ARCHIVE: apology for the manner of my attack on Bob Enyart


New member
beefalobilly said:
My question is, that if you feel the government should execute all adulterers, then what do you make of this verse

"You have heard that it was said to those of old, 'You shall not commit adultery.' "But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart."

I mean honestly, can any guy in this forum say they've never lusted after a woman they're not married to? Correct me if I'm wrong here, but wouldn't lusting after another woman, even before you've ever been married, still be considered adultery?

Also, apparently bob e promotes death for adultery, but jesus goes on to say "whoever marries a woman who is divorced commits adultery." So under his proposed government wouldn't he be subject to the death penalty?

beefalobilly, go back and look at that verse in context. Christ is explaining that no man can be righteous of his own works. Even if he does not commit adultry, the very fact that he desires to do so shows that he is not righteous.

The subject is righteousness. Man cannot be righteous of his own works. With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. Christ was showing people that they need Him as savior because they cannot be righteous without Him.

Sometimes it's helpful to look at the subject being discussed. Pluck scripture out of it's context and apply it to an unrelated issue, and you can end up sounding like Squeaky. :shocked:


The Edge said:
Hitler gave the order to build the first Volkswagon Bug....the German word Farfegneugen (sp?) meaning "People's Car"

I thought the word 'Volkswagon' means peoples car.



Fahrvergnügen is a made-up German word meaning 'pleasure of driving', and Volkswagen marketting claims it can only be experienced in a VW automobile.


New member
BillyBob said:
I assume 'volks' means folks.

Wagen means.....wagon.
You assume correctly Billybob!!
German is one of those languages that you can kind of "figure out" easily.

Haus=house, Hund=dog etc...etc...
Crow said:
beefalobilly, go back and look at that verse in context. Christ is explaining that no man can be righteous of his own works. Even if he does not commit adultry, the very fact that he desires to do so shows that he is not righteous.

The subject is righteousness. Man cannot be righteous of his own works. With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. Christ was showing people that they need Him as savior because they cannot be righteous without Him.

Sometimes it's helpful to look at the subject being discussed. Pluck scripture out of it's context and apply it to an unrelated issue, and you can end up sounding like Squeaky. :shocked:

I agree with what you've said. How do you feel I've plucked this scripture out of context? I realize that we're not righteous and that's what's being said in that passage. isn't the point of that passage to show that no one can fully live up to the standards of the old law?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
The Edge said:
Perhaps, a theological monarchy is only the best government only if nearly all the subjects under it were Christians the Bible Israel had such a government and nearly all the residents of the country were Jews. Such a government would not seem to work in today's world where true believers make up a vast minority.
Just a thought... and maybe that's why Bob's governmental ideas seem so radical....they are Biblical but wouldn't work to well today unless the majority of the world's population were believing Christians.
Bob E. does not promote a theocracy. Neither do I. He promotes a Constitutional Monarchy based on doing what is right in government. The best source for finding out what works best is in the bible. Really. It isn't magic.

And you surely understand that if the gov't acted correctly, that believers and unbelievers alike would benefit.


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
The Edge said:
Perhaps, a theological monarchy is only the best government only if nearly all the subjects under it were Christians the Bible Israel had such a government and nearly all the residents of the country were Jews. Such a government would not seem to work in today's world where true believers make up a vast minority.
The majority of the Israelites did not have faith in God.


New member
beefalobilly said:
I agree with what you've said. How do you feel I've plucked this scripture out of context? I realize that we're not righteous and that's what's being said in that passage. isn't the point of that passage to show that no one can fully live up to the standards of the old law?
This is how--
Under a theonomy, lusting after a woman would not be punishable by death. There never was a criminal penalty prescribed for "wanna" or "thinking about it." The penalty was assigned to committing the act. Same for marrying a divorced woman. Christ's statement about lusting or marrrying a divorced woman being as bad as the act was in regard to righteousness, not criminal justice.

This is the difference between the application of the Law for the purpose of criminal justice--a standard which is possible for a person to keep, and trying to keep the Law for the purpose of righteousness--a standard which is impossible to keep.


BillyBob said:
Since when is spanking a kid with a belt considered child abuse????? :confused:

I went a few rounds with the belt whaen I was a kid and deserved it.

[I wonder if it's too late to sue my parents?] :think:

Is it possible to sue my dad's estate? :eek:


wholearmor said:
Is it possible to sue my dad's estate? :eek:

Yep, get yourself a good liberal lawyer [sorry, Johnny Cochran is no longer available].

Of course, he's gonna want to see your welts............:noid:

[No Beanieboy, you are not allowed to see WA's welts.....or his tan lines.....] :freak:

Mr. 5020

New member
BillyBob said:
Yep, get yourself a good liberal lawyer [sorry, Johnny Cochran is no longer available].

Of course, he's gonna want to see your welts............:noid:

[No Beanieboy, you are not allowed to see WA's welts.....or his tan lines.....] :freak:
:darwinsm: :darwinsm: :darwinsm: :darwinsm: :darwinsm:

And a :darwinsm: