ARCHIVE: I believe religion to be obsolete


Truth Smacker
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Originally posted by wickwoman

Dear Clete:

One or more independent witnesses can verify for Prodigal any of his senses and this evidence would stand up in a court of law. Maybe a study of the rules of evidence for your state would help you understand what is needed to prove something.

I truly do not understand how you aren't understanding this argument. I am not saying that things cannot be proven! I AM NOT SAYING THAT!

How would prodigal know that the information from the witnesses wasn't as corrupted as his own senses? Wouldn't that information be gained by a use of the very senses which he is trying to validate? It's question begging wickwoman, can't you see that? And I am not even saying that his senses are corrupted or that the testimony from the witnesses would be corrupted, I'm simply saying that you have no way (without at least borrowing from a Christian worldview) of knowing that they either are or aren't.

Resting in Him,


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Hall of Fame
How, exactly, are senses "validated" via the Christian worldview you refuse to define? Is the worldview some sort of decoder that suddenly explains slash validates?


New member
Well, Clete, we have the choice between my evidence which is mounting and the "Biblical worldview" which nobody, including you, knows what it means. And, I will decide that the legal standard here is not "beyond a reasonable doubt." It is by a preponderance of the evidence. And to evaluate all the evidence presented by Prodigal and any cooberating witnesses we could see that his senses are verifiable. And since your "evidence" is a made up phrase with no meaning. I'd have to say that the Defendant, Prodigal, wins.

We are talking about plausibility here, Clete. And the fact that Prodigal has no reason to believe his senses are in question, is point 1. The fact that Prodigal can have any independent witness verify them for him is point #2. And the fact that your supposed evidence against him is non-existent because you've not presented any is point #3.

Court adjourned.


Banned by Mod

How would you or Soulman know that your ears were conveying accurate information? How do you know your mind is working like it's supposed to? How do you know that you're not insane, or imagining all this that you call life?

Clete we left this hypothetical imagining in the dust a long time ago. It is you who continues to take us around the barn in your Chevy. You have avoided the challenge for proof. Now you are continuing this tangent, this hypothesis based idea that PERHAPS what we see isn’t what we see. Clete what we see is what we see. A Chevy full of hypothesis isn’t going to change that.

Strong words Clete, especially when one is taught to answer not a fool according to his folly. Your standard for foolishness is a question to which your bible has no answer. You have used that passage of scripture to avoid answering the challenge for proof.

Test it by what means? By what standard to you measure its soundness by?

My intellect. You cannot measure god by any means. And I know you’re going to use your hypothetical idea to chase our collective tail again on this, but my intellect is sound. I am my own standard for validating my senses. You have the bible as a standard for validating your senses. I am attacking the validity of your standard by which you measure the veracity of your senses.

This can be done without logical incoherence in the Biblical worldview, but not in yours, that's the point.

Not so, Clete. As much as you would like to believe that my worldview is fraught with incoherence, you’re just wrong. I’m sorry, but there is nothing logical in believing in a zombie messiah, demons, angels, hell, heaven, satan himself, water into wine, walking on water. Where is the logical coherence there?

If my questions are hypocritical then show me how so

Never said they were hypocritical. I said they are “hypothetical”. They are not fact based questions. They are questions based on WHAT MAY BE. My argument is based on WHAT IS. You argue back that WHAT IS MIGHT BE something else, but MAY BE, or MIGHT BE does not beat WHAT IS. The sky IS blue, you would counter with BUT it MIGHT be red.

There’s nothing hypocritical, Clete, it’s just predictable. Christians of your ilk are accustomed to living in fairy tales, so it’s no surprise that you’re trying to argue against facts with hypothesis.

If you cannot do that either then you have no basis upon which to make judgments about my worldview because you have no means by which to determine whether anything is right or wrong in the fist place.

Clete, I have my gut, my intellect, my five senses. You challenged that I have no means by which to validate my senses. I require no validation, I am my own standard by which to do that. You use the bible. The validity of your standard (the bible) is what is in question. If it is possible to question the validity of your standard by which you measure the veracity of your senses, than it is possible to question the very veracity of your senses themselves.

I cant wait for your next post Clete.


I merely made note of the fact that in this life one of God's most common forms of judgement is to leave men to themselves, removing His restraint from them so they are left to their own nature. The outcome is evident.

Listen, not having the restraint of belief in god is one of the greatest blessings I have ever received. I feel wonderful not having to worry about whether or not a jealous, vengeful god is staring down at me with displeasure.

