levite and his concubine.

the possibility that frame dragging might possibly--I say again, possibly--be what the psalmisat referred to when he said of the heavens, "as a vesture you shall fold them up and they shall be changed."

A bit of a stretch, Rolf. Also remember, I never said anything about the bible being completely devoid of truth. Just because the bible points out an element of reality that is indisputable in it’s truthfulness doesn’t support the truthfulness of the bible. It simply means the fact is there for all to see. All this proves is that the bible is a witness to reality, you have not proven that reality is a witness to the bible.

I’m positive that the bible isn’t the only ancient witness to the facts of life and reality. Wasn’t it the ancient egyptians who developed the 365 day calender and the twenty-four hour day?

The Hindu Rig Veda, dating from the second millennium BC, makes its own references to a lunisolar calender, so once again, your bible is nothing unique. The ancient Chaldeans themselves discovered a method of tracking the retrograde and helical cycles of planets as they moved through space. Obviously their method was far more backwards than ours is today, but once again, your vague biblical allusions, while they may be true, are nothing unique and lend no credence to your claims of exclusivity and validity.

Rolf, what you’re attempting is some form of natural theology, am I correct? If I am, than you must make observations of reality based on the presupposition that god interacts and communicates with us directly, otherwise mere observation of reality is far too indirect a method of us to come to knowledge of a creator.

Now I know what you mean by your evidence profiting me nothing. Without the proper presupposition your evidence merely highlights facts that would be reality with or without the bible, therefore you aren’t presenting evidence of your case, you’re merely presenting evidence of reality with corresponding observations of facts from both the bible and science.

I could be wrong, but we may have no more room to move forward on this subject.

That wouldn’t make me very happy, Rolf, but let’s keep trying.

Yours truly,


Rolf Ernst

New member
Prodigal--for another example, consider Job 26:10 "He inscribed a circle on the face of the waters at the boundary of day and night." That is the translation given by the NKJV, ESV, NASB and others. That is from Job, the book which is from the oldest material. It is believed that Job predated Abraham because there is no mention of the patriarchs, Moses or the law.

This verse describes what the astronauts, after being in orbit, called the terminator line. The fact that the boundary of day and night is said to be a circle is biblical testimony to earth being an orb. Its wording is as if the writer were looking at the earth from outer space.

People often criticize the bible because the Catholic church was ignorant of both true science AND the content of the Bible. Had they known the Bible as they should have, they would have commended Galileo just as we are now enthused by the scientists recent discoveries which confirm the early testimony of the Bible to the fabric of space.

An interesting experience in my own life--years ago after reading the creation account, I called St. Louis University--which is known for its medical school--to ask them if they had a record of the percentage of various minerals in the human body.

I was passed from one to another till someone came on the line who wanted to deal with such a question--"No, there is no such list in existence. Why do you ask such a question?"

"Well, the Bible says that God made man from the dust of the ground. If that is so, there must be a proportion of minerals in the human body comparable to the minerals found in the earth. If there are no similar minerals in our bodies as in the earth, it is an indication that the Biblical account of our being made from the dust of the earth
is without any evidence. If there is, it indicates the reliability of Scripture."

He said it was an interesting thought, but made no promise to spend any time on examining it.

Years later, I was passing through St. Louis on a trip. I had not expected the university to do any research on the matter, so to me it was a closed subject except for my conviction that our bodies would be so constituted. On my way through St. Louis, I picked up a copy of the Post-Dispatch. Guess what was in that issue--a report by the medical school of the existence in the human body of the same minerals as are found in the earth.

My point is that the Bible is ridiculed as being from ignorant, backward, and superstituous nomads, but its internal evidences demonstrate that it is God's revelation to men about those things He wants us to know. My well-based conviction concerning the constitution of the human body is similar to the conviction of a sea-faring captain years ago about there being paths in the seas, which he got from Job's statement to that effect.

So he began to keep a very detailed log of his position, track, and speed on his crossings; and from that record, he was able to determine where those paths were, and mapped out ocean currents.


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"My point is that the Bible is ridiculed as being from ignorant, backward, and superstituous nomads..."

And much of it is.

Rolf Ernst

New member
Prodigal--Shame on you, friend. How can you say that my bible references to the frame dragging phenomenon are thin?

My object in using them--and they are very explicit--was to demonstrate by the phenom that the Bible's refences to space having a tangible substance (curtain;" "garment;" "vesture") has now been confirmed by science and that the Bible was the first witness on the scene.

I agree that the Bible doesn't speak of "frame dragging," directly in those words but the Bible IS the first witness to the substance of space which results in "frame dragging;" and the reference of one astronomer to "the very FABRIC of space" clearly makes my point. Therefore I believe my referring to repeated testimonies in scripture of the tangible substance of space rests on Bible witness that is anything BUT thin.