I’ve said it before, I have a very unique perspective on the Christian faith, having sat on both sides of the table. You have not.

If you study the Bible closely

I have, for twenty years. Now I’m scrutinizing it in my spare time to find the holes, of which, there are many. I don’t believe what the bible says, so why bother telling me what it says? Especially when I already know?

You and all Christians must prove, apart from the bible, that the bible is true. You cannot use the bible to prove itself. The answers Christians have been providing for the past 2000 years are no longer good enough.

It is merely a statement of fact, and you should appreciate someone letting you know in advance.

Oh, well if it’s a fact, you must have some proof, something apart from the bible, something that any one could test with one or all of their five senses, right?


Banned by Mod
Clete, this is an answer to your post proving me to be a “liar”

This is the last post were you showed even the slightest degree of intellectual honesty.

You mean hypothesizing with you? You mean agreeing with you?

In which he quotes where you admit that you cannot answer the very same questions about your own worldview that you insist that Christianity cannot answer.

What I was saying, the quote that Hilston I believe took out of context (he actually misquoting me several times, using the misquotes and twisting of my words to claim victory) is where I tell him he is creating arguments to which there are no answers in order to avoid the challenge. I could be wrong, I’ll go back, but I don’t recall ever admitting anything. Hilston was constantly misquoting me, taking my words out of context and twisting them in order to claim premature victory.

Then in post 151 you begin by showing clearly that you do understand the argument but then begin pretending not to understand the argument again. This is the point where you officially lost the debate.

Clete, that was where the debate got good for me! I asked Hilston how one would go about validating their senses, and his response was for me to convert to a Christian worldview! That was when the light turned on in my head and I began to notice the Christian apologetic of avoidance. Hilston created a situation in which only he could win, but I refused. I challenge the validity of your standard for validating your senses, the bible. That’s when the light went on in my head, Clete.

Oh yeah, and just who and how does one make a victory official around here?

Hilston said,

Only trust in Christ as revealed in the Scripture can validate your reasoning and sense faculties. With trust in Christ comes the gift of certainty, by which you can be certain about the verity of the Scriptures. By acknowledging Christ as the Source of all truth, and the Scriptures as His inerrant and infallible Word, you won't have to toss an apple in the air a million times to know that induction works. You will see it attested in the Scriptures, and since you will have certainty regarding the Scriptures, you can then be equally certain about what they infer, including the verity of the senses and the validity of logic and reason.

Christians are unable to prove their case apart from the bible. Hilston wasn’t able to do it when I refuted his whole BS hypothetical “sensory perception” argument.

I simply turned it around by challenging the basis for which he validated his own senses. I think the bible is BS, so if anyone’s senses are in doubt, it’s yours and Hilstons.

The last post that you quoted, Clete, was a classic case of Hilston taking questions I was ASKING and quoting them as though they were imperative statements. It is a classic case of Hilston twisting my words and now his lap dog is using my misquoted words to claim victory.

It’s sad.

The simple fact is that you have no way of knowing anything, by your own admission.

That’s what you said I said. You twisted my words and are now claiming that I said something imperatively that I only said inquisitively. It’s a cowardly strategy that you’re using right now, Clete.
Instead, you ignore the point and pretend that Jim and I are magicians who are adept at linguistic slight of hand and are trying to trick you or divert attention away from the topic at hand.

Man, you’ve been doing nothing but hitting the nail on the head lately Clete!

You stubbornly cling to a belief which you cannot validate or prove is true in any what whatsoever, the very thing which you accuse Christians of doing. You are a hypocrite, pure and simple, and I have proven that much at least, which was the whole point of my having gotten involved in this thread in the first place.

Not so again. I can prove what I believe to not only myself, but seeing as how I believe the sky is blue, the earth is round, up is up and down is down, I have no problem convincing people of the validity of what I believe. You say that apart from the bible there is no certainty about any of the things I listed above.

You’re wrong, pure and simple. I have sat at both sides of the table, the Christian and the ex-christian. There is certainty in what I know, telling me that there isn’t doesn’t change anything. I know it’s hard for you to believe that apart from Christianity people do have peace, but they do. I haven’t had so much peace in my entire life since I left Christianity, and I venture a guess that any other ex would say the same thing.

I truly do not understand how you aren't understanding this argument. I am not saying that things cannot be proven! I AM NOT SAYING THAT!