Also--consider this: on one website an astronomer expressed concern about what the cumulative effect of frame dragging said about the age of the universe question, saying that the possibilities it opened made him uncomfortable; ergo, it testified to a young universe.

What exactly, is the likely result of frame dragging's cumulative effect? I have my conviction: Psalm 102 and Hebrews 1 say, " shall fold them up like a garment, and they shall be changed..." Therefore I think that perhaps the cumulative effect of frame dragging may be the folding up "like a garment" to which the Bible referred; and black holes may be what the Bible meant when it said, "they shall all wax old as does a garment" because the holes in clothing are the primary evidence of a garment waxing old.

Thanks for your consideration of these things, Prodigal. These are interesting times. Do you get the impression that we are about to turn an interesting corner?
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Banned by Mod

I couldn't agree more, we are in interesting times, and a corner is in the process of turning, if it hasn't already. Not that I buy too much into astrology, but most astrologers consider the age of Pisces (the fish/jesus) to be over, and we are now living in the age of Aquarius, I'm sure you've heard the song.

Perhaps there is shame to be had on myself, but there's plenty for you too, Rolf. I think I addressed what you had to say fairly well, in that if the biblical testimonies are as you say they are, they are a testament to the facts of reality, and not a testament to the factuality of scripture. I sited Egyptian astronomy, I sited Chaldean astronomy. Because the bible is not alone in it's observations of the universe we live in, and because of equal claims of validity made by both the egyptians and the chaldeans, I can only conclude that this form of natural theology you're using acheives nothing.

You have pointed out nothing unique about the bible that would make it stand alone as the sole standard of truth and morality in the universe. I'm sorry, man, you made a great and inspired effort, but there just isn't enough there. Yes, the bible testifies to the facts of reality, but the facts of reality have yet to testify to the validity of the bible. I may be wrong, but I don't believe the bible has made any scientific observations that are astounding enough to make it unique in a myriad of scientific observations made by a myriad of cultures and religions throughout the history of the planet.

Try again, please, I'm actually enjoying this discussion with you.

Yours truly,


Rolf Ernst

New member
Prodigal--I don't think these other sources you mention address any of the things from scripture I have offered for your consideration.

Furthermore, what I have said to this point only involves matters of science. I did that to slay a "bible is unscientific" mantra and at the same time do so while treading ground which I figured you would be comfortable in.

Now, going into matters which take up the real message of the Bible, do you realize that all the prophecies of the Bible concerning Christ, if considered in respect to the mathematical laws of probability, prove that the Bible is a revelation from god? To deny that, a person must reject the validity of the laws of probability because they so overwhelmingly prove that for all these to come to pass as promised, the Bible has to be a revelation from God.

P.S.--I know you will deny this, but I thought I would say it anyway.


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I don't think these other sources you mention address any of the things from scripture I have offered for your consideration.

They're comparable in that the bible is in no way unique in making scientific references. Once again, your sources haven't proven any validity in the bible, they have proven the validity of reality itself. You have used the bible as a testament to the universe, not the other way around. It comes as no surprise to me that the bible has references that are scientifically plausible, and as for the mantra that the bible is unscientific, well, that's not actually something I've ever espoused. Like I said, it's no surprise that the bible has truth in it, but as an absolute measuring stick of the entire universe?


Nothing you've pointed to has brought you any closer to showing the validity of scripture, just the validity of reality. Reality is so real that babylonians, chaldeans, egyptians, and even the christian bible testify to it!

We agree, but we don't.

As for this new thing you brought up:

Now, going into matters which take up the real message of the Bible, do you realize that all the prophecies of the Bible concerning Christ, if considered in respect to the mathematical laws of probability, prove that the Bible is a revelation from god? To deny that, a person must reject the validity of the laws of probability because they so overwhelmingly prove that for all these to come to pass as promised, the Bible has to be a revelation from God.

I just can't wait. I'm disappointed that you expect me to deny it before even hearing what you have to say, I think you might be dabbling in Lighthouse's territory of mind reading... I'll wait until I hear what you have to say about the laws of probabilty proving the bible to be a revelation from god. Don't get me wrong, it sounds completely over the top, but I'm intrigued as well.

Also, if you could acknowledge whether or not you agree with my assessment of your natural theology? So far, in my opinion, you've solved nothing, seeing as how the bible is not the only ancient source of astronomical knowledge. You've shown your evidence, I've said that it is not unique and proves nothing.

I'd like your rebuttal to that.

Yours truly,



Banned by Mod
Del Washburn.