Clete, it’s because you have a really crummy argument. It’s hypothetical, childish and circular. It’s based on what MAY BE instead of WHAT IS and WHAT CAN BE PROVEN. That’s why no one understands it. It’s foolishness.

Clete, accept the possibility that you could be wrong here.

You have created more questions than you have answered with your pathetically circular and childish hypothetical arguments.

Answer the question:

Can you supply any amount of proof, proof that can be tested by one or all of the five senses by any man woman or child, proof that proves the validity of the bible. This proof must be separate from the bible, and that means that the proof must be separate from what the bible says in any context.

If you cannot answer this directly, I will assume that you have no proof and are trying to equivocate and dodge the challenge as your apologetics teach you to do.

Clete, I expect you to dodge the challenge and fall back on empty claims of victory based on misquotes and circular hypothesis.

I expect you to fail the challenge.

Rolf Ernst

New member
Prodigal--Not that it cannot be done, but you are mistaken, friend, when you say that there is some obligation that I prove what I say on the basis of scripture. The evidences of the Bible's truths surround you. There is no other book that precisely describes the condition of fallen man as he is even to this day and how he came to be so.

Nevertheless, it is not our job to dance to your tune. You, Prodigal, are the same one who said earlier that you couldn't believe in a God who wouldn't even do parlor tricks for you. I responded that He had warned that the sign of His resurrection is all you would get. AND that is all we are obligated to declare to you--along with the MEANING of His resurrection. BUT, Prodigal--BUT you openly show your hypocrisy by an unwillingness to hear and understand the meaning of the only sign you will get.

In other words, you consider yourself qualified to make demands upon Him and us yet you demonstrate lack of sincerity with your utter lack of interest in the ONE SIGN that will destroy every objection to Christ if the Holy Spirit is pleased to so use it. And if He is not so pleased, there is, I promise you, NO OTHER MESSAGE!!


New member
Originally posted by Soulman


And if it was some “other” book, telling the same stories, claiming they were true, and seeking followers?
Again, I wouldn't freak out, but rather, if I dissagree with the book, I would just say that book says untrue things, and is a waste of your time, IMO, and here's why... Yada, yada, yada.. you get the idea.
Originally posted by Soulman

I admit that much of the Bible is, at best, “soft” porn, leaving the “details” to our imaginations. But I’m not just talking about the “sexual” immorality routinely depicted in the Bible. Compared to the level of serial moral depravity achieved by the Levite, the rape scene was rather tame.
The Star Trek novels I read as a kid were more "hard core" than the Bible. Who cares? Where have you been your whole life, and what have you read???
Originally posted by Soulman

Well, some people are “badder” than others, wouldn’t you say?
Originally posted by Soulman

Put it this way. I have the “potential” to commit individual acts of moral depravity, same as you. Strangely, though, speaking for myself, I come nowhere near the depths of the duplicity and moral depravity demonstrated on a regular basis by the Bible’s “heroes of the faith” -- and I’m not even trying!
That is because you have never been put in the same situations as the heros of our faith. You think too highly of yourself. You are just as selfish and self-protective as the next person. Only if you can see where God has been caring for you, and speaking to you are you going to return that kind of Love. Even then, who are you to take credit for being a Saint, because your flesh is just as degenerate as the rest of us.
Originally posted by Soulman

I think most of us could say the same thing. If you have never raped or murdered, yes, Peacemaker, you are “morally superior” -- to rapists and murderers! Which seems self-evident.
Not to me, Soulman. The only superiority I have gained is the wisdom and grace of God, and since that is available to all, it is only your upbringing and inclination that seperates you from me.

If I am greedy and ungrateful, selfish, pushing others down to lift myself up, then all you have to do is escalate my hormones, adrenaline, paranoia, clear and present danger, force me to make snap descisions, and see what you get. No one of themselves is any better than anyone else.
Originally posted by Soulman

You seem to be implying that even though someone has NOT raped, or NOT murdered, they are nonetheless “latent” rapists, or “potential” murderers, “capable” of and therefore “morally equivalent” to and almost (but not quite) as “guilty” as those that have.
Actually I am saying more. I am saying we are equally dead. equally guilty. The only seperater between "us" and "them" nothing but chance and circumstance.
Originally posted by Soulman

In a view of the world based on the Bible, it’s not necessary to HIT bottom. We’re born on the bottom.
Wrong. Don't read into my posts. I know it is an easy thing to do, but we are only pure potentiality at birth, and until we start making moral decisions we are neither mortal, nor immortal. We are neither good nor bad.
Originally posted by Soulman

What “massive concepts” are you referring to ? The story seems pretty straightforward to me.
1.What is abstract thought
2.What is the Law
3.What is wisdom
4.What is death
5.What is guilt
6.What is the space-time continuum
7.What is sin.