Rolf, come on. Theomatics? Aren't you making reference to logotechnics, or gematrics? Isn't that just scientific proof that the authors of the bible used numbers when compiling their work? The fact that you can't demonstrate it anywhere but in the bible doesn't mean it's proof, it means that it's either a) a freak or b) delibrately put there. But just because something is there doesn't mean god put it there. Come on, Rolf, you're going to have to do better than this! Evidence of an anomaly isn't proof that god divinely inspired the bible! It means that the hebrews and greeks used numbers when writing, nothing more, nothing less.

Unless you aren't talking about theomatics at all, in which case I'll just shut my mouth right now.

But Del Washburn, isn't he considered to be a nut by most theologians? I mean, 25 years in the business of using subjectively selected samples from the bible to back up his case, come on...


Now, going into matters which take up the real message of the Bible, do you realize that all the prophecies of the Bible concerning Christ, if considered in respect to the mathematical laws of probability, prove that the Bible is a revelation from god?



The Dark Knight
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Originally posted by granite1010

A redeemer is needed in the first place because of man's sin and subsequent future in hell for eternity.

Sin comes first, then the penalty, then the redeemer. It's a natural progression.
Nope. Hell wasn't meant for humans, and it isn't the penatly for sin, anyway. Death is. And Christ already died for the sins of the entire world. Now, if anyone goes to hell, it is their choice. And their choice alone. No reason to fear hell. And no reason to choose it, either. But people still do. Their sins are forgiven, and they don't even care. It's sad really.


The Dark Knight
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Originally posted by granite1010

Okay. Cool. Thanks for the definition.

I use the "stone thrower" label to describe the hysterical, typically profane, and constantly outraged at TOL. You, Jefferson, Clete, and Sozo make the list: first ones up to chuck a rock for the king and the home team!:devil:

As for your P.S., it's a little cryptic and I have no idea what you're talking about.
You said that I believed something I don't believe. Namely, my sinlessness. You claimed that I believed I could never do anything wrong. That is simply not true. I know better than that. And so does Sozo. The problem most people have with what he, I, and others say is the definition of sin. We are sinless, because sin is transgression of the law, and we have no law, so we have no transgression of any law. But none of us have ever said we can do no wrong. Well, elohiym seems to beleive that, but the rest of us who beleive in the sinlessness of Christians see him as a heretic. That's what the P.S. was about.

Of course, I was wondering if you are referring to the story, in the Bible, where Jesus says, [Jesus]"He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her."[/Jesus] Are you?


The Dark Knight
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Originally posted by prodigal


All right man, I was just kidding in the first place anyway. I know you're not gay, and just to let you know I was only egging you on a little bit. People who possess absolutely no sense of humor are easy targets for me, but I apologize. Also I agree, pornography is rather pointless, the whole no-touch thing is right on. That's why I have a special lady friend.
Then I shouldn't be an easy target. There are people who have referred to me as gay, here, who were joking. I play along sometimes, and others I just laugh, and go on my merry way. You did not present it as a joke. But, I figured you knew I wasn't, and were just being fecetious, so I left it alone. But there was a guy who asked me if I was, in an accusatory tone, once, and I went off on him. He thought I was, so I had to set him straight [pun intended].

Also, if you don't mind my commenting on your discussion with Granite:

LH, wouldn't you agree, that without the existence of penalties, there would be no need for redemption? Think about it, it's called "salvation". If sin had no penalty, would it really be sin? And if sin had no penalty, would it really be that bad of a thing in the first place? So bad that we needed to be saved from it?
It's not about the penalty, and it never has been. The need for a Savior comes from the need to be with God. God wants us to be with Him, so He sent His Son to die in our place, and the shed blood of Christ has washed away all our sins. So the need for a Redeemer is the need for life. We are not saved from penalties. We are saved from sin, and death...and given righteousness and life! All you have to do is accept that, because it's already yours.

No, LH, christianity needs hell just as much as it needs Jesus, the two compliment each other, and in a symbiotic way are BOTH the cornerstone of your faith.
Well, servent101 doesn't seem to think so, since he believes there's no hell. And Jehovah's Witnesses, who claim to be Christians:rolleyes:, don't believe there's a hell, either. And I believe that hell is separation from God. I don't see it as a place of endless torture. The torment of hell is the absence of God, and all He is: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith, Meekness, Temperance, Life, and many other things.


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Originally posted by lighthouse

You said that I believed something I don't believe. Namely, my sinlessness. You claimed that I believed I could never do anything wrong. That is simply not true. I know better than that. And so does Sozo. The problem most people have with what he, I, and others say is the definition of sin. We are sinless, because sin is transgression of the law, and we have no law, so we have no transgression of any law. But none of us have ever said we can do no wrong. Well, elohiym seems to beleive that, but the rest of us who beleive in the sinlessness of Christians see him as a heretic. That's what the P.S. was about.