That is what I meant, and that was just a sample.
Originally posted by Soulman

Thanks for engaging.
My pleasure! :D



New member

There is no other book that precisely describes the condition of fallen man as he is even to this day and how he came to be so.

I'm sorry, but this is simply incorrect. It is mere pretension, without basis in fact.


Of course you are under no obligation to respond to me, but my post 457 has your name on it.


I understand the point you are making about everyone being equally selfish, but I think it just isn't true that all people are equally depraved and evil. This reification and absolutization of evil, on behalf of the human race, is an unfortunate consequence of the admirable goal of leading people away from taking selfish pride in their "goodness." I think it is wise not to pride ourselves that we are better than others and utterly incapable of committing evil, under any circumstances, because we are all capable of being injured and deceived; and yet I think we go astray if we imagine in fact that all moral growth in an individual is illusory, a mere surface coating on the "crap" that is our essential nature. That position, in my mind, is also an unacceptable extreme. This is another subject for discussion, though, and may not be appropriate here.


Rolf Ernst

New member
alrighty then, Balder--point out another book which clearly states and explains man's present circumstance in this fallen world, how it came to pass, and points man to a rectifying of his circumstance. What other book? You said my statement was a mere pretense. Now you show us how yours wasn't mere pretense.

Rolf Ernst

New member
Balder--Christians don't claim that everyone is equally wicked in their practicesor their life experiences. The Scripture DOES teach that EVERYONE is born with the same Adamic nature, BUT that God, by His common grace, restrains men from the full expression of that wickedness. To some He gives a greater measure of grace, and to others less; but whether more or less, "it is God that makes men to differ."

Are you claiming credit for a more moral life lived by you while you look down on others and think yourself better than they are, refusing to be thankful to God and give glory to Him??

Rolf Ernst

New member
Prodigal--you demand a proof of the Bible that is external to the Bible. The evidences for biblical integrity are internal--found in the Bible itself. For example: if you believe in evolution, or if you refuse to believe in the integrity of the Bible, you know nothing of the mathematical laws of probability. Mathematical probability disproves evolution and proves the integrity of the Bible.

I expect that you claim to be a man of some scientific knowledge. If so, you will know how to examine my statement about mathematical probability in regard to both evolution and the Bible but to use those laws in regard to the Bible, I believe you will need a greater knowledge of the Bible than you now have.


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Rolf Ernst

alrighty then, Balder--point out another book which clearly states and explains man's present circumstance in this fallen world, how it came to pass, and points man to a rectifying of his circumstance. What other book? You said my statement was a mere pretense. Now you show us how yours wasn't mere pretense.

Not every religion in the world insists that men are fallen sinful creatures mired in their own muck, destined to go to hell and get tortured for eternity. You're quite right, the Christian Bible is very unique in that sense.

Your question is like a Mormon demanding: "What other book other than the Book of Mormon describes Christ's ministry in the Americas after his resurrection? None, that's what. Show me another book that tells that true story!"


New member
Dear Rolf:

There is a problem in the reasoning found behind every man receiving God's grace equally. I don't believe Balder looks down his nose at anyone.

But Christians often use the "grace excuse" as an excuse to continue to be obstinate and unkind to others. Some fall back on the "I'm not perfect, just forgiven." It becomes an "out" for those who put little to no effort into being a good person. We must continue to act out of love, no matter what we believe our eternal destiny is. It is pointless to store up treasures in Heaven if we are causing people to reject God because of our superiority complex and in general bad manners.

Rolf Ernst

New member
granite 1010--I don't think you can really compare the Bible with the book of mormon. It doesn't provide the information I suggested, and since j. smith said his book was the best of all books, they have had to make 3000 corrections to it to erase mistakes he made.

Rolf Ernst

New member
Wickwoman--I appreciate and understand the tone of your response. My only disagreement with your post is that Idid not say that we all receive God's grace equally. We all--each and every one of us--are born with the Adamic nature, None of us any better than another, but God does give different measures of grace. We are responsible to not claim that what He has given us is to our own credit, and we must never fail to remember that in ourselves we are no better than the worst of men. If our lives are more temperate and regulated, it is because God has been gracious to us--not because we in ourselves are better than anybody else. Thanks, Wickwoman!