Of course, I was wondering if you are referring to the story, in the Bible, where Jesus says, [Jesus]"He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her."[/Jesus] Are you?

When did I say this?

Rolf Ernst

New member
To those of you who want examples of the many prophecies of Christ and the meaning of their fulfillment in regard to the mathematical laws of probability--entire books have been written on that subject. If you are ignorant of those books, or if you are unwilling to take the little effort it requires to read them yourself, I am not going to spoon feed you. The problem is NOT that the evidences are not there. The problem is that men, in their rebellion, are so lost that they cannot find their way out of a paper bag.

Read Josh MacDowell's books on evidence that demands a verdict. He deals thoroughly with the prophecies in Scripture and the mathematical laws of probability.

As I said at the beginning of this discussion, even if an unbeliever COULD be persuaded on the basis of evidences it would profit him nothing. That is why I am an adherent of presuppositional apologetics, and what has just taken place in this discussion is proof that anything other than presuppositional apologetics gives the world of unbelievers more credit than they merit.

Let those who are now posting on the thread concerning presuppositional apologetics consider this discussion as item #1 entered into evidence.


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"Read Josh MacDowell's books on evidence that demands a verdict. He deals thoroughly with the prophecies in Scripture and the mathematical laws of probability."

I would suggest, in turn, you read Earl Doherty.


Banned by Mod

It's not about the penalty, and it never has been. The need for a Savior comes from the need to be with God. God wants us to be with Him, so He sent His Son to die in our place, and the shed blood of Christ has washed away all our sins. So the need for a Redeemer is the need for life. We are not saved from penalties. We are saved from sin, and death...and given righteousness and life! All you have to do is accept that, because it's already yours.

That doesn’t answer the question, LH. If it’s not about the penalty, if we are going to be saved from sin, than why the need for hell in the first place? If we are going to whatever definition of hell you choose to subscribe to, wouldn’t you agree that by accepting your god you HAVE been saved from hell? If sin penalty enough to be saved from, why is god so sadistic as to let non-believers believe the wrong thing, and THEN go to hell. Doesn’t seem very loving to me at all.

By the way, I’m sure you watch it, do you know when Smallville is coming back on?


Let those who are now posting on the thread concerning presuppositional apologetics consider this discussion as item #1 entered into evidence.

Wait, wait, wait… Where’s the evidence? I’ve already demonstrated the the ancient biblical references to scientific facts aren’t unique enough and show no evidence for the validity of the bible, and you have yet to proliferate on this mathematical probability of biblical prophecy, so where’s this evidence you’re now referring to? This discussion is evidence? Rolf, could you elaborate please?

And also, if you could comment on my rebuttal to your biblical science references? Don’t you think that the references you’ve made (thin or not) are not unique enough to be used as evidence of the bible’s validity? You must understand, man has been studying science for as long as man has been able to study, and the human concept of god has been evolving side by side with science the whole time.

What could you possibly say to me to convince me that god isn’t going to be something completely different in the next thousand years? It’s been evolving, Carl Jung believed Christianity to be the highest level of evolution in religion.

So Rolf, based on the history of the ever-evolving idea of god worship, what evidence do you have, apart from scripture, to show that god worship won’t continue to evolve past Christianity? Remember, the history of mankind shows a precedent of religion EVOLVING, not staying the same.

If you didn’t notice, I did some research into the whole mathematical probability studies, and I found that for every argument in your favor there was an equal argument rebutting it. Rolf, what do they say about when the experts disagree?

Yours truly,



Well-known member
Originally posted by granite1010

"My point is that the Bible is ridiculed as being from ignorant, backward, and superstituous nomads..."

And much of it is.
Only when you're the type of person that accepts things at face-value is this type of argument valid, and it would seem that you're not that type, or you'd have already accepted God's Word, and you obviously haven't. The Bible is not only the most accurate ancient historic document, but It also has yet to be dis-proved, fact-wise, whether scientific, historic or otherwise. That is because It is Truth. :thumb:


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Originally posted by Aimiel

Only when you're the type of person that accepts things at face-value is this type of argument valid, and it would seem that you're not that type, or you'd have already accepted God's Word, and you obviously haven't. The Bible is not only the most accurate ancient historic document, but It also has yet to be dis-proved, fact-wise, whether scientific, historic or otherwise. That is because It is Truth. :thumb:

This is, simply put, a crock.

Nazareth was non-existent at the time of Christ's birth, Herod's slaughter of the innocents is unknown outside of the Bible, there is no record whatsoever of the wars waged by David (or of his kingdom, for that matter), and the "census" described by Luke is improbable and unknown in Roman history. To call the Bible historically accurate is ignorant in the extreme.