New member
Hi, Rolf,

alrighty then, Balder--point out another book which clearly states and explains man's present circumstance in this fallen world, how it came to pass, and points man to a rectifying of his circumstance. What other book? You said my statement was a mere pretense. Now you show us how yours wasn't mere pretense.

I think most religious traditions cover very similar territory -- where we came from, how we got in this mess, how we get out of it. Not all agree on the nature of the origins of our predicament or the way out, but most agree there's something that needs to be rectified!

To point to a "book" that matches the scope of the Bible, I will stick to my own tradition. The Buddhist Bible consists of two "collections" of books, the Kangyur and the Tengyur, which together total 87,200 pages. I have certainly not read every page! But I have read extensively in a number of the primary books and I can assure you that they cover the same territory you described...though in Buddhist terms, of course, and with Buddhist conclusions.



New member
Originally posted by Balder


I understand the point you are making about everyone being equally selfish, but I think it just isn't true that all people are equally depraved and evil. This reification and absolutization of evil, on behalf of the human race, is an unfortunate consequence of the admirable goal of leading people away from taking selfish pride in their "goodness." I think it is wise not to pride ourselves that we are better than others and utterly incapable of committing evil, under any circumstances, because we are all capable of being injured and deceived; and yet I think we go astray if we imagine in fact that all moral growth in an individual is illusory, a mere surface coating on the "crap" that is our essential nature. That position, in my mind, is also an unacceptable extreme. This is another subject for discussion, though, and may not be appropriate here.


Hi Balder,

I'm amused at seeing you denying an illusory nature of any kind.
"Justified crap." I like it.

Our essential nature is childlike innocense in selfless union with
God. Our "crap" is selfishness, and it is part of our fallen nature.

Spiritual growth is more than a mere surface coating, it has the
power to transform the crap into clean fertilizer. (gardener
metaphore, black gold.)

Still, while we're in corruptible flesh, a bit of the crap remains,
realizing this keeps us humble and striving for complete transformation.


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Rolf Ernst

granite 1010--I don't think you can really compare the Bible with the book of mormon. It doesn't provide the information I suggested, and since j. smith said his book was the best of all books, they have had to make 3000 corrections to it to erase mistakes he made.

Oh yes. And scripture just fell out of the sky in its present form without debate, rancor, editing, or councils being called to certify the version we have today. Forgot.


New member
Originally posted by granite1010

Oh yes. And scripture just fell out of the sky in its present form without debate, rancor, editing, or councils being called to certify the version we have today. Forgot.

Being written on clay tablets, that explains why it had such
an impact on the prophets who received it.



New member
Balder--Christians don't claim that everyone is equally wicked in their practicesor their life experiences. The Scripture DOES teach that EVERYONE is born with the same Adamic nature, BUT that God, by His common grace, restrains men from the full expression of that wickedness. To some He gives a greater measure of grace, and to others less; but whether more or less, "it is God that makes men to differ."

Are you claiming credit for a more moral life lived by you while you look down on others and think yourself better than they are, refusing to be thankful to God and give glory to Him??

I am simply saying that I think the idea that humans are essentially evil monsters, some on shorter leashes than others, but all equally ready to rape and murder if not restrained by God, is an extreme view, and a view that I reject. I see pedagogical value in it, if you want to know the truth, but I see great potential for harm and distortion in it as well. Uncritically embraced, it amounts to an attachment to evil -- designed to inspire dependence on God, perhaps, but not in the healthiest of ways, because it is a "love" that depends for its fire on an equal and opposite hatred. In that entanglement, it strangles out the possibility of realizing a more transcendent and encompassing love.

According to this sort of thinking, evil is what is natural; it is the only "given" in the world, and in a sense is acausally present. By divorcing evil from temporal causes, which can be understood -- and, in the light of understanding, truly healed -- evil is practically deified.

I'm sure we could discuss this further, and perhaps some of my objections here would be diminished by a better understanding of your position. But if you want to talk about it in detail, maybe we should talk about it on another thread. Buddhist teachings also encourage us not to selfishly identify with or cling to whatever virtue happens to show up in our lives, but it handles this in a different way... Not by assuming evil is essential to our being, nor by encouraging us to regard ourselves as little more than monsters on a leash, but nevertheless in a way that does cut through petty tendencies toward self-inflation, narcissism, and pride...which I think is the aim of Christian teaching as well.